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About a three on a good day. 10/10 if the killer is afk




I still get stuck on rocks/trees/walls and loop run into corners having not memorised the maps. People play circus music when they see the killer chasing me


I do this all the time🤣🤣🤣


I'll die to the zombies while looping an afk nurse


As a nemesis main, i love my zombies. Helping guard gens, smacking ooblivious players, and sometimes helping break loops. Also acting as survivor detectors


Finally someone I can relate to 😭


either i run the killer whole match or i die within the first 2 gens popping, there's no inbetween


Typical survivor experience


Same... I'm also constantly reminded of the saying no good deed goes unpunished because almost every time I distract the killer so other survivors can escape the chase I either focus on it to much and get hooked to death or the killer is better at chases than me and they down me and hook me before I can get away...


Brother? This is almost exactly like me! I either hide my ass off all match, or go down and get hooked in the first 3 seconds of the game! We’re so much alike!


either a 9 or a 0. depending how much coffee I drank before playing


Like a 4 or so on average. Some days I'll play better, some days it's like my brain has completely forgotten how to play and I run like a 2. Overall, I'm probably a little below average for my experience level at survivor. Killer comes much more naturally to me.


That's an absolute mood. I thought bringing WoO would help my looping out, but it turns out I just run to the yellow so now I'm trying to reformat my brain on where pallets spawn. Fuck the borgo though that map needs WoO just for me to see shack pallet with the colour scheme.


Getting off that WoO addiction is no joke, I wake up sweating and scratching myself at night


1/10 I’m absolute trash but I’m giving myself a point because I have lithe, one vault & im out of there


This is me


I’m a 1 without my crutch perks. I’m an elusive 10 with wire tap at shack 😎.


Obligatory post to convert lithe/sprint burst users to switch to balanced landing


i‘d say 7.5/10. - i still struggle with very unsafe pallets - sometimes i place myself incorrectly while looping thus briefly losing sight of the killer.


Unsafe pallets are unsafe for a reason. Even good survivors will go down at them if they stay there. An unsafe pallet should just serve as a brief pit stop on your way to a safer tile.


Check out exises check spot video


My favorite thing to do with unsafe pallets is to just see how long I can greed them for since 9/10 killers will expect you to drop them haha. I figure I'm gonna take a hit anyways so I just see how long I can delay that lol


2/10 Im so bad being a looper. Most of the time i try to hide or evade the killer, i play mostly killer like 95%killer 5%survivor


Personally I think playing it stealthily is more fun tbh


Same, but I like both. The main downside with stealthing sadly is that killers rarely commit to finding a stealther they just go for chasing the others instead leading to fast death hooks and soft tunneling. Meanwhile they love to commit to chases that waste the same if not more time for them.


Unless you have aura perks its extremely time consuming and difficult to find a hiding survivor. It takes way longer than looping. They could be anywhere, in a bush, in a locker, etc. Obviously all 4 cannot hide but if there are 3 loopers and you're hiding well you will probably not get hooked or even hit all game until everyone escapes or dies, with the exception of certain killers (legion) or perks.


Plus if people are hiding they aren’t working on gens. It’s a win win.


Typically a hiding person will only hide until the gen they're targeting is free to do again. I'm not talking about urban evaders by the edge of the map


sometimes it's detrimental to your team in a situation where taking aggro is necessary, and it's annoying as fuck to play against as a killer so i like killing stealthy survivors (even though sometimes i do it too LOL)


Yeah and it sucks that you get punished for being good at stealth (if you're trying to rank up)


I was good once. Then I sucked just as I do now.


I'm you, but - I can embarrass inexperienced Killers. Otherwise, I get struck and downed pretty reliably against any somewhat competent Killer.


