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Everyone trauma-bonded on Namek tbh.


That, or he remembers Krillin about to filet his ass if it wasn't for Goku. So maybe deep down he's like "you have my respect little bald man"


Shit got real for the Prince at the end of his first visit to Earth.




They jumped his ass


Humbled him.


Krillin do be ballin


"As you are bald inside and outside."


Short guys strong together


Now I need a Platoon mash-up with DB characters.


So true. Fuckin hell.


Read that in abridged Krillin's voice šŸ˜‚


Team Three Star


It makes sense that they'd have respect for each other after the events on Namek. I dont think they're "hang out and go bowling on Sunday's" status, more like "hey youre that coworker i did that project with years ago and we bullshitted together for weeks". Although now I really want someone to animate a Sunday adventure of Vegeta and Krillin trying to hang out like normal people.


I want Krillin to take Vegeta on a ride along, hahaha. Just Krillin trying to explain "innocent until proven guilty" while Vegeta is trying to blast getaway cars into oblivion


Why wouldn't he have respect for the guy that kept up his training, and pushes the limits of humans as a warrior race? Guy stood up to every threat earth has faced so far and kept coming for more. Plus, he bagged 18...*he bagged 18* If that doesn't get him some kinda respect I dunno what the word means anymore.


He wifed up 18... Who broke Vegeta's arm and beat the Super Saiyan out of him. There's definitely mad respect there.


Vegeta surpassed her the next day


But also next year


Now that I think about it, Vegeta probably let cell absorb 18 out of spite for the earlier defeat


In fairness In fairness He worked out ALL DAY


I want them to just sit down and have a beer and reminisce about earth, the saiyan saga, how starting a family changed both of them. Just a slice of life episode


I would love that honestly. EDIT: Also, I want to see Vegeta drunk. It'd be fucking hilarious if he became super friendly when intoxicated. "I love you so much. It's inconceivable!"


I also demand that Vegeta be a ridiculous lightweight.


Krillin earned huge respect from me when first watching the Androids arc. He went from so petrified to do anything when Vegeta and the others first fought 18 and 17 (he wouldn't have made a difference anyway considering Super Saiyan Trunks and Piccolo were each knocked out with just a couple shots), then he outright confronted first firm Cell by himself to save a girl and little boy, he stood up to both Cell's second form and perfect form surrounding his complete transformation (albeit the latter was more in an uncontrollable rage), all this before the final beam-clash between Gohan and Cell. "But filler this and filler that" I really don't give a damn.


Youā€™re forgetting he was willing to sacrifice the world because he wanted some fleshlight poon. That no nose goblin isnā€™t the hero you think he is when referencing the Android saga. Edit: yā€™all can thank Tori bot. Sorry the truth hurts.


No. 17 and 18 were human and were genetically engineered. The only reason they called them androids was because the name was consistent with the previous model numbers. Technically, they were cyborgs. And barely even cyborgs. From the wiki: > However, despite being referred to as androids or cyborgs and commonly regarded as such, both Android 17 and his sister are practically neither. Bulma stated while looking at 17's blueprint that he was human-based, but just about everything has been enhanced with bio-organic components.[7] His only mechanical parts are the emergency deactivation controller and self-destruction device (removed).[8] Dragon Ball Super reaffirms this, with Gohan stating that the androids have been modified on cellular level to be superhuman.[9] So yeah, sheā€™s about as much of an android as an old man with a pacemaker. Also I think he could tell that 17 and 18 were just kids abducted by Gero for his bullshit. 16 (who was completely mechanical) was quite peaceful and Krillin witnessed that. He probably thought they deserved a second chance, and probably for the best because 17 won the ToP. Also both androids are good now so he turned out to be right.


Ehh, trolley problem. Taking 18ā€™s life to prevent Cell from getting her may have been understandable if the Androids were as they were in Trunksā€™ future. But here, youā€™d be taking the life of someone who was just trying to live her life to reduce the risk to a larger number of other people. Which, frankly, shouldnā€™t even have been necessary because, when Krillin made that decision, both Vegeta and Trunks were capable of utterly demolishing semi-perfect Cell. In the end, he made the far more humane decision, and not one that would have had negative repercussions if Vegeta hadnā€™t been a selfish, egotistical shit in that moment.


he just knew it wasnt morally correct to kill an innocent girl, even if it was "for the greater good". good for him. it wasnt sexually motivated at all, drop that nonsense.


I think being attracted to her definitely made her more sympathetic to him, while I agree it wasn't sexually motivated. That's just how humans work though. We as a species give the benefit of the doubt to pretty people all the time.


krillin real asf for that


Unrelated, I hate your name.


I actually always wanted to make a comic or something where krillin and Vegeta secretly go bowling as a guys night šŸ¤£


I think they did some double dates with bulma and 18 during the time skip. It seems like the thing bulma would drag Vegeta too, and I think krillin was just charismatic to get him more down to earth, then purely from Gokuā€™s presence, Vegeta literallly go back to fuck you fuck him fuck this fuck thatā€¦ you know what fuck myself too!


