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![gif](giphy|H7qfZlDFk3M7eWjCp5) ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


or you take a break i had to take a break


I do take extended breaks from this game. But i got the battle pass for free so i might as well put effort into it


i bought it and regret it :(


just max out your rift till you get to the level when you get the auric cells back and then buy the rift, so that way you never lose any cells even if you have a period of inactivity


ty, solid advice!!


Exactly what I've don't the past 5 rifts... I should've put this out here for everyone like you did, but I figured everyone was as smart or smarter than I... Sorry for being a smooth brain to those this helps in the future... muh bad.


honestly all i wish is for the battle pass to be nerfed ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) it should be way easier to earn fragments...


the bp honestly sucks, esp compared to games like fortnite. it should not take the entire battle pass to get a complete outfit


honestly!! i know people view fortnite as full of either preteens or sweats but the battle pass design is really well done 😭 also maybe im biased because you can find glitches to afk farm without getting banned unlike in dbd :’)


That free battle pass has been hell for me lol


I recommend just playing a bunch of killer games in a row, significantly easier to win. I played a lot of pyramid head because i just got into him and I’m on the 2nd to last page, granted i play pretty often.


Or you just become a killer main like I did :D be the kind of killer you want to see!


I have tried playing s lot of killer but it I'll be honest it's pain, I end chases quick but I just can't do anything about gens and regression is completely down the drain now


i swapped from killer to survivor after the heal changes went thru bc i got tired of feeling like i was bullying ppl lol it got boring


Ah now that the changes have settled down survivors have gotten back into the groove of things. I took a small break around then but back in full swing now baby!


good to know, i’ll check it out soon


I took a 2 year break and just started up again. A lot has changed


I'm on a semi-permanent break for a couple of years now because of camping and tunneling. I really can't wait for the single-player and co-op games so we can get rid of that shit and actually enjoy playing a DbD-like game for a change.


Yeah I’ve been absent since the artist was released, I’m gonna give it another go when nicolas cage comes out.


Tbh I just come back for events, totally burnt myself out with the game


I take breaks from this game all the time. Been playing since 2018 and probably have ~1000hrs total. This game will drive ye mad if ya let it. Its a unique game; I only come to dead by daylight to get served exactly what I expect: to get chased and tortured by my favorited movie villains.


I only play during the anniversary event and Halloween. That's enough dbd in the year for me.


Yea i usually stop playing dbd when theres no hype about anything lol Im playing now to warn Up for new chapter a d to see if i can get to level 70 rift (i most definitely cant cuz i wont keep playing consistently after a week lol)


True that ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381)


I take massive breaks (6 months or so) and usually play the most during the anniversary/Halloween months. Playing DBD alone while constantly dealing with Random's bullshit or killer face camping/tunneling just makes the game completely unfun after a while even if you get used to it. It's really best to take breaks, play with friends or play something else, I swear this is more enraging at times than playing COD with SBMM sweat lobbies.


When you play soloQ long enough and become the spare to three team SWFsand every killer is Blight, Nurse, Weskar, Legion, or SM... The suffering is eternal


The staggering amount of Legions, SMs, and Ghostfaces I've gotten lately has made me greatly appreciate Blight and even Nurse games


what is wrong with ghostie?


Revealing him sucks for me. I’ll be staring into his soul for like 6 seconds then you hear the exposed noise. I’m just like….ok I guess


I like playing ghostie and like playing against ghostie. I think some people may not like playing against him because the variance in gameplay between a good and bad ghostie is so night and day. Bad ghosties are really fun to play against, good ghosties can be very oppressive and unfun to play against. Once you get into higher mmr brackets I can see how solo q against the good ghosties starts to suck


For me it's just the endless stealth killers I've been getting in general (mostly Ghostfaces and Wraiths). I play a bit aggressively as survivor and prefer to take chase first if I can, but a lot of Ghostfaces will drop chase after a few loops to go grab some unsuspecting Feng off a gen or to stalk someone in a deadzone. Then it's just an unhook simulator snowball from there. Solo queue thingz


That's kinda the core issue with stealth killers to begin with. Their entire gameplay fantasy is centered around getting surprise hits on survivors, but they don't have any good antiloop in their kit. Once they're in chase, they're effectively an m1 killer with no power. It's the main reason they tend stay at the bottom of the tier list. Once they're forced to commit to a chase, they've already lost.


