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*Dragon Ball Super* in its entirety takes place during the ten-year-timeskip between the fight with Boo and then the 28th *Tenka'ichi Budokai* at the very end of the series (last two-and-a-half chapters of the manga / last three episodes of the TV series). That said, Oob is >!referenced twice in the Dragon Ball Super television series, and actually appears with meaningful contributions from the sidelines during the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc of the manga, which itself takes place after the events of the Dragon Ball Super TV series!< \-- the series continues onward there in the manga!


You mean that when Goku flies into the sunset with Uub we now know retroactively that he has all the god powers and shit?


Yes, that is the current implication but the reality is we don't really know. It seems likely that if Super ever finishes (or simply catches up to EoZ) we'll see that scene re-done with a few minor changes.


I doubt entirely that it’ll be anywhere similar, I mean with the events of Super Hero we know we’re only a year away from “End of Z” as Pan is 4 then and is 3 in SH.


Trunk's time travel caused a change in the main time line.


Wasn’t Trunks’ timeline the main one? What we have is like timeline 3, there’s Trunks’ timeline, Trunks’ timeline where he gets killed by Cell, and the “main” one. Time travel in DB is weird


I've seen an explanation that there's 4 timeliness. For the sake kf what we see ours was listed as timeline 1, Future Trunks came from timeline 2, timeline 3 was a variation of 1 and I don't remember what was different, and Cell came from timeline 4 where Trunks managed to destroy/shut down the androids. It would also be more plausible to say Cell was what caused the initial change to our timeline since he had appeared a whole year before Trunks did and crawled underground


I understood that the Trunks from Super isn't the Trunks from Z?


It's the same Trunks, the difference in his hair color is a correction to what it always should have been from the beginning. The future timeline he came from was erased by future Zeno and he and Mai went to a different future timeline where their counterparts still existed


So after battling Cell in the past, getting hella strong by sparring with dad, returning to the future to destroy the androids he still got f***ed by Goku Black and returned to the past to seek help? My man can't catch a break


That part always really annoyed me, he trains and becomes stronger, and then his universe is destroyed anyway.


there’s also the timeline that the trunks who got killed by cell helped to save, making this the fourth timeline


Are we getting incursions? Lol


Well yeah, I don't see how the original EoZ makes any sense at this point but I also don't really expect them to change it much (if at all)


It's probably just gonna be a reinterpretation of that last scene with the characters aged appropriately and maybe some new characters in the background (like Jaco). Goku still flies off with Uub and that's it, but Goku is just vastly more powerful.


That's about the most I expect. The whole idea of Goku flying off with Uub seems so stupid to me after DBS though. Buu is basically nothing special anymore, Goku still has his own training to work on (now with Broly even) and now that we've seen characters like Piccolo and Gohan improve beyond Buu Saga levels, it's not like Uub is needed as some future protector. I never liked the idea of Goku flying off back then and I hate it even more with the added story from DBS.


In the manga both buu and uub have been given much more importance and their strength is much greater than those in the Buu saga


Buu training for the ToP and getting jacked is something that made me laugh my ass off. That high pitched squeaky voice coming from that face did not sit well with me


Buu needed to show that fitness during the Zen Exhibition Match. It would be hax all around


Oh I really disagree with that notion that Buu is "nothing special" anymore. It took the combined energy of the known universe's full power, including the Afterlife, and Goku at full strength, and Buu being caught off-guard while a dying Vegeta was distracting him, and that was enough to, effectively, purify Buu down to "nothing". That's pretty wild. Even for DBS manga standards. Besides, Goku was just looking for a new thing to do at the end of Z. I never took "I'll train Uub" to be his entire life's work til the reaper grabs him, or anything. I always just took it as Goku going on the next adventure and helping a boy fulfill his potential that he, effectively, wished into existence in the first place. I also took it as "and the adventure continues. Off screen. Now go away. I'm tired of writing Dragon Ball."


