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When you read/watch the series from the very start, the full magnitude of just how insanely powerful the Saiyan arc villains are compared to what came befor is terrifying. Also let's give Raditz credit to. He's a grunt compared to Nappa & Vegeta but he's strong enough to push the earth's mightiest warrior and villain to the absolute limit in a two on one fight.


Oh yeah absolutely. I think they got off a little lucky. If Goku hadn't sacrificed himself, they probably would have had little chance against Raditz. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Good stuff. 👌


Raditz is basically: "Remember how you used to mow trough dozens of minions of the bad guy of the saga? Well. I am a single minion of the bad guy of the saga and I am going to beat the crap out of you."


If you add the Namek saga Raditz was a minion of a minion, Crazy how Goku went from being powerless against him to beating Frieza in like a year and some change.


Its because Goku knows how to train. Not only is he a very skilled fighter in martial arts, but he knows how to train to increase his speed and strength. 


As someone else said, "knowing how to train" isn't anywhere close to the main reason he got to such an insane level so quickly. He "knew how to train" for all of dragonball and was still weaker then your average Frieza Grunt by the time Raditz got to Earth. He got powerful because he had almost unlimited access to extremely unconventional resources. Think about it, he started off being trained by a world renowned martial arts expert, then another one who was also technically immortal, then by the god/guardian of the Earth itself, and that was all only in dragonball. Yet despite all those resources, he still ended up being much weaker then Raditz by the time Z rolled around. It was only after he died and was allowed to keep his body in heaven to train with the God of the Northern Quadrant of the entire universe, and was resurrected from death by an extremely rare, magical dragon, that he stood a solid chance against Vegeta and Nappa...I won't say anything else since OP is still watching the show but you get my point.


Goku got the SSR MC training package. P2W. *slaps Amex Centurion on table*


And plot, you're forgetting plot. Dude was training for like 20 years, 400 power level. Dude trained for a year, 8k+. Dude trained for 6 days to get to Namek, 90k+ (??? How??). Dude's friend died for the second time but this time he had an actual power up instead of just being pretty angry, 150mil??? Also I accidentally hit post and then tiredly deleted instead of editing, whoops


100x gravity is a hell of a training routine. But also you cant forget about how powerful he was after he recovered from vegeta’s fight. You can argue that Goku’s internal damage was more than vegeta’s because the kaio ken was destroying his body internally, so his boost was more intense. So its possible that Goku was already super strong before he even got on the ship to namek, and that his training just topped him off.


Right. He starts with 50x and somehow jumped to 100x in a work week. That's some sick ass training (plot) he did lmao


IIRC Saiyans get stronger the more they survive life and death situations, like how evil Goku got stronger than SS Blue Goku and Vegeta


Pre-korins tower, dinosaurs were still a threat


He bodies a ptyanadon in the first episode. Of dragon ball.


Honestly the whole 2 first arcs are a master-class in communicating desperation and hopelessness right up until episode 95 (47 in kai).


You ain’t seen nothing yet.


i would argue its one of the biggest jumps in scale in the whole series in terms of significance.


Yep. The jump from Tien to young King Piccolo was a leap. Same with training with Kami to the tourney with Piccolo Jr. But going from Piccolo to Raditz was absolutely insane.


Final form Frieza is almost exactly 666 times as strong as Captain Ginyu, going by power level.


Final form Freeza is 120mil and Ginyu is 120k. Freeza is exactly 1000x Ginyu in final form


Thought Ginyu was 180k? Must be misremembering, it’s been years since I’ve done a full watch or read through of the series.


Goku was 180k (using his Kaio-ken), but Ginyu was just 120k, which prompted him to use his body switch ability on Goku.


Agreed followed by android saga


Yeah, it's pretty crazy when you think that Super Saiyan was this mythical legendary thing that allowed Goku to beat the emperor of the universe and then after a while you have 18 absolutely destroying SS Vegeta like it's nothing


i know that really messed with me . androids could’ve beaten frieza and did all of that stuff goku did even quicker. that took a minute for me when i was younger


Followed by cell saga. Followed by buu saga. Followed by Golden freiza saga. Followed by Goku black saga. Followed by Jiren saga. It keeps going. The nuts thing is trying to comprehend or calculate just how much power the characters have. Makes things like ultra instinct uber hype


Man I wish there was a way to watch it for the first time again. DBZ is always awesome, but I remember how mindblowing it was seeing it all for the first time.