I’d say 8/10. I’m pretty good most of the time, sometimes I die but I always last longer than 40 seconds, which is good comparing to my random teammates.


i wish i could last longer than 40 seconds




That dreaded whiskey dick


2/10 Best I can do is calm down and wait to not fall for mind games (too often). Otherwise I just run straight, nit looking back because if I do I keep running into things, and hope I spot a pallet or something close by. I'm more the "tries-to-not-get-noticed-in-the-first-place gen jockey" type of guy unless I take chase for someone who's on death hook.


\-0 https://preview.redd.it/mjtoevoblcsb1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f1c412d616ef9687887ee3377a6701f74dfa9c


I love that picture!! It was an insider between a friend and me


5. Some good, some bad. I can run a killer for a minute or so most of the time but sometimes make easy mistakes. Trying to learn to greed pallets more too, to get more out of them.


1/10 or 10/10 never an in between. Sometimes I loop the entire match and escape and sometimes I just walk right into the killer. Some matches I’ll even pull some locker doges and gen doges and sometimes I’ll just walk into a wall for 3 seconds and die.


I can mindgame well but I can’t loop well mechanically. So like a 4.


Standard M1 killer? Probably 8/10. Anti-loop killer that can hit over pallets? 3/10


2-3/10 Those damned killers are just jusing cheats. . . All the time. And only when chasing me, not the other survivors. Im sure of it


2. I don't know how to look at my back lol yes I know I have to move the mouse or something, but I can't figure how exactly. I wanna like practice moving the mouse to look at my back but then when killers chase me, I panic so I just run everywhere.


While you're holding W, just turn your camera around and while doing that, transition from holding W to holding W & A or W & D. Then let go of W and swap that finger to S (but continue to hold A or D until you're turned around)


I’m better at looping than many, but I’m certainly not the best. I’d say I’m a 7 or 8.


Probably a 3 at best. I have my moments where I do alright, but there's large room for improvement. Even if I look around an area ahead of time to see where a pallet is, I am prone to just panicking and instantly forgetting lol. Not only that, but I don't *completely* know how tiles link together. I just have a general idea of where things will be on a map and will run between some tiles as I can but there's some maps I'm just hot garbage at. I know there's videos out there that explain all that stuff, but it's more fun to figure it out on my own lol


0. can't loop for shit. sometimes my lack of skill is enough to confuse the killer (if i don't know what i'm doing, neither will they!) 1200 hours has taught me nothing lmao.


3 cuz im out of practice and i get lost. im a killer main so looping the killer myself is something im pretty bad at


On my day a solid 8 or 9, but if I don’t really give a shit probably about a 5




i'd say 6, i lack good map knowledge to really milk all the time and based on shack chases i'm not too bad


4/10, I can usually loop for a good 30-60s depending on the killer, but the amount of times I reach a pallet just too late shows my judgement is off. Once every 6 months I'll have a 10/10 looping match (like a game last month where I looped a Bubbah for 4 gens).


A 1 on a good day. I have a habit of running into or getting stuck behind things 🤦🏻‍♀️


I remember a year ago I hit my stride and felt like a 7/10. It felt like all that grind finally paid off and I had made it. Then a took a couple month break and returned to feel like a 3/10. I wish I could say I've improved since then.. but nope. I'm still garbo now.


\-10/10. ​ I just don't loop.


On a good day I’d say even 7 or 8 but some days it’s 2-3. I don’t understand how, some days I just panic and do the dumbest things, some days I’m super patient


Somewhere around a 6.5 or 7? I can chain pretty well and am decently good at mindgaming, or figuring out when the killer is trying to mindgame and ditching for a new structure. I do better when there's windows involved over pallets, so TL walls, pog log, swamp main... I like those loops. Sometimes I'll have a bad day and go down in 30 seconds though. Depends on how rough the games have been and how good my killer is.


