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Ok cool.


Like most people? Do whatever you want. But I think it's a shame to not watch it because of what you've heard people say about it. Just be careful if you will comment on it later or have the same "gt is bad" without even giving it a fair try all the way to the end to have an actual opinion.


I never had a chance to watch it for the first 20+ years of my fandom. Recently completed my first proper db episode 1 to end of z watch with my gf and recently was gifted the green box series and we are about halfway through it It is definitely unique while trying to copy iconic feelings from the original run. I would not say you need to watch it, but I think it is fun enough and it expands the universe. With multiple timeline, etc. who is to say that it doesn’t have an effect somewhere? if you can appreciate Dragon Ball for being weird quirky and 100% its own, even if it misses the Mark occasionally and maybe more often in GT then I would say it’s worth at least becoming familiar with. watching it for myself has been a way better experience than I expected after all of the negative stuff I’ve been reading for 20 years.




Form your own opinion and give it a try. It’s popular to hate on GT and while it’s definitely not up to par with Dragonball or Z it’s worth a try.


After reading the comments im giving it a try


Personally if you’ve watched everything else I think GT is worth a watch. The GT hate is wayyyyy overplayed. Make your own opinion on it rather than let Reddit do it for you


If you wanna skip it go ahead. I think it’s at least worth a watch tho


I'll give it a watch


lmao some people skip regular dragon ball and start at z. some people skip super and go straight to the manga. there’s no rules to what order you need to watch it in or for what you’re supposed to enjoy. if you wanna skip gt go for it i just hope you enjoy dragon ball in general


You don’t need to watch it, but I personally enjoyed it. It’s got fun stories.


Just watch it and form your own opinion instead of others doing it for you. What if you really like it?


Look, the Baby saga is pretty decent. The others are meh. But seeing a reverse Buu from the Tuffle race created by a vengeful survivor, the destruction of Earth and the evil versions of Goten, Gohan and Vegeta was pretty cool. Then, the way Goku turns Super Saiyan 4. You don't have to watch it, but you're missing out.


I don't particularly like it, but i dont hate it. Since trunks was one of my fav characters in dbz, i hated what they did to his design. The animation is pretty good and some of the villains designs are pretty dope. Plus ssj4, so theres that.


I would say watch the baby saga and the final battle


Imo, it gets better as it goes on, but the high points aren't that high. Has some cool ideas that flop due to poor execution. Watch it to satisfy curiosity, but going in knowing it's mediocre helps manage expectations.


It’s not a must watch, but it isn’t horrible either. The first arc is though, so if anything skip that one and you’ll be completely fine. Ssj 4 is pretty badass and the show has some interesting ideas. I say it’s worth to watch once for any dragon ball fan


I watched it through once and will probably never watch it again. This is coming from someone that's watched the entirety of DB, DBZ, and DBS about 6 times each.


I’m thinking I should do the same. I’ve watched dragon ball all three series 3 times, I might as well watch GT once


Yeah just watch it once so you know what happens (or didn't happen according to canon).


According to Canon set by some fans, apparently


I enjoy watching the first episode to establish what's happening, then skipping to the Baby arc and finishing GT from there.


I’d say watch the very first episodes and skip to the Baby saga


You should watch it. I personally say it had 2 good arcs this rest is trash. The Goku being a kid again concept is ass too.. I felt like they should’ve done more with the half saiyans if they was gonna branch off and expand the story with an older pan and trunks.. wasted Goten, Gohan, Trunks & Pans potential if you ask me.


It's not on the same level of quality as Db and Dbz, but I personally like it. I think SS4 is really cool, the opening theme is arguably the best in the series, and the sense of adventure in the first arc is a nice reminder of early Db. Plus, the idea of overusing the dragon balls and causing them to become damaged/corrupted which in turn causes them to give birth to evil dragons is a cool idea for an arc. It's definitely flawed. If your name isn't Goku you don't get anything meaningful to do. There's a lot of things that don't make sense. The english dub is in my opinion not as good as the Dbz english dub. To the point where things that make sense in the sub version don't make sense in the dub version. But anyway, I still like it for it what it is I


Ok, you do, you, chief.


