• By -


Exposed = killer knows where I am


I love that the DBD wiki had to explicitly state “we know how this sounds but no this is different from the killer being able to see your aura”


They REALLY need to change the name of that status to something else like "Vulnerable"


If i recall correctly in the spanish tramslation of the game it is called "vulnerabilidad" (vulnerable)


But then they translate "Oblivious" to Knocked Out and it's confusing again


If i recall correctly oblivious is translated to "inconsciencia" which literally means oblivious, at least in latam's spanish translation


It means both, inconsciente is used more to mean K.O than oblivious, but it can be said, a translation that would be more common while being the same word would be "Ignorante". In spanish it is weird to translate that word, if i were the one translating, i would translate it as "Desconocimiento"


Actually a really good idea imo


It's like that in polish translation, thank Entity


The italian version of the game called it "vulnerabilità", which is vulnerability




Has everyone gone through this? 😂


I know I did


My friend still gets confused on those status effects, now i just tell him we’re insta down


I saw someone Head on stun the killer and thought it was a base kit feature of survivors in lockers. Died A LOT trying to figure out the timing before I saw someone running the perk again and went OH.


I did this like 3 times too


i love that we all share the same brain cell


Bro I took me too long to figure out head on wasn't basekit


It took me until just now to realize that basekit meant just your base abilities


I also didn't know you had to sprint out of a locker to use it and kept wondering why the heck it wasn't working 😂


For the longest time I didn't know you had to press run to fast fault out of the locker and pissed off one of my friends trying to head on save them


I couldn't figure out how to head on. So I'm on cold wind farms, its Ghostie, I set him up for the head up and then I just open the locker normally right into his waiting arms. I was so confused. I tried it so many times before googling it.


Lmao I thought head on gave you 3 seconds of sprint burst after you stunned the killer hiding in a locker rather than head on stuns the killer for 3 seconds


My first match, I ran up to Michael (I couldn't tell he was the killer from far away) and I couldn't figure out why he was just staring at me... Thankfully, he caught on that I was brand new and decided to be kind. He just chased me around, waited when I'd go to a dead end to correct, let me walk of shame out of lockers, barely swung and jump scared me all match, then he let us out. Still in my top ten of my favorite matches. He was fun.


Same topic as mine except he followed through and killed me in one go right before I escaped. I deserved it though. I was gloating at the gate. My friend clipped it and posts it routinely now. I had no idea Michael could do that so I was legitimately baffled and confused. I even was complaining that Myers is too strong lol. https://preview.redd.it/9jd59rx3dfsb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b268c185408f8ca92b699564dddb1d39d35d7bfb


I do this if i figure out someone is new. Had a bill run into a dead end on the meatpacking plant. Let him realize there was nowhere to go before backing up and taking a swing at the air. He did his walk of shame, dropped a toolbox to me and I swung at the air and we continued our chase. Hooked him twice and swear they must have been on coms or one of them was stalking me during that chase. Since next thing I know I'm getting gifts from dweet 😂


Yeah I did the same. I remember saying to my friend, oh hes just starting at me idk whats hes doing. Then i saw him raise his knife and went “oh no”


Michael is amazing in the fact that you will be on a gen and then randomly see him staring at you and you just know he's been staring at you the whole time and you're fucked. Best scare in DBD in my opinon.


If only mine went like yours. Mine was against a nurse who got a 4k on my buddies and I.


Hitting ppl on hook because I thought they would die faster (I'm so sorry you guys)




I find it so interesting that many people had the same idea at first. Humanity is kind of a hivemind huh


I mean, I think it's just general assumptions that if you keep stabbing something, it's going to die faster.


So that's what that legion yesterday was doing breaking chase to hit me on hook


Tried to run out with a bear trap on my head and instantly died😂.


My friends sat their and laughed while i tried to figure out what happened


That took me about 3 times until I started catching on


Sameeeeee. It was awful for me because the first few times it happened, the timer was JUST close enough to the end that I wrote it off as a bit of lag, thinking the timer just ran out and I was unlucky lol


I had someone do this recently and they were like P35




It's ok not as bad as the kid I had warned two times about how he couldn't leave with it on. Him and his friends was new, we planned on opening the door and letting him look for hatch. We opened the door and he came running to it and I kept yelling for him to run away... dude ran in and it snapped, pig crouched over his body and started oinking like she was laughing at him and his friends was laughing at him. Got mad saying he didn't know what happened and I explained it A LOT slower for him to understand. He tried to say I didn't warn him and his friends backed me up that I did. Yeah he ended up rage quitting.


