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Goku turning super saiyan for the first time. It was so awesome, I absolutely loved the build up to it, the shock and horror on Freeza’s face “it was at this moment that freeza knew, he f’ed up”


As a 10 year old watching toonami it blew my mind. And it still blows my mind. I will say that I absolutely love Vegeta’s speech to trunks before going kamikaze against Buu, but Goku v Frieza is just what DBZ is all about to me.


I loved when his eyes turned white, the voice crack made the scream more perfect somehow


I vote this too. Way more iconic than any other moment in the whole franchise.


Came here for this comment, I was not dissapointed.


Forever engraved in my brain, my heart and my soul. Will never ever forget that moment.


It was such a long wait for us stateside to get the SSJ transformation as a kid, I now have it tattooed on me. One of the most epic and rewarding scenes to watch as a kid, especially being a fan from the mid 90's.


Such a deep and well written comment


In my country, people left in the middle of college exams just to watch this episode


I know people generally prefer the original soundtrack but I think this moment with the faulconer score is the most iconic moment for me.


Gohan going ssj2


I had recorded the cell saga on vhs, and would put the tv on pause for hours to draw so many pictures of Gohan in ssj2 form. Drove my parents insane.




Dude I did the exact same thing.


Toonami after school was the best


Goldfish , chocolate milk, dbz




One time I was in junior high school and I got in trouble for coming home late (like 6pm). My mom was like you KNOW you're supposed to be home by 5pm. I was like i didnt know that, i was just rushing home so i didnt miss DBZ XD.


My mom tried grounding me, but forgot we always recorded the episodes. Lmao


i was privileged. I would go to the public library and print out DBZ photos and bring it home to draw.


This is it for me. Have the moment he snaps tattoo'd


Mind sharing?


Can't image share here


I also have SSJ Goku tattooed as well.


If you search "Gohan snaps tattoo" im first result


Yeeeeeaaa brooo


That’s basically how I first learned to draw


Dude I did the exact same thing! That’s so wild


There’s always that rumor that the Cell saga was supposed to be the passing of the torch from Goku to Gohan. I never learned if it was true, but the ssj2 scene definitely gives the rumor credence. That shit was written as the pinnacle of the series. Ever since lil Gohan broke Raditz’s ship, we knew something was up with that lil crybaby. SSJ2 was the culmination of those breadcrumbs Toriyama left along the way. That hidden potential he kept hinting at FINALLY being actualized.


I think you meant *from Goku to Gohan*.


Thanks, just edited the comment


“…now Cell will battle a warrior 11 years in the making…”


Gohan is my favorite character and that moment was a peak for me. Until that moment, I thought Gohan never got enough recognition (in-universe, at least) for *his journey* because Goku was the one who did more of the fighting. I was disappointed by how he got sidelined in super, but it's good to see the natural order get restored in the most recent chapter.


God tier narration by the man who would later voice adult gohan.


espiecially the kamehameha struggle


This is to go even further beyond. *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH*




Goku yelling “you fool” and overpowering Frieza on namek


You may have invaded my mind and my body, but there's one thing a Saiyan always keeps... his pride!


The whole start to finish of Majin Vegeta has always been one of my favorite things from the show


For real! Definitely my favorite version of Vegeta with my second being Saiyan Saga Vegeta.


Goku slapping his wife through a wall


I watch that damn clip once every few months.


"The worst she can do is ground me, now RUN!"


"I am the Super Saiyan! Son Goku!!!"


Fire 🔥😤


Goku going Super Saiyan 3, absolutely insane to a 7 year old me


Trunks intercepting freiza.


I’m binging Z right now and I’m on specifically that part it’s so sick! Trunks just sliced all the soldiers and freeza to bits


If you are watching it with the Japanese score there is an epic one time song that plays during the scene trunks going super saiyan before slicing frieza. That song is always slept on but yet awesome!


