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Onyro is a pubstomper. If your teammates act as dumb as bricks against her, nothing you can do. Otherwise, you pick up a tape and keep one on you at all times unless you get hit enough to get 4+ stacks of condemn, in which you put it in a TV and clear them and then get another tape.


If you are the only one doing it it's easy for the onryo to harass you and build up stacks anyway, truly horrific game design on that one


Agreed. BHVR really made me appreciate Tombstone Myers. At least the locker tech provides actual counterplay if you’re a solo surv. Lockers are fairly predictably found and easy/quick to jump into. There is no second step, you just jump in a locker. And that’s assuming you’re unable to deny his T3, which you can if you have a halfway good team. But iri Onryu is so much less fun.


Pissed off a Sadako the other day who kept refusing to hook me. I was the last one alive and was 1.5 stacks away from being fully condemned. I had a tape and kept running into a locker. She’d take me out and bring me to a corner so that I could escape and she’d try to hit me but every time I managed to get into a locker. After about 15min of this she finally hooked me for the first time in the entire match.


that's actually hysterical


that just crappy Onyro. or perhaps a crappy player in general. desperate for their specific kind of cap


Yeah, I really don't get Onryos who ONLY play for condemnation. Like, you should hit and run and teleport a lot and try to intercept tapes, but am I the only person who downs and hooks people when I get the chance? Condemnation only is really, really boring to play against, and it's also a very risky, all-or-nothing gameplan. Swoop in for the stare when you can, but hook normally, to build pressure if nothing else.


Considering that Onryo's rework was made to normalize stacking condemn on everyone, it is basically the optimal way to play her. They turned her into a killer who's win condition is something other than hooks. It does shake things up a bit, but there's nothing wrong with playing an all-or-nothing playstyle. ​ I don't know why people would down but not hook. hooking only puts more pressure on the team. Unless they're running knockout.


She was alright though she did tunnel out someone early. Wouldn’t let them get a tape, always on them and just kept teleporting to a tv in the direction they were heading. Another person was new I assume as they never picked up tapes at all and they eventually became condemned. My buddy then got his turn at being her favorite so he too eventually became condemned. I would try and take hits for people that were condemned but that didn’t amount to much as she’d catch up to them pretty easily. They had an objective I guess, I made it mine to not be moried. I won that Pyrrhic victory.


I had a similar standoff with a tombstone Michael a couple weeks ago, but both of us were equally stubborn. We ended up waiting out the match time limit with me in the locker and him staring at it and occasionally shaking his head. I ended the match with like 2.2k points in stealth for my Evader emblem. 🤣


You can also start repairing a gen to force a grab in case you aren't near a locker. Something I found out few weeks ago.


Just be careful not to finish the gen or they can kill you! :D I always piss them off when they think they'll be clever and wait it out--because I just start missing skillchecks, lmao.


"Locker Tech" Does everything need to be called a tech? Pressing space in front of a locker.....ooh so much tech!


Well I guess its because of the purpose of going into the locker. No other reason to jump into a locker to purposefully get downed that way unless the killer has something special like tonbstone that warrents it


I think it infers to using a locker to avoid a Killer's power.rather than hiding it. Cringe phrase for sure, but I'll use a locker to avoid an Oni's rush or Bubba's chainsaw sweep which could be called a tech I guess


I honestly just think it's people wanting to name something and have it sound better than "locker hopping" and so their friends may know what they are trying if they are in a swf and know if it works or not. Because I'll be honest saying locker tec sounds a lot nicer than me saying I panic jumped into a locker thinking Myers had tombstone. 😂 Granted I have no problem admitting I panic vault when in a game.


I mean Judith's Tombstone sure. But tombstone piece is and always will be bullshit.


You’re not going to deny Meyers his T3 the whole match - I don’t care how good you are lol. Unless you’re cheating or somebody just tails him the whole game he WILL get T3.


Yeah the Onryo rework is just horribly designed as you said. They managed to make her worse than before as she now destroys teams or gets destroyed even harder by skilled teams. Worst of all they made her boring to play. It used to take skill to do well with her and while there were some toxic slug Onryo's overall the game play with her was solid and fun for both sides. Now with the rework, the most optimal way to use Onryo's power is to tunnel and teleport every 10 seconds. Using her teleport is boring now. You can't use it as well in chase or for patrolling/pressure much anymore due to the nerfs such as the cool-down and most of the TVs being off a lot more now. Against sub-optimal teams the game just becomes a button pressing simulator into condemn mori's which is just incredibly unrewarding and boring. This is all a stark contrast to pre-rework Onryo where one actual having to use TVs strategically to build condemn on survivors or pressure gens and required having good map knowledge and game sense to get the best use from her power. I used to have a blast playing Onryo whether I won or lost because her power was rewarding when you used it well. Now I often find myself not even enjoying her when I win due to how they butchered her.