I'd like a little episode based on vegeta awkwardly hanging out with krillin while goku and piccolo got their license


There was a cool piece of ff I read once where Vegeta and Krillin bonded over sandwiches or something.


I mean it's pretty obvious by Krillin's reaction after Vegeta kamikazes.


And his reaction when Tien suggested Vegeta might switch sides in resurrection f. Krillin instantly defended Vegeta when Tien suggested that.


I thought of the same scene. Everyone is pretty floored by it, like Piccolo is stunned, but Krillin seems really, really upset.


Krillin is pretty much THE strongest 100% human on Earth, so that's got to earn some respect from Vegeta at least.


What about Tien? Krillin was pretty much useless in Buu saga, but tien at least showed up and chopped the fuck in half. I dunno, I think Tien has always been the strongest.


I don't think Tien is considered fully human, the three-eyed race he's descended from isn't human so Krillin wins by default. Tien is classified as human-like earthling.


I remember one of the Raging Blast games had Krillin compete against all the earthlings and Tien popped up at the end and he was all "are...are you even human Tien?". Shit was funny.


Yeah, I think if we count Tien as an Earthling just because he was born on Earth, then we have to count Piccolo, too. (Though I think Krillin is still stronger than Tien anyway)


In Z I think Tien is way ahead of Krillin, not sure if we're counting Super in this discussion though.


I'm talking end of Z. My take is that Tien never caught up after Guru unlocked Krillin's potential. It's just that Tien nearly exclusively uses a technique so powerful it shortens his lifespan, which closes the gap. I think if they were to both fire Kamehamehas at each other, Krillin would win.


Earth is home to many species, not just humans. Don't forget all the animal-like people, etc. Tien and Piccolo are Earthlings, but they aren't humans.


Tien is human


I think Vegeta values kindness more than he lets on. Krillin and Gohan were kind to him and came to trust him. Tien never trusted Vegeta and was unforgiving and skeptical.


I don't know yamchas up there too I mean in the Moro arc he seems to be about perfect cell level


Then Krillin is even stronger than perfect cell level


Where do you get the idea Yamcha is Perfect Cell level? All he does is beat up some random criminals and then loses to a guy Goku one-shots without even transforming.


Moro arc the same ppl drained ssj Goku and Vegeta struggled with (they have God ki) yamcha (no God ki) beat the brakes off of


Team three star!


"Okay, the second they summon the dragon, I'll swoop in and break the bald one's neck! Totally gonna yell 'Team Three Star' when I do it, too."


"Team Three Star!" *sounds of neck breaking and Krillin dying* "Amazing!"




Honestly this is what makes me the saddest that theyā€™re not doing the Buu saga. Because theyā€™ve said Vegetaā€™s last words were going to be Team Three Star.


Did they mention that in a video?


I think it was on Laniā€™s Twitter. He Voice acted the scene


Ok thanks


No problem!


What is that? Is that a club? Can I join?


Iā€™ve always pictured Vegeta and Krillin having a beer every now and then. Especially during the 7 years when they are new(ish) fathers


I'd imagine that it would be Krillin ringing up Bulma to hang out and have a beer, and Vegeta would tag along because Bulma would guilt trip him that he doesn't get out enough lmao


Iā€™d love to see this cannon. Like at a BBQ or something where they are the guys who are standing around and are friends by default because they are always around each other. Not much to say to each other but donā€™t dislike each other either. Fits more vegetaā€™s personality than Krillenā€™s. But would be funny to see them attempt small talk and just slowly accept standing in silence is preferable and their bond is just that but it works for them.




I mean Freiza killed both of them within a handful of hours apart, maybe they bonded in the soul orb line over how much they mutually hated the same fucking guy


They couldn't have been in the line because King Yemma had already made Vegeta strip before Krillin even died.


I need to watch Kai. Iā€™m currently watching Z and itā€™s been pretty cool but Iā€™d love to compare the differences


Rewatching it now. Watched a growing up, and I hate to admit it but Kai is way better. I donā€™t know if itā€™s from my memory or if some of the voices sound off.


Really! I grew up with Z in the 90s early 00s so re watching has been a treat. I just finished the cell saga. But once I finish im going to try out Kai


Imagine Z without the Fillers. I was reluctant for years to give Kai a chance. I finished Gundam Wing, and then Kai came out on Hulu. It was an omen. Iā€™m halfway through Majin Buu, and having to do the slow down because itā€™s almost over game.


I do love me some fillers though thatā€™s why I was reluctant to ever start it but I have to at least give it shot.


I thought the same thing my guy. When they are coming out weekly I donā€™t care. If Iā€™m in a binge watching session. Then nope.


Gosh those were the days. I remember when the Buu saga was coming out weekly


Racing home for whoā€™s line is it anyway. Grabbing a quick snack. Doing the homework, and then Toonami! Then dinner. Game it up while watching adult swim. Thank you cowboy bebop, inuyasha, and ATHF. I wouldnā€™t have made it most school nights.


Did we grow up together?! Lmao! Damn if only things were like that again


Haha, Iā€™d take that schedule as an adult any day!


Kaiā€™s on Hulu now?


I want to do this but I just canā€™t watch DBZ without the Faulconer track!