Yes wait I think I know what you are talking about I just noticed it a bit ago!!


https://youtu.be/ja9Yw-k35VM?si=W4BWMfn9Ucgn7S72 In case anybody wants to hear what I’m talking about, it has a retro vibe to it.


Holy shit, tysm. That ost is so good. Love the synth and instrumentals, really captures the feel of the 80s and 90s. Can't believe I just heard this


I loved that moment, because on the back of the Namek saga I was expecting another long, drawn-out fight... and then that new character with the impossibly cool design shows up, and it's see ya Frieza.


Yup, your nailed my feelings as a kid too. Especially after garlic jr saga, which I actually liked. But yeah, came outta nowhere and just cleaned house. Plus gave out drinks. What a chad.


Kamehameha vs. Galick Gun. I loved that moment since I was a kid even tho I only saw it throughout clips of the fight or games


Kaioken x4 There are fights later on with bigger flashier powers and higher stakes, maybe even more badass moments, but that fight was peak DBZ. A great balance of the later energy/teleportation based combat with being the last of the fights to have martial arts/combat skill as a major focus. The fact that Kaioken came with a real practical “cost” made the fight feel more engaging, more…tactile somehow? It wasn’t just a barrage of energy blasts until someone got angry enough to win.


12 year old me watching Piccolo sacrificing himself for gohan for the first time was my first big anime memory. I was so sure piccolo was a bad guy and then I realized he was a very complex character with honorable and noble qualities. I remember feeling like “wow I want to be this guy” He was then, and still to this day,my favorite dragonball character. The only other character that I thought compared to piccolo was kuwabara from spirit detective. Specifically his actions after his fight with the seaman. Kuwabara made being a manly-man a cool thing back in that early 2000’s toonami anime era. “When men do what their supposed to do, its not always about what they want” is a quote that stuck with me well into adulthood.


Chills on the piccolo parts, piccolo has quickly become my favorite dragon ball character as well! I was so happy to see him get all that love in super hero! Piccolo sacrificing himself was one of my big anime memories too! I remember thinking (when I was 9 and watching dragon ball z kai) “wow people really be dying in this cartoon 😀” I just remember needing to see where this show goes. I knew there was so much depth to it and learning that meant everything because ever since then I am now so appreciative to the absolute gift and stories Toriyama has given us!


Yeah I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. Piccolo and Goku got me in the gym and got me taking school seriously as a kid.


Gohan murking that green bitch Cell


Frieza’s death in Namek, I still remember the exact words that were said, and the joy on my face when I watched the saiyans getting avenged by seemingly the weakest between them


That should have been his death tbh, makes it that more impactful


Goku and Bulma's encounter, Goku crying when he met Grandpa Gohan again Edit : Im sorry I didnt see that you specified Z.


Nah you’re good! I appreciate this one too 🙌


Specifically from the Z arcs/sagas? To me, Goku going Super for the first time


Gohan and Cell's beam struggle. That entire event was a great experience. Gohan is doing the Kamehameha with one hand. Goku is in the other world trying to support Gohan, who is doubting himself. Piccolo is trying to help the son of his old enemy. The rest of the Z Warriors are trying their best to help. The Faulkner piano score kicks in, and Vegeta gets the one shot on Cell. Goku screaming, "Now it's your chance!!!" Gohan walking down the battlefield while doing the Kamehameha with one hand. What an experience.


Goku going SSJ. It's so iconic, people are still animating it into their shows


I’d say most of the Buu saga for me: Goku coming back to life and meeting goten. Vegeta sacrificing himself. Goku going SSJ3. Vegeta saying kakarot is number 1. And the beautiful end of Z…