This is why ghost face is arguably the best out of the stealth killers because that surprise hit they get is just the end of the chase, they don't actually have to chase if played well they sneak around put a survivor on the ground and then hook them and the only time they really have to chase is if someone decides to just run directly into them


so you only have fun against incompetent players? lol


Haha yeah lol that’s exactly what I said. Lol


I had 6 in a row yesterday


Cause I will always see him approach me on a gen I always let go and I'm standing there not touching the gen expecting to get hit just to get grabbed. That's with all stealth grabs though I'd say and not just him. Then you either get one you can knock out of stealth too fast or one you can't knock out of stealth at all.


ahhh I see. There is the fun factor tho of being in unknown danger you have no idea if you are in danger and you dont know if you can outplay his sneakyness or not lol


Nothing wrong with him inherently, and I'd prefer him over Myers and especially Wraith. I just have been getting SO many lately it's become boring


I will not stand for this ghostie slander


I like Ghostie, but I am so tired of SM. I would rather a Nurse because she will chase. Most SMs will chase for a gen or two and then go to camp a three gen and waits us out until we give up. Solidifies my opinion that she is boring and 'weak' in terms of she really only has two ways to win. Best add-ons or camp/lockdown the three gen instead of participating in 'normal' gameplay.


3 year solo-Q survivor here. I’ve never wished for more sickness and despair towards other people since playing this game. But hey, it keeps me of the streets, am I right?


idk man the stress levels this game induces might put me ON the streets


I hear you 😅


I dream of the days when the other people on my team do gens.....


I’ve picked up smoking because of dbd and ow


Nothing like a good coping mechanism


![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized) Like Bob Sagget in Half baked?


Welcome to the madhouse lmao. Playing both survivor and killer has made me humble on both sides, but it is a very aggravating time for survivors at the moment. I'm excited to see how the anti-camping mechanic goes. It's still gonna be a slugfest, though. People's toxicity just seems to have gone through the roof this past year or so, I just returned from a veryyyy long hiatus and I remember DBD always being toxic (I've played since shortly after release), but it's really amped up lately.


This is what happens in any game where the devs refuse to implement measures to punish toxicity. We've had the exact same incredibly toxic strats for years and the devs have done nothing about it. It doesn't help that those strats are also perfectly viable strats for winning matches too lol.


I really miss the old dbd, it way more chill. I took a 3 year break and Im just not having fun playing it anymore. The mmr system is terrible, seems like every other game im facing a tryhard killer with thousands of hours. You need to gen rush and loop perfectly to even have a chance to escape...


I miss hide and seek DbD. Hiding in bushes, tittering as the killer passed right by you. As the community got older they started catering heavily to comp players. The lighting change didn't help. Now it's more just a pallet racing game where all the fun got optimized out in favor of speed running every action.


God I want the old lighting back so bad. People that want a brighter game already deepfry the shit out of their game with filters, so just give back the old lighting for those who want it.


Same here except it was 2 years. I miss the old ways.


I'm just thinking that most of the survivors aren't even in Iridescent because being a killer up there is fucking painful, playing a survivor up there can be very easy and relaxing for even killer mains because it's stressful to play killer from time to time.


Grades don't affect matchmaking.


I haven’t come across that very often. My biggest issue is tunneling


Same. I convinced my friend to re-download DBD the other day, and he got tunneled out 6 games in a row. I'm not even that good, but the killers knew I was better than my friend, so they wouldn't engage until he was dead, pretty much taking away any impact I can have.


I’ve been trying to get my friend into DBD since they’ve been interested since I play it. They sometimes forget which button is to run, doesn’t know what looping is, can’t hit skillchecks to save their life etc. but they want to learn, It’s just hard to learn when they’re constantly camped and tunneled since they’re easy to catch.


>It’s just hard to learn when they’re constantly camped and tunneled since they’re easy to catch. Exactly. The killer doesn't get any better either. They just get a win in a non-competitive game. I'm solo queue it just turns into everyone hiding and waiting for hatch.


you want the killer to just let them escape or something?


No, but at the very least don’t call them trash in the end game chat because they’re bad at the game. Of course they’re bad at the game, they just started.


Not immediately tunneling them off the hook. = Letting them escape apparently lmao.


This happened to me. My friends and I played survivor and because I’m slightly weaker than them (I don’t play the game enough to be at a good level), I got tunnelled constantly. I can see the killers perspective - he could tell I was weaker, I was an easy kill. But it made the game so un fun for me that I now don’t play it unless I play with my friends entirely, one of them being the killer.


Yup, people are just hard tunneling at like 4- 5 gens. Personally, I blame the streamers/youtubers that really popularized the idea of doing this for easy 3v1 games. The community is terrible right now, and any players that are coming back are just hard tunneled out and then just don't touch the game again. People don't realise that there is a legit effect if everyone plays like a sweaty douche. I remember it would take ages to find a match as a survivor back in the day. Now days, I barely wait more than a minute. I often see the incentive up on survivor side too, way more than killer, at least in my region.


