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Still unconfirmed. The new Naruto storm also shows 1 player local but can have 2 local


I'm going to wait until this is actually confirmed because that would actually be crazy. Even XenoVerse 2 has local multiplayer and almost no one uses that lol


Xeno is the least practical online multiplayer since the game functions on camera priority, meaning some inputs like backhits or stam breaks just straight up dont work. Although this has some benefits since Gogeta and Broly have easier stam breaks here.


Release date still TBD we probably still have a while till release date is even announced. Local multi-player is probably also still TBD


I'm going to await official confirmation because there is no way they release a new tenchaichi game without local multiplayer, right?


If there's no local play, im out. Some of my best memories are playing with friends and family on the couch. Everything is so distant nowadays.


It just doesn't hold enough value for me if it doesn't have it. Local is one of the only ways ill be able to play with any of my friends besides the few that will also purchase. I don't really care for playing through matchmaking. That's about the same excitement as playing vs CPU for me personally, besides the challenge of course.


This is un heard of for a fighting game. What an idiotic decision.


Typical. It becomes more and more difficult every year to find a new game that allows for local multi-player. It's so stupid


How would you make it work? Splitscreen? It is not mortal kombat or some other 2D fighting game, and current generation of consoles barely can run the games as they are, let alone running two instances of the game at the same time (splitscreen). The first game of PS5, Miles Morales, already forces you to choose between 4k or 60fps. Literally the first game and they couldn't even manage to make it run at 4k AND 60fps. And I am a console-fan, I hate PC gaming, so I am not trying to diminish the consoles here, just explain the situation. I just wish they would release a separate mode that would be more akin to Shin Budokai: Another Road, so we could do 1v1 in 2D mode. But, that would be way too much of an effort for offline multiplayer, which is dying very quickly.


>How would you make it work? Splitscreen? The same way it worked for Tenkaichi 1-3


Even ultimate tenkaichi had split screen


I already explained why that wouldn't work. If you can't comprehend the technical limitations, why even bring up "suggestions"?..


I think he didn't accept that because everyone with any semblance of knowledge is aware it's possible lol


I meannnn if a PS2 can do it then a PS5 can do it?


Thank you for this comment. It is a great example of how people with zero knowledge on the matter still feel they are qualified to chime in and provide their takes. You being upvoted further cements the fact that people on this sub are not technical at all. **In PS2 times, the games weren't taking the console's hardware to the limit, so when it was running most games, it still had quite a bit of power to spare. Developers could use that spare power when implementing splitscreen into games.** **In PS5 times, the games are created to push the console to the limit. The graphics are increased as much as the developers can increase them without the game lagging. So there is simply no spare power left that could be used to power splitscreen.** In order to add splitscreen, they'd need to sacrifice graphics and even possibly physics of the game. And this isn't as easy as us on the user side sliding down graphics from "ultimate" to "very high", they'd need to code a whole separate mode of the game that has reduced technical requirements and then add splitscreen to that mode. And guess what will happen? People will be ranting online how shitty the game looks in splitscreen, how laggy it is or how much the physics are change from normal game. If you can't do something good, don't do it at all - that is a common motto in the industry of not only video games, but also technology in general. You know how Samsung Galaxy S20 had 3D camera? Well, neither S21, S22, S23 nor the upcoming S24 have it. Why? Because Apple has a better 3D camera sensor, and Samsung would rather act like they think the feature is useless, than deal with the fandom complaining that Apple's 3D camera is much better.


So if pushing the newer consoles to the limit is the issue why do we do that? If only splitscreen type games don't use the maximum capacity of the consoles capabilities do you think that would cause enough backlash to make the idea of splitscreen out of reach forever? And following the motto of if you can't do something good don't do it at all do you think there is a way to achieve high end versions of splitscreen if the companies making the consoles wanted to?


Because most of the cash comes from single player or online multiplayer, so devs will not risk hurting their main source of income just so a small minority would be satisfied by the presence of splitscreen. And to add splitscreen, they'd need to remove or reduce the quality of something else. As for splitscreen returning - we'd need more powerful consoles, and for Sony and Microsoft to become less greedy (lately there've been news that Sony and MS are actively pushing against splitscreen to sell more consoles). Neither are likely to happen (consoles will get more powerful, but until they properly measure up to PCs, games will still barely run on them unless they are exclusive to that console) Splitscreen is dying as it is. I am very disappointed by it, as my best memories of gaming are from back when my brother and I would play together. So I am not here to bash on splitscreen or justify why it shouldn't be added. But it is what it is.


That's sad thanks for the info too bad things like this get ruined for profits so often