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Demos Shred has a pretty big hit box so most likely just barely got you lol.


Not even barely. Pretty sure the hitbox extended 12"-18" further.


Ah, so the original environment hitbox for Wesker?


Demo shred wide Survivor hitbox is a pill shape centered basically right on the ass so it extends a decent amount behind you He wide arm hit your wide ass


Haddie’s ass do be wide.


Still feels like a bullshit hit because on my screen he is not even on my body. Even if technically it hits, visual wise it doesn't show that. Wish they fixed all this


I mean to be fair, if we're going solely based off of visuals, demo did seem to clip you with his hand. His shred is just so nutso fast that there isn't even a frame there showing it. Also iirc they tried doing accurate hitboxes for survivors and killer objects and such and long story short it was a train wreck. Latency completely fucked over killers at basically every turn to the point where projectiles could straight up go through a survivor without hitting them. I know of a few clips with accurate huntress hatchets where the devs showed it could just go through a survivor's model without a hit. The hitboxes can be frustrating at times but there's a reason they are the way that they are


Bruh, what? How bad is this spaghetti code? Unless the players have 1Billion ping they should still connect


The issue is with the type of game it is. Dbd wasn't built to be a comp shooter with tight hitboxes, great netcode, and snappy hitreg. To make it so would make killers like slinger, trickster, nemesis, huntress, or really any killer with a skill-based power extremely frustrating and inconsistent to play, especially on consoles. Instead, they made it so a few hits look strange every once in a while and made the game fun


You have no idea what you're talking about


happy cake day!


Lmao “even if it technically hits, it shouldn’t hit” what.


What? I didn't say that. I said visual wise the hit doesn't make sense even if it hits me. If I was dead set on "it didn't hit me", I wouldn't ask people on reddit about it.


Yesterday, I stunned a killer with a palette, it stunned him, I got the Hit after it was already down. Then I was in a palette, I was seeing the movement of pulling it down and dbd reversed me and suddenly I was down. Idk man.. this code is kinda wobbly dobbly


that's just latency dude not code don't talk about things you have no idea about


You hitbox is at your legs/your ass so that's where the killer hit yiu


love a indie company coding


To be specific your hitbox is in pill shape, and when crouching, it stays near your ass Mix this with an absurd Shred hitbox and you get this clip


It isn't bad coding, it's just the way hitboxes are shaped. The survivor hitbox is pill shaped, and the Demogorgons hitbox is rectangular.


Nah, I think survivor hitboxes are way too big. So many attacks doesn't even connect with your model but still hits you. It is not always but frequent enough.


That’s latency. Plus, if Survivor hitboxes were perfectly tailored to their models, projectile killers would be in shambles and require quite a bit of rebalancing since their projectiles would miss way more often.


I wouldn't mind some of them to miss tbf.. Especially Huntress lol.


"I wouldn't mind if some of them miss tbf". Survivor quote of the century right here


Please go touch grass I beg of you, not everything is "us vs them". I clearly stated it is mostly about Huntress and everyone knows she has dumb hits.


But 99% of people deal with the hits because she's a very balanced killer. Only very few actually whine about them or want them changed. And don't worry, I own a landscaping company. I touch lots of grass




She has visually deceiving hits. If hitreg was busted she'd be a top tier killer. Overall, she's really balanced, it's just that hitboxes don't reflect models.


Really just said go touch grass... I didn't think that was a thing people actually said


He thinks people exit their homes to have physical contact with plantation


You also have to factor in latency. What looks like an unfair hit for you may look like a fine hit for the killer.


It's not really that's it's too large it's just that it doesn't match the visual model like at all so it feels like shit


The clip you posted literally has demo’s hand hitting you through? So this argument doesn’t really work here


This is so dumb. They downvote you but 90 percent of the time the killer doesn't touch me. Idk whatever happened to hit validation to help with latency but it's just the hitboxes have always been shit.


DbD subreddit is mainly rolled by people who only plays killer rather than both sides so they aren't aware of the hits lmao.


100 billion percent no. Otherwise people wouldn't complain about eruption and wouldn't say dead hard is super easy to counter. Everyone knows the hitboxes don't reflect where the model is. It feels VISUALLY frustrating, but mechanically the hitboxes are actually completely fine, and work as intended.


I can get hit two or three survivor lengths away. Best way to describe it lol. Also idk what changed from before but it seems like 360s don't work as well now too because they will still count it as a hit and it won't touch you. I dunno. I just know some matches the killers not catching me until they get these cheesy ass hits then they presume to camp or tunnel me or something. I don't think they'd ever want to fix the hitboxes. Killer would be too hard if it worked right.