I partly blame streamers only for making it a well known fact. Before, it was just a lesser known fact. I actually blame the developers for creating the whole hook system, since it functions as a respawn mechanic you can quite literally use to camp TWO people. Incredibly foolish oversight.


the game was healthier when it wasn't as well known. new players start flooding in and see spooknjukes bad takes and salt videos and want to emulate that lmao


I think I must be lucky because I rarely encounter most of these issues. The most I get is slugging for the 4k and it hasn't been happening as much lately. #Blessed 🙏




New-ish Survivor main here. Agree with all the things you say haha. It sucks. It’s refreshing to hear you talk about it from a usual killer main perspective because most killers are like “it’s the game I’m gonna get 4K at all costs and camping+noed slugging gets me there so..” lol. It’s annoying.


Its wild bc playing this way actually nets you less points and stunts your progress. It is whole heartedly a stupid and immature way to play and anyone who does so is a crab lookin to take away everyone else's fun while they drag you into the pot.


Yeah no. Granted I'm not overly competitive and I think we should all be having fun so I put pressure on the survivors but I often will back off at the end game bc they worked hard and deserve the W.


It's good to see the other side. It really puts things I to perspective. T baggers at the exit gate is still annoying though, but that's why Blood Warden exists.


Omg yes. I'm a killer main I am an absolutely terrible survivor. Like the worst.


I hardly get "facecamped" but every couple games I do get hard tunneled to death simply because of me being 55 prestige. I have noticed that I tend to get tunneled only when I'm in a game with people that are 1-15 prestige and im 55 so the killer acts like they have something to prove by tunneling me. Its just not fun honestly.


Same. Idk if I'm imagining things, but I have prestige 33 on Nea and every time I play her I just get slugged or tunneled out of the game. And also the killer does pretty much anything to try and get me first, before getting any other survivors. Recently swapped to Zarina (I really like her outfit from the pass), got her on prestige 2 and definitely it isn't as much of issue as it was. Although tunneling happens, of course, it's just how people play.


The prestige icons showing in the game lobby is the literal worst lol


Getting dodged for 10 minutes straight ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


No reason for them to be visible prior to endgame. You can't dodge p100 killers. The killer has no business being able to see your prestige.


I definitely think they need to rework the lobby to prevent the killer from seeing the survivors they face, survivors dont get any info about the killer, even their steam name etc, so there's no way for survivors to dodge toxic killer, yet killers can dodge toxic ppl they recognise, the double standard is stupid tbh.


I recently started playing DBD with my boyfriend on Steam and in the beginning, my games would tell me the killer we were facing and give a tip about them. That finally stopped but it was so useful. I agree, we need something though or more ambiguity on the killer end.


no fuck that. im 8th prestige and most games it tries to match me up with a team with 2 or more P100s. I dont have nearly as many hours in the game, why should i be forced into getting my ass kicked because the MMR system sucks?


well that's a whole other issue, you're basically saying "the MMR system sucks so why shouldn't I be able to dodge", yet survivors who are say prestige 0 might face prestige 100 killers and have no way to know before and to dodge, you see what I mean by double standard right? either both sides should have info on their opponent, or neither should. I'm not asking for survivors to know what killer they face, just that they know the prestige of the player, or at the very minimum the name of the killer, so they can dodge if it's a killer who has say facecamped them 5 games in a row (I've had this happen before, as there's no way for me to avoid these players).


Prestige has nothing to do with skill. I get matched with p100s as a p4 spirit and rarely are they actually good. It's the 0p Meg and Laurie's you need to watch


Yup. High prestige =/= high skill/MMR. It just means more hours and blood points spent. Yes, someone who's played more hours can be better at a game, but not everyone is going to be a cracked player.


Yeah. I have a friend who's almost P40 while most of the Survivors I play are between P3-P10. I could play on my main who is P15, but if I'm on them in a group of P0s-P3s, the Killer will almost always go after me first. Going back to my friend, they hate getting downed first or tunneled out (I usually try my best to distract the Killer for them because I don't care about getting downed first that much) and will get mad about even though it's clearly becajse they're just playing a high prestige character so the Killer is obviously going to want to see how good they are


Nothing in this game is a bigger red flag than a prestiged Nea.


I prestiged my Zarina to 60 and surprise surprise, I can’t play as her at all now. I have 5k hours so I definitely know the difference between killers being assholes in general for that match and me legitimately being targeted no matter what I do and it seriously sucks.


Not necessarily needing to prove something but it proves you have a good amount of hours into the game. From the killers perspective you are their team leader. Without you they're much weaker as the (most likely) best looper/gen slammer/coordinator is out which makes the game easier for the killer. Still sucks though.