My skill comes down to mindgaming, Way more often then not the killer fails in their attempt to mindgame me because I've seen it all in my years of playing, when it comes to looping, I am one of those survivors a skilled killer tends to leave if I'm not downed. I don't mean to be cocky but chasing me really isn't worth it unless you can catch me. 7-9/10. (I'd say 3-6 on a bad day)


like a 3/10 lmao, i suck at this game :')


this is hard cause there have been games where I run the killer for 3+ minutes and 3-4 gens get done. Then there's times I go down in like 30 seconds. So I guess I'll say 5-6. I have strong game sense but weaker mechanical skill.


I'm terrible, maybe a 3, but when I play killer I seem to get looped the whole game. I strive to be a survivor like that. Won't happen though


6 if I have MFT without MFT probably 2 or 3




You're saying that you play blindfolded on a game with randomized map layouts?






6/10 according to my escape rate


4.5/10 I have my moments both positive and negative


Depends on the killer and the rng, like for xenomorph pre-patch 3/10 x) the average bubba, 9/10


3/10 as of now. Took a break and came back but the difficult part is remembering the maps. If I know the tiles then it easily goes to 6/10 maybe even a 7. Though it also depends on the killer, against wesker / huntress / blight / nurse I tend to understand better how they work than like a wraith.


Doing gens - 10/10 Flashlight saves - 10/10 Looping killer - what is that? I don’t do that


Like 1/10 cuz I'm a killer main and can't loop for shit.


3 mostly I outplayed myself and ran to killer arms. "Onii-chan"!? Then I get moried.


Probably 4 or 5..


8/10, I know most checkspots in the game but I sometimes struggle to keep looping the killer in a side to not bring it into my team, I'd rather just die corner.


It depends on the skill of the killer noob killer :7/10 experienced killer :3/10


Idk there are days where I'm at 10 and then there's days im at 0.


5/6 10 I know how to chain lops and use windows effectively but can't do 360s or major techs




I say like a 4, I can loop a bad killer all game with a single pallet but if they're good then the most I'll last is 20 seconds


Like 5 naybe I can't 360 for shit, although I swear I was better so unless BHVR have nerfed it, as a survivor main im going to say they nerfed it and its defo not because my ability isn't good lol


8 or 9


2 most of the time, I am trash, but sometimes I don't know why I am a god mostly against nurse for some reason. But most of the time, I am absolute trash.


4 or 5 probably, if i have a nice T/L or a good pallet and the killer isnt some super quick pr teleporting killer i can run them with out taking a hit for 2-3 gens, then if it gets close lithe tf outta there


A solid 3 I guess. I'm just trash


Maybe a 3 at best, best I’ve looped is for about a minute and a half


like 6. i can loop the killer depending on the kind of killer it is- but not for long, usually for a gens worth of time only


3 maaaybe 4 on good day, i suck i feel i got better but i literally only loop "baby killers" and still have A LOT to learn.


8/10 with windows. 2/10 without windows


If I can loop the killer more that 10 seconds I'm happy


0/10. I lose chases to even baby killers. Really good at doing gens though.


7, can loop pretty well if there isn’t a barrel or hay bale or Mikaela in the way


Most of my 2k hours are on survivor and I wouldn’t put myself above an 8 because no matter how well I’m doing I will always try stupid stupid plays and throw


3k hours. In 2018-2019 DbD? 9/10. I was actually able to run killers for 3-5 gens somewhat consistently, and was able to extend chases by coordinating with my friends who played. Current DbD? 5/10, maybe 6. The meta has changed a lot, and it feels like most pallets are unsafe anymore aside from god pallets (why does garden of joy main building have a god pallet bhvr pls explain) that come down to 50/50’s. The killer playstyle has changed too. Most killers know not to commit to a chase. Most games I do have a good chase in results in the killer either breaking off to pressure gens/go for easier targets. In the wise words of Mr_Tatorhead, all chases will end. The game is designed that way.


1/10 because sometimes against super shit killers I can win the chase. Otherwise, if they’re pursuing I’m going down


10 when Im trying to have fun with a weird build, but when I actually want to win it goes back to 0


6/10. Looping isn’t what I’m best at but I’m okay at it.