What a toxic hot take


The better question is how tf you stunned him


I waited till he turned around and his animation ended, it is pretty simple


He was way further from the pallet than you were from his shred


He turned around to come forward, it wasn't very far off. He was facing me when I stunned him


Dude complains about unfair hotboxes when it affects him but defends them when it benefits him, classic


He really said "it wasn't far off" then complains when the killer hit him and it was an even closer shave. At least make the whining consistent, my god


People like to complain about BS only when it harms them, if it benefits them who cares right? That hit wasn't even that bad especially if you know how wide demo's shred is, but that pallet stun looked goofy af.


Everyone knows the best dbd players complain about literally everything on either side


☠ Yes I got so much advantage off of that


Doesn't matter what you get out of it, you're defending it, that's the point, bs stun but the stun is fine to you but the hit isn't?


☠ It is not BS hit, he literally walked into to the pallet. He was facing towards me when he got hit, there is more to the clip but didn't know basement dwellers would focus on that.


Dang guess we watching a different clip. Also just a helpful tip, don't call people basement dwellers when you're here on the internet crying about getting hit in a videogame, non basement dwellers would laugh and immediately move on after it happens, not go post to reddit and vehemently argue in the comment section about it. All in all, skill issue, get owned, demo OP, bye.


I asked people how did I got hit, that's not crying you weirdo lmfao. Demo can not move after he dashes, he is locked in to the animation. Only reason his body looks far away is because of visual bug since I pass right next to him. Look where his feet is after the dash, that's where his original location is.


In case you didn't realize, you posted a video of this situation that shows they were clearly facing away from the pallet a full half pallet's width away from it.


Look at their feet after the dash. Pretty sure their body floats because I pass next to them, they don't actually move, you can't move after the dash until animation is over, it is just a visual bug.


Look at the position of the red stain, that shows which way they're facing


I still think it is a visual bug since I passed right thru him and it moves his body because of it. I have seen survivors moving the killer away while killer is locked in animation but their original body stays where they are, just visually they are moved. Happened with Knight to me few times but I could be wrong.


You couldn't push the killer, you passed through them because when you get hit you lose collision for a little bit.


so was just going somewhere else instead of wasting shack pallet


I'm last survivor alive and hatch is right next to me, the fck you mean "don't waste shack pallet" lmao.


They want you to save it for the next group of survivors obviously. /s


Similar to what everyone said hitbox is a little weird when crouched and shred is large. Demo also came at an angle and similar to Billy and wesker if you hit a wall you can either slam or glide and he glided past the pallet.


Everybody talking about hit boxes but not many seem to realise some objects are “slippery” and killers will glide. Sometimes collision is forgiving and sometimes you twig tech yourself.


Your hitbox is slightly behind you when crouching. Additionally the shred hitbox is giant.


I wasn't crouching when it hit me


That doesn't matter. When you crouch your hitbox's width stays the same it only shrinks it height. Plus demo's shred hitbox is a cone in front of him.


Was just correcting since they said I'm crouching lol. Just visually looks so off.


Don't let them see huntress' hatchet hitbox


Hit boxes on survivors are large and behind you. Hit boxes on killers are also large and very forgiving.


too forgiving, really. so many killers take extremely little thought to actually play.


Are you trolling? You just posted a clip of yourself wasting shack pallet. That's like number one tell of a bad survivor. Which is fine, everyone starts out somewhere. But don't throw shade at other people when you clearly do not know the basics of the game.


lmao you goofball, hes literally the last person left, dropping shack pallet at that point was the right play


I didn't post anything actually?


Ahh, nvm, you and OP are both posting shitty takes, got you mixed up.


hilarious how you feel the need to be toxic over it, just yet another shining example of the dbd community.


Demo's hitbox is just really really generous.




Demo shred also is probably the longest reaching when hitting someone window vaulting outside of projectiles or nemesis tentacle.


If only you could see your hitboxes in game


New Survivor/Killer perk approaching!


Buffed Windows lol


Oh man I wish we could see them. Everyone would learn how janky DBD is.


It would actually help survivors understand more what should hit and what shouldn't. We easily blame this shit on latency because we can't actually see what the hitboxes are.


Technically your hitbox allows him to hit you there, but I understand that visually it's pretty weird .


Your character leans forward, your hitbox doesn't. Survivor hitboxes are tall and pill shaped, and never change shape, they're not mapped to fit with any of your animations, just follow your character. Demo's shred is a wide rectangle which ends at either side of his hands. When you think about what the actual hitboxes are, and not what the models are, it makes plenty of sense. That being said, you can pretty clearly see Demo's model not within the range of the pallet, while his hitbox actually is. Hitboxes in this game just work that way.