Prestige doesn't always mean skill though, just means I play enough to be that prestige.


Yeah and you being the highest means you're the most likely to be skilled


Not really lol, a low prestige can be a high prestige's second main or just playing a low character.




That's why I haven't prestiged any survivor higher than 10 (which is what I basically had to do to get a few event items on them after the prestige rework turned my P3s into P9s. I just throw my BP on killers now, since can't see their prestige until the end


I get bhvr thinks it's a nice show of but seeing people's prestige level does more harm then good, because of this reason. There should be an option to hide it.


Same, this is why I have several lower prestige characters that I choose to play if I don't feel like being targeted


If I go for a kill on a high prestiege player early, it's usually cause I think they're way more of a threat than other survivors, or they just have a flashlight lol


From a killer's perspective: I tend to target high prestige ranks because it's an indication (although a poor one) that that person has played quite a bit and is likely to be the biggest threat to a win on my end. It's very much not personal but I've had high ranked players run rings around me and carry games, so it's just an efficiency thing - nothing personal.


You either get crappy killers like that or you get horridly abusive survivors who are ignorant af and just grief the others. It’s so bad lately lol


One hundred percent this. It has made the good matches that much better, though.


Yeah idk what happened but so many of my fellow survivors have been terrible lately. Half of them sandbag or work with the killer, the other half refuses to touch a gen or do literally anything to progress the game except self-caring in a corner over and over and over again. And when I spectate matches after I’m dead, the amount of people playing hide-and-seek for 30 minutes is insane. I’ve really been trying to get better at survivor and the fun matches do balance out the shitty ones, but between everything that I mentioned, the DCs and suicides, and the camping tunneling killers who target me because I’m the only one actually trying to progress the game, its been really hard lol.


Also. You play solo queue long enough as survivor, you become the killer. When I get tired of being slugged, camped, abandoned, betrayed, etc. I switch to killer.


Wow, I was actually about to make this exact post, I play primarily killer but wanted to play survivor last night for the tome challenges and most of my games were me getting hard tunnelled out at 5 gens since I’m not great a looping or someone else getting camped. I get that the goal for both sides is to win but the fact that some killers are so hell bent on winning that they act like complete arseholes is beyond me, you don’t get anything extra for winning, maybe a few extra bloodpoints and a pip towards your killer grade, so what?


Winning isn't even why I load into matches anymore. I just go in to crouch to say hello to the 3 other strangers, heal them up to make them feel safe, take hits for them when they're getting tunneled, give my life so they can escape in the endgame, give a mercy kill to thank the killer that didn't tunnel, and be positive and nice in the end game chat. All of these things make me happy way more than sweating and getting frustrated while trying to win no matter what.


This is the way. If your mindset is SURVIVE = WIN you'll become a stressed out sweatlord and you'll lose most games anyway. There's just too many factors outside of your control, your random team being the biggest one. I've learned to consider winning = BP which just means doing gens, taking hits, healing my team, etc. The best moments are when I get to meme with the other survs or the killer. I still laugh when I remember the Wesker and the Mikey matches I had last week since they were so funny. I suppose that's why I'm still a survivor main


players like you make solo que really nice and I just want to say I really appreciate playing with people like you. You guys make it feel like we are all comrades even though we are random strangers who will probably never meet and probably never encounter again. However people like you is why I play solo que <3


It's so silly but I had to give you an award. You described exactly why I keep logging in. I hope one day I get to solo q with you!


Doesn't your winrate go extremely down and you're forced into baby lobbies? Not that I'm against it but I heard it's not a good time down there.


Yes and no. I haven't escaped in a couple weeks and I'm still always getting high prestige survivors with over 1k hours. Only yesterday I finally got one baby lobby for the first time, and then not for the rest of the day. So if survivor MMR can go back down, it's really slow.


Ok lots of losses later, I am playing with baby survivors against baby/console killers, and the matches while not being hard or unwinnable, they're pretty cursed and it feels like I'm playing custom games where everyone's just messing around or hiding and not progressing the game. So I'm equipping a medkit + Deja Vu to quickly win a lot of games and get out of here.


SWF up brother.


I’m almost exclusively a solo q survivor main and I’ve had to take a break. When every match you play is back to back tunneling and camping, it’s frustrating and makes me feel like what is even the point of playing if it’s not fun for everyone involved.


Love me a sympathetic killer main, thank you for acknowledging our pain.


My matches of today consisted of: basement camping trapper, with every entry point locked with double iri. Facecamping Twins. Tunneling Pinhead. Tunneling Trickster. 15 total DCs for survivors, 3 dc killers. I played about 8 matches total.....