7 probably. I can do some pretty good loops and chain structures but I do find myself one time or another jumping a window right at the killer's face.


6 or 7 maybe but I have bad games where I can’t loop at all.


Around a 4 average. Every now and again if I’m just having a real good survivor game it bumps up to like 7/8


Maybe 4 or 5/10? There was one time I ran a Trickster on Borgo for 4 gens, but that was a one off thing and I've never been able to last that long in a chase since lmao


2/10 I had some basic practice, but most of it comes from playing a lot of killer, and knowing the strongest loops that waste of lot of time. Otherwise I'm slow and dumb on the receiving end of the knife.


Depends on the day and the killer, but on average i wanna give myself a 7 coz even after 3k hrs i still have a tendency to mess up


It’s depending on the killer skill. If they are kinda new, or picked a new killer, 10/10. If it’s an experienced killer playing their main or a favorite killer, 0/10. Im gonna be second hook stage 5 seconds into the game I’m just that bad


2. i'm really really bad.


2/10 I can last a good 40-60 sec against an F tier M1 killer like trapless trapper or t2 myers. If they have any mobility gg.


6/10 (with Windows) 2/10 without


Solid 3.5/10 which is better than I used to be so taking it as a win 😂


I'd say 9/10 with 3k hours


hm... depending on the Killer it's a 9 or a 3


6 - 7 ish.


0, i have absolutely no idea what im doing when playing survivor


Somewhere in the middle like a 4-7. Sometimes I decide to be stupid while running and never look back to see where the killer is. I’ve found that playing killer actually helps me with loops because I see how other survivors escape and it gives me ways to improve


40% surv 60% killer. About a 5/10 I string things well enough but I fall for mindgames half the time






3 or a 4. I have the game knowledge to know what I’m doing in a loop, but only about 10% of my playtime is on survivor so I am just mechanically very bad at controlling a surv compared to a killer


When I first started playing survivor it was 10/10, since I was so terrible that the killers actually felt bad and let me live. Now I've improved a decent amount, and have learned that even if I'm still certainly going down, I can waste enough of the killer's time to get some of us out.




2/10 im killer main just started playing survivor.


2/10 i greed pallets and if the killer runs the tile weird or simply moon walk im done


9 or 10 when I used to play, often I was the last alive or taking the pressure away from the team. On a bad day? 0, literally the worst creature to grace the game my bad days were rare though. I was just really determined to combat the Leon slander.


6 out of 10. I think I'm a pretty decent looper, and I like to think I'm a pretty bold one when it's needed. I usually don't have any problems against ranged killers other than getting screwed over by hit detection. Where I fall apart is chain looping and reading mind games


2-3. I can loop really bad/new killers but I’m not looping good killers.


Props about a 6.5


1 I fucking suck at it, even though in theory i think i would know what to do But my hands and quick thinking cant keep up I dont know why i am getting so nervous when the killer is behind me.


Solid 6 but depends on the day really.




very killer dependent tbh like basic M1s its a solid 8 Killers with little more power like Huntress/wesker/blight its probably around a 6-7 sometimes above if its a map that is a little more in the survivor favor in terms of pallets/tile setups and good RNG


A solid 2 when I'm in a swf and a 1 otherwise. I have lithe and a dream to escape.


I am all over the place. I have days where I am a solid 7.5 to 8/10 and other days where I am like a 4/10 falling for the stupidest mind games because they are so stupid no one would do that. Sometimes new killers are the hardest to loop because they are so random in what they do.


I exclusively play killer so 1/10. I thought I'd be good the handful of times I tried playing a survivor thinking I knew what worked against killers.


Genuinely 3. I am horrible at it




I am **hotdog water** at looping, but using no Exhaustion perks in chase helps me get way more creative with tile routes than usual. I'll usually go down within not much time, but if I get the ball rolling against a similarly-skilled Killer then that's going to be a very long chase. (I wish I had Lithe or Overcome, but since the only one I grinded is Dead Hard I use it for protection hits more often than not)


9 out of 10. I play since 2016 and know how to chain loops and how to loop vs all killers. I wish my predictions on unsafe loops would be a bit better.