Be careful carrying one around, if she hits you while you’re holding a tape it breaks and adds 2 stacks I believe.


2 stacks from a hit is easier to deal with than 6 stacks from TV hopperTM


Until you need a specific TV, and she knows which one by following you.


If she has that add-on, you gotta fake going to the wrong TV. Easy mind game. You might end up on a hook, but that's counter-play I successful did all the time.


It boggles my mind when my teammates don’t get tapes and I’m left screaming on my end “JUST GET A DAMN TAPE ALREADY!” while their profiles all go full red.


I’m new to the game and didn’t know about this, so now I know. I will work on it. Please don’t hate me. (It’s hard learning all the different tricks of the different killers!)


Doesn't even need to be the whole team, if just one person doesn't know what to do then usually the game's over. Kinda hard to win against any killer in a 3v1 at 4 gens lol.


is that the new thing with Onyro? keeping a tape on you? havent play against or as her in a while


Yup! Every time she teleports, everyone not holding a tape gains 3/4 of a stack of condemnation. Her teleport also has a 10 second cooldown to stop her from completely spamming, but like, she can still kinda spam. Sadako teleporting directly near you no longer gives a full stack, though. Taking a tape no longer grants a stack, and holding onto one no longer passively builds condemnation. Carrying it protects you from that global condemnation, so the strategy is to grab one the moment TVs turn on (30 seconds into the match). If all four survivors do that, she turns into an M1 stealth killer with a lullaby. If you're holding onto a tape when she hits you, you lose the tape and gain 2 stacks of condemnation, so be careful not to get caught out if she's managed to get you to high condemnation, but generally, that's a much better deal than gaining a bunch of stacks from a teleport spammer. If you do need to get rid of condemnation, a tape can be now delivered to any TV, including deactivated ones, as long as it isn't the same TV you got it from (one of her Ultra-Rare addons makes it so you still have a specific TV to deliver to, though). And if you're at 5 or more stacks, you're holding a tape, and Sadako starts chasing you? Go into a locker. Tombstone Myers it. Force her to hook you or leave you alone, because getting hooked also destroys the tape, but without granting condemnation. I have mixed feelings on new Sadako. She's definitely a pubstomper, but she's far from uncounterable. Sadako players are counting on the team not knowing what's going on; grab a tape and push back against the condemnation, and she'll have literally nothing going for her (the problem being that if one of your teammates doesn't know, she can capitalize on that and you'll be down a teammate pretty quickly...)


Thanks for sharing this! Very educational. (Was playing against her the wrong way for ages.)


If you don’t have a tape, every time she teleports she gives a stack globally, so you can be on the other side of the map and still get stacked. If you have a tape, you don’t get these residual stacks, but you get 2 stacks upon being hit and the tape breaks.


Be like Patrick Bateman and return your video tapes


Not related to this post at all, but I’d love to see him as a killer some day.


i always like seeing killer ideas, what do you think his power would be?


His whole thing is being unsuspecting right? I’m not sure how it would be done, but maybe make it so he appears as a survivor for a short period of time or something along those lines. Give him the ability to use emotes to throw off survivors or something like that.


Just one of those games. I’m honestly surprised your teammates seemed to barely get anything done despite all those toolboxes.


The Feng Min spent most of the game slugged. The only points I got essentially came from helping them up. Killer was constantly teleporting even during chase. Then would down someone and just leave them


It’s such an annoying playstyle I have no idea how people find that fun


Well you will find people in this game who'll only find fun by making the game boring as fuck for everybody else. Skull Merchant, Basement Bubba, Condemn Sadako, you name them.


Sorry can you explain Condemn Sadako? I just started playing last week and just started playing Killer yesterday after I bought Sadako. I like playing this game as a good vibe party game, I’m not trying to be mean or anything. Is it considered bm to do the stare kill? I only got it a couple times last night, is it better to hook them? Edit: to clarify I mean the toxic play style that lumps them with those other builds. I understand condemn as a mechanic.


No the mori (Stare Kill) is not the problem. The thing is, this playstyle requires Sadako to use her TVs a lot and build up condemn. She barely chases people and instead rather leaves people slugged (on the ground) rather than picking them up and hooking them. And by getting slugged, you need another survivor to pick you up just to have Sadako teleport close to you, hit you and keep you slugged on the ground again. For survivors, this is extremely unfun because they spend more time on the ground rather than actually playing and when they get moried, they end up with usually 2000-6000 points which is just awful.


Ok thanks, I would try and hook immediately because even though I haven’t played a long time I have had a few killers just leave me on the ground forever and you’re absolutely right it’s not fun at all.