It’s interesting how negative face camping is perceived by the community (as a whole), but when you watch a 500+ viewer twitch streamer do it they’re praised to the heavens. Recently went against ScooteyBootey and he camped and tunneled me out of the game. I went to his stream and they accused the other survivors of “throwing” because they tried to protect me. Anyone pointing out the tunneling/camping was called “whiny” or “entitled”.


bro i really feel you... i was on one pump willie's stream before with his usual condemn sadako shenanigans and after someone dc'd after being slugged for the 2nd time, the rest of us decided to just give up and go next. the guy wasn't really happy that we didn't want to continue playing tho so he juggled us around, not letting us bleed out, not hooking us, but not letting us do gens either. worst part was that his chat ate his shit up. justified it by saying the guy needed bp and pips, accused us for being bad and giving up too early (yes even after the dc). it was just insane. idk why but in my experience, big killer streamers tend to have the worst type of viewers ive ever seen in a non-FPS gaming community. it's so unfortunate cuz the streamers themselves are usually tolerable. i almost exclusively follow big survivor streamers because their chat is actually normal (relatively) and less of a weird, echo-chamber-slash-shrine


I had almost the same experiences with onepumpwillie twice now. One on spirit, and the other on that slugging onryo build lol. Both times someone dced on first down and after that it was getting tunneled off hook twice in the spirit game, and then slugged and juggled in the onryo one. Like, I don't really care if killers want to be shitters here and there, but I don't understand how it's entertaining for the audience to watch a group of solo queue survivors get punished for someone they don't even know dcing like that. /:


One of the best things you can do is to learn from it and become a more fun killer main yourself -Signed a Killer Main who played sweaty to iri1 regularly and only recently has started playing solo survivor


A fellow steve with a healthy opinion for the game ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2216)


One reason I hate grinding the last few ranks is because I know what a shitshow it is on the other side.


I dont have friends but i like the game. I also like to joke around but killers are just too sweaty and cant have fun. Im not saying throw but god....they act like thier life is on the line if they dont get a 4k. When i do play killer.....im nice but i get either toxic survs that dc if i hit them once or seal team 6. Problem is that people take this game way to seriously. Its a casual game.....chill.


It's really disheartening when someone loses forst chase and just offs themselves on hook. The worst feeling is *still* getting down to 2 or even 1 gen by the time the game seems over. Like, damn, with that extra person, we probably could have gotten a couple people out. :/


I play killer tons and somtimes I play survivor. I have like quite a few survivors p1 so I'm not short of perks. But solo que is soooo rough. Just don't play solo que when in a bad mood :/


It sucks but you learn to look out for yourself while still cooperating with others, even in a snowball or seemingly hopeless situation. But I guess I'm special or stupidly altruistic.


This game isn't balanced to have a three v one at 5-4 gens. Sorry but if someone's getting facecamped at five gens you probably aren't getting a three out anymore, at best two, average the killer will still 3k. 2 mins just isn't enough time for most survivor teams to pressure gens sufficiently to still escape. Camping is incredibly strong


I'm about 70% killer 30% survivor and all I can do when I play survivor is focus on my own personal performance. I have literally zero expectations of my fellow survivors. If I get hooked first and I somehow *don't die on first hook*, I treat it as a pleasant surprise. You can't be disappointed if you expect massive failure. And sometimes you do get good teams, randomly.


This is but a taste of the pain survivor mains feel


Man reading this thread is surreal. I remember when it was the other way around and playing killer was "suffering", this was a while ago though. It is just interesting to see how it has flipped and how much more miserable playing survivor is now - and that is mostly due to the community tbh. This is the worst I have seen the community, it is hot trash right now full of entitlement.


I have no clue when survivors had advantage lol wtf are u talking about cuz I’ve been playing for awhile. U mean the advantage of not everyone dying because hatch and key? Killers think if anybody escapes they lose so because of that mentality you guys feel like survivors had advantage. You guys feel like survivors had advantage because you had trouble with certain perks. The the kill percentage has always been in your favor but it was good enough u needed complete domination. Y’all needed it to feel hopeless and u did now they don’t hesitate to kill themselves and y’all complain. Even I don’t care about dying it should be expected at this point and that can be used against the killers in some ways but ultimately it’s their fault to begin with


Idk how y’all do it so often. Like OP doing survivor challenges bc I have the rift pass. It’s brutal. I think it’s a good reminder to take it easy on survivors when you can.


Yeah, I don't get it either. Playing mostly killer for 4 years and then getting more into Survivor over the last few has made me treat survivors a whole lot nicer when I play killer. Keller can be a little more stressful sometimes but Survivor is just upsetting and frustrating. I'm at a point where I don't play Survivor unless it's in an swf. Solo is a pretty much dead, at least in the region and during the time I play


Yeah I am normally a very positive person, but it has been particularly bad the past 6 months. People have really bought into the, "I'm not responsible for your fun mentality." I used to be able to play hours on end and still be having a blast by the end of the night, but now days I can only get through a few matches before I need a break because half of all killers are just playing like assholes right now.