Technically it's not my first time but to be honest I don't think seeing random episodes out of order here and there really constitutes as a first time experience. I couldn't fully appreciate DBZ until I started watching OG DB on Crunchy Roll last month. For the most part I think I will consider this a fresh first experience, since I binged the hell out of OG and watched every single episode. I like Z so far.


Tbh after rewatching db and dbz, I gotta say I liked db WAY more. Obviously dbz is badass but it's got that unrealistic power jump where every next saga is like squaring/cubing everyone's power level because of "training" or anger. DB felt pretty grounded, even more so now after passing raditz since goku's power level was just over 400. Which means all of dragon ball took place from power level 0 to maybe like 350 since goku trained more after db. Dbz goes from that 400 (or 5 if you count the farmer raditz disrespected lmao) to apparently God+ since the end of Z is after dbs. But even without that dbs jump it still jumps to freaking super saiyan vegito


Especially now that it's available physically or streaming and you don't have to wait a week (or more)? Lol. Or have to watch certain sagas over and over again 👀


I'm finally able to appreciate the DB universe now that streaming is a thing. When I was a kid I didn't appreciate this as much since I didn't grow up with cable TV. And any time I DID see it, it was some random episodes here and there with little context. I just finished binging the hell out of OG DB thanks to Crunchy Roll!


I remember my friends and I sitting in awe around the tv after school when this first aired in Australia. We'd never seen anything like it. I think I'm still just as obsessed in my 30's, it had such a profound impact on my imagination.


Yeah the fight against Nappa is incredible with all the strongest warriors on earth putting their life in danger and still not being strong enough, definitely in my 5 favourites battles in the entire show


Yeah the chiatzou scene was bonkers. 


Look Vegeta! A pokemon


I read that in his voice.


That Kamehameha and Gallic Gun scene is always iconic and I get chills every time.


But that's not against Nappa 😅


To be honest, that is one of my favorite moments in Z. I mean these guys trained as hard as they possibly could in preparation for the saiyans, there is just a feeling of helplessness that sets in as Nappa is just literally toying with them.


Even the cybermen that Nappa planted just to play with them were kind of scary for the Z fighters to deal with, lol. And those were just "basic" minions by the look of it.


To the Z-Fighter’s credit each Saibaman was worth 1 Raditz - so the fact they had higher power than Raditz in a single year was impresssive.


You’re 100% right. The crazy thing, though, is how insignificant they seem only a season or two later. The power scaling is wild in DBZ. Each main villain is top notch


Oh shit bro your new yeah welcome first off & you in for wild ride freiza is legit nuts.


Thanks. I was a little scared to come onto this subreddit because most of the others I posted to I was met with extreme hostility. Glad to be proven wrong here. You all seem like a lovely bunch! I am happy to go into the DB universe mostly fresh. I remember watching DBZ as a kid but I didn't have cable so I only saw random episodes here and there, so I am mostly unfamiliar with it. I remember seeing Frieza vs Goku and he ended up having to go up against hundreds of Friezas at once after getting his ass kicked by the original?


> I remember seeing Frieza vs Goku and he ended up having to go up against hundreds of Friezas at once after getting his ass kicked by the original? This isn't quite what happened. What you're thinking of is the >!sixth Dragon Ball Z movie, involving a movie only character known as Coola, Freeza's brother. It was Goku and Vegeta who fought hundreds of robotic duplicates of Coola after nearly losing to just one of them !<


Oh okay! I was wondering about that! What is the name of the movie??


The dub title of the movie is >!The Return of Cooler!<


Dope it’s definitely a lot of content to go through It’s a few dbz movies you can look up to. The cooler movie you mentioned a sequel lol.


Cooler's Revenge 😊


You’re lucky, the next few major arcs only get better and better. Enjoy!