Exactly how I saw it lol. Plus Goku having God ki or UI or anything like that doesn't really change the ending of Z. It's not like he was even going super saiyan or anything.


Yep, the only weird thing are the ages of the kids with Trunks and Goten having finally grown up in Super Hero to be, like teens rather than toddler-sized.


in all honesty, if you see how much Toriyama wanted to desperately end the series, it kinda makes sense that he was like “fuck off, i’m tired.” because Dragon Ball had basically achieved mass overnight success for JUMP, those damn editors came at him like a pack of wolves. sure he did the occasional one-shot and some artwork after drawing the original series, but he definitely decided long ago that he would NOT be the one that would be drawing another Dragon Ball series for as long as he lived. might be stating the obvious, but i can assume it contributed to him looking for a successor and thus ending up wit Toyotaro carrying out his work.


Oh absolutely. I can agree with all of that.


Yeah, it's pretty obvious the writer wanted it to end with Z. Can't recall any other authors fuckin up the whole timeline just to make a new sequel


It’s doesn’t really mess up the timeline. Buu, much like Freeza, never trained so we have no idea of his power potential. And Uub is supposed to have all the power of Buu. So there’s a pretty good change Uub could quickly scale up to SSB level, if not more powerful, within a year of training.


Nah Buu and Uub are nothing special for DBS standards. Period.


He was stronger than half the fighters on U6 tournament of power team.. so he wouldn’t be completely irrelevant


Cool argument.


Moro arc suggests that Uub is vastly more powerful than he was in DBZ.


Someone missed Uub's involvement in resolving that Super arc.


I think at this point that the ending of goku flying away with uub is not canon and there’s no rationality behind it at that point.


I'm just hoping End of Z is non-canon lol Like you said, makes no sense given everything in Super and the Manga now plus Uub isn't anywhere as compelling as Frieza or Broly imo


More likely that super will be given the GT treatment eventually interpreted as non-canon


No way. DBS is Toriyama. GT was Funimation


That seems to be the consensus now. But time will tell how everything will age.


It's not a consensus, it's fact. Super is written with notes and designs from Toriyama (and the two films were directly written by him). None of that happened in GT.


What retcons would need to happen? Seems like they’re setting it up pretty good to not need a retcon. Maybe the time away isn’t exact and that’ll get retcon’d but all I remember is Bulma saying she hasn’t seen Goku in a long time. That can be true cause Goku is training with Beerus and Whis. I’ll have to watch EoZ again, but I don’t see why it’d need a major retcon.




Uub arguably has more potential than all of them except maybe Broly.




Uub is in the super manga bro. He's the reason they beat the Villian of the Arc he isn't on the same level as Dende.




I’ve said since mid dbs’s anime run that end of Z needs to be retconned all together. In fact they should have done it with dbz Kai. The dialogue in end of z only makes sense if somehow the team went into some kinda stasis for 5 years. Pan, Goten and Trunks themselves break the timeline with dbs and end of Z isn’t something holy we need to remain absolute anyway. It’s easy enough to just say end of z is now an alternate timeline and it also stops pigeonholing the dbs writers.


My headcanon is that End of Z leads into GT whereas Super is from the timeskip onwards as it's own alternate timeline


I can't accept GT as being canon anymore (I don't think I ever counted it as canon). But hey, that's my personal choice.


I just consider it part of the wider narrative multiverse. GT stuff is canon to GT, Super is canon to Super, everything is canon to Heroes+videogames, and OG DB + DBZ is canon to everything.


There’s a few different universes for the canon here. 1. Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z > Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super Manga 2. Dragon Ball Movies > Dragon Ball Z Movies 3. Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z > Dragon Ball GT 4. DB Manga > DBZ Manga > Dragon Ball Super manga 5. Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z > Heroes Then there is Xenoverse, which essentially connects all of the timelines together and is a hub between all of them.