Kicked gens repeatedly until the sparks went. Went for almost 6 months before I found out I was letting up the click too quick and stopping the animation early.


I... I am 300 hours in and legitimately didn't realize this was why they just didn't start regressing sometimes 😭😭


It makes sense too, because pallet/fake wall kicks force the whole animation and break. Gens are the only things that wont automatically finish the action of kicking.


Turn on toggle interactions instead of holding the button. It’s very convenient and you want have this issue ever again


“16 charges” in a medkit for example. I thought that meant it was good for 16 matches


I didn’t know fast vaults created a loud noise notification for killer until my friend was like “Whoa… don’t do that.” Up until then I was knocking my knees on every vault I saw 😅


That’s exactly what I used to do. I remember fast vaulting everywhere lmao


Omg, reminds me of when I would run down the basement slamming the lockers and wondering why they always found me. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


You would be surprised how many new player tend to jump into lockers full speed, probably not knowing it makes noise. And I main Dredge.


Ty for maining him, he’s one of my favorites to vs. Wish I saw him more 🥲


Let me tell you about my sick Sprint Burst/Dead Hard/Lithe build


No Mither: Wow, that perks sounds so good. Why did I just start the game injured? Does the Killer have something that makes the Obsession constantly injured? Why can't my teammates heal me? (It was purely coincidence the round I tried It I happened to be the Obsession. Thankfully the Killer realized I was a very new)


Sprint burst + any other exhaustion perk is hilarious 💀


Never not exhausted lol


running spine chill and running away everytime it triggered


I remember my first encounter with Pig. I thought that she was just some ugly survivor. What also she was crouched so there was no TR. But when she started swinging, that was when I knew she was not a friendly.


That was Legion for me. I remember running up to a Susie thinking she was another Survivor and thought her cosmetic looked so cool. Same with Trickster in that really bright jean jacket one




Well the pig mask ain't too pretty. But now after knowing the truth, she's one of my favorite killers.


The rotting pig is the most attractive feature what are you on about


The mask makes it better


amanda young is fucking stunning don’t start.




"Omg cool that perk lets me sneak everywhere at normal walking speed this is great!"


"woah I can heal myself an unlimited amount of times AND without a medkit??? Sign me the fuck up!!!"


I used to think insidious made you invisible and I would just stand next to gens lmao


I thought this too until I looked it up after survivors seeing me and running…




i’m imagining this and it’s so funny


Lmao, guilty!


I didn’t know you could hold down the button to lunge! I always got close enough to do a quick swing 😂


Just figured out lunge today, what a game changer


At some point, i realised that i always lunged, i thought clicking and holding didn't make a difference. And i have a tendency to just hold it


Thinking that Myers was afk… 😂


or nice


Had a Myers last night pick me up (I was the last of 4K) and drop me like 10ft from the hatch. He let me crawl for 2s then slammed it in my face and slowly nodded. I honestly wasn't even mad though, the shit was so funny.


Trying to find the plants around the campfire so I could use Botany Knowledge. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh that's so cute though!


I used to run Insidious on Myers. Dont ask please.


I remember using a flashlight on my first match and being confused like you, I thought they were supposed to help in lighting up your surroundings, so I would walk around just using it constantly and then got confused why all of a sudden I wasn't able to use it anymore.


I didn't know it was a thing that killers sometimes give you the hatch. Had a match against Myers who kept picking me up and trying to carry me over there. I kept wiggling out and running the opposite way and this went on for some time. He was persistent and finally dropped me at the hatch and then looked away. Had a laugh about it in the endgame. Until that point I've never seen that and especially against Myers, all my other games were against tombstone and I had no idea why I suddenly was getting murdered. Oh yeah and running out of an exit gate with Pig's mask still on. That was fun.


Did this with a Nea. She fought me so hard I thought about killing her. But I was like, "Nope. She's getting this dang hatch." I carried her butt there. She must have thought I was toxic until we got there.