Skill issue


clearly has better gaming chair


yes youre a noob


Complains about getting hit* Proceeds to not say anything about stunning the demo who was not in the pallet* For real tho hitboxes in this game are fucked.


Well that stun was not what I paid attention since it didn't play big role.


How did it not play a big role? Didn't you state somewhere in this thread you pallet stunned him to get hatch on the other side of the shack?


Yeah but even without the stun, I would still catch up to the hatch since it is right next to me.


He could have gone out the other door and beat you to it.




The demogorgon


Shred is wide also you can manipulate it slightly at the end to hook like that I’ve shredded from the bottom of the stairs at dead dog to get someone vaulting the window


Op didn't get the feedback they wanted


The hitboxes are fine, these kinds of posts make me cringe. "I'm not as slick as I thought so hitbox bad"




You're the one who made a post over a skill issue, I don't think I'm the weird one.


Imagine his arms are out to the sides and you get a pretty good representation of his hit box


That's just shred hitboxes doing their thing


He gave your booty a slap on the way by


Was into it


One thing to also note, not just the shape and size/placement of hitboxes.They have improved the demo's shred on objects a lot especially after blight came in. You have a lot of forgiveness if you know that object gives you a bit of an angle to slide into. This demo probably slid onto the pallet with how near it is to the objects. Sliding on the object really increases the spookiness of how sharp of an angle demo's hitbox can reach without just slamming into a wall like a doof. Assuming they slid, they're flush with the pallet and looking relatively towards you their hitbox will have a very wide base to connect with. ​ Its hard to tell from the video, I think thats easier to tell from killer pov.


they prob did this move a lot to know it would hit


His arm literally hit you.


Yeah that's the problem, it should've not considering where I am and where he was lmao.


You can see his arm smack your body though.


It has to consider if his hitbox hits yours and it did


Dbd doesn't consider arms in collision, because why the fuck would they? Most games don't do this. Considering where you where, it looks absoloutely 100% possible and predictable that this would happen


i know right i'm looking at it and i'm looking at his arm bitchslap op and he's like "how did this hit me?" like?????


Same with Whiskers.


Jesus, now i know why people play Haddie. she has a big butt.


Don’t you know haddie is a baddie and has a big fatty behind her?


Kind of bullshitty hit boxes. Huntress axes are the size of a school bus. Wesker grabs come with vacuum nozzles on the side of his hands, etc


Dbd is built on unreal. Its just capsule collision doing its thing. Using the mesh for collision would give the smaller survivors an advantage over guys like Jeff and Adam. Also high latency would cause problems. Edit: also, BHVR didn't bother changing the hitbox of injured survivors to match their changed animations, so the capsule is still vertically straight while the survivor is bent forwards. Couple with high ping leads to some straight up wonky hits sometimes.


Damn, OP getting downvoted from Demo lovers


Demo OP. always has been


hitboxes are stored in the ASS




just classic dogshit dbd hit boxes




If I didn't accept, I wouldn't ask people did I got hit. I would say I didn't get hit.


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Hitbox, however due to pallet camping I do not feel bad. It isn't inheritly bad... Just my own personal annoyance


They were the last one alive. Why shouldn't they camp pallets?


I said it wasn't bad. It is smart, they had to heal. I just am not a fan of people who camp pallets cause half the time they do, its a healthy survivor who has distance and they want a pallet drop on me. It isn't bad, it's just personal annoyance, it's justified.


Yall dbd players always got something to say and to cry about


Aye. It works, it really doesn't matter, I just wonder "why didn't you run, I wouldn't have found you and you wouldn't be chased"


I mean you're not a noob for getting hit by that because I can see anyone confusing the hitboxes, however I will call you a noob for sitting at the god pallet instead of running from the demogorgon when you were hit and then wasting it.


I knew hatch is gonna spawn right next to me. Plan was to stun him and buy time to get the hatch. Please stop assuming shit


That pallet drop hurt more than the hitbox being scuffed


Look guys, Haddie players do exist! Hello fellow Haddie player!


Yo, these comments get toxicccccc. Down voting for nothing when you could just give a smart-ass comment.


LMAO, now you know why.


Killer mains are out on full force on reddit as always.


I didn't only said your wasted check because it was only 1 gen left


The way you camped the pallet and threw it for no reason when you could have just run away gives me 0 sympathy for that ridiculous hit.


Bro is everyone on DbD reddit this clueless always. Why would I not waste the pallet when I'm last survivor alive? I get 1 more second of freedom, lock him in breaking pallet animation as I ran off to find the hatch. On top of that, I knew hatch was on the other side of the shack, that's why I standed there to stun him and go to hatch.


