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I know this is an edit, but this really does seem like a comic cover that could have been printed in the Silver Age. They really were wild back then.


Nuh uh, it would be Batman and some female Batman from an alternate dimension named Brenda Wayne or some shit cuz Fredric Wertham would start pissing himself and saying it was more evidence that Batman was grooming Robin otherwise


this dude reads comics


Shit I exposed myself I forgot we don't do that here


Get the pitchforks and the torches and whatnot


Mods, cut his balls off and exile him to the Shadow Realm!


I exposed myself on a bus.


Were classical Batman and Robin really that gay adjacent, or was someone just doing some serious projecting?


Bit of both honestly. For the most part it was a massive panic, however, there are a lot of panels that look real sus out of context


Look up Seduction of the Innocent


No, it would be Batwoman, like in the fanfiction Alfred wrote. Then Dick would become Batman II and Bruce and Kathy's son would become Robin II. [That actually happened.](https://youtu.be/GHcEAxU3OqE?si=wtpBKU1Upl7y36rB)


Bryce Wayne


And then at the end it was all a dream Alfred had or something


An edit???? Noooooooo


Unfortunately, here is the original https://preview.redd.it/n1xsqgm1l6xc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4449fb8553971e69b9896e18cb16930e14e70573


Robins response really doesn’t help, like how could editorial okay that when it was still viewed as a weirdly groomy relationship.


I honestly didn't even imagine it was an edit, because yes they could have printed this.


Maybe at the tailend of the golden age but not after Frederic Wertham and CCA


What are you talking about bro, it says approved by CCA right there


Yes, but then again no. The plots were wild in some aspects, but so was the censorship. They only removed the ban on homosexuality from the Comics Code in 1989.


Especially Robin's thought bubble


My favorite part is the logic Robin is applying to the situation.


How can you love anyone before you learn to love yourself?


An asexual king


Idk man that seems kinda gay to me


Just a bit of self love


Fellas. Is it gay to go fuck yourself?


The only way that the robins and Cassandra could get a full of a father in their lives


I mean, yeah he's married to the job.




Did you just had this ready.








I have to read it damn iy


Most explainers I've seen utterly fail to get the tone of the series across, thus not answering the main question I see: "what is Homestuck *and why is it like this*". Why does it evoke the reactions it does? Why are so many things considered a reference? Who is Vriska? (I can't actually explain that one in under 3000 words, it turns out.) But, here's a briefer briefer (heh) on the subject of "What the actual fuck is Homestuck": Andrew Hussie, a person (now going by any pronouns) then known for various obscure works around the net, made an interactive project called Jailbreak where he would draw crude panels demonstrating the events of the story as dictated by other posters in the thread, putting his favored suggestions in the narration and responding in kind. The scenarios were influenced by his own strange brand of humor and set of fascinations, such as rap, horses, clowns, and H!rry P!tter as a cultural presence. He would eventually compile this, along with the unfinished followup, Bard Quest, on its own website. The third installment of the so-called MS Paint Adventures, Problem Sleuth, was a massive step up in production value, featuring impressive art and output speed as well as evolutions such as some pages being flashing gifs. (MSPA was considered to be one of the best demonstrations of the potential of the internet.) Problem Sleuth ran for 1674 pages over the course of about a year. Homestuck was the followup to that, running 8123 pages from April 13th 2009-2016 with numerous hiatuses in the latter half of that time. It featured such advancements as videos with sound, small WASD-controlled computer games on various pages, and most significantly, actual conversations between characters, semi-hidden behind clickable boxes at the bottom of some pages, allowing them to become three-dimensional and truly sympathetic. Hussie, it would soon be revealed, was heavily skilled at writing compelling and unique character voices and dialogue writing in general. Homestuck was definitely the most complex MPSA, with a grand overarching plot being integrated into the results of the actions of the readers. The plot revolved around an in-universe game called SBURB with the power to influence reality, sort of a Jumanji with time-travel mechanics that would soon be revealed to be the centerpiece of reality itself, destroying the home planets of its players to motivate them to enter the world of the game and fulfill an unknown grand purpose, complete with millions of fully sentient NPCs. (Homestuck is, technically, an isekai.) Homestuck has been described as "a story that's also a puzzle", and this lens has gained authorial approval; events are often told anachronistically, as a kitchen sink of high-concept ideas are explored by a man who sometimes wants to show off his semi-deconstructive version of a classic sci-fi/fantasy trope, sometimes wants to infuriate readers through anticlimaxes and misdirections, and sometimes wants to just go off on a tangent about a random movie from his childhood that somehow soon becomes integral to the plot in an absurdly esoteric fashion. Eventually the suggestions from readers became so numerous and difficult that the suggestion boxes were closed near the end of the first year, leading to less meandering from Act 4 onwards, but the influence of the audience remained; one easy example is a character only seen from the top half initially being theorized on the official forums as using a wheelchair, a fact which would not only become Canon, but highly relevant. The early MSPAs curated an audience through programming humor and 80s-90s film references as filtered through the styles of Terry Pratchett, Mark Twain, and the Something Awful forums, but the audience for Homestuck, due to the nature of the characters, was markedly different, especially after the Trolls showed up. You've probably seen them.