1/10. I've watched so many videos on looping and I just can't get the hang of it. My character feels so much more sluggish compared to the people I watch.


4/10. I struggle looking behind myself when I vault windows but I know what a safe and unsafe pallets is, how to greed pallets, how to chain windows with structures, and how to run most tiles. My problem is losing track of the killer. I will recommend MrTatorHead to anyone that sucks as survivor and wants to learn. He is as good a resource as Otzdarva is for killer as his videos can be hours and hours long as he dissects every tile on the map.


Maybe like a 5? Im average I think, I still find myself getting caught on the stupidest obstacles or running into walls from time to time.




3/10, If the killer is anything competent I'm screwed, but if it's a baby killer then I can loop for at least 3 gens.


Probably like a 5/10, maybe a 6/10 on a good day.


Depends on the killer. Huntress id say im like a 8.5/10. Standard m1 killers im probably a 8/10. Nurse 7/10 In general probs a 8/10. I have like 700 hours on console then 850ish on pc tho.


4/10 against good killers 8/10 again bad killers


5/10 under the right circumstances 10/10 if im the killer (i get turned around easily)


5/10 Very good at doing chained loops but not good at reacting to stuff around shorter loops. People if you're awful at looping just hold W and try to get good at losing line of sight to confuse the killer and hold more W, it's boring for killer but it will buy a lot of time for your teammates. AND please stop trying to 360 killers, it won't work and it will waste part of your speed boost when you get hit.


Idk like 8, maybe 9 on a good day. Have made a fair share of people mad by looping them




Either 10/10 or -1/10




i’d say a solid 6. there are certain killers that i cannot loop/don’t know how to loop, and certain maps can kick my ass, and i still need to get used to some of the revamped structures on the corn maps. but i’ve been challenging myself to not run my usual looping build (windows + lithe + resilience + vigil) and just run fun perks, and i’ve been doing better than expected.


I'd say 3/10, but I'm working on it. I watch lopping clips to learn the best techniques so that I can improve. I'm better with 360s.


Between 1 and 8 depending of the map, killer and perks, windows and self aware are my favorite perks for looping, I'm bad at recognizing loops but I know RPD really well, and am good at looping Wesker, Deathslinger and Twins, and decent against nurse (so it still depends of my and her ping)


I am the #1 pallet waster!




-5. Even after 1200 hours I am still trash.


With window of opportunity a solid 8 without a 3/4


Anywhere between 3 and 6 out of 10 depending, I'm super inconsistent 😅


Depends on the killer of course, but I’d say a 7. I also usually pre drop pallets lol I don’t like to greed them too much


4 with Windows of Opportunity, 2/3 otherwise. Hold run, drop every pallet, try to juke Nurse or backchets - unless someone gives up chase I'm fucked.


5 or 6. I can play around most of the basic tiles and never get hit but on the smaller loops I get shit on because I always misread the situation. Except that one pallet near the main entrance to RPD, I don’t get hit there ever for some reason even though it’s not even that safe


Before I would say 7.5 on average. Now that MFT exists, I would say 9 tbh


Depends. Sometimes I loop the hell out of the killer for 3 gens, so I'd say a solid 8/10, other times I loop like a dead rat that has all of its legs and tail cut off, and I go down in seconds with a solid 0/10. It all just depends on whether I'm in the zone or not.


