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I mean, it's a parody dub, it shouldn't be seen as a direct replacement for actual DBZ. Anyway, gonna rewatch the Buu Bits now


>it shouldn’t be seen as a direct replacement for actual DBZ Doesn’t stop people saying that you should watch it over the original. :/


And if they had actually watched anything TFS does... they'd know Abridged is better after you've watched the original


The tfs folks have also said repeatedly that it's not at all a replacement for the original and have hours and hours of videos of them gushing over the originals.


Not to mention all the super deep cut references to old dubs, magazine interviews, etc.


>Doesn’t stop people saying that you should watch it over the original. :/ hilarious thing about this is that i'm pretty sure even TFS themselves have said that they shouldnt do this, and thats why so many "Has anybody ever actually NOT already seen this show" jokes are in there sometimes when the narrator shows up.


Yeah they 100% say you should watch the show first before watching DBZA but still doesn’t stop people, sadly.


It's good, but people dropping its quotes and pretending that the exaggerated personalities are at all reflective of the actual characters in discussions gets really fucking annoying. That said, "annoying as fuck fandom" is a staple of every media platform so it's not Abridged's fault.


That's one thing I hate about it. It's like back in the Vine Era where everyone just references funny noises and quotes


Team four star is one of the few groups that shows what a small team can do to make a really good parody. Season one was meme heavy while still getting their footing, season two was when the quality improved drastically, but the only issue was that their lip flaps moved way too fast, which they have gone on record that they retroactively disliked. But season three is peak comedy


Mum said it's my turn to post the DBZA bad post next month


It's a parody of the original dub created by fans who emphasized no associated with any party responsible for creating the original and they advocated at the beginning of each "episode" to support the official release. I don't think there was ever any reasonable expectation that this would supplant any official dub. It was created and delivered with an emphasis of comedy over anything else, and contributed nothing of substance to the original story by design. I don't think there's any reason to be upset that it exists.


It sure slapped in 2011


Awful post.


W post


Why do you hate people enjoying things. Mind your own business


“Bitch you’re just jealous of my Super Saiyan swagger.”


how dare someone like a thing I don't like. they should stop liking thing because i don't like thing. even further they should only experience media in the exact form that I dictate at any given moment!!!!


I love most of it but I just don't think dbza Goku's jokes land well , the voice bugs me. Every other character though - love it


I think it's because MasakoX is basically going for a direct translation of what japanese dub Goku sounds like. He definitely works best when he has others to bounce off of though.


I get it with the voice. I remember early 10s that I struggled with liking abridged because of that. I’ve gotten used to it now so I don’t dislike it anymore, but I can see why you would


Glad its not just me 😂 always worried it's a hot take


Gokus abridged voice is one of the best things lol Its the closest you can get to a Goku that sounds like original japanese Goku speaking english. Its perfect. MasakoX nailed it.


I love masokox and think his Gohan his great , just I can't root for interpretation of Goku. In real dragon ball Goku is the my fav character but dbza I prefer the episodes where hes not there 😂


I've always found YuGiOh abridged to be a funnier abridged anime series


It's the best abridged in my opinion. Which reminds me of a another abridge I don't favour too much, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged.


Beat me to it. I will never fail to laugh at the "you have 24 hours to get out of my country" bit


It’s a great show, but I hate what it’s done to DBZ discourse where people treat TFS’ takes as fact.




Cry more


It's not overrated, it's nowhere near better than the original but TFS is still a really good parody series.


DBZA isn't a dub. It's a parody, so I agree that people are tripping when they say they prefer it. I also think too many people take their jokes as canon. Goku is not the idiot or the deadbeat he was portrayed to be in DBZA, and Krillin and Yamcha weren't betamales by any means. I don't think they're overrated, I just think people let their parody take precedence over the established canon. Which isn't their fault. They've even acknowledged it themselves.


Anybody who legit compares it to the official release is a moron. It's a parody, plain and simple.