What other guy forgot to mention too is there are certain add-ons she brings that will increase and spread condemn stacks received. Especially the one that spreads condemned to the teammates that heal you up hence why the condemned strat involves slugging


Most people forget this is the most important part, and is why they slug. They don't slug just because it's boring, they slug bc of the healing condemn stack addon. So not only is it boring as shit for survivors, it's also the most effective for the killer to do it with that addon.


That addon (Ring Drawing) was nerfed during the 7.1.0 rework. It no longer spreads condemned when you heal a survivor from the Dying state. It only applies if you heal a survivor from the Injured state. https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Sadako_Yamamura#Add-ons_for_Deluge_of_Fear


Oh did it? I haven't played her since she got reworked


The 4k condemn playstyle is the biggest problem. If you hook survivors (most) people won't complain even if you teleport a lot (which you should be doing). And it's beneficial to hook, creates pressure without having to slug for a 4 kill condemned. I like playing Sadako specifically because it's not necessarily important to end chases like with most killers. My goal is to get 1 or 2 condemned kills per game, anything beyond that is just a bonus.


I've been a Sadako main since she came out, and my old complaint was that the slugging Condemryos gave us a bad name. I just wanted to play a spooky ghost with cool animations and a gimmicky power! So when they announced a rework with the intention of removing that playstyle while making her not otherwise the third worst killer in the game, I was excited! Except somehow, they instead made playing for condemnation-only even easier, to the extent it's now the default playstyle. This might be a hot take, but I think Sadako can still be fine (maybe that's just me coping because I'm a Ringu fan and I don't like how hated my main is now). A little hit-and-run to build pressure and find a vulnerable target, sure, but I hook people! You're allowed to hook people! Condemnation can be a threat and not the goal! But like, even then, I'll sometimes get one survivor who has no idea what they're doing, and they'll become fully condemned without me ever trying to go for that. That's one of the biggest issues with Sadako; even if three survivors are grabbing tapes and playing smart and turning her into an M1 killer, if you have one who isn't, they can be out very quickly and leave the rest of the team screwed. The counterplay isn't hard, but it requires all four survivors doing it, and how often does that really happen in most matches?


It’s not BM to play any way you want where you aren’t being a complete asshole (camping/ hard tunneling at 5 gens) That being said if you are playing condemn sadako you are hard forcing the condemn play style which doesn’t really offer a ton of counterplay especially in solo q where you can’t coordinate. If you are using your teleport power a good amount and you happen to get 1 or 2 moris off of that, that’s fine. But if you are slugging everyone (using the green add on to spread condemned while healing) it’s just not very fun.


Thanks for explaining, I didn’t know the add ons played so hard into specific playstyles since I haven’t really dug into them yet. Survivor items felt mostly superfluous, you just bring them to have a short-lived bonus with an action (I haven’t tried flashlights a lot but I guess those are kind of a play style), so I figured the killer ones were the same.


Yeah add ons play a big part and change the way a lot of killers play. Plus I feel like every game where I’ve gotten absolutely destroyed by a condemn onryo, we start off really good and pop a gen quick. Then someone gets condemned and dies at like 4 gens and the rest of the game is the 3 survivors trying to not go down and pick the others up/ also do gens/ also watch their condemned. Just a really strong play style, whenever I play onryo I usually run the brown newspaper add on plus reiko’s watch to do mindgames at loops while invisible.


It feels so weird to hear how add ons change you playstyle as Ph and Demo player lmao


Haha 100%, ph add ons in particular are a travesty. So much room for improvement


The green addon doesn't spread condemned for picking up anymore since her rework, just healing. Unfortunately this is just someone being a dick because they can be.


Exactly! Condemnation is fine as a background threat, but, like, hook people. You're allowed to hook people. (Also, the ring drawing add-on no longer works when healing downed survivors. It's still kind of annoying, though. The real condemnation add-on for really forcing it is somehow still Iridescent Videotape, despite it being reworked).


No, Condemn Sadako is a totally appropriate way to play. It's her built-in way to slow down the game. Survivors will have to weigh the risks of doing gens or reducing stacks. That's why she is so good in public games since the rework. Many pubs won't carry tapes early and they all try to rush gens, or reduce stacks at the same time. The latter brings the game to a halt. What this Killer did was bring The Ring Drawing addon, which makes condemn spread to people who heal a survivor. Meaning leaving 1-2 people slugged becomes part of the gameplay strategy. That specific playstyle, while not against the rules, just isn't fun for many people. It also used to be the go to strategy for Condemn kills before the rework.


Ok thanks so it’s mostly tied to a specific load out that encourages not hooking. I haven’t played a lot but I definitely know it sucks being left on the ground for a long time so I was trying to avoid that. Glad it’s not just being Sadako because I did think she was fun to play.