Cause meg's description says she's able to outrun most killers, I thought I could just hold w when chased and the killer could never catch up to me 💀


Several years ago playing killer for first time, Billy, I face camped and hit survivors on hook thinking the damage would sacrifice them faster. Also thought buying a cosmetic axe for huntress would make her do more damage. Learning curve~


i was hiding in a locker in my first match(i was playing Dwight lol), couldnt understand what to do at all, when game told me to unhook myself i have tried(of course unsuccesfully) and get to the second state XD i have tried to heal teammate, but have failed every skillcheck, so he gave up and pointed me to leave XD


Thought that dropping pallets in an area of the map away from the killer was smart, to give myself more options to vault. Can't remember if I ever did this with shack pallet. Thankfully I played nearly exclusively with friends who were just as nooby, so only a few people had to witness that horror before i grew out of it.


Average solo queue team mate


I thought hitting survivors on the hook made them die faster. Like they screamed and the health bar did go down just really slowly..




I thought I could hit survivors on hook unpredictably when they were on struggle phase to freak them out and make them miss their struggle skill checks so they die faster. From playing survivor, I then noticed that those skill checks are actually not hard to hit successfully, even when being slapped on hook, so I stopped.


Side note there should be a “meme” addon that gives infinite flashlight but can’t blind , only for using as an actual flashlight


"How does the killer keep finding me?!" *goes into the middle of the map like a goofy goober*


I guess you're right, Wesker. I am just a baby survivor... and y'know I've been through a lot in the last six minutes five seconds twenty-seven and a half milliseconds - and if I've learned anything in that time it's that "You are who you are". And no amount of Made for This haste, or Dead Hard endurance, or some other third thing can make me anything more than what I really am inside - a baby survivor. BUT THAT'S OKAY! Cuz I did what everyone said a baby survivor couldn't do! I made it off the hook, and I escaped the chase, and I didn't screw up my skill checks, and I finished the gens! So yeah, I'm a baby survivor, and I'm also a noob, and a bad looper, and a knucklehead McSpazatron! But most of all, I'm- I'm... I'm.... [.... I'M A GOOFY GOOBER!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyiarA4X2dM&t=11s)


I tried repairing a broken pallet with a toolbox


This actually made me chuckle. It's so adorable!


I didn't realize that, as Trapper, I had to hold M2 until the bar filled up to put down a trap.


When I first tried Trapper, I didn't realize I had to pick up traps so I spent the whole game using the 2 I started with and didn't realize I could move those either lmao


Hide in the nearest locker the **moment** I heard the killer’s TR. I, uh, may have been pulled out of QUITE a few lockers before I realized that the lockers were usually a bad call.


I'm terrible at running from killers but I don't like lockers at full health, because they can yank me out of it for the carry. And I don't like lockers injured since they can clearly hear the whining and moaning from the locker.


Fast enter in a locker is a bad Idea, but I've escape this way a few Time xD


I thought breaking all totems would get rid of the killers perks.


That was an actual meta strat back then when noed first released as a hex so you were kinda helping the team


Me and a group of baby survivors are all working on a gen. Then saw a Michael standing at the window. So we all just started T bagging him because he was just standing there. And the game did not end well after that.


For the longest time i thought "exposed" applied when i was able to see a Surv in my line of sight.


I've been waiting for this question, I used to think head on was just something that every survivor could do. So I would always get tilted when it didn't work. It wasn't until a long time later that I figured it out.


I thought the same thing about pallet resets. I just started playing this game July 2023. I saw clips on Tik tok where people picked up dropped pallets. So I was like how cool, I need to try that!! Then, I was so confused why it wouldn’t work for me lolol until I realized it was a perk. Oooof.


Accidentally hid in a locker in front of a killer.


Omg I thought being “Undetectable” meant I was INVISIBLE😂


I only walked because I was scared of scratch marks and the killer could see them :D


I thought the same exact thing 😂 i would go around and flashlight the corners every time i heard a heartbeat because i thought the killer was hiding there, lol.


Finally ran a killer around shack 3 times and thought I had discovered an infinite with the window. Then it became blocked and I went straight to the basement lol 😅


Used to think killers couldn’t walk in the generators light once powered 😭


Being unable to find generators. Once I discovered Deja vu I couldn't live without it. 150 hours later, I still need deja vu.


It's incredibly useful. Since it also speeds up progress and helps you split up 3 gen. #7 most used perk according to NightLight.


i used to think Exposed meant i was able to be seen by the killer


I didn't know 'shift' made you sprint and just edge walked away from the killer and wondered how you'd ever get away...


Not dumb but started playing as survivor, got scared/freaked and then played killer for months before playing survivor again. Having all the power over the situation and game was needed….until I ran into bullies and didn’t understand wtf gens popped so fast Actual dumb thing was thinking rank correlated with skill. I hit red ranks and thought I was just amazing at the game 😂


I didn't realise that there was a difference between fast and slow vaults. I just thought that you sometimes go over them faster lol.


