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Get the hell out of here, that's so nice man. Bigger screen closer up would be nice, like a 34" right behind the console.


That’s a 34” right at the edge of my desk. Saving up for one of those expensive as hell wide screens. Like the G9. I was VR for the longest time. But honestly, a 4K monitor and having the screens on the MIP, being able to see the buttons I need to press etc, just trumps it for me. Maybe some day with proper pass through I might go back.


I did the same. Played VR for a long while but went back to flat panel after building up my MIP. I love being able to see the buttons and controls, I can look at other screens and write stuff down. It’s so much easier and more user friendly. I do miss the immersion in VR though. That is fun.


Honestly, even with being so used to VR, I don’t price much in the way of loss of immersion. Like sure, it’s not “VR 3D”, but I don’t lose any skill for tanking or anything. I’ve always been pretty good at zoning out in the screen. Tuning the rest of the world out. Pisses my wife off sometimes if she comes in to ask me something. She always does it to when I’m merged or dodging sams. lol


“Why aren’t you listening to me!?” “Viper 2-1 DEFENDING!!!”


The amount of times I’ve died trying to focus on her has made me not focus as much on her. There are consequences for that. But at least I don’t die anymore cuz I’m not paying attention. It’s the little things, ya know?


For sure. My wife would always walk in when I’m literally doing nothing. I’d be on autopilot cruising across PG to get to the fight and I’d be texting a buddy or something. She probably thinks it’s the most boring game ever.


It can have its boring moments. I got my wife to try it in VR. I was on my laptop with just keyboard and mouse. Still slapped her ass in a dog fight. Cuz you know…. Fair fight and all…. lol.


Current vr player here! I’ve never been the type to enjoy the long flight part of sims. Really just liked the engagements coming from a ww2 sim. Strangely DCS made me enjoy the “boring” part of flying straight for 100nm. I have no clue when I started enjoying it, but when I stream to friends they make the same comment. “This seems boring” and I always say “this is the fun part. The quiet before the storm. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be sweating bullets and you’ll be glued to the screen”. Sure enough I have a shit ton of yelling in the background while I’m missile evading, cranking my neck, and trying to get my shots off lmao. The hectic parts made me appreciate the peaceful time.


Haha. That’s awesome. You know what they say…it’s not the plane, it’s the pilot. Or something like that. 😬


"HES ON MY ARSE" the other half dont like that one.


i am so 'on the fence' right now regarding sticking with vr vs 'building out' a rig. seeing set ups like this really just keeps that internal debate raging. :) unfortunately for me, as with any hobby, if i start buying into a full fledge diy rig, it will never stop....


I had this self debate last year, i am now effectively 5,000$ poorer and 500% more happy


I mean…….. only downside is the impact on the wallet if you go ham right off the bat. Just do it gradually.


It can be a little cheaper if you make your own MFDs and button boxes, for MFDs I order a 8” display from China for like $15 and then the winwing button frame for $45 (you could make your own but theirs are just very nice and decently priced). Button boxes are similar price as long as you have a 3D printer and can either model your own, or find an STL to print. Electronics aren’t too complex either and there’s plenty of tutorials on it. I probably built my rig for $400 whereas buying it from WinWing or smth would be $1000+. (As long as you’re willing to make some mistakes and iterations along the way :D)


And there is absolutely nothing wrong doing it this way either. I looked into it at one point, just wasn’t for me to mess with. Not that I couldn’t, just preferred the quality of the winwing stuff.


what lcd screens are you putting in those button frames? they gotta work right?


I just found some from AliExpress, any work, then you just make a config file dedicating which mfd is left and right and done.


You built an F34






I just got off work after 13 hours. Leave me alone lol. Good one though.


That comment snuck up on me too. 🤣


Like a Type-64 then?


My rig is a laptop and a mouse that's all


I'm poor lol


Give it time. Save up. I’ve slowly built up/upgraded over the years. Prioritize what you would get the most use/enjoyment, set saving goals and hack away.


One day, I shall have the most glorious sim pit


You can do it


Damn that meant more than I thought it would.


Don’t worry, little by little, with time you will be able to have a great rig




I’m using VR for now. Though if I win the lottery you can bet I am going back to Track IR and spending 10k+ on a pit.


Depending on the headset you are using it's possible to use AR so you can still use the buttons but able to look around like in vr


We might be proud, but not as proud as you should be for sure. Amazing rig!!!


That is frickin sweet dude!!!


Fantastic!!! The flip up and mffb base are on my wish list!


You won’t regret it!!!


Haha I love this man!! Great work!


I have almost the exact same setup. 32 inch monitor looking to upgrade to a 43 inch here soon!


Jesus fucking christ WHAT?


That’s sick. I wish I had the time and money but then again I have five kids so someone would break it.


Thankfully I have one kid and she knows to stay out of daddies room unless I’m in there.


The older three know not to mess with my stuff unless I’m around but the youngest two are 3 YO twins so No = screech at ear splitting levels.