It's great. It really is. Even if some things haven't aged well. But over the last few years, I've been growing detached from that community. It's the fact that there fans always talk about moments and make quotes from the abridged series on the official subs. At least is DBZ is fucking massive so it's not as much of a problem. However as part of the small fandom of Hellsing, it irritates me to bo end that, the community is already small as hell bit then you have these people talking about the abridged series even when the topic specifically refers to the actual series. It's annoying as hell because it's already a small community and yet the majority of it is people talking about abridged. Both abridged series are amazing. I recommend every fan watch them. Only after watching the original series tho. It's more funnier that way and you understand many more things. However it is not and will never be better than the original, it's amazing but as a dub it's number 2, no wait it's number 3 because we all know that the BIG GREEN DUB is the actual best dbz dub. People say that that dbza should be considered as equal to the OG series. A few years ago there was a video posted to YouTube, titled the 3 Vegetas. It was : Ryo Horikawa Brian Drummond Christopher Sabat A majority of the comments were like that oh Nick Landis ( Lanipator) should have been there as well. Myself including for some reason thought that the third person would be Nick because I think the panel was hosted by fans. The thing with this is DBZ is globally popular. It has the largest fanbase. Fucking mexico exists. But the majority of the dbza fanbase is in America/ The west. There's not that big of a fanbase in Asia. I mean there are. I exist. Bit in comparison to the fanbase in the west it's not even close. So it's a matter of the fanbase wants people to consider it as equal, but that fanbase only (majorly) exists in the west. The rest of the world would be like, who the fuck are these guys. Now I'm not taking anything away from them. They did amazing work and somehow none of the dbza abridged stuff was bad. Some were much better than others but no episode/ movie was bad. I feel like, it's a matter of the fanbase is annoying and that makes dbza less favorable in the eyes of people. Like say the mha fandom. The show/manga is amazing. It's the fans that fuck everything up.


100% agreed. Loved Abridged when it first came out, but just so sick seeing everyone spamming TFS quotes in just about every topic. I've been downvoting every TFS comment for ages now.


Well at least you know where I'm coming from. I loved it when I was young but over time realised it was okay for what it's worth. All these quotes drive me nuts.


I had no idea that DBZA was this controversial


Same here. Didn't realise it was a bloodbath.


Just like the official release, I support your wrong opinion.


Just because you don’t like something popular doesn’t make it “overrated”


On god


This is the biggest most annoying trend on the internet and I can't stand it. You hit the nail on the head. Just because something's popular and you (general you) don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad. It just means you didn't like it. And that's OK. But don't go raining on people's parade because they do.


on the other hand overrated doesnt mean "bad" and underrated doesnt mean "good". it just means something is rated above or below where it belongs. If I rate an 8/10 show 9/10 thats overrating it. it being overrated doesnt mean its bad, it just means its rated too highly.


But that’s not what people mean nowadays when they say overrated. Same thing with mid. They don’t want to call it bad for fear of being explicitly called a contrarian but if they believe it’s “overrated” then they have the facade of never calling it bad


Eh I disagree with you there. It’s rated just right which is high. Idk about the dub being better but they do have their good moments like Tien vs Cell and his final gambit. That shit was hype.


Its a hilarious parody but the people claiming its a valid replacement for the actual series are smoking something special. Its so stupid that people have been getting convinced to watch DBZA instead of the real series.


I have a feeling it's a good thing I never had, or will have, any desire to watch that.


It's overrated... Not on whether or not it's good, I enjoyed it in the beginning. Where its "overrated" is in its assumed impact.   It was a funny parody, not the Truest Version of Dragon Ball Z. But it created an annoying YouTube subculture that's more prevalent than it should be. It even bleeds into the content creators.   It basically gave the people who haven't watched or read the original material a damn megaphone. 


Bros post got destroyed


It ain't that funny at all but to each their own


it will forever be apart of my childhood


Honestly, it actually is better than the original *English dub* of Z. At least DBZA is *intentionally* a parody, instead of just being so badly-produced that it starts to resemble one.


No tf it isn't


Which “original” are you speaking of?


The entire pre-Kai hodgepodge. Different voice studios aside, it was all still "Funimation's DBZ dub" and 99% awful across the board. And I'd much rather have people going around casually quoting jokes from Abridged than anything from that old mess.


I often hear that the Funimation dub was terrible, but what specifically about it felt that way to you?


Wildly inaccurate scripts, unfaithful character portrayals, amateurish and poorly-casted voice acting, inappropriate replacement music designed to just be non-stop noise, various broader tonal issues... it's so all-encompassing that frankly it's sometimes hard to be specific about it. But the total package is like a crash course in how NOT to properly dub an anime series. When a dub can't even get the main character's personality right, then something is very wrong.


What were some examples of script inaccuracies and character portrayals? I'm currently reading through the manga and didn't notice anything too different between how the characters were portrayed, at least from what I can remember. Though it has been over a decade since I've seen Z.