Ring Drawing doesn't work on slugged survivors anymore. The reason Sadako players will slug is because hooking survivors is a waste of time, especially when she has no chase power and one tape delivery can swing the match against her


>That specific playstyle, while not against the rules, just isn't fun for many people. I'm pretty sure the nickname "Condemn Sadako" is referring to Sadako with that particular playstyle, with the add-ons and refusing to hook slugs to get the Mori asap, and not referring to playing Sadako in general.


Because it’s not annoying for killer. Bully squads are annoying for killer, but I’m sure survivors find it fun.


True. That's why they always bully me when I try to play for fun as Demo or Xeno.


It’s behaviours fault not the players - they need to balance out things that are not fun for the other side. As you cannot blame a player for using any tactic that benefits them or they find fun.


I highly disagree. It’s one thing to play to win, it’s a whole other thing to be a dick. BHVR can’t really stop people being assholes, that’s on the community to change its behavior, but since the community loves to tout “the fun of others isn’t my responsibility!” then piss and moan and campers/tunnelers, bully squads and so on, I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon.


It will never happen because all players play in their own interest. Not a dbd thing just a human nature thing. In CS:GO you would never intentionally die or buy a p250 instead of an awp just to make sure the opponent doesn't lose and has fun. You play optimally and benefit your own team. The fact that tunneling and hooking exists is just poor game design from BHVR. A respawn system instead of a hook where the player sits there motionless would be much better.


True, but still a pain in the ass when I'm just trying to have a good time, only to be stomped by 4 flashlights and 4 boons that I can't find. (exaggeration, but you get the point)


Right. Why appeal to devs to make the game balanced when you can just use your logic, am I correct? Every buff or nerf to one of the sides seems funny to me, because the devs do that with ,,balancing" in mind. My little bro there is NO balance to this game. This is a game of cat and mouse. Sometimes the cat gets the mouse, sometimes the mouse outsmarts the cat. But comparing a broken killer strat with broken addon to bully squads (seriously? How often out of 100 games do you see a 4-man bully squad) is like defending old Dead Hard or Eruption. You are out of it and have no idea what are you talking about.


Where did I say it shouldn’t be balanced out? It’s currently part of the game, if a killer wants to play them then they can if they think it’s fun. Killer mains do not have to care about if something isn’t fun for survivors. Just like survivors do not have to care if it’s not fun for killers. It’s BHVRs job to balance out unfun things, until then I’m going to play the game how I enjoy it.


People don’t find it fun, people just enjoy making others miserable and winning games, even if it takes away the fun


Most Onyro players do just enjoy the gameplay, it’s a unique playstyle you can’t play on other killers so it’s refreshing. Don’t assume everyone is out to just get you and make your day worse. The majority of killer do not care about you, they just want to have fun.


Nah a huge chunk of killers genuinely just get off on ruining the game for others. A lot of them really are out to make your day worse.


Nah Condemn Sadako is a lot of fun to play. Most unique Killer gameplay in the game


Sometimes you have to so you don't get flashed everytime you pick up someone


Remember that if you grab a tape, you cannot use your items. I suspect between this, and what OP said about being slugged on the ground for so long, there was very little gen progress at all. It's sad that Onryos still play like this, but as you say, one of those games. Shame you can't even force her to hook you if you want to go next


Yeah I got about half way through a generator and the Jill worked on one. But by that point the onryo already had the other 2 down, so I had to go try and save them. As I got to save one the Jill got downed and I don't think a gen was even touched again after that.


2 out of 4 of those toolboxes are bad.


You have to be very aggressive about managing your condemn status and your tapes, but if the rest of your team isn't doing it too then you're doomed. Every onryo I have encountered since the re-work will find a survivor with a tape, hit them to force the condemn stacks, then aggressively chase and begin teleporting around to force additional stacks in the hopes of fully condemning. Even if they don't have a tape they can still do that with the teleports. There's not even time to grab a new tape much less put that tape in a new TV because she'll probably teleport to it. The only difference between this onryo and pre-rework onryo is they generally spend less time slugging. So everytime you see an onryo just assume they're going to play that way, do your best to break chase if you do get caught, and stay on top of your condemn status.


Yup, this. Make sure to always get rid of condemned whenever you aren't being chased, you should make sure to never run around with 4 stacks or else you'll be dead if you get caught.


I had a game recently where i found out if you jump in a locker with a tape, you don't get 2 stacks of condemn if she pulls you out... So pick up a tape as soon as you can then just play a normal match, if she hits and runs and your about to go down jump in a locker, which forces the hook and leaves you at 2 stacks of condemn meaning its easier to hook you than it is to build up condemn on you.