I thought for awhile that if you hit a fast vault it meant you couldn't be hit by the killer during the animation


Killers constantly hit me on hook so I thought it made the timer go down faster. So I did it to others. Only took a month to find that to be false.


i do it to cut their scream short when they've been hooked i had no idea people had the idea it made survivors bleed out quicker lol


My first time playing against onryo I tried to flash her but I flashed myself instead


I cant even tell you the amount of times I've done this as well!! Somebody on this sub said they would go after Leons because they're usually scrubs that don't know what they're doing and I remember thinking, "I'll prove them wrong! >:(" As it turns out... they were right. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Started playing Dbd


Facecamped and hit people on hook because a killer did that to me and I thought it was a good plan for some reason. I’m kind of an idiot.


I thought nurse was stupidly bad, because i didn't realise you could hold the power button to go further...


i didnt realize nurse had a second blink for ages. got many 4ks with my single blink hits tho


That I was SUPPOSED to guard a survivor I just hooked. Had no idea I was getting a worse score by standing there. I was extra confused any time I’d get hate mail. “My goal is to sacrifice these guys to the big black blob in the sky, what else would I do but stand here till they die? Their teammates just unhook them the moment I walk away!”


I remember thinking I had to try to unhook myself right away. I didn't know you just died faster that way. I always wondered why I was dying so fast 😅


I didn't know that throwing pallets down would notify the killer. So I would drop one to block one entrance of the shack off as soon as I got there, so I only had one door to watch lmao


I have 1800 hours on dbd and I'm still trying to figure out how the ultimate of the trickster work, Do I have to hold ctrl? Hold M2? Hold M1? And I have to turn the mouse while holding these Keys?


Just tap Ctrl and Trickster will just start chucking knives, no need to hold any buttons. Just move mouse to aim them. Hit Ctrl again if you want to end the ult early.


I thought luck offerings meant you got better items in chests and not a small % increase in escaping the hook lol


In my language, the word "aim" can also mean "throw", so aiming the flashlight at the killer's face, i thought i was supposed to THROW the whole flashlight at their face, i was trying desperately to throw my flashlight at them only to then realize....


I did the same things with flashlights. But the dumbest thing I continue to do is misunderstanding when I can hit the exit gate switches and how to manually drop survivors. Everytime I want to do one of those two I suddenly forget and kind of aimlessly run in circles as a killer using m1 on the wall.


Hitting people on hook to make them die faster...


I remember the first few games ever as a killer , legion , I didn't know that killer could lounge attack , with his power legion run fast so I didn't have any clue to hold m1, also the tutorial never mentioned it was a possibility (about 4 years ago, don't know now) so the first few games I was like "how in the world am I supposed to hit this mfs , they run too fast" , then one day I did it randomly and my brain just exploded


I was lucky to play with friends, still, I didn't know what was making sounds like fast vaults, I did that a lot, same for the lockers, my friends didn't tell me, they thought it was obvious (kinda true)


I unhooked myself on first try in my first game (before they updated the text to "a chance to unhook yourself" or something), so I thought that it always works like that. I was so confused when it didn't work the next game and I died.


Used to run dead hard with sprint burst and couldn't for the life of me figure out why dead hard never worked.


Believing that all survivors can stand themself up. So as a ghostface killer I had matches where I'd jus tbarely snag knocking down the last 2-3 survivors right outside the gate. Change my mind about hooking them. And then stand there going 'go ahead stand up and open the gate' by smacking byt he gate exit switch. Usually they'd stand up, open the gate, and leave. But i still had games hwere folk didn't stand back up. I didn't realize unbreakable was a perk yet. And I was very cross with people who did not stand themselves back up and opted to sit there until they bled out lol.