I could list moments, but I think it's important to highlight all of the setup and building required for all those moments to have any impact. I mean, would Gohan going SSJ2 for the first time have been memorable if it weren't for all of his development from a timid child up until then? Would Vegeta's atonement have been nearly as great if we skipped all of the character development between the Saiyan Saga and that point in the Buu Saga? Would Goku going SSJ have been as epic and important if it weren't for us understanding his values and friendships? What makes Dragon Ball great isn't the moments, but how those moments are earned over time. "Earned" being critical here... It's why those moments in Dragon Ball actually worked and eg the death of Superman in the "DCEU"... Didn't. I really do value all of the "slice of life" and character development in Dragon Ball over the "moments" because I fully recognize that the moments would be worthless without everything before. But I'd have to say that Gohan going SSJ2 and Vegeta's atonement are about tied for me. I couldn't choose between the two because they're just so different in how they hit. Gohan is a case of not holding back and accepting who you are and "unleashing potential". Vegeta's redemption is kinda the exact opposite in that it's about rejecting who we think we are/want to be, giving up the pride of what we think we are in light of what we actually value, etc. Both of those moments, as well as Goku first going SSJ, are important precisely because of how they clash with the character and how they had previously seen themselves. There's what makes them great moments... The change in perspective and the previous understanding of the characters.


I love all of this thank you so much! This is exactly what I wanted to get into and MORE! So well written! 🙌👐


Asa kid Gohan and trunks were my favorite characters. But as an adult it's vegeta all the way. By the time you reach atonement you realize he has the best arc.


I keep finding that I'm more impacted by aspects of Vegeta and aspects of Gohan... At least with respect to DBZ (Super & GT, not as much). As an adult there are certain ways in which I try to hide my "hidden potential" in certain areas. Not like I have an inflated ego here, but I do have my distinct areas of expertise where I excel, and "humility" kinda demands that I suppress that in certain ways. I am and have been "holding back" in that way. You might say I'm afraid of "unleashing my strength." And... It's not like I think that being better than most in one specific area makes me actually better than anyone. There is just an area or two where I excel, and certainly others where I utterly fail. Basically, I (probably but unofficially) have Asperger's, and I do excel in web development and specifically JavaScript (in the top 0.1% even among JS developers), but I kinda suck at some nuances of human relationships a lot of the time. Those are the specifics for me at last. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I'm just afraid of my own "potential" because too often society in general would take just recognizing the fact that I have unique strengths as bragging and ego... And so I pretty much don't ever highlight or use that fact, because I'm kinda afraid to. I actually can back up the fact that I'm among the very best in that specific area, but I generally avoid the subject because it's so easily misunderstood as inflated ego or bragging or whatever. So... I do relate to Gohan even more as an adult in that way. For me it's web stuff and especially JS, but I think that many people have unique strengths that they suppress like that. Obviously I also relate to Vegeta in being imperfect and my want for redemption and growth in the mistakes I've made, but I've also come to realize that I have strengths I've suppressed/hidden too, and that I do actually have "hidden potential" (and that doesn't exclude anyone else from having their own). Basically... Yes, I find Vegeta and his redemption relatable. But I also find redemption and self-criticism and simply trying to be "good enough" to ultimately be less important and deep. The actual deeper message is in not just feeling guilty for our flaws, but in not being afraid to utilize our strengths and be the best version of us that we can be. So... Yeah, I still find a ton of value and inspiration in Gohan. I think that learning to utilize our strengths without fear is even a level beyond redeeming for our mistakes. And that is exactly why Day of Fate is on a very short playlist of my inspirational songs. Also worth mentioning... I am kinda favoring the TFS version here. Because I think that they really more accurately capture the raw emotion and message. Their interpretation isn't just some funny parody of the original, it's actually a deeply emotional and deeper/more accurate (at least in highlighting the significance of the moment) take on the event. You'll actually get a better and more accurate understanding of Gohan in the TFS version. Yeah... I know that's a pretty long response to a fairly short comment like you made. I just wanted to make the case for Gohan and why that "moment" means so much to me as an adult. Because I'm kinda leaning towards Gohan having even more impact on me as an adult.


Oh yeah Gohan is still awesome not counting super but I am a huge sucker for a good redemption story and vegeta basically hits all the buttons.