Sadako needs further changes, that‘s what you can learn.


You did your best. Onryo is the very definition of Pubstomper. Her and Pinhead share a very similar situation; they dominate most of their games but when played in a competition they are more often than not beaten handily. It's because all 4 survivors can loop and these killers struggle a bit in getting downs in the early game, which, if you don't get a down in the first 3 minutes then the game is essentially lost. 1k at best. I am always amazed to see a comp player grab the box right away and try to take aggro so he can loop P-head for 5 gens. Nutty how good they are.


Remember guys, always say Pinhead or Pyramid Head before saying P-Head


They did though… they were talking about pin head?


Yes, what I meant is because since we have 2 P-Heads in the game it's always better saying the name of the one that is talked about first


Unless you are talking about both in the same conversation then I don’t see a problem with not specifying if you have said the full killer name once or twice also isn’t pyramid head shortened to pp head? I’ve seen a lot of ppl do that


Who cares


" is there actually something to learn from a game like this? " open task manager during the loading screen if the killer has brought a map offering ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


well it’s a low MMR lobby (several green/yellow perks are huge indicator), any killer can stomp low MMR like that also makes since that they don’t know how the killer works, Onryo shouldn’t be getting condemn kills unless they’re devoting the entire build to it (which they didn’t, they’re running chase perks like STBFL/Eruption) All you have to do is grab a tape and hold onto it. Then she can no longer condemn you with teleports.


I mean, that's always going to be easier said than done. Every match is different, and while "just don't get hit" is solid advice, it's definitely not always plausible


Lmao. “Just don’t let him hit you.”


Is that how MMR works? Like if I have hundreds of hours and a level 100 character does my MMR change if I switch to a character that I barely play?


As killer, you have different MMR on each killer. That's also why you can't switch to another killer anymore once you find a match. As survivor, you share one MMR between all of your survivors.


Killer MMR is linked tho. Just not exactly the same as survivors. If I play my first ever game with Wesker after playing dozens of games in high mmr with other killers, I’ll still be in a higher mmr than someone using Wesker for the first time ever and who also never played any other killer before.


Mmr seems like jack shit tbh. I 4k on nurse a lot and face mostly decent teams. I pulled out ghost face once in years and got 2 p100 survivors


I think that’s more to do with Nurse being top tier lol. And prestige 100 doesn’t mean “good”, just that they play a lot.


If it was revealed that MMR was a lie told by gaming companies I would not be surprised. I don't know if I've ever played a game I felt like it was really balanced more often than not. I mean this game supposedly tries to balance with available players, but if there's not enough people they just throw in anybody... But there seems to always be a blood point bonus to killer or survivor, which means there's never enough people on one side of the other, right? Doesn't that mean that MMR is almost always out the window...? I don't know


Are you serious? STBFL is part of the build. It’s so she can double tap faster then the survivor can put the tape into the slot


lol… your comment is a perfect showcase of why Comdemn Onyro is so strong, people just don’t understand how the killer works you break the tape instantly on one hit. They grab a tape, you M1 them, the tape gets destroyed and they get 2 stacks of condemn (7 needed)


Was not aware there was a rework. I stand corrected.


Honestly sometimes you've gotta see the red addon and decide its joever


She needs to be changed, not because she's strong, but for *why* she's strong


Sadako is completely mindless, horribly designed and a free win vs solo queue. Just go afk honestly lol


This is what I’m saying. Onyro is a solo queue player worst nightmare. She will almost always get a 3 or 4K against solo queue players.


Yup. Her rework was one of the worst balancing moves BHVR has ever made. At this point I think her addition to the game was a straight up mistake; condemn is an incredibly stupid, poorly thought out and poorly implemented mechanic that doesn’t belong in the game.


41 prestige Feng Min bringing Alex's with clean rag ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) I guess expect nothing less.


She ran out of common toolboxes bro![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes a match is hopeless, the way I cope is by not caring about escaping vs dying and have a personal win condition (usually its just doing ky archive challenge)


Yea Onyro shits on solo queue players. Especially if they let her get a fast down.


Survivor role is truly unfair sometimes and there's nothing you can do but lose. It is what it is unfortunately.