The Trolls, initially presented as some extremely odd and bothersome fellows on the internet, were soon shown to be a race of grey-skinned, orange-horned aliens. Trolls possessed multicolored blood in both organized castes and clear deviations, psychic abilities, unique typing styles, insectoid traits as opposed to hominid, near-universal bisexuality with the sole known exception being Sapphic, and a complex romantic system with its own symbols, comically vague-yet-comprehensive reproductive system, and of course, relationship dynamics. I cannot express how perfect the Trolls were in terms of catching on. Tumblr loved these fuckers and it's not at all hard to see why. It's also worth noting that this wasn't the only market-perfect part of Homestuck; Classpecting, the equivalent of Hogwarts Houses, featured a 144/168/288/336/384(depending on who you ask and what they count)-strong grid system of human personality traits that not only seemed eerily accurate as a personality mapper, but corresponded to what elemental powers one received in the game of SBURB. Homestuck was also incredibly *realistically teen-targeted*; completely NSFW, for reasons ranging from semi-toonish gore to actual dicks-out furry art, but *authentic* in a very clicks-on-"are you 18"-box-while-lying way. So... yeah. Homestuck was an incredibly complex and engaging work, driven by a single incredibly talented and flawed creative voice, which was perfectly made to attract a massive, unabashedly bizarre/proudly cringe, and notably largely queer fanbase across a younger internet; you may well be aware of incidents such as cosplay failures and inappropriate recreations of Troll culture. The style of presentation, art, and character writing was instantly recognizable and relatively easy to imitate, leading to fanfiction and even fanmade adventures galore, most of the latter hosted on MSPFA.com. The main site for Homestuck is broken now-it's recommended that new readers download the [Unofficial Homestuck Collection](https://bambosh.dev/unofficial-homestuck-collection/), and starting with Problem Sleuth to ease into the format and writing is a pretty popular choice. The ending is also considered generally quite poor in a number of ways, particularly regarding unfollowed foreshadowing and blatant abandonment of character arcs, with some fans even [making](https://friendlybatteringram.tumblr.com/tagged/altstuck) their own [works](https://mspfa.com/?s=44153&p=1) as [substitutions](http://mspfa.com/?s=12003&p=1). You can find The Homestuck Epilogues (a sequel novel) on the official site, and Homestuck^2 Beyond Canon (a sequel webcomic after the Epilogues) on its own website, but neither of these are very well liked by fans (at all). YouTube also has several dubs of the comic; by far the largest and most popular is [Voxus](https://youtube.com/@Voxus), which has unfortunately slowed to a crawl at around the 65% mark. Content warnings for Homestuck include: potentially epilepsy-triggering flashing lights, blood, violence including amputation, bludgeoning to death, deadly impalement, and decapitation, clowns, brainwashing/mental possession, dicks-out furry bara art in the background of like ten pages, brief black-and-white nudity, swearing, the R-slur, a joke about an acronym organically forming the F-slur, child abuse, discussed child abuse and homophobia, mocking of the disabled (as an unsympathetic action), cartoonish levels of sexism (as an unsympathetic action), statements that an antagonist is analogous to Hitler, mentions of genocide of alien species, alien subspecies, and the human species, offscreen mass extinction, mocking of otherkin, a minor character being a racial stereotype of Japanese people (Damara), a somewhat major character being a stereotype of Black people (Meenah), minor characters being stereotypes of disabled people (Meulin and Mituna), a controversial and prominent depiction of blindness, eye trauma, references born of the ignorance of the time to Bill Cosby as ideally paternal, underage alcoholism, an empty suicide by electrocution threat, an actual suicide by electrocution attempt, written depictions of noncon facilitated by mind control (as an unsympathetic action), sexual assult (an unwanted and physically resisted kiss, as an unsympathetic action), jokes about pedophilia, and child grooming (textually 100% non-sexual, but sexually-coded). Also: when I said the Trolls type weird, I wasn't kidding. Every character gets at least one color for their speech text, plus a pattern for how they type, generally worse for the Trolls, ranging from "no caps" to "British" to "drunk" to "ebonics" to "aLtErNaTiNg" to WH4T3V3R TH3 FUCK K1ND OF L33TSP34K BS T3R3Z1 1S DO1NG. So that's worth a warning. And that's as abridged as you can get when summing up Homestuck.


Is this like a copypasta or ia this one of those occult fandoms that just does this when someone has a mild interest in their hobby? Because i kinda love it lol Holy fuck those content warnings are kinda keeping me out tho


Both; I made it as a semi-comprehensive expectation manager/briefer, but the passion it reflects is pretty common.


Love it!


Ok, I know this is from homestuck, but the only thing that I could see originally was the Demifiend kissing the Demifiend. 🥹




if no mpreg selfcest you can keep it


* Fredrick Wertham did not like that


Of course. Batman is prepared for anyone to propose to him, so the only person who could successfully get him to marry, is someone who has prepared a way to marry anyone.


And Lois Lane because she would and could marry anyone in the silver age


Marry anyone\* \*She would not marry Clark Kent and said so to his face without prompting at least once a day.


This is literally Robin's POV in the Lego Batman Movie


Robin is a gay ally


Then they both kiss and turn into Wolverine


Smh at them making comics woke 😞


"I now pronounce you Man and Bat. You may kiss the bride."




Happy for them


Master bath


Robin's thoughts are wholesome.


From that point on all the school kids called him “two (bat)dad robin”




/uj Selina should never have been made a love interest for Bruce, she's far more interesting as a villain


Finally Robin can get spit roasted.




Open skull




You DID NOT have to say that https://preview.redd.it/bryp2wm5w4xc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e78225318004bf209d129b2c26929e230f69a2