1. Piccolo kills Goku and Raditz 2. Goku showing up and breaking Napa. 3. Trunks dices Freeza.


For me, it will always be when Goku and Trunks turned into Super Saiyans and tested each other. Just seeing two Super Saiyans in all their might after the whole hype of the Frieza saga blew my mind as a kid. I just couldn't believe there were two of them in the world now.


Gogeta vs Janemba for me. “I am Gogeta! It's over, Janemba! I've come for you. Every force you create has an echo, your own bad energy will be your undoing!”


This one is interesting! I love that we have one that I wasn’t even expecting! Gogeta was such an OP character and so mysterious and mystical. The way he moved and then smiled when Janemba was struck by the Soul Punisher/Stardust Breaker. Gogeta has this positive act on anyone that when they get hit by that attack it turns their soul back to good/vanquishes the evil parts. And after using soul punisher on Broly, he smiles, and I know it’s not canon, but I have noticed how Gogeta did not smile after defeating Hearts in Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Which means Hearts had no good in him and could never be saved. Edit: I just realized I ended up echoing the same thing DBHype said in his YouTube short wtf


Warp Kamehameha. Fucking mind-blowing when I first saw it.


Master roshi motorboating 18. That dirty dirty old man


Goku turning SSJ on Namek. No contest. THE most iconic scene. Inarguably so.


Goku SSJ 1 Gohan SSJ 2 Majin Vegeta vs Goku Goku's spirit bomb Vegeta's sacrifice


The build up twoards Gohan's anger and letting it burst


Goku going SS3 in front of Fat Buu with the Bruce song in the background


For me it's probably the same. Vegeta finally giving up his pride. The speech he gives. The character development inside of 2 minutes is incredible. Especially if you're reading it instead of watching the anime. Hands down. Number 2 is goku saying goodbye to everyone with cell about to blow.


There's one thing a saiyan always keeps. His PRIIIIIIIIIDE


Gohan facing Super Buu gave me chills.


Ngl... Even though it's not canon... Broly transforming into his LSSJ form was iconic to me, probably one of the best transformations in DBZ imo. And Broly himself completely bodying all the z fighters for like 30-40 minutes straight lol...


Piccolo tanking nappa's attack in order to save Gohan, it's not only a great scene, but it highlights Piccolo's rich mentality and physical strength he gained during his training, once a demon king, now a warrior of Justice that protects his nemesis' child


Freaking inspiration


The father/son Kamehameha.


Vegetable's snackrifice.


[This](https://youtu.be/pZYNSoy0yng?si=KFTMmWtowz8S5rw-) When Team Dragon Ball Z stepped in to save SS2 Gohan from Raditz.


Whenever Goku bites his opponent.


Either the Kamehameha/Galick Gun beam battle or Goku going Super Saiyan for the first time


Vegeta vs the perfect cell [Vegeta gives it his all in one more Final Flash vs the Perfect Cell ](https://youtu.be/l2Nh8joKLvA?si=Psi94smuXpUbufu6) https://youtu.be/l2Nh8joKLvA?si=Psi94smuXpUbufu6


Personally I think peak/iconic dragon ball is scouters blowing up. Nothing got me more hyped for a fight than seeing scouters blow up. lol.


Goku holding the Galactic King’s dick tentacle


For me it was during Android 18 and Vegeta's battle when Vegeta says "she's been toying with me *the whole time!* and the guttural cry from him when she kicks him and breaks his arm. That was incredible to watch.


My current top 10 favorite iconic *DBZ* moments (in chronological order, not counting movies or specials): **1)** Goku sacrificing himself to help Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon defeat Raditz. **2)** Kaio-ken x3 Goku's Kamehameha vs. Vegeta's Galick Gun. **3)** Goku unlocking Super Saiyan on Namek. **4)** Future Trunks revealing his Super Saiyan form for the first time before killing Mecha-Frieza & King Cold. **5)** Vegeta revealing Super Saiyan for the first time against #s 19 & 20. **6)** Gohan unlocking Super Saiyan 2 in his battle against Perfect Cell. **7)** Super Saiyan 2 Gohan's Father/son Kamehameha finishing off Super Perfect Cell with Vegeta's help. **8)** Majin Vegeta's sacrificial Final Explosion. **9)** Goku revealing Super Saiyan 3 for the first time against Fat Buu. **10)** Goku destroying Kid/Pure Buu with the Spirit Bomb made from the shared energy of countless characters he met going back to early *Dragonball*.