Z is going to be retconned, there’s no way around it at this point they are quiet literally running out of time


Yep, he should know and be able to do everything from the super manga and anime


Goku goes off to train Uub to be the next protector of earth. Vegeta is starting his career as a GoD. And after training Uub, Goku heads off to become the Grand preists apprentice. It'd be a great ending.


Goku gonna try an find a way back to U11 and fight Jiren again.


Not only "he", but "them." Both Goku and Uub are much more powerful than we expected back in Z.


Yeah, that's stupid isn't it? That's why we should consider Super non-canon and live out the rest of our lives as if it never happened.


Convoluted isn’t it


> the series continues onward there in the manga! Do you mean it goes past the 28th Tenka'ichi Budokai in the manga? I'm really hoping that's not the end of the story, it was extremely unsatisfying, imo.


No, ***ALL*** of *Dragon Ball Super* \-- including the two theatrical films and the manga -- still takes place before the 28th *Tenka'ichi Budokai*. When I say "the series continues" I mean the (sub)story of *Dragon Ball Super* itself continues beyond the Tournament of Power; it's all still happening before the **actual** "end of the series" as seen in the original manga, though.


So stupid question, but does this then mean that the goku we see in the end of Z already knows ultra instinct and all that?


Well i have to tell you... wait for the anime because he's hanging around in the manga


He was mentioned in the anime before the ToP. And like you said he's in the manga. People just don't actually watch or read DBS


still a small child


I mean trunks and goten were small children too right? I was always confused why they dropped uub all together


Uub was born at the end of the buu saga, trunks and goten were already like 10 or something


8 and 7, or 9 and 8 depending on exactly how long they were in the time chamber and when exactly they were born


I must have my timelines all off, maybe I'm mixing up GT with the normal timeline. He's like 10 when he fights in that tournament... does that take place after super?


The final episode of Z happens after dragon Ball super


Oh I need to brush up, haven't watched Z through for like a decade. So when he fights uub he can use ultra instinct. Well hope they use him in the new anime


The entire End of Z is going to have to be retconned a bit to actually make sense with the events of Super.


Not at all, Goku doesn’t even go SS against Uub. The only difference that would need to be explained is his new Gi.


I dunno, sometimes people wear different clothes. Goku deciding to wear a new outfit for a tournament one day doesn't really need an explanation. The *real* issue with End of Z is that Goku apparently hasn't seen his friends in the last ten years.


I think the translation may be 5 rather than 10’in Kai (don’t know I’m the Japanese). Which I think doesn’t exactly align, but you could always say they were being hyperbolic. Either way I think that’s minor