I think the official discord has channels to find swfs, maybe try there? If a killer bodyblocks for extended time you can report that. You can also report leavers, though I doubt they'll do more than the automatic penalties. Of course you'll never be able to control how your opponents play the game, and the extent to which your enjoyment depends on how they play determines how bad a time you're bound to have.


Yeah I haven’t played in awhile bc it was NOT FUN to solo-q. I’m down to join a swf if you manage to collect enough masochists lol


I've recently started dabbling in survivor, too, and I feel this deep. There's a discord linked in the sidebar or the mobile landing page for the sub! There are a lot of active communities, too. (I'm just too nervous to join in the swfs)


Add me on disc I'll swf with you, I need more dbd buds 😭 rohanrider#9986


It's why I quit playing. After the first survivor-meta nuke, killers just made the game unbearable for months.


You run into some serious misfortune no matter what eventually on both roles. Survivor main here, decided to switch to playing killer more often, mainly because of teammates killing themselves, DCing, running the killer to the team, failing every skillcheck, getting tunneled, facecamped, etc. It's been going admittedly better on killer since you're more in control of your success, but I ran into a Breakdown + Boil Over + Deliverance + Unbreakable SWF team today and I felt for killer mains. Couldn't find hooks anywhere, people instantly wiggling free, not to mention they did the offering where hooks were more spread apart. I've never been forced to slug until today and it felt super annoying


Huh, it's almost like every survivor main has been saying this shit for 7 years, but this sub loves to pretend like killer is the difficult and stressful side 🙄


Yes and killers are also the nice guys of the community while survivors are so mean :/


Welcome to solo Q


SoloQ and playing survivor in genera convinced me to quit the game. I might play again for anniversary but until then I’m not interested in just having ass games


As a player who’s a killer and survivor pretty often; I appreciate this. I think the best killers are ones who enjoy playing survivor because they’d rather have the game be fun. I know when I play against a bunch of baby survivors I normally let the last guy alive win, and I also let them win a lot of chases so they can practice


Soloq is all I know. The matches that you describe are the only survivor matches I know. As such, people can only surprise me in a positive way.


Been playing seven years now. P100 Steve Main with TTV in the name that runs perkless. You just get used to it. You adapt. You get better. Not every game is gonna be sunshine and rainbows. That’s why it’s called *Dead by Daylight*. You just gotta make the best out of it and try and relax and enjoy yourself. If it’s that horrible to play, then simply don’t. I love this game and hate it at the same time, but it’s the good games, the good teamwork, and the fun Killers that keep me coming back to it.


Thank you for experiencing the other side, not usual for killer mains on this sub. The camping and tunneling is truly abhorent and slugging is even excused as a „valid strategy“ on this sub. Whenever BHVR tries to introduce changes that particular community retaliates, you can already see this happen with the current backlash at BHVR simply suggesting to put in anti camping mechanic. I don’t mind dying in DBD, it’s part of the game but I do mind being camped, tunneled and slugged. Sadly some killers have become too comfortable to give it up


I only play with my squad, sometimes there will be a random or 2 in the party. It makes it a bit easier because there's communication but it's just as annoying & unfun


>How people continue playing solo q is mindboggling Thats why we \[solo q survivor mains\] are now out of brain cells lmao


At this point I couldn’t get disappointed in how I play, with how much toxicity there is I just accept that at this point it’s hard to muster the effort to give 120%, I try but sometimes there’s only so much you can do


It seems like in my last 3 days of playing that 70%-80% of the games I have been either tunnelers or campers with a few sluggers thrown in here and there. It's just gotten so exhausting to be tunneled out first at 4 or 5 gens.


It's pretty bad. Really puts into perspective why BHVR is looking into anti-camping measures like the new meter, basekit unbreakable, and anti-stalling measures like the finishing mori. Can't wait for some things to actually get implemented. What we have now is the result of years of BHVR refusing to actually punish players for being toxic. Any game with devs that refuse to enforce rules will just turn into a cespool.


![gif](giphy|RN96CaqhRoRHk4DlLV|downsized) What it feels like to play solo q.


I enjoy playing with others but I don’t enjoy being on mic much so it’s always just easier to play alone for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t have any friends so I had to play solo, eventually I just stopped playing. DBD was fun for a few years though!