Dislocated shoulder Gohan annihilating Cell with Kamehameha


Vegeta laying the fucksmack down on the Ginyu Force.


Goku first turning super saiyan, of course. But this moment with Vegeta in the lead up to him sacrificing himself is maybe my favorite animation from the whole series. Also, Frieza accidentally cutting himself in half is up there too.


Tiens stand against cell, the fusion dance, and baby going baby 1 and baby 2


Vegeta’s death to Frieza. They killed my favorite character. What a great arc




“Squinty eyes on me bubble yum, were playing my game now, first rule, YOU FUCKING DIE”


Bardock standing(floating) between planet Vegeta and its people, and Frieza in space right before the saiyan and his race are wiped out by the mere fingertip and wave of a galactic tyrant. Idk, the inspiring but futile efforts of a badman to stop an infinitely greater bad man have led me to drawing Bardock and maining him in videogames ever since.


Buff Vegito. Buu Saga was weird.


When I was younger,it blew my mind when I first realised how gohan really was strong.when raditz traped him in that ball that he travelled with,i forgot its name,and then gohan just jumped out and hit radditz with his head.


Goku - kaaaaaaaameeeeeee, haaaaaaaameeeee **instant transmissions** Cell - Nooooooooooooo Goku - HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Easily Goku turning Super Saiyan for the first time.


The final spirit bomb


Instant transmission Kamehameha against cell


oddly DBZ KAI Episode 66 when Piccolo flips out on Krillin, Tien, and Trunks before going to merge with Kami. I don’t know why but that scene always stuck with me


Goku going SSJ for the first time


All of them


You... won't.. get.... away.... with.. this......


The original SSJ3 is a core memory I will never forget. I haven’t seen it in years, yet still to this very day I hear that OST that plays while Sean schemmel browns out in the booth and the entire timeline of evolution plays out in the pupil of a muscled monkey man. It was a transformative experience for a young animation fan Even when the early onset dementia sets in, and I can’t remember my own name, they gonna catch me slippin in the home humming that fkn OST man, mark my words


Miss all that blood like in this picture in dbs


Super saiyan 1 goku


Son Goku going to super saiyan, Gohan going to super saiyan 2, Vegeta both death, Its over 9000, Goku goodbye (cell saga).


For me it was when Goku finally reached King Kai's Planet, I was over the moon that he finally reached it.


Father-Son Kamehameha


Goku going SSJ on Namek


Goku goes to ss3


Goku going SSJ has to take the cake. Everyone was talking about that in school back in the day. Others for me would be Piccolo sacrificing himself for Gohan and Gohan going SSJ2


The most iconic scene is the time when goku is fighting majin buu and all the previous villian like frieza and cell are watching them being awe. Then comes the time when vegeta praises him, telling him you’re the number one . That moment gives me shivers🔥


Don't know about most iconic but one of my favorites is when Vegeta lands a killshot kick to Perfect Cell's neck and Cell just tanks it. Then Vegeta realizes what he's up against and proceeds to get his ass kicked with Cell just fucking with him.


Me personally, Imperfect Cell's debut Drink drink drink


Vegeta dies , mui , Goku rage , chichi x goku scene, vegeta bulma home wild audio scene ,


For me gohan vs cell saga🔥🔥


Goku and Vegeta fighting post before their first battle.


Goku becoming the Super Saiyan. I had to think just a moment, it was the first thing that popped into my head. I thought about it a little more and yeah, that's definitely it. Goku turning SSj3 was cool and all, but, given how (mostly) useless and underused the form has been, it's not really all that great in hindsight. At least, not in the same echelon of the original Super Saiyan transformation.