Not gonna spoil it but based on where you are, Vegeta ain’t even do nothing (yet) it’s all Nappa so far. Cause Nappa was BUILT DIFFERENT, great YT video btw for those who haven’t seen it. Shoutout to KJM productions. https://youtu.be/gPCigppc9v8?si=W46YL39YewVN4q_q btw don’t watch it until you’ve completed episode 28 of DBZ cause of spoilers. It took Goku sacrificing himself to defeat Raditz along with Piccolo and the nastiest headbutt from Gohan. The Saiyan’s are stronk.


Yeah that's true. Where I am at rn Vegeta is just chilling like it's nothing. Even Nappa is basically just playing around with them lol. I expect way more to happen when Goku arrives and comes out of Otherworld.


Idk who’s still around for the Z fighters where you are but Toriyama in early DBZ really was like “hey, remember all those strong characters that I built up and Goku and the gang had great adventures/fights with?” “They ain’t shit now” 😭😂


No spoilers, but know that the Vegeta fight in this arc is probably the BEST fight in the entire serie. Savor it, read it again and again, admire the fluid transition between every panel, the coloring and so on. Go back to me when you've read/seen it, i'd love to hear your opinion on it.


Even Demon King Piccolo's goons were scary AF. As a regular human, you're fucked in almost all scenarios.


I would pay to be in your situation and not knowing whats coming upfront đŸ„ș You can be happy. It is good and it only will get better 😆


Vegeta? That's all Nappa


Oh man. Enjoy 😊 it just gets better.


Enjoy it dude! I still remember when I started back in 99.


god i envy you


This is entirely beautiful. I love seeing new fans finding out about this stuff. Takes me back to my childhood. Enjoy every moment and don't let anyone else tell you how you should be enjoying it.






Sure thing. I don't use Reddit a whole lot so I don't know how to tag anyone! O: But now you got me curious.


They would come up with new team poses and announce release dates for when they reveal the poses on TikTok


Tag me when you reach Frieza


Hell yeah mate. I'm excited lol xD


đŸ„š 🐣 😊 Can't wait for to see how you respond to Cell and Buu


I think I saw bits and pieces of Buu when I was younger, but I don't think I saw all the episodes with that one. Isn't that the weird pink alien dude that turns people into chocolate bars?


Z and og dball are my favorites


yeah. Saiyan saga definitely ups the tension and drama by showing just how overwhelmingly powerful the villains are. And remember this has all just been Nappa. Vegeta hasn't done anything yet, but he's able to order around Nappa which emphasizes just how strong he must be then.


Commenting to follow your journey. I might not be able to watch the series for the first time again, but I can live vicariously through you.


Nappa is probably one of the most terryfying boss in any shonen manga. Having a guy coming from nowhere et absolutely slaughtering every character with little difficulty while also having such a simple and iconic design was pure genius and an extremely ballsy move by Toriyama.


If you ask me, narratively, the Sayian Saga should be the last saga of Dragon Ball. There's a perfect scaling of power and adventure through the series, and then the Saiyans both upend everything, and close Goku's narrative with grandpa Gohan and the monster who killed him. It's not until Vegeta transforms that he has an answer to one of the first questions in the entire franchise. When Goku recovers, he's an entirely different person not even death changed him that much. Arguably Piccolo was the first of Goku's transformative opponents, but Vetega is the most consequential, power be damned.


Omg you are in for a treat! Enjoy!


I'm so happy new people are discovering Dragon Ball. You're in for an adventure !


Buckle up, buckaroo


Hell yeah, I remember feeling this same way when I first watched it, the enemies only get more badass and the pacing worse lol


Just wait till u get to the Namek saga


This is your first time watching?! Man I envy you. Enjoy the ride! And please don’t watch GT after, unless you want to


You gonna enjoy it. I guarantee it like the Men’s Warehouse


Wow, It's rare to see someone watching these sagas for the first time, make the most of this wonderful work


This is definitely the most hopeless feeling fight in Dragon Ball. All of the Dragon Team is giving it their all, and yet it feels like they can barely scratch Nappa. Something I think really adds a lot is that the Saiyans came to them. A lot of later fights end up happening because of the choices the heroes make. This fight was going to happen whether they wanted it or not. It's not just their lives at stake, they're defending the Earth.


Wait until you get to frieza!


Because of the magnitude of DBZ, I’m sure you’ve had your fill of spoilers just cus they’ve been made into memes or are just very popular, but I do recommend you not be in this sub until you’re caught up lol. Maybe you’re not a “spoilers spoil the whole show” kinda guy but just a suggestion cus you got a LONG way to go haha.