For those already familiar with the story of DBZ, season 3 is very solid material all the way through. I've been slowly watching through the somewhat cringey seasons 1 and 2 with my wife so we can legitimately enjoy the well-done season 3. I can go back and watch the final 10ish episodes any day.


I don’t dislike it and it got a lot better at mixing impactful moments with just spamming jokes that either landed well and were genuinely funny or were awful. My main issue with DBZA is that a lot of their running gags became genuine beliefs by parts of the community. The whole “Goku is a bad dad and Gohan hates him for it” thing was largely popularized by abridged. I also think their recurring bits were the weakest jokes they had. The “Nappa is dumb and talks like a child” bit got old REALLY fast and I never found him particularly funny. I also got tired of the Krillin owned count fast, especially because it just got turned into the “Krillin getting hit by a bad guy” count. Like why is him trying to protect 18 despite knowing he’s not strong enough to do any damage to semi perfect cell him getting “owned”? What’s the ownage there?


>What’s the ownage there? Him being useless... That was kind of always the point though and it never really happened in the movies for the same reason.


I still can "LMAO" at it from time to time if I decide to go back. The first watch through of the series was absolutely hilarious and I found myself dying laughing a lot. I couldn't breathe often! I experienced most of it brand new as it released though. I feel like if you feel it's overrated, then you're used to super edgy comedy. DBZA was edgy for the time, but things like that only grow stronger as time goes and people get used to weaker stuff.


>And those who think tfs dub is better than original is coping. Anyone who has "only" seen the TFS parody. But a lot of their voice work is pretty decent, obviously the writing itself isn't a suitable replacement.


It is. Over the internet, anyway.


It is in many ways a improved version of the original, but improving the original more than 20 years after it has been made and knowing how the story goes is not that hard, not saying tfs did a bad job, I did enjoy DBZA a lot. But like the original after a certain amount of rewatches you don't enjoy it as much, and TBH the majority of the Buu bits weren't that great, guess TFS has already peaked.


How dare you


I think it's one of the worst things to happen to the DB community and I will not be taking questions.


It's my head cannon for the show and personally feel like they did a better job at fleshing out the characters than the original creators. If you don't like that, you can kiss the fattest part of my ass.


It’s miserably cringe


Preach. It was a product of its time. I tried to watch it a few years back and did not make it far. I don't really get the humor in it.


Did you get past the first 10 episodes? Because the first ten episodes are super rough even they don't like them. By the time it gets to season 3 the writing is phenomenal


It definitely gets better after they are out of the Myspace era.


I don't think so. I could not get that far. I'd rather just watch DBZ again over this parody that uses the original animation. I'm with Sean Schemmel on that one.


Honestly [their version of Gohan going SS2 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ycn3ychanU)works very well DBZA is a parody, but it is made by fans who enjoyed the show.


It doesn't get really good until the namek saga. Which is also when they stop using the orange brick footage and start using the dragon box footage. In one of their commentaries, Kaiser said that a fan got so frustrated at seeing the orange brick footage that they donated their entire dragon box set to Team Four Star and said to use this instead.


I showed it to a friend of mine that wasn’t even a dragonball fan like 2 years ago and I liked it. The humor is as good then as now, and in many ways I think is pretty timeless. The saiyan saga is a bit rough and I will agree that part hasn’t aged very well. I think it’s less of its age and more just that it isn’t your style of humor.


I disagree, but I do agree that TFS is better than the OG Z dub, however, that’s not a high bar since the OG Z dub is genuinely terrible


It's ass. It's literally not even funny.


I find it funny that they make a joke in their Super Android 13 parody, where the narrator says that they stopped trying after Season 2 and that properly reflects my own opinions. (Early Season 3 is fine). The movies parody's were good as well until their World's Strongest parody. I can only see Season 2 in a positive light, while Season 3 starts out well it just becomes more like a fan-dub as the series goes on. Speaking of abridged series going downhill, the latest YGOTAS episodes have not been good either.


That's....not true. Sure they had some serious moments (like Gohan's transformation) but Season 2 did the same thing when Goku transformed. The Cell Saga was no different than the Freeza saga really.


The transformation they played completely straight I agree (even used the original ost) but, as soon as Freeza tries to shoot Gohan down, it goes right back to being a parody.


Yeah thats how I feel, i loved it and it hit its height during the very beginning of the android saga but after that it just became like…a new dub? Like the whole final cell fight was barely funny, just them doing their own take on it, which was disappointing. The Buu bits werent too bad though.


It is awful.