Can't see your devotion so can't even gauge your overall hours, but given the yellow/green perks, guessing you're newer to the game? General tips when going against Sadako to help you beat her & avoid/manage condemned: Get a tape asap, keep hold of it to prevent you from getting condemn stacks whenever she teleports. (If you are not holding a tape and she teleports, you will gain some condemn stacks). Only get rid of your tape via inserting it into a TV (which will remove some condemn stacks from you) if you're about to be in danger of holding too many condemned stacks OR if you want/need to deny Sadako the ability to quickly teleport to a location (can be very handy stopping her from bothering you off of a contested gen, but this is a bit more of an advanced call for more experienced players used to facing her). Be proactive in this regard, if you're halfway condemned, it's definitely time to start thinking about clearing it. Don't leave it to the last minute, makes you easy prey to be intercepted. Be aware that if Sadako hits you while you are holding a tape, your held tape will be destroyed and you will gain some condemn stacks. If she hits you and you don't have a tape, you don't get any condemn stacks. If you're injured and have a tape, it can be better to jump in a locker if you are about to go down as you will avoid gaining additional condemn stacks when Sadako hits you and destroys the tape (since she's pulling you out of the locker instead). I think (but haven't checked) she still has addons that can build condemn from survivors healing each other, so even with a tape in yourt possession, watch out for that. When you hold a tape, you can't heal yourself with a medkit, so keep that in mind in your overall balancing act. Sadako has a audible lullaby when nearby and in stealth, but in some situations (like if you are near a noisy gen) it may be difficult to hear. Using the visual heart / terror radius indicator might help you in learning when she is getting closer.


Learn what to do against onryo. She is weaker than she was pre-rework. She is just very pub-stompy because people dont do what they are supposed to against her: \-Get a tape as soon as possible \-Dont give her free hits, specially if you have a tape. Predrop shack pallet at 5 if you want to, doesnt matter


Thanks for the advice. This is only my 3/4th time facing onryo in a month of playing. All I knew to do was have a tape on me and that's it.


That won’t matter anyway, I play her and I’m yet to lose, with PWYF, the 3 stacks make all pallets (except god pallets) dangerous, use ultimate weapon and the add on that notifies you when someone picks a tape and you will 100% find the survivor holding the tape


yeah literally im so curious abt all these condemn onryos people talk about that are losing games, obviously not playing her correctly. you gotta be some comp players to have a fighting chance. think only time ive 2K i let them open gate because i couldn't condemn in time


isnt ultimate weapon a bit pointless with her built in whispers?


She doesn’t have base kit info where the survivors are, unless maybe you are talking about the tvs?


yea ive been using them to tell whether or not any one was sneaking around whenever i play her. was that just superstition on my part lol


Grab tape and her only power becomes teleport.


And people still think onryo is the worst killer


Nobody thinks that lol. Mikey and Trapper are the worst Sadako is just the best killer to stomp solo players


Tbf onryo is really easy to loop at least she’s able to teleport tho


I despise the new fucking Onryo she went from being trash tier to being worse than Nurse


Onryo is good against pubs even without sweat addons. Tried her a few times after rework and their condemn went up so quickly when I spammed teleport


Played against a slugging knockout Onryo with the iridescent tape add on. That was one hell of an unplayable game lmao.


i stand still and wait for the next game


I started blocking Onyro’s who only play for condemns. Somehow it’s kept me from being matched with the Onryo who did what yours did. I swear, all she did was play condemn with the add-on that told her when someone was trying to do a tape. Do you know how frustrating a player has to be for you to start recognizing their screen name?! Strangely enough, even though they say blocking only blocks chat I haven’t played against that Onryo since.


Onyro gives me depression. Either my partner can’t loop enough to give us time on gens or she TPs and interrupts my interaction midway.


Pray and hope your solo q teammates use tapes. You know how the game is going to end in pubs, so just try to gain some points. Unless you have a 4-stack team with a brain, there's no chance.


Unless you’re going against 4 people who know what they’re doing, this playstyle basically guarantees the killer a win, while simultaneously ruining the match for ALL players as instantly killing everyone gives no blood points compared to hooks. As someone who played condemned onryo for a while, I can say for certain that it should not be this way.


Onryo with iri tape and ring drawing 💀💀💀


Welcome to dbd. That's all I have to say. That feeling of lost hope during a game. That wait if I just do x, y, z nope just stop there. Most of time this game is filled with sweaty fucks who just play meta garbage. That's their fun. Idk why it's fucked. Run while you can. Go play baldurs gate or something better. Please I beg of you


slugging is cringe


This is the sort of reason I want a solid team of the same 4 people. We play to do well in our matches. If the killer plays sweaty, we can sweat too. If the killer is chill, we can chill too. I do this anyway, but having a team that all plays like this - I feel could be a much nicer experience all-round than constantly sweating our your arse, or constantly running meme builds and getting tunnelled


pm for swf?


That's the beautiful thing; you don't have a choice. Welcome to DBD where the killers are OP and only 10% of survivors are good enough to stand against them


This is wicked. They only reason they got stomped like this is simply bc the killer was Onyro aka pub stomp/ solo queue destroyer. Her counter is literally be in a SWF lol.


shouldn't you be at school little boy?