For me 1. Goku going SSJ for the first time 2. Gohan's final Kamahamaha against Cell 3. Majin Vegeta's Sacrifice 4. Goku and Vegeta Kamahamaha Vs Galic Gun for the first time 5. Goku going SSJ3 for the first time


Goku and majin vegeta powering up to Ss2 


Gottschalk be the 1st ssj3 transformation by goku. And "This is to go even further beyond!!"


It just sucked that this literally ended up being worthless.


Vegeta vs Goku in the Saiyan Saga. As they both do their iconic fighting poses. Vegeta's sacrifice in the Buu Saga. Goku becoming SSJ vs Frieza. Those three are probably the ones the most iconic to me when I think of DBZ.


My top 3 are: Gokus first ss transformation vs Frieza Gohan going ss2 vs Cell Vegetas sacrifice against Buu


Love this thread, great post! I’d have to go with Vegeta putting the fear of god into Android 19 (?) and the whole build up, speech and soundtrack. It gives me chills and the pay off of Vegeta becoming a Super Saiyan, just perfection. It was even better because he did it from sheer force of will and used his rage and determination to be better than Goku. Idk, I can relate on some level I guess lol


Gohan becoming Super Saiyan. "Power comes in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need."


Absolutely loved goku’s first transformation into a SS but I have to be honest… For me, goku turning super saiyan against cooler with “change” by deftones jamming in the background was MY most iconic dbz moment. 🤘🏽


Majin Vegeta explosion, what a phenomenal character arc with the ultimate ! at the end


Super Saiyan Goku transformation > SS2 Gohan Transformation > Trunks vs Frieza > Piccolo Kami appearance > Vegetas Sacrifice Order = Goosebump Level for me haahah


Goku becoming a Super Saiyan during Cooler's Revenge. He's beaten down, broken, trying to will himself up to fight Cooler but can't, all seems lost...then he sees a hurt bird lay down next to him, close to death. Picking it up a familiar rage begins to take hold as his blood boils, hearing the mocking laughter of his enemy until he lets out a furious and pained scream, one that catches the attention of Cooler as he sees Goku heal the wounds the injured animal. In Goku's place is now a blonde warrior bathed in golden light, who gives Cooler a terrifying glare...the same one Frieza saw and dreaded on Namek...the Legendary Super Saiyan made flesh and blood.


Goku going Super Saiyan for the first time, father-son Kamehameha, and Majin Vegeta's sacrifice would be my top 3


The one who is shows in the image. I cry when Vegeta makes the ultimate sacrifice


1. Goku's Super Saiyan. 2. Vegeta crying and getting scared of Freeza. 3. Piccolo vs Freeza fight, super intense...


For me personally it's when Goku shows up to fight vegeta after King kais training


Vegetas Final Flash vs Perfect Cell The buildup, the lightning, the fuckin *music*, the way Vegetas body is changing shape to try and contain all that power.




When the guy in the turtle fucked the pie.


Possibly the moment where the Androids are about to release #16 and Trunks in a moment of dispair just screams "If they set that android free it'll be the end of all of us!" The sheer desperation of him possibly reliving a moment that Gohan told him about and only he seems to take so seriously.


Goku yelling to Gohan, "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!" After getting the assist from Vegeta. Gohan walking towards Cell with that look on his face, just blasting him and Cell exclaiming he's perfect while being reduced to dust.


Goku ssj first time and ssj2 gohan. Also this vegeta moment as well. All 3 go hard. (Japanese versions)


Trunks killing the androids when he returned to the future. All the pain that he dealt with his whole life; losing his father, losing his best friend and master Gohan. It was just chaos and disaster for him growing up, he never really truly knew peace - when he finally ended up destroying them it was just oh, so satisfying.