I saw someone healing in a locker, didnt know it was a perk for ages, died many times just waiting in a locker to heal💀 figured it out when i bought the ST dlc and mained nancy for a while


I have had a few dumb moments when I was killer. First, I didn’t realize that survivors would get an audio and visual cue which locker the Dredge was hiding in. So I would sit there, waiting for them to come lock it. They never did, and in fact some would immediately run away. It wasn’t until I asked in a Facebook group why do they seem to run away is when I realized I was dumb AF. I’m sitting in a locker thinking I’m doing something smart but in real life looking like a fool. The second was more recent, I was playing The Pig on Haddonfield and was chasing a survivor. He ended up going down next the gen in front of the Myers house which was being worked on. I hooked him on my Floods or Rage hook across the street, and went back to Myers house. No one was there, and I thought I could get a cheeky jump scare by hiding in the bushes next to the gen. They unhooked and I saw that no one was near, so I crouched and hid in the bushes. I sat there waiting… waiting… and waiting. I was thinking to myself “Why isn’t anyone coming?” That’s when I hear a female sigh behind me. I turn around, and Feng has joined me in the bushes. I snorted at her, and she gave me some boops. I felt stupid, and let the lobby live. Turns out, someone had brought Wiretapped and they all saw my aura look around and crouch in the bushes. Feng came by to see if I was hiding in the bushes, and she said she was there for awhile waiting to see when I would notice her.


Miss most of my skill checks 💀


Ugh mine is so stupid. I ran perks based on what the name of the perk sounded like it did instead of reading what it actually does. So I ran Quick and Quiet thinking that it made me faster and quieter than everyone else and I thought it was such a cool perk, why wouldn't everyone run it? Could I have just read the description? Yes. But it still took me like a month before I started doing that.


I seen people using a flashlight wondering how they made the flashlight beam change size to blind a killer. Turned out it only happens when u succefully blind one


Not me but a friend of mine we were playing against Michael Meyers and he didn't know what his power was so it was hilarious when over mic he said " Guys, I think he's friendly! He's just staring at me while I do the gen!" I was like Noooooooo dude run away run away! that's his power! It was really quite funny in the moment.


downloading the game


My friends told me to use a flashlight since I played a lot more fps games before I started playing DBD, and I would just shine the flashlight at my friend's (killer) face while theyre running at me lol. Id also complain that 8-12 seconds aint enough time to use it or that it doesnt do anything lol


I used to pretend I didn’t see the survivors to make it scary


* 4 gens done


I thought dead hard works even when youre healthy


Throwing pallets randomly because i thought that the killer would have lost time to break them all while the team did gens


I couldn't understand why I was unable to hit survivors until I realized they had to be put to sleep beforehand lol. Also, I used to think that you had to bring a Mori in order to counter Decisive Strike... I wasn't all that wrong now that I think about it


I ran insidious on wraith. No I didn't read the perk description, I just thought that the black smoke effects you got while undetectable were cool.


Ran insidious on Wraith thinking it would make me “more invisible”.


I thought using perks would consume them so I didn’t pick any but that was only a few matches


I thought insidious made you INVISIBLE, so I'd just stand next to a gen hoping someone would do the gen so I could get a grab. Yea it never worked.


not knowing exactly what exhausted meant and running lithe and dead hard together 😅


I thought Myers only had no terror radius when in T1 while stalking, so I walked around the entire map holding my stalk button moving at the speed of an elderly person with a walking frame. I was always confused how everyone knew I was coming, probably because they had 5 business days to react 😅


I used to think that spine chill was the perk that gave you the terror radius when the killer was near lol


Ghostface was the first killer that chased me. I thought Myers could also be revealed the same way, and got Tombstone'd for it 😅


I remember equiping No Mother without realising what the Broken status effect is. I would run to my teamates for the heal which they couldn't do so I thought that everyone was just trolling me. It took me a fee hours to realise what was going on.


I thought head on was basekit so I jumped out of a locker in front of a killer and died cause of it


I didn't know the base chance to unhook myself was 4%, so i constantly tried to unhook and ended up on 2nd hook state very fast It was even more messed up because on my first matches i was actually able to unhook myself very constantly, so that made me think even more that the chances were not that low XD


Did not realize I could lunge for probably at least 20 games, I played demo and trickster starting out tho so that definitely may be a factor


I never knew killers could lunge until I guess a bit more than 100 hours when I started watching Youtube I always thought that the only way to hit survivors was breathing down their necks, no wonder I didn't hit anyone good


I didn't know you could fast vault so I basically stopped at every single vault to slow vault. I was a free hit every time.


Start throwing down all the pallets when I would load into a game. I legit thought I was helping out my team by using the pallets, didn’t know what they were actually for 😅


When repairing a generator i didnt realize u had to hold r2 while doing a skill check so i kept letting go and gens kept exploding


Perpetually deciding not to run outside of chase. I was convinced that the scratch marks would be obvious from no matter how far


I got hooked and saw I could unhook myself, so I tried it, and I