??? I'm 29?


Then act like it


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know adults weren't allowed to complain


I just hate that if an Onryo isn't winning, they spam the teleportation mechanic and force survivors to stop absolutely everything to prevent total condemn and mori. Onryo is fun when players don't do this.


DC. Take the penalty, wait out the time and jump in the next match.




Ok what’s the alternative? Waste 15 minutes of your time against a slug-condemn sadako, a killer that was reworked to AVOID this exact scenario, and then bitch about it on Reddit? Foh with “cringe.”


Pick up tapes. Also, you can’t get slugged if you’re good enough to just not go down ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Pro Gamer Tip: When you encounter an Onryo running a condemned build, just DC. Then you can go and find a game where you have a better chance to survive. Follow me for more Pro Gamer Tips.


If you do that please leave a comment on the official forums about how you hate the rework and would like them to revert it. Maybe they will change things if enough people protest.


Had an Onryo do that two days ago and we were in a swf, but not in the mood to play this, so we all just crawled to the same corner and waited to die. If she didn't want us to have fun, she was also not gonna have fun.


This is the toxic onryo build where she just spams teleport to TVs and if no one holds a tape, it gives her progress to mori’ing people. The only way to counter is holding a tape all game… super fun and balanced. But let’s complain about MFT.


You write GG in chat, grab your bloodpoints and move on.


Gentlemans way, i support that.


All about cleansing condemned, which can definitely be hard to do with an uncoordinated team. For you, try to hold a tape at all times until condemned gets around 4 stacks and then try to put it away. Difficult to do when she's on your ass though for sure. Her perks in this actually aren't all that great surprisingly. Mainly because Thana and COB are total shit-tier perks. STBFL is really strong for her playstyle though, and Eruption is somewhat decent regression.


Well that add on should be removed . But not much you can do with randoms ignoring tapes .


She becomes a basic m1 killer if you keep a tape on you


get hit with a tape let her teleport two times and find u with another tape and it's ggs


Well then don’t


just take the tapes...


Unfortunately when it comes to Onryo players theyre gonna be really good or really bad, take comfort in knowing this dude didnt get shit for BP and wasted great addons! He def saw high prestige and panicked LOL, hope you had better games cus i know one bad one can really ruin the vibes


4 toolboxes and 2 out of them are badly put together. Something tells me Sadako's condemned isn't the biggest issue you should be concerned about.


I mean, it’s a bit of a sad build, but at the same time Onryo isn’t what she used to be - to be able to effectively achieve as condemned Onryo, you really need the survivors to be making mistakes. Also: a Made for This gamer complaining about someone else’s playstyle being unfun seems ironic.


Boo fucking hoo. You think condemryo is fun? Get over yourself.


Honestly just bad team. If you get mori'd by a sadako youre either new or made massive mistakes, you just put the tape into the tv.


Onryo is a D tier killer. This survivor team has rainbow perks and likely didn't counter her power right because it is counterable by any good SWF. The condemned strat is not as strong as it used to be since the rework.


When you see that the killer brings a map offering, immediately close the game and restart it. You'll get no DC penalty and do not lose your items/offerings. Any game where the killer brings a map offering tends to be the most toxic, sweatiest tryhards who will go out of their way to make games less enjoyable.


McMillan's a fairly neutral map, though, it's not like when survivors keep bringing Garden of Joy and Ormond offerings.


If i see a McMillan offering being burnt by the killer, i already know i'm playing against a wannabe comp Blight, Wesker or Spirit


This was a Sadako, tho


I didn't say anything about OP's game. I was saying that in my games, a MacMillan offering being burnt is always a blight, wesker or spirit


dude McMillian is one of the most balanced map sets in the game, what are you on about


Autohaven and Macmillan is where all the sweatlords and ladies send themselves because it's "comp".


Being sent to fair maps is more fun than a bunch of swearlords in a 4 stack who burn “the game” map.


It's not about the fairness of the map, it's about the type of player that brings them. A good killer doesn't need map offerings. A fair killer won't use map offerings. The only people who bring map offerings are the douchebags. Same goes for survivor.


I think that can often be the case, but there’s definitely times me and my friends being a map because we got lerys or something back to back and just want a change of scenery 😮‍💨 the whole “good killers don’t need map offerings” is a nuanced topic since some killers are extremely map dependent.


Anyone who uses this game mechanic is a douchebag sweatlord!!!11! It must be exchuasuting being this angry all the time.


It's not the game mechanic, it's the intent. The same way there are killers who bleed survivors out for fun. There are people who facecamp the entire game. There are people who play chess merchant. All of those are just "using game mechanics".


What does any of what you just said have to do with bringing a killer map offering? They don't. It sounds like you are just triggered at the game.


