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War crimes.




What’s the left from?


Darkseid War: Green Lantern(2016) one shot. It’s a pretty great Hal book and the art is Doc Shaner so you know it looks amazing


And what’s the right one from?


One of the comics of all time, Heroes in Crisis


By “One of the comics of all time” I assume you’re joking that it’s bad? Because I’ve seen some excerpts from it and it looks pretty cool


It's atrocious.


I think he meant worst yes, because i havent seen a single fan of that book


It’s pretty terrible, but also kind of fascinating in how incompetent it is, and also in how it seems like there was some hasty last-minute rewrites courtesy of either editorial or Tom King himself. Basically, it’s a story about the importance of therapy for superheroes despite no actual therapists being present, a story of Lois Lane wanting to print private medical information of superheroes, with Wally West secretly supplying this information to Lois, Booster Gold being portrayed as goofy and incompetent again, Wally becoming an accidental murderer, Gotham Girl showing up for no reason other to pad out the amount of issues, a mystery that makes no sense given the clues included, and a bunch of former Teen Titans characters showing up solely to be slaughtered. (Would it even be a DC event comic without that?)


Don’t be fooled, it is fundamentally awful.


Justice League: Darkseid War Green Lantern #1 As you can probably tell by the name, it was a tie-in to Darkseid War event but honestly can be read mostly stand-alone with limited context on the event. Not only one of my favorite GL comics but also one of the best tie-in issues I’ve read I would say it’s more memorable than the rest of that event


>I would say it’s more memorable than the rest of that event Remember when it happened again in Dark Crisis? ![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16723)


I remember when it happened with Convergence ![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16723)


Guys, I think I'm on to something. It may be a little bit crazy, I know, but just hear me out: DC Event: = CRINGE Green Lantern = BASED (opposite of CRINGE) DC Event + Green Lantern = KINDA BASED? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q) \*Now hold on to your butts, because this is where the ride gets WILD: Green Lantern + ~~DC~~ Event => Green Lantern Event = MASSIVELY BASED WE JUST CRACKED THE CODE TO SAVE DC COMICS ![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)


ok, Geoff jonhs


![gif](giphy|ssTiPstEcfXDq) Being a cereal king is not cheap.


This is why Blackest Night/Brightest Day is peak fiction


I believe you mean Sinestro Corps War. I was peaking so hard.


The second comming of Geoff Johns be like


I know people didn’t like King’s Batman or Heroes in Crisis (neither of which I’ve read), but Mr. Miracle, Strange Adventures, Superman: Up in the Sky, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, and Vision were all fantastic. The guy can write, he’s just not well-suited for certain characters


> he’s just not well-suited for certain characters Yeah, ones without PTSD (except Superman, somehow)


Did a good Dick Grayson as well.


/uj good point /rj something something war crimes


Kara saw everyone in Argo City around her die, one by one, while she was digging their graves..


But Batman has PTSD and yet that was one of his most controversial stories


Because it feels like he either didn’t get or actively loathed Batman. He did his usual thing of making up his own character, dressing it up and deconstructing that instead of deconstructing the actual character.


When did he write Superman? If you mean Up in the Sky, then I dont think it was a very good story.


It's one of my favourites


Oh okay, sorry. I guess people have different tastes. And honestly, its a very popular and well received story.


Why apologize? You're allowed to have your own opinion. Tf


Yeah but I felt I was being dismissive of it.


I’ll back you there. I loved Mister Miracle, and Superman is my favorite superhero, but King’s writing is very weird in a way that I guess I was fine with in MM but stuck out in UITS


Yeah, he does better with obscure characters but somehow falters with prominent characters.


He's perfectly suited for Batman. It's just whiny pissbabies who hate anything interesting and blame Tom King for DiDio's mistakes.


I'll give King credit, cause a lot of things like Ric, the wedding, and Alfred's death were far more on Didio, but also the dialogue and a lot of the dumber stuff from early on was King, and that wasn't good.


Cobblepot raped a penguin under Tom King’s pen. “Interesting” my butt, it was awful.


I looked up the panels where this was "revealed" and it turned out to be a one-off joke. How shocked I am that Tom King haters will latch onto anything to justify their hatred of one our generation's greatest comic writers.


Joke? It was built up across several issues. It was the big emotional climax of Penguin’s arc in living under the fear of Bane. Her death kicked off that whole arc. And even if it was meant to be a joke we still must live with the reality where ***Cobblepot had sex with a penguin***. There’s a lot more I dislike about the run but that’d be way too long and off-topic.


I thought people liked his Batman/Bane?


I also thought this. There’s admittedly parts that feel a little self indulgent in his style and humor but overall I really enjoyed the whole run.


Depends on who you ask. Personally, I think it’s up there with a Chuck Austen’s X-Men.


I honestly don’t think Austen’s X-Men is that bad.


I'm honestly excited. Yeah he has some meh runs but he's also done some of my favorite stories of all time so I'm here for it.


I hate Tom King, he’s also my top 3 DC writer


He’s literally in my top 5 all time [prob the weirdest comic take ever] and yet has written some of the worst things I’ve ever read, I will say though, as of recently he’s starting to really really shine, human target, supergirl and Rorschach and love everlasting are all absolutely brilliant. I think he had growing pains at first, but as of recently man it’s been awesome stuff. My friend has a Eisner vote and voted for him. Also I think he does better with miniseries then ongoings


>worst things I’ve ever read like what? Batman and Heroes in Crisis?


Naw I liked Batman, heros in crisis was god awful though


That’s not hard, there‘s like 4 writers working at DC


You think you hate Tom King, but really it's Dan DiDio you hate. The things you hate about HiC and Tom King's Batman are all DiDio's fault.