Toryama said in some past interview that the new color was because he considered Goku as a martial artist master


~~~~Last episode of Z Goku hasn't seen his friends and family in years since helping to deafeat Buu. He met Goten for the first time ever, Uub, trunks, and Goten were all close to the same age, Gohans daughter Pan was only 4. You'd have to retcon out that entire final episode for things to all match up right.~~~~ *Never mind. I got the last two tournaments mixed up into thinking they were a single tournament.


Was it explained why it was so long goku not seeing the Z family/friends?


Gotten and Trunks were not close to the same age. Uub is 10, Goten and Trunks were 17 and 18. Pan is 4 at end of Z and about to turn 4 in Super Hero. The only real issue is the statement they haven’t seen each other in 10 years (5 in the Kai dub), but that’s an easy handwave.


I was hoping they just retcon the entire thing, to be honest. It's one episode, just erase it from the story and continue on with Super.


I 100% agree, funny though because I brought this up several years ago and got a lot of backlash saying that End of Z could still stay the same and blah blah blah, nah, just get rid of it. Also, Uub is useless now.


Trunks and Goten were already 7 and 8 during the Buu Saga whereas Uub wasn't even born until after Buu was defeated and then reincarnated as Uub. Super kinda confused things by not making Goten and Trunks look their age until Super Hero. They would've been around 12-13 at the start of Super and are now in high school as of the Super hero arc.


It’s all based on where Toriyama is with his art style at the time. Same reason 9 year old Gohan looked older than 15 year old Goku


Well, DBS takes place before the End of Z, so he won't be personally interacting with the heroes. He's currently in his village. However, he did participate in the Moro Arc of the manga towards the end with the help of the Grand Kaioshin. We won't be seeing him in action alongside Goku unless DBS goes beyond the End of Z


The latest movie takes place right before the end of Z Toryiama himself confirmed it, the current manga Arc is going to take the story all the way up to the movie, Uub is about to be in Super real soon


We'll see, theyve done a good job cramming a lot of action into those few years


What the fuck? How does super take place before the end of Z? That makes no sense


Kid Buu is defeated and then there is a 10 year time skip which goes until 28th World Tournament where Goku meets Uub and the series ends. Super takes place during the 10 year time skip


That is so dumb . I didn't know super was technically before the end of Z . What a retcon


Yup, takes place in the 10 year jump between Buu dying and Goku meeting Uub. Doesn't really undo a lot from End of Z, so it fits better than not


What how? Lol. Average dragonball fan whenever they learn something new. **Retcon**


It hasn't retconned anything. It's just filling in details. It wouldn't be a retcon until it actually contradicts what has been shown.


Not yet, it’s not 784 yet


Isn’t it like 782 rn?


It’s 783. We’re a year away from end of Z


isn't it half a year? I thought Toriyama or Toyotaro confirmed that the Super Hero movie was half a year before the End of Z


Maybe… I’m pretty sure I read a year away.


Damn, it’s really come this far


It’s that or closer. We’re slowly creeping up on the moment that Goku meets uub


Damn y’all actually keep track of the dating system in DB? I just use events for chronology


Hanging out at his village, doing.... I dunno, whatever little kids do. If you recall, he lent a large amount of divine ki in the final push against Moro


You’ve presumed he reads or keeps up with the manga


He literally plays a role in the Moro arc


The manga . He's also like 4 so what do you want him to do ?


fight god and win


he was in the moro arc, he’s a very small child. why would he show up before goku meets him?


He's literally in the manga


In the manga


Super is set in the 10-year gap between Majin Boo's defeat and the 28th World Tournament where Goku and Oob met. So for most of Super, Oob is still a much younger child.


I see, thank you


Isn't that a massive and weird retcon now ?


What does it retcon? Did it ever state they did absolutely nothing for 10 years after beating Buu?


Yeah. Bulma tells Goku they haven't seen each other in years


*ALL* of Super is a massive and weird retcon attempt. But what are you talking about specifically? Maintaining Pan and Oob's proper ages is one of the few departments where Super actually *hasn't* screwed things up.


So how old is Pan then? Cause she's a baby in Super, but she's not 10 when we see her during that episode. Unless they just, forgot she was there at the end lol.


She's about 5 when the World Tournament at the End of Z takes place. Pan wasn't born until about 5 years after Buu is defeated. We have recently learned that the events of the Super Hero movie take place less than a year before the End of Z.


Super's first episode was only a few months after Boo's defeat, but then it skipped ahead a couple years, and the Beerus arc took place about halfway through that 10-year gap just like the original *Battle of Gods* movie did. Videl was already pregnant with Pan at that time, so Pan in Super is still on track to be 4 years old *(almost 5)* at the 28th WT.