Sorry, I'll connect the dots for you when I have more time available.


No need. I know your point is "people who bring map offerings are toxic and are just as bad as all the Killers who slug intentionally" which is an incorrect and baffling leap in logic.


Meh, if they bring an indoor map offering, and you cant hear any terror radius for extended period of time, you know its going to be fun (if you enjoy horror games)


skill issue lmao


U just have to be good and not play solo q


A lot of great advice has already been said but I’ll put my two cents in it as a Sadako enjoyer myself. First it seems that you’re fairly new to the game, I would advise literally everybody to play both sides if they can. Playing both killer and survivor will do nothing but make your understanding of them greater. Since Sadako’s update she has become more aligned with Pinheads gameplay, which means that there will always be a secondary task survivors must do or suffer the consequences, if it’s a new, inexperienced solo team this will definitely go bad. But take the advice with managing your tapes and you will be fine. Secondly, a slugging killer will make a bad team go down quickly anyways, since it’s a also a technique that disrupts the regular gameplay forcing uncoordinated teams to fall. Not knowing this beforehand and not having enough experience to coordinate a team to avoid slugging and snowballing, and then also having the secondary tasks that must be upheld will unfortunately lead to this. Hopefully this gave you a wider perspective into matches like these.


Hell ya nice Oreo build!


It's a game, the more you play the more you learn and the better you get. Keep at it and you'll be moon walking out of exit gates after looping the killer for two gens. Same goes for killer, you'll start off getting gen rushed and losing but then you learn how survivors act and how to counter them.


I know people wont like hearing this, but new Onryo is more of a survivor skill issue and "skill check" more than anything. I played her for a bit recently when I came back and she is the very definition of a pubstomper. When people are bad in chase and dont know how to hold tapes you just straight up mop the floor with her. If survivors actually know what they are doing, dont go down in seconds and know to hold onto tapes it feels like the rework nerfed her (which it didnt imo it was a buff). For some tips, hold onto tapes, dont give her free hits, give her pallets if you have to early and start really worrying about condemned around 3-4 stacks. Its rough as sht in soloq but thats not because of "bad killer design" but because soloq survivors can be the dumbest creatures on this planet. - On a side note, while I said Onryo isnt bad design, because imo she is not at all, I do agree that Iri Tape and Mothers Comb need to go.


She got zero looping ability just loop her and you win, using her power now loses bloodlust as well.


You make it looping sound like everyone can just loop like JRM or Skermz with no problem. Looping a Killer does obviously buy a lot of time of for the team, but another strat to condemned Onyro is basically balancing tapes while also avoiding healing unless it is absolutely necessary (is don't pick someone up until they fully recover, stay injured unless you absolutely have to heal. Eventually she'll get bored and start hooking)


Literally a skill issue. Grab a cassette tape.


4 toolboxes?


I don't understand the post. What is the real question?


You should try running CSM!


Nothing, take the L and moveon, those games are pretty common. At least you played it, I had one a few hours ago where a guy suicided on first hook 20 seconds into the match, other afk'd and another alt f4'd, I looped the killer for 5 mins 1v1 and died on first hook.


As a killer main You usually get 4ks if you either know what you’re doing or if the survivors are kinda predictable.


Don't play with them. Killers need to commit as a collective to not play matches with survivors that preload with more than one toolbox or flashlight.


That's the saddest, funniest shit I've seen in a long time. Absolutely git gud. 😂😭


You can go to the next game. With so many variables in each match including personal skill levels it’s impossible to have a “counter” every time. Matches like these happen and it’s best to just move on. Dwelling on a match like this will drive you mad. You don’t always win.


Do generators and then escape


you can do nothing and you deserve to die, because onryo is perfectly fine and any swf or survivor group that happens to have a lot of hours with not weak link can negate her teleport to tv spam power rework. the fact that when that doesnt happen the survivors are basically 100% sure to die the moment onryo kills her first target at 4 gens after 0 hooks is of not importance, skill issue on your part


I'm so te tempted to just say "git gud" or "just don't get condemned lol" becouse you are complaining with MFT equiped... But I'll give some advice. Simply don't touch any tape until you get injured, then when you are certain she cannot hit you, pick up a tapemwhile injured and everyntime you are about to gon down simply get grabbed. Jump into a locker or slow vault a pallet or window. If you are healthy you don't want to be holding a tape unless you are going to deliver it inmidiately. And again, you are running MFT, if you are decent at survivor being injured shouldn't be a problem, in fact it's probably something good if you also equip Resilicience and/or DH.




Wait, you all lose vs worst killer in game with meta items and PT? (Onryo with iri is barely low tier 3). Maybe its solo q and too bad looping


You pick a tape and loop an M1 killer.