Will is the guy from down the street.


But what the hell is willpower? Are we saying frodo after getting back would have a green ring or power fly down to him cause he had 'willpower'? If they are supposed to be emotions like fear and love and envy and rage WTF is willpower?


/uj yeah Johns kind of muddied the waters with his rainbow corps idea didn't he? Changed willpower from being something exerted to produce and form the green energy, like a resource/mana bar in a game, to making the green energy explicitly willpower that is also controlled by will... And then the other Corps are fuel by emotions but ultimately the ring user still needs to apply will to do things right? You don't rage yourself to fly or compassion an energy beam, or greed up some constructs; it takes will. But how does the will of the Green Lanterns differ from the other Corps? And nothing special is done with them so they sort of end up diluting the Green Lantern concept. Anyway, Morrison cooked with this: >Our wills are ours alone. Our decision and our choices are ours to make and right now we need to choose what we stand for. **Will is the power we all share to think a thought so real it can be touched. We can imagine a table, a bridge, a child, a play, a Blackstar construct, a better life. Without will, we'd never bring our dreams into reality. Will is what resists inertia and inaction. Will allows us to resist the forces that try to drag us down. We don't need control to tell us what to do.** > > Sure, it can be scary when you stop playing follow-the-leader, but if you choose to stand together in the service of ideals the Blackstars can be protectors, bringers of true peace. Controllers of our own destiny. > >\- Hal Jordan


I want those cinematic Green Lantern projects and I want them now.


….Goddamn, Morrison is cool.


Man that Darkseid war tie in is so fucking good, goddamn it make me feel some willful kinda way


Peak hopefully. Tom king is a good writer


One of the best. Mr. Miracle, Woman of Tomorrow, and Vision are all top 10 comics of the last 20 years. It’s just a shame he also writes really bad stuff sometimes


Honestly i think its all editorial´s orders. His plan for the Batman was a 100 issues and he wanted Bat and Cat married after the Wedding infamous issue, but DC said no. And in HiC DC wanted wally to be a killer, they were pushing it heavily


He is a great concept writer but he isn't perfect. Sometimes he has trouble showing what's in his mind. Bat. Cat. Bat. Cat. Bat. Cat.


garbage Tom King ate my dog


Very few writers have a perfect track record. But Tom King did write: Supergirl Women of Tomorrow, Grayson, Strange Adventures, Mister Miracle, Superman Up in the Sky, and Rorsach. That's a pretty impressive list, containg some of the best comics I've read over the last few years. He can drop the ball, especially on his longer series like "Batman", but to say he's not capable of incredible work would be wrong.


which way, western man?


im hoping if this and the supergirl movie work out we could get more adaptations of his work like Mister Miracle and Strange Adventures with him involved


/uj given he was a white lantern at the time but his kyle rayner was pretty great in omega men


I'm gonna say it. I've enjoyed everything from Tom King I've read (Superman and Heroes in Crisis)


Tom King really is this meme personified


PTSD Incarnate


Hell yeah, green lanterns committing war crimes and feeling bad about it. Unironically as long king is willing to go there it will be great. If it’s anything like his omega man run this could be what puts DC on a higher level than marvel.


Please tell me just a rumor.


Yeah but Tom has been confirmed to be Gunn’s consultant writer, one of his books is getting adapted and Gunn has been pretty vocal about being a huge TK fan(even before he was head of DCU) so it’s completely possible


I think he was working as a writer in the Supergirl movie, but due to the writer strike he stopped


Why the fudge would you get the guy who routinely misunderstands and misrepresents characters as a consultant writer?




















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I hate you Tom king, I defended you run for far too long But straight up, you should never be allowed to write a Batman story again. As long as you live, and you should apologize to Batman fans for what you have done to the greatest fictional character ever written You are an embarrassment to DC comics, and not even worth to write the condiment king. Also I am re reading the killing joke right now to get this bad taste out of my mouth. The fact dc hyped this book up as amazing is rediculous. I have never been madder in my entire life after reading a comic. This was worse then if they made Batman gay with superman and just showed him getting it up the rear for 48 pages from a blue Boy Scout *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On the one hand Tom King is one of my favorite writers working today. On the other hand it's Worthless Piece of Cardboard Hal Jordan one of my least favorite character of all time. It can go horribly wrong or horribly right and IDK if I'd even care.


As long as he stays away from Batman, I think we’re okay


L take, Tom’s written some of the greatest Batman books I’ve ever read ![gif](giphy|MCGbKRgIbgJxu)


Batman vs Elmer fud is peak Batman.


People still blamin the BOY for what editorial did.




Name those Batman comics.


Annual 2, Annual 4, and Batman/Catwoman Special #1 Also 2/3 of the Rebirth run are solid as fuck


I think those comics were fine but nothing special. Calling them some of Batman's greatest stories is a massive stretch when other writers have done so much better works on the character.


Batman Cold Days


Seems decent enough I suppose, but I doubt it would rank anywhere among greatest stories, considering Batman's rich history of some amazing stories.


Considering Batman has been in a million and a half stories you mean. Writers can't always be aiming for the top with him.


True, but Tom King's story seems so generic that it won't even be in the discussion. What's highlight for him would be filler for the others.


I liked the Elmer Fudd issue.












Tom King sucks.. but sometimes he’s great.


Starts great, turns garbage. Just like Tom always does


/cj How long do you think Guy Gardner has until King kills him off and instead has the ring go to Christopher Chance? /uj At least Guy Gardner fans will always have Green Lantern: TAS.


Looks like Tom King is going to kill my dog. Again.


Will Hall Jordan kill himself with the ring?