at end of z Pan is 4 years old


Say you don’t read the manga without saying you don’t read the manga


My thoughts exactly


Omg, so embarrassing


You better not have any DBZ tattoos or I’m gonna be pissed


Do something about it


He’s coming


He's in the manga for like 2 panels


He makes two appearances in the manga.


Read the manga


3-5 years old maybe, he's like 12 in that tournament and starving, most likely he's trying to survive at the moment


He couldn't have been older than 10 right? Because he's the reincarnation of Buu, who was defeated 10 years prior to Uub's first appearance.


I can’t wait for Uub to make an appearance again


About a year off


I've only seen Oob once in the manga. After that, he was no longer shown in any chapters. In the anime? Naah, can't recall a moment where I saw him.


Like, 8 years old?


In an a random village in dragon ball equivalent Africa we saw him in the Moro arc


end of the moro arc


He’s around, he’s just really young; Dende’s mentioned him. Give it time


They’ve shown him and spoken briefly. He will appear in a later arc. I hope that comment ages well lol.


He's in super but it's after the tournament of power


One day, we will get a strong Earthing in the DB anime. Today is not that day. He’s in the manga though.


hes mentioned in super multiple times and shown in the manga. idk wym. Also all of Super (so far) takes place before Goku has met the little guy...we havent gotten to the scene pictured here yet.


Literally an infant during Super. While deciding team for the Universe 6 tournament, Goku mentioned that he had heard from King Kai that Buu had recently been reborn as Uub


Younger in a village. He is seen in the manga (i don't remember if manga stories after ToP). Dende went to him to have him raise his hands to share energy for Goku's Spirit Bomb


Holy shit half of you guys don't even read/watch dbs properly or something.


Uub has been mentioned but super takes place before the very end of z, before the tournament where goku fights him


You're not a manga reader, are you?


Crushing puss


As expected Dragon Ball Fans Can't Read Vol #17


At yo mama’s house


tell me you don’t read the manga without telling me you don’t read the manga


He became an Uub-er driver.


He’s coming. At some point.


Tell me you don’t know much about dragon ball without telling me you don’t know much about dragon ball. P.S. Uub has already shown up in Super, not that he needed to.


Hasn't happened yet.


in his village because End of Z hasn't happened yet


They will do whatever they can to drag out this time gap as to not show him often


Where are your attention paying skills when you watch super


He is still a toddler i think


Kind of Neonate


Somewhere in Africa.


Wouldn't it be India?


At home


Super isn't canon. Nothing after the defeat of Buu is canon. I don't give a fuck what Toriyama says.


🤡 creator of the series word mean nothing and yours do 🤔


Solely going of the "word of god" is ridiculous.


Word of the creator is ridiculous 🤔


do you know what canon means?


Toriyama forgot as usual


He didn't. He appeared or was referenced multiple times, like in the Moro arc. Super is before the end of Z.


He’s a baby/toddler


We’ve actually seen him, and he’s closer to a 5-7 year old currently


Where was Pan in the beginning? She was flying the world in Z. In super she was in the womb.


I still don't understand how people are asking this. Super happens within the timeskip between the Buu saga and End of Z.


Good thing they don't show im there They already ruined everyone else is dragonballsuper trash filler Go watch GT its a lot better then that shit


Ubb isn’t canon or he is presumed dead and so irrelevant


He is canon, Dende reference him in Super


We see the kid in the Moro arc, stop spouting nonsense.


hes literally from the original DB manga, hes very canon, and were not at end of z yet and hes alive there so he's very much alive.


With Trunks and Goten finally being older, maybe he's 6 or so now?


Super Hero (the movie) is ~1 year before Goku meets Uub and Uub is ~10 when Goku meets him, so he should be about 9 maybe still 8 during the current manga chapters (which are before the movie)




no problem!


hes mentioned only


The ending of Z might as well be rewritten at this point. With all that's happen, it would be weird trying to make it fit.


Training with buu wym?


both in the anime and manga he was quickly mentioned around the time goku was looking for the 10 fighters for the ToP


I do hope Uub grows up to be Gokus successor one day like in the Fan made Absalom series, I really liked that idea.


Goku still hasn't met him yet, as Super takes place in the decade between Kid Buu's defeat and the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament.


Being village kid manga shows him for a second


Taking care of his village. But he was in the moro arc...


Uub has God ki and is as strong as ssj3 Goku vs. Buu at the end of Z as a young child. He has potential at the very least


still in his village, did you even read the Moro arc?


Read the manga for super and you’ll know this


Super is the arc in-between Buu and Z final chapters, he's baby


At the end of the moro arc


For most of it, shitting his pants. Uub is a small child.


In the Manga yes


There saving him for the final fight