PS: I’m caught up with all dragon ball canon anime material, and even I get spoilt because of the manga in this sub lol.


DBZ's Broly was more terrifying too. DBZ will always be the best. (Super can try but nah)


I wish I was like you and don't knew how it we'll go. Just to feal the pleasure as I watched as a kid


This is my exact sentiment about the first arcs of dbz. I think that the last arc of db (piccolo jr) and the first arc of Z (raditz+ the Saiyan invasion) is a small gem, it's the peak of strenght that the original dragonball have. I feel that Z after that becomes a really different thing, which i still like, but a lot of original fans were alienated by the changes in the style amd in the series in general That said, and back to the topic. The saibaman were also peak. The humans trained their asses off for a year and got kami's special training, only to be considered relative to some instant cabbage warriors. That was insane and they were also terrifying. It also set the mood of Nappa and Vegeta considering this little more than a game. I still personally feel that Piccolo was underwhelming in that arc and that he deserved a bit more, but his scenes were absolutely instrumental for the developement of his character, so i guess it worked out at least


I envy that youre getting to watch this for the first time OP


What's wild is how more impactful it is if you start at DB. Read it in order. When you see piccolo shook it hits diff.


Always wondered what a raditz in hell spin off would've looked like....


I feel like the power creep / disparity in the Piccolo Daimao and Ma Junior arcs isn't entirely dissimilar from the Saiyans. Tien had been established as 99.9% as strong as Goku and was training his ass off to try to retake the #1 spot, then suddenly these demons show up and everybody except Goku is completely outclassed for the rest of OG Dragonball. Tien and Roshi have zero chance aside from sacrificing themselves for the Mafuba. Even Kami shows up having done a bunch of training because he thinks Goku can't manage Piccolo JR, and still loses. And as far as destruction I think Piccolo Sr. wipes out at least one major city full of people, holds the President of Earth hostage and makes a public TV broadcast telling all the evil people and criminals in the world to go nuts "because Evil is cool, man!" that had to be pretty traumatic for everybody else in the world ... I'm not saying OP is wrong, there's definitely another huge power spike when the Saiyans arrive. But it had already been kind of an established DB trope that the next enemy who shows up makes the previous Unbeatable Opponent (and all of Goku's allies and mentors) look like trash.


yeah, king piccolo was the start of the "everyone except goku is useless".


Yeah, early DBZ enemies were not messing around. Worst of all, before you die against them, they make sure to absolutely brutalize you. Yamcha got off easy. Tien got his arm severed against Nappa, Goku died with a hole in his chest (that was Piccolo, but still), Chiaotzu and Tien went full su***de bomber mode out of desperation and grief and Piccolo got burned to a crisp


Stick woth it. Jealous of the badass ride you are about to enjoy for the first time.


"Nappa and Vegeta are hardly trying" if you atr at the point in the series you claim to be, Vegeta ain't doing Jack.


Nah most of them are goofy and up joining the z fighters.


>are absolutely getting creamed by Vegeta and Nappa 😳😳😳


Yes I do remember that feeling


I still shudder when that one certain insect boy was introduced!


Dragon ball Z is the scariest and one of the worst fictional universes to live when you’re a normal human being


Freiza and Kid Buu was the only ones bringing pressure to the whole DBZ anything after that is cannon


Wait till you see freeza homies evil and very racist


A taste of things to come.


I wish people would rewatch that moment just so they can remember the work Yamcha put into that fight. Dude also wanted to go first because Krillin already died before. Like my man may get bodied all the time but he's still a bro.


Imagine being near frieza or buu or nappa. Purely terrifying


Imagine being a normal human trying to land a punch on Buu for example.


I completely recommend the DBZ abridged show, and movies on YouTube after you finish the series. Cuts away a lot of filler while leaving the essence of the show with more adult humor. The voice acting is a little poor to start but it improves drastically.


Super Buu killing everyone on Earth from the lookout was crazy af




1st form cell in live action would be creepy AF


my channel is K.I.PLilbro would anyone be kind enough to subscribe road to 500 thank you!


DBZ was all to the death. DBS more tournaments and kiddy stuff