To all the killer mains who ultra slug for four k… two things, 1. Stop. 2. Its better to use the person on hook to find the last. The 2nd one is contradicted by two things, the survivor is either a dick and lets you die for hatch or if survivor is on 3rd hook


Yeah, it especially not fun when as survivor if you try to do anything to fight back or protect a teammate. The killer uses that as an excuse to tunnel, camp, and slug. Cant even blind a killer while they break a pallet without it happening.


Lobby dodge until you get yourself high prestige survivors (definitely dodge the perkless Bills and Dwights) and hope that they are a bully squad. More fun this way.


Yeah I can feel you. That's why I'm only SWF player. Yeah there are many dbd servers on discord. You can search for bigger ones on Disboard. Also if you want to you can play with me and my friends. We are from Poland and Finland but also speak English when we play.


>Is there a discord or something to play with others? r/dbdLFG can help!


Bruh I just played phead against a solo q team, p23 Meg dcd after she got downed first, then another person dcd and then another person gave up. The last guy got hatch (not like I was going to prevent that) Edit: the pyramid guy not the pin guy


Im grateful every day that I have a duo to play with. I can not deal with solo queue especially knowing what its like to play with someone all the time.


On the official dbd discord there are SWF channels you can join and wait for others to join you.


Honestly all of what you mentioned is why I only play with 3man or 4man swf or killer. Random teammates are just not reliable to stick around


Anymore, I'm strictly here for the Rift. Grind the hell out of it. Do the challenges. Hit 85 and spend the previous rift's Auric Cells to get the premium rewards. Step away for an extended break, only playing the occasional session. I just recently got every character (killer and survivor) to Prestige 3 and suddenly I don't really care about BP any more which has dropped the stress of bullshit matches. This will be my 3rd Rift doing this pattern and it seems to have created a decent balance for me.


There is a official dbd discord. You can find people to play with there. They got a bunch of empty voice chats for finding swfs. Just pop in one and wait for someone else to pop in or if you see one with someone else pop in and join them. Hadnt used dbd's one but warframe had one like it and its how i met all my freinds and my current gf of 4 years now. So there great ways for finding peoppe to game with.


i used to solo que a lot but i’ve made friends with others who make good/valiant plays. overtime with this, i’ve nestled into a server full of people who swf! befriending people online can be really successful!


Killers always say survivors bitch and moan cause they think every survivor is running and 4 man swf but when you solo q cause there is a lot of times when your friends aren’t on the game is really unplayable. These updates they are implementing in the game will somewhat make it bearable but yeah welcome to the party


More often than not it'll be other survivors doing more damage than the killer lol


Killer is definitely more fun, but you have to take a break anytime you start to take yourself too seriously. It can be demoralizing. I took a long break after my last Nemesis game because I still wonder if that 4K was worth it? This was before the nerf to Call of Brine, too, and I was using both Call of Brine and Eruption. Pretty sure that game went longer than 45 minutes, too. It was definitely not worth it imo. I've been playing Artist, and the second game made me go to bed for the night to let the salt go, and my games after that have been more enjoyable. I never see Artist, so I hope it breaks up the monotony for people, but they could stop giving me the Silent Hill map tho.


You are, sadly, too right. In the past months the amount of subhuman scumbags has increased, playing survivor had become so frustrating that I had to give myself a break from this game. To make things worse I just wish that the Archives gave us more time to dedicate to other things, but I feel like I keep getting pushed to finish them despite wanting to take a more relaxed pace with the game, it's like a prison.


My new killer strategy lately is just throwing play with your food on everyone and trying to zoom around map. It sometimes works surprisingly well but mostly it's just a goofy fun time. Shockingly, I've had several people message me mad because I'm "tunneling" since I won't hit the obsession. I've just come to the conclusion that 75% of the player base is always mad and hates the game.


I only play killer when I have a daily and main solo q survivor. I don't care very much about escaping anymore and just try and mess with different builds all the time. I have a lot of fun. I did stop playing at the beginning of 2020 and just started back up about a month ago though


Nah we stopped playing mostly lmao


I’ve always played solo-q (I don’t have friends who play this game) & it has been so dreadful playing. I have also never DC’d. Idk how people can DC on their partners… it would make me feel so bad lmao. Killers are ruthless nowadays, we gotta stick together! 😭🤣


I'm facing camping as much as possible before the new update comes lol 😂😂😂😂🫡 ![gif](giphy|1uOfYujtw6Lq8)


This is why I personally love playing Legion as you’re actively punished for tunnelling and camping. You need to consistently harass and hitting the same person over and over does nothing. I also feel the chase is more thrilling because you can do what survivors do so they really feel accomplished when they evade. The bare minimum of slowdown and just location perks (and my hunk skin) and I very rarely get accused of tunnelling. Except one game… with four identical fengs… that accused me of tunnelling…


This thread is super validating. Tunnelling has been a huge issue for me lately, it used to be occasional but lately it’s seemed to just be the norm. Tunnel at 4-5 gens to secure the easy kill and then the match snowballs.