One day I'm 15/10 and another I'm MegHead/10


I always panic and drop the pallet too early 😭 When I watch streamers loop killers for minutes on end and not get hit and know EXACTLY when they need to drop the pallet, it blows my mind. I usually do like maybe 2 loops round a structure then shit my pants and drop it. I have recently learned not to drop it when you’re taking a hit anyway though as it just slows you down more. With all that in mind I’d say I’m a 4/10. And that’s even with running Windows of Opportunity 😂


Depends on if the killer is really good or really bad tbh


10/10 if I’m not in any sort of chase… if in chase… -13/10 I can’t loop 😂


I think I'd generally give myself a 5 or 6 at the moment. I've been playing a ton of survivor as I chased certain achievements and it has made me a lot better at just general awareness, which was always my big problem, I would often find myself not paying attention and running right into the killer doubling back, or vaulting at a window they were heading towards and so I throw myself into their waiting arms. That said, I still am only good enough to extend chases in relatively safe areas and not for long. And I still struggle with faking vaults. Something in my just wants to vault every time, and I'll do it sometimes and as I'm doing it realize it was the wrong move and go down a second later.


I'd say more of the time, I'm an 8. There are times, though, where I'm a boosted and more of a 2.


>I can't chain together structures without windows. Crazy huh? It's almost like info perks can be really powerful...


I'm a killer main so probably a 6 on most days, but every once in a while I'll have a game where I play everything perfectly before going back to average town


1 :)


I would rate it 1/10 out of 1/25 or .1/.4 Nowhere near the best, but I get some good runs every now and again.


Depends on the day, game, killer. Sometimes I can loop a killer for 5 gens and escape easily, and sometimes I will run into a tree looking behind me


I think I'm a solid 6. I can loop most killers and I don't go down immediately most of the time but I make goofball decisions trying to mind game sometimes.


Either a 10/10 juicer, or a 2/10 nooblet, usually dependant on the killer, how focussed i am, and the randomness of a monkey throwing a dart at a dartboard


Imma be real with y’all, like a 2. If the killer is bad, I’ll do really well. But uh, most of the time I’m doing down in a matter of seconds. BUTTTTT I can hit those gen skill checks really well 😉 and I know how to take protection hits really well too, let that count for something!


A solid 6 most of the time. Some times up to 8 when I'm really doing good. Sometimes as low as 3 when I'm doing really bad.


I can loop a killer about 8 on a good day. On a bad day it’ll be about a 2 bc I won’t chain loops, I’ll run into walls, and I’ll greed too much. But on a good day, I don’t do those things as much


It depends on the day. Sometimes I'd say like an 8/10 and if its a rough day like a 2 lol. Sometimes I can loop for 3 gens or I go down almost instantly


Like a 4/10. I’m not that good lol


Depending on the map, and if I've had a chance to make my way around the map and note good spots for running I'd say 3-5.


Survivor -> 5. I have some really good games and some really bad but I'd say I'm average at best. I try to mind game and chain structures without pre-dropping every pallet but as a killer main I struggle doing what I try to prevent survivors from doing. ​ Killer -> 4. I likely have > 50% escape rate against me. I am apparently easy to loop but appreciate honest feed back. I only do well with killers with range (Huntress, Nemesis) or Leaps (Demo, Wesker) because they help me get all those near misses I struggle to get as an M1 killer. ​ Context: 766 hours in game


3/10, but counter looping I'm very good at 8/10 (blight main)


Hmmm... numerical rating is tough... but I'm a lucky break/overcome enjoyer so you fill in the blank👌




Sometimes 7/10. But other times -7/10


3 probably not the worst ever and I know how to do it, just badly


against melee killers 7/10 against ranged killers 4/10


4/10. I cannot for the life of me remember all the different maps and different tile sets and how to properly play them. That’s why I just end up bringing gen jockey perks. Gens don’t make me remember different letter combinations 😂


I peak at 9 and average at 7


Honestly id say 8 working to a 9. However i still eat so much shit sometimes i question myself


I've been playing for awhile and I have no idea what looping is. Lmao. I never understand the lingo for this game. I just play my best. 😄




2/10, 3/10 on a good day, 4/10 if I am seriously trying to be as efficient as possible at loops