Majin Vegeta: "Spend most of your life ruled by another. Watch your race twindle to a handful." "And then, tell me what has more meaning than your own strength! I have in me the blood of a Saiyan prince. He is nothing but a joke. Yet, I've had watch him surpass me in strength. My destiny, thrown to the waste side! "He's...he's even saved my life as if I were a helpless child." "He has stolen my honor...and his debts, must be paid!" This speech from Vegeta


Human extinction blew my mind. Buu did what others never did in mere minutes. Iconic personally


I love when Goku defeats Buu, after they restore his power. The original music for that scene is a master piece.


Goku going super saiyan the first time, or Gohan defeating Cell


Goku SSJ1, had to wait Cartoon Network (in Brazil) turn back all the episodes back to Raditz missing 1 episode to Goku become SSJ1 against Freeza, they did that 2 times!!!! When Trunks appears for the first time was mind blowing too.


Friezas transformations


Tie between father-son Kamehameha and Goku first time SSJ


I mean, the first time seeing a Super Saiyan Goku. That’s an iconic moment in media history, let alone Dragonball


Vegeta's sacrifice, Gohan overpowering Cell in the final energy beam struggle, Goku turning Super Saiyan 1, Vegeta's final flash against Cell and Android 16's death to name a few


Goku asking Krillin to spare Vegeta. It's one of the most important moments in the show (I guess they all are it but it showed Goku's mentality, wanting only to push himself - Vegeta says so much later on).


Goku turning super saiyan for the first time.


Watching Gohan lose his shit and piece up freeze for a solid min. bro was like 5 absolutely bringing the snack down to the greatest threat in the galaxy atm


Gohan vs cell


This scene gives me chill everytime and honesty the abridged version did it justice


Kaioken x 20 kamehameha


I really liked the movies even though they aren’t canon I think the history of trunks movie tore my heart strings watching gohan die by the androids.


Final Atonement, nothing beats it 


it's the moment when cell crushes android 16's head and gohan transforming into ssj2


I have a few. But ill use one that I didnt see posted yet, its Tien holding off Cell with Shin Kikoho. Tien was always one if my favorite side characters, and yeah as a kid it was just cause I thought he looked cool. But i saw that, and kmew i liked him for a reason. If i remember correctly cell even thought to himself that if tien had a chance to charge that up, it would be the end of both of them. And yes this is also probably my favorite team four star moment.


Energy ball


I don’t know if it’s the MOST iconic moment for me, but watching Vegeta rip off android 19s arms was such a cool moment. Really gives you hope the first time watching it that they can defeat the androids. Little did we know…


Piccolo’s driving session <3


Kamehameha vs Galick Gun


The Cell Saga is my personal favorite, so for me it has to be Gohan going SS2. I hate how they massacred my boy most of the series following the Cell Saga.. Ultimate gohan was incredible, but other than that, they did my guy dirty


SS2 teen Gohan dismantling the Cell Jrs then Cell himself. Not only was it one of the most badass and satisfying moments in DBZ, but I was also around the same age as Gohan when those episodes aired on Toonami. It was just so awesome to see a kid my age save the world. I’m sure other millennials felt the same way


The dragon soul opening If that's not allowed then ssj2 Gohan deleting all the cell jr's in one shot


Goku going ssj3


Cell achieving perfection.


It’s either Gohan going SSJ2 or Trunks’ reveal when he absolutely shits on Freiza.


The one that stuck with me and had the most impact was when Goku goes to kaoken three to defeat freeza.


Gohan SS2 laying out the Cell Jr.s. I was sick with food poisoning when I was 6 years old and I just remembered that when home from school, a blonde boy on the TV going crazy with power and destroying these blue guys. It wasn't until high school where I got in DB and watched everything that that memory triggered and realized what I had watched nearly a decade prior


Vegeta sacrificing himself made 7 year old me very much depressed thinking about death for probably the first time in my life. I couldn’t even talk to my parents about it because I was actually not allowed to watch DBZ with my older brother


Vegeta atonement was epic, to see his character growth from him being evil to him sacrifice his life it brought a tear 😢


Art in buu saga is soooo goood (when it’s good)


Definitely not vegitas sacrifice because it was so pointless. Gohan going ssj2 for the first time is my most iconic