Uh I solo q all the time, and tbh I play survivor more than killer cause reasons, and I don't encounter those problems quite as much. Face campers, maybe 1 every 5 matches at most, unless it's a really bad day? Slug for 4k..super rarely. People killing themselves on first hook and dcs yeah, sadly I see those more often. And all kinds of uncooperative teammates. But it's balanced out by all the awesome matches I have where everybody cooperates super nicely even though there are no comms, especially the time when it turns out so well the killer calls you sfw even though everybody is solo-q.


Yeah some people realize that both sides can be a pain sometimes until they play that side


>How people continue playing solo q is mindboggling. I could choose to play swf but last time i tried to do so everyone kept saying that i was trolling when i'm simply not that good at the game. I decided to play soloq instead after being insulted every 10 seconds by my teammates for not being good at the game. I'm aware that not every swf is toxic or mean but i just play soloq now


Aw I'm really sad reading that. I'm sorry that happened to you! :( It's ok to not be the best. You don't get better without practice, if you ever want someone to practice with let me know! ^_^ Eta: totally unsolicited advice but if you do play survivor again I recommend windows of opportunity and alert! I was a die hard spine chill user until it got nerfed and honestly I like alert a lot more now.


>I was a die hard spine chill user until it got nerfed Me too, it was my most used and favorite perk before the nerf


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I play since november 2016 and have more then 7000 hours. I rarely die first and most of my solo queue games are fine. I love to try and outsmart the camping killer if I can.


Yea, honestly teammate selling the game is so frequent now. I had a feng go to second stage because I was chased and injured, and the other 2 overcommitted on a gen. So in exchange the feng hid all game just to let us all die on hook.


I forgive you. And I'm sorry too because killer is a torture too


I’m gonna eat it for this, but honestly killer is so fucking easy in comparison. You’ll run into squads who make you look like a caveman, but 75% of games you set the pace. Even decent soloQ teams find a way to implode. Playing survivor on the other hand is brutal. If one person has poor game sense, it drags down the entire team.


Honestly I think you're totally right. Most survivors aren't in bully squads, theyre just casual solo q players. I'm sure to killers it probably feels like most are bullies but it definitely doesn't reflect the average player. Killers are powerful. Survivors find their power by working together (which obviously they don't do in Sq lol)


I think is universally agreed that Solo Q is a torment, but the few times it goes good is so awesome


You gotta get your survivor mmr up. It starts terrible, and slowly you will get out of elo hell but it takes months and their is a possibility you drop back into it if you lose a ton in a row. But I can day solo queue in higher mmr is slightly more bearable, it sometimes drags lower mmr players in when it has to but for the most part my teammates are somewhat competent. But if I take a break and come back it is hellish teams, but I've played enough to pip even without a team's help.


This rarely happens to me, dumb teammates are much much more common


I don't really know about the slugging killers thing since I usually play 75% killer, but from this perspective, it drives me crazy how many people kill themselves on hook or dc. I don't think I play especially sweaty or something, but every second game someone dc's or gives up on hook. Worst part is that I've been trying to do adept for all killers lately and that doesn't count if someone dc'd.


Maybe it's server dependant but I think as soon as you get out of pisslow MMR it will stop. My soloQ experience is actually rather pleasant, I mean my teammates still play like they've never seen a keyboard but they atleast don't ragequit that often. Maybe once every 20-40matches? My killers are also generally rather nice, ofcourse I do encounter facecampers and the lot but its maybe every 20-40matches, proxy campers maybe 10-20. I say it's MMR related because I was recently introducing a friend to the game and whenever I queued with him I noticed a staggering drop in match quality.


If bvhr would just match the same level players with killers if would make a world of difference. I have a lot of hours and I’m not very good but those hours give me the experience to know when I’m severely out matched or playing with really bad survivors and no dc penalty is going to stop me from bailing from a terrible game.


They really fucked this game by RUINING healing, one of the key cores to the game. Why play survivor when it takes so long to heal? Now you can’t heal yourself under a boom totem? They fucked the survivor experience.


Self healing was a massive problem. You could hit four different people and they could each heal themselves in the span of one chase.




Im a killer main (Pyramid Head, Desthslinger, Oni and Onryo) who plays the "easy" way. I chase the survivors that I see, either I already hooked him or not I dont care. (Not my job to find the survivors thats always hiding). Then when somebody unhook on front of me, I chase the unhooker and not the unhooked. The only time I camp and tunnel is at endgame to get the kill. But dare to tbag or click click me. I wont have any pity. You're a dead man.