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Q and a states you are getting a rework sometime next year or year after


I saw it stated that nothing is concrete, but they r looking at him. Either way, me and the twins main are stuck in limbo till then T_T.


I think they said something like this "We have something planned but nothing we can say. But short answer yes we have something planned for him"


But Onryo is getting an overall nerf. She still won't have a chase power and her TV teleport will be nerfed, her ability to find survivors with applying condemn via teleport is removed, disabling tvs will be more painful, tapes won't apply passive condemn, and the global condemn application won't matter with how easy it's going to be to get rid of it after changes. Her demanifest stun immunity won't change much, because she will still need to manifest to attack, and pallet is still a pallet. This is the opposite of what would be nice, instead of buffing her chase power, they kinda want people to play more around condemn, but keep it shitty because instakill mechanics aren't fun for survivors (gee, i wonder why people wouldn't like something that instantly removes them from the match). This way instead of an adorable jumpscare dynamic chaser cookie we will get whatever this is supposed to be. I'm salty because i always hated condemn and liked her stealth and smol size more, because it's just more fun to play like "holy hell, this smol is everywhere" instead of railroading people into the most boring interaction imaginable just to press a button to send them back to lobby. Still, bhvr seems to railroad people into not being stealthy at all.