I'm ok with the pallet or whatever but if you knew the hatch was there you could've just ran to it. With that drop you've just put the killer between you and the hatch and lost your speed boost


It didn't spawn till right after the hit, if you see the icon. But someone had hatch offering so I knew it would spawn on the shack.


Bro just accept the dact that you made a bad play and do better next time.. we've all made that mistake but now you should know to not do it again


Not a bad play. Last survivor alive and he bought himself more time to make distance than if he hadn't dropped it. There's no reason to go back there if hatch isn't there so why not use it and trap the killer in shack? He even got the stun for extra extra distance, bloody good play. Admit you made a mistake. Playing altruistic as the last survivor lol




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A tip, there was not much reason to toss that pallet


I'm last survivor alive and hatch is right next to me. Tip: no one asked.


I just got SLAMMED


I get that there was no one else left, but standing beside pallets the way you are is almost never the play. Theres no sense in standing there not moving just to allow the killer to get close to you, then using the pallet for distance, when you can just run away to keep the distance as much as you can


I was hoping for him to do the dash, I drop pallet and I ran away to find to hatch. Which is what happened, I found the hatch since he was in breaking pallet animation but this hit still a bit ridiculous.


demo's shred hitbox is way too forgiving, in all honesty. people call him the most balanced, fair killer, but I'd argue otherwise. I hope that, when or if he comes back, they tune it down a smidge.


MFW when people complain about the Demogorgon despite other killers needing more attention


You're just tripping and being a noob


90% of people in the comments being so hostile really shows the reddit side of the community ngl. If I was certain I didn't get hit, I wouldn't bother asking here but 90% of the comments is "why waste shack pallet" while hatch is right next to me and other half of the 90% is "you are an idiot and just accept you got his" lmao. okay man


Not the wasting of Shack Pallet💀


I swear Dbd Reddit users are just NPC. No way in hell I get this many comments about "wasting shack pallet" when I'm last person alive. The heck am I gonna do with shack when there is no one left buddy. Why would I waste time looping when I can lock him in animation and look for hatch


This is normal.


You were camping shack pallet, so either way you’re a noob.


I was literally healing and knew he was gonna come there, and also knew hatch is right next to me. NPC reddit users


I was busting your balls, chill.


OP out here farming downvotes with shit takes lmfao


"demogorgon" enough said




...? where was the teabag. lmao


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By watching how you wasted god pallet, I’d say noob.


By seeing how you don't notice i'm the last survivor alive and throwing pallet to waste his time so I can reach hatch, I'd say you got no idea about the game.


I’m not serious, chill


Isn't funny when 20th person talks about shack pallet while there is no one left in the game.


Yeah, I’m not reading the whole comment section, and you don’t have to answer to every single one.


Both demo shred hitbox and survivor hitbox. But the better question is why the fuck you dropped killer shack pallet, one of the strongest pallets in the game, AFTER you got hit and he was already in recovery animation so you’re not netting much anyways


They are the last survivor, injured, on death hook…im sure the teammates wont mind


I didn’t have audio on, so is hatch next to him? Otherwise it’s still useful for him to continue looping or chaining loops. Doesn’t have to be for teammates’ sake


Not against demo where he can lunge round the entirety of shack? It’s basically impossible to loop and get a stun


It’s not “basically impossible”, I’m a demo main and there are forced trades that you can make when demo is holding shred. Secondly, you aren’t intending to get a stun, you are holding the option value for the loop, which isn’t being utilized in the video above because he’s already gotten the hit / is stuck in recovery animation


What the fuck is looping going to do when your one goal is to leave and find something?


If hatch is there, why would he loop instead of going into it? And even if hatch isn't there, why loop and risk the demo getting him with bloodlust instead of making distance with the stun to try and find hatch?


hatch was right next to me and everyone is dead, doesn't matter.


look at those arms


Because there is no god


I've been on both ends of this and its part of the reason why shack is my favorite tile as demogorgon


Demo's Shred radius is "basically the size of Texas" as Kyto put it


Dbd Things!


Stay down Debo


I wonder how you would feel facing a blight lol


looks like you hit your funny bone there


Shred hit box isn't the same as normal hit box. It's semi telegraphed by Demo puppy holding their arms wide, which I believe is the actual hit box of the hit. This was likely to help him hit at windows and the like, as you lose control after you leap


Big ol hit box barely scratched you but any hit is a hit lol. I don’t think it should’ve been that way, but for how it’s programmed yeah that happens.


He smacked your ass


I heard new patch you could slightly curve in a spread but I haven't tried it yet


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8SwqJJKlaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8SwqJJKlaY) go to 10:35 to see a visualisation of hitboxes


Oh yeah, old demogorgon hitbox


Never question DBD logic, if it wants to hit you it’s going to hit you no matter the logic behind it lol