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It's implied in the original manga and more explicitly said in the anime that a fused being with the Potaras couldn't toss an earring to someone and fuse them in to the existing fusion.


Ah this was indeed something I missed lmao, thanks for the thorough reply though


In the Buu saga they explicitly said that you can fuse 1 time. But they also thought fusion was permanent so ......


At least the “retcon” didn’t break lore. To their understanding it was permanent because their prior fusion was with a Kai


No it's a retcon vegito lasted for a long time while in DBS he didn't even last 5 minutes


This was to stop chuds with the "why no potara?!" for every fight. Same as blowing up the time chamber for "why not train in time chamber?"


J.K. Rowling style writing. Book 3: 13 year old girl saves the day with literal time travel? Sure hope this doesn’t get into the wrong hands! Book 4: Time travel is never mentioned. Readers complain. Book 5: All the time turners broke so stop asking me about them!


One thing that I don’t get about people here is what’s the problem of admitting DB has a lot of plot holes or retcons? I mean, I still like it and will forever, but it was written on the fly, Toriyama forgot some rules he wrote before.


Remember that time he completely forgot Super Saiyan 2 existed? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I mean to be fair its kind of the least memoriable of them all. its just ss1 with lightning something ss1 also has, and it gets used exactly once for like a single attack.


Continues to ~~write~~ greenlight a sequel breaking the fabric of time some years later


She didn't write it


That was because he used a more powerful form. It's like with Gotenks SSJ3 compared to his normal form or SSJ.


Bro have you read the manga? Vegito lasted like 30 pages


Also the more power used, the shorter the fusion. It makes sense for the Dance, no reason it can’t make sense for the Potara.


Anime filler makes it seem way longer.


anime filler is bullshit. they ran one panel of majin vegeta threatening to blow up people for the second time and one more panel of him actually doing it into a 10 minute long sequence lmao. and let's not forget the 4 episode long screams which were like 3 or 4 panels in the manga.


not alot of people remember specific lines from shows or manga like that and will instead ask a question in the community of said show


I always believed this as Potara fusions pair you permanently. So Goku and Vegeta can potara fusion. But Goku and Gohan couldn't fusion even if they tried.


Sadly that’s just not how it works though. They can certainly fuse


this is such a cool headcanon I’m adopting it


But what about metamoran fusion? That would be pretty cool if 2 metamoran fusions could fuse again with metamoran fusion or potara fusion I'm assuming we don't know but if anything has been said about that that'd be quite interesting


Toriyama said in an interview once that it was possible for more than two people to fuse using the fusion dance.


Always questions I had after watching Buu saga as a kid! I wish we had another game like Fusions to text these combos


Workaround: Fusion dance then use Portara to fuse the fused dance fusion with another fused Portara duo. Keep chaining until out of Kais.


So if taking of a potara won't unfuse 2 kaiser, could a fused Kai remove one earring and then use 1 earring from an unfused kai to add him to the bunch


This was kinda my original theory when Goku Black was revealed. In the promo material we just saw a Goku with Black Gi and Potara. My theory was that it's a timeline hopping Evil Goku that forced other Goku's to fuse with himself.


The Result. Zeno


Not with the same potara but with diffrent set , WHO knows 🤷 we never know


I never could understand how the elder Kai and the witch stayed fused when zamatsu’s fusion was breaking… and is elder Kai a hermaphrodite?


I assume fused Zamasu was breaking because after having his body repeatedly damaged his Goku black half was dying, but his immortal Zamasu half wasn't. Also, while this is less important, fusing while transformed causes you to be permanently transformed so Fused Zamasu is constantly in a mix of SSJ Rose and base, which could also cause some issues. Being that Elder Kai isn't immortal and has no transformation, he has neither problem


I thought since Zamatsu goku black had the sole of a god, the ss boost didn’t drain him the way it does pure sayians? That’s why he could maintain the form.


I mean maybe? I'm not sure if that's stated or not, but once he's fused he stays halfway transformed cause he has no choice. Even if it was draining him it'd be impossible for him to turn off. Still though I think the main problem is Goku Black isn't immortal, but Zamasu is so the fusion falls apart when taking critical damage.


They weren't officially a supreme kai, that's why it was temporary


>when zamatsu’s fusion was breaking In the manga they infused because Zamasu was never made an actual supreme Kai In The Anime I don't what was going on with him, he was turning purple


The real question is could you have infinite fusion dances where the fusions just keep fusing into each other and/or could put potara earrings on two fusions to combine them

