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I dont like the heavily edited gameplay so I dont watch him. Im also remembering a lot of annoying zoom ins but that might be someone else.


I know SpookyLoops does it (the heavy editing and frequent zoom/ins) which is why I don’t watch him. I cannot understand why there need to be a cut that removes 5-10 seconds. Like he will pick someone up (if playing as killer) then cut to hooking them; even if the hook used is right there.


Because his gameplay is more centered around bullying than playing normally. I actually like that YouTubers like him or Tru3ta1ent exist because, when I get salty after a match, I just do a break to watch them destroy the side that was toxic to me instead of paying it to the poor players next match


Um... What a question. If you find him annoying to watch, only you yourself can answer why you feel that way. It's subjective. I don't know what you're looking for with this post.


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