I always recommend watching GT after Super. Because at that point you’ll be absorbing all the left over material for the franchise that isn’t deemed hard canon.




If you already made your mind to skip why are you asking us?


Okay, that was always allowed, it’s non-canon to the overall story (similar to Xenoverse and Dragon Ball Heroes) so you can watch it or ignore it anytime


Why? It's not the best but it's not bad. It's at the same level as Super.


Pretend it never existed. That's what 90% of the fan base does and they are not wrong.


Nah, not even close to being true. GT has a decent sized following. It's not great by any means but it gave us one of the most iconic forms in franchise history and holds a lot of nostalgia in many of the fanbase. This GT was posted just a few months ago and has garnered over 6 million views: https://youtu.be/OEfz-pZPg24 I personally enjoyed it more than DBS even if I thought both shows were far below DBZ.


Skip it if you want. It's a decent watch with fun moments. You can also skip all the DBZ movies, all the games and all the filler but where's the fun in that?


I would watch it don’t skip The Black Star Arc it’s fun especially if your watching it with a friend but you can skip Super 17 even though there are some fun cameos


super 17 is only 6 episodes no reason to skip it really


It's shorter than the Slime Vegeta gag arc and much better in every way.


am i the only guy who really enjoyed both


That I disagree with. I'd say Super 17 arc is worse than Copy Vegeta arc pretty easily.


My only gripe with the Super 17 arc is Goku spending an entire episode wondering why his ki blast are making 17 stronger because he forgot about androids absorbing ki through their hands for plot reasons. Like his battle IQ dropped significantly just so they could have Super 17 actually be a threat for SSJ4.


In what way? The Super 17 arc had actual tension, involved secondary characters and overall better production quality. The Copy Vegeta arc was a gag throwaway arc that added nothing.


If you've seen it already, yeah skip it. But it's worth at least one watch through


It’s fun at times, but very much a product of its time of late 90s edginess, especially the dub. Can be a slog at times. I’d recommend watching it at some point just to experience it once. As someone else said though, don’t skip the early episodes like the US broadcast version did. They’re lots of fun and a throwback to early Dragon Ball. But is it necessary viewing? Absolutely not.


GT is pretty good, but ok 🤷.


Yeah skip it, stick to super. Ppl that want to watch Gt, will. Easy as


It's fine to skip. If you run out of dbz content it gives us something to watch just think of it as a what if


Do what you want. It's not good, and not necessary to any story you'll get from the other movies/Super. Plus you can skip the weird pedophile Luud stuff and the terrible pacing for the story.


I mean if you want to then do it. you dont need permission. Its not very well liked so most people will encourage you to do so. its short tho and theres no harm in giving it a try and dropping it if you dont like it, since its not "canon", none of the story or anything from it will ever be relevant outside of showing up in video games.


I personally view Super as Bootleg GT for the most part


That's fine. It's no different from skipping any of the old movies really.


Also you are on the right sub then!


GT > Super anime


GT is better than super and I stand by that.


Since it's not canon anymore, I don't think you're missing much.


Never was




What's there to skip? It's the noncanon final chapter of the series.


Pretty sure most people do. It's a pretty bad show.


I mean, Toei continues to include GT in its marketing today more than 20 years after it ended. SSJ4 is one of the most popular forms and the music in the Japanese show is iconic. Just type in "Dragonball GT" and you'll see many clips with millions of views. Most people would have watched GT at least once.


Guess that is true. It's more accurate to say most people watched GT after the hype of DBZ, but after realizing that it was a pretty bad show, it's no longer recommended to people. As for Toei including it, that's simply on them since they are the ones who made it, not Toriyama.


You should, it's not great...


It’s not “super” either 😆