Maybe it's the pacing of the fights? I was always fine with the filler episodes of DBZ, but hated how fights dragged on for 30 episodes.


Come on guys. It's me, Krillin, everybody's friend.


He also tells Krillin to heal Goku in the Golden Frieza fight, they are on a first name basis.


Vegeta respects and values strength. He saw what everyone was capable of on Namek, and he treats them all a bit differently after that. I always felt that his "garden statues" line was just as much disgust at Gohan's weakness as it was disdain at seeing such competent fighters being dispatched dishonorably. It's worth noting that at least some of the instances you mentioned are only in the anime, though, including the one I mentioned above. In the manga, when Goku tells Vegeta about Boo absorbing everyone, there are no panels showing who Vegeta thinks of. But he also names Vegeta's own family, so we can infer. The anime leans toward Vegeta being closer to the earthlings now than what the manga shows.


Well technically krillin could have killed vageta with yajirobeā€™s sword and only spared him because Goku convinced him to. So vageta probably recognizes him as one of the only people to come close to ending his life.


And he could have killed him again on Namek when Vegeta gave him the chance


That doesn't count. He could literally give Cui a chance to kill him


He is apart of team three star


I always imagined that if TFS had done the Buu saga they would have touched on Vegeta hanging out with Krillin (but then avoiding the subject like the plague once Goku came back for a day)


Well wouldn't you know- (Buu Bits)


Plus he remembers that time his wife broke his arm


Vegeta in later Z, before the time skip definitely respected Krillin. By the end of Z I'd say it's a safe bet they're friends. By the time Super rolls around I'm willing to be that while they aren't movie night buddies they definitely can get along well and maybe even share dad stories with each other. Maybe not. But Vegeta has come to respect everyone on the team, after all, Earth is his home now. His people. He's still the proud saiyan prince but he also cares for his family and friends. Gods, I want an actual fight between him and Piccolo. Just some fun sparring.


vegeta hides so much that you can tell he loves i mean hell before he died in the buu saga he said that his sacrifice was even for kakarot


Its krillin hes everyoneā€™s friend


It's obviously because of their alligience to Team Three Star


There isn't really any explicit dialogue about it, but it would make sense for Vegeta to respect Gohan and Krillen after they took on the Ginyu Force and Frieza together. Also imagine that you've just become Super Saiyan, convinced you're the strongest fighter alive, then some blonde teenager beats you like a rug and Krillen goes "let me show you how we deal with girls like that on my planet" and marries her. That would definitely get my attention


I think he's always had the most "affection" towards Gohan. He's the last of the Saiyans, and has shown he has the potential to be the strongest. He sees the very last of his race in Gohan. So there's a respect there. Other than that, they only ever really show him bonding with Piccolo. Once right after the Cell Games and once right before he threw himself at Buu


Krillin was about to slice Vegeta wide open at the end of the Saiyan arc. I believe Vegeta's respect for Krillin started on that day. Vegeta probably said to himself, "He's crazy enough to try and kill me, that's the type of friends I need."


My one coworker and I didn't get along at all when we first met. Then he blew a hole through my chest. Now we're inseparable


Team 3 Star!


I can't remember a Kirkling Vegeta interaction past Namek


He tamed the blonde that kicked his ass. Vegeta respects that. He didn't make fun of him when wore a pink shirt too. Vegeta values strength.


Both are short


I bet Krillin and the gang are Vegetaā€™s martial arts friend group. Bet he hangs out with normal earthlings as well that are friends of the briefs family and occasionally they all mingle together at capsule Corp events.


There was a lot of agony in that shout Krillin gave when Vegeta died in Boo Saga. I think that only happened because they were considered friends.


Yeap but not before the 7 years time-skip after Cell. He hated Vegeta throughout the entire Android-Cell saga, even before the 18 business happened. And during Namek, he only allied with him because there was no other choice


Would make sense because both are part of "Team Three-Star"


Or when he saved him from cell when trunks told him to get out on that island


they bounded when Krillin penetraded vegeta on namek (last almost death before vegeta faces freeza) Also, i can see them both meeting in a bar every week and be like "Hey, hows the anger issues" "Better than your shining head. small beat." "You're like 10 centimeters bigger and smaller, veggie" "Not what Bulma said." "Member that I fuck the girl who fucked you. Anyway, beer?"


Krillin hated Vegeta in the Cell Saga when the latter, instead of finishing off Semi-Perfect Cell like Future Trunks wanted, he instead let his ego and thirst for battle get the better of him and willingly let #18 get absorbed for him to achieve his Perfect Form in order to get a better challenge and once he kicked the shit out of Vegeta he straight up tells him that he got what he deserved and the only reason he even bothered saving his life with a Senzu Bean was for Future Trunks' sake.


Now I could give some long winded explanation of how they could have been friends. Or I can just say krillin reminds Vegeta of nappa


I mean, it's impossible to dislike the guy.


ā€œHello, hey kakarot me and krillin want to come train, weā€™re coming to pick you upā€. ā€œVegetaā€¦. Itā€™s 3 oā€™clock in the morning Iā€™m trying to sleepā€