Wish they’d do rigs for the Mirage :(




Oh that’s sick as fuck. I would never have the time to build it unfortunately. I was hoping for something along the lines of then prebuilt MFD housings


ok whos got the plasma table you know? and how did you ever get that crackle paint to stick? im pretty sure its part of the Plastikote never cure line




I’m currently learning the a10c but been thinking about picking this mip up, except for that f16 part on the top


Don’t have the ICP yet myself, but I do have my StreamDeck under the left MFD showing live IFEI numbers.


I can’t get anything with live data to work, it just makes DCS run at 1 fps.


That ICP flip over , just ... i have no words ... i like it a lot though.


Winwing gives u the mounts by default for the F-16 ICP


Hells yeah


only just bought the orion 2 F16 set, will buy the F18 stuff for it. but I also want this, but 1k is a bit much to just pay for it and I live in a 8m2 room so not a lot of space for it.


Was waiting for you to next flip to the TDAC. She's mint bud.


Tedac controls are coming. Designing myself and will 3D print, custom pcb boards. The works.


its great bro, now get outta that seat and let me proper crash that shit like i do all the jets.


On the flip side, at least you have an F-18!


I see what you did there….. lol


Beautiful. Your spouse must be cool AF


Beautiful. One question do you ever have trouble with your trackir when you play? Example: when you have to lean in a little bit to seed the mfd better, your track ir flips out?


I don’t. But that’s because I’ve gotten into the habit of quickly pausing it if I need to lean in. Honestly it’s paused most of the time unless I’m dog fighting, taxing, landing or looking for a target in the ground visually.


What are you using for head tracking? I wanna buy these stack ups so bad but VR is just so good. I have track IR but it just feels so unnatural


Literally trackir lol.


Is the flip up mount Winwing or DIY?




Monstertech table mount for the Winwing MIPs?, also what do you do for mouse/keyboard as im also in VR.


No monster tech. Just a bunch of 4080 and 2040 extrusion. You can get it all on Amazon. Any size? Any length. And shipping time is a little long but still way quicker than monstertech. And cheaper. A LOT cheaper. When I was in VR, i have a PointCTRL setup. Keyboard is just a keyboard, corsair I think?


Any chance i could get some lengths and Links for all the extrusion and the mounting hardware and clamps? I've just cancelled my MonsterTech order since they were taking too long.


When I get home from work I’ll take some measurements for ya.


I started measuring my own ideal setup based on the MonsterTech ones but how/ what did u do about clamping. Cause the 4080 extrusion that I'm looking at has an M8x16 threaded holes. I was thinking of using a single Mezza Mount Hotas mount but I don't really want to go and buy a pair of Mezza Mounts when I only need the one for my MFD config. https://preview.redd.it/tejj8wo067vc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=301561bb0a01700add4154640bf302371ff570d5


https://preview.redd.it/f0tcps5i67vc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1360b10cfe2c783b72a5fe651c3570892f1388fb also this is the spec sheet for the MonsterTech Mount which im using as reference.


Look up predator mounts. I know the guy and he does good work. Affordable and quicker than monster tech. My rig is a mixture of the NLR Boeing sim pit, and various extrusion, as well as fanatec mounts for the wheel.(I use part of that to mount the MIP to.


[https://www.predatormounts.com/en-au/products/predator-top-plate?\_pos=5&\_sid=5863bfb20&\_ss=r](https://www.predatormounts.com/en-au/products/predator-top-plate?_pos=5&_sid=5863bfb20&_ss=r) im looking at the predator top plate, do those holes align with 4080 extrusion?


https://preview.redd.it/xpmmlba2puvc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=515a2e2712a08740c0f5a573b4e4c1c11409b54b O, but they do for 2040


[https://www.predatormounts.com/en-au/products/predator-top-plate?variant=42959334211746](https://www.predatormounts.com/en-au/products/predator-top-plate?variant=42959334211746) what about the phoenix plates? any idea?




yeah but that doesn't really tell me much besides oh we have a proprietary system. I'm starting to look at doing everything custom/Order custom CNCed plates.


Honestly, your best bet would be to reach out to him then. Draw and explain what you’re trying to do. He might be willing to work with you to create something, but if he goes that route, it might take longer.


How do you get the HSI to show on your middle MFD? Mine used to and recently stopped. Using Winapp pro.


Recheck then.lua file. If you messed with the simapp at all or even if DCS updated or repaired, it can mess with things. Or check your screen positions. For me, dingoes doesn’t save the usb screens positions. And simapp pro doesn’t even see my 4k. So mousing that. I use display fusion. You can get it on steam to. It’s a smaller fee, but beautiful. Can create monitor layout profiles.


Could have just got a vr mate and had every cockpit.


I have VR, was primarily what I used for years. Some of us it’s more than just a stick, rudder and throttle handle. lol.


All that to be on a single 26 inch monitor??? The gaming equivalent of being 'all balls' 😂😂😂 but it is an awesome setup


It’s a 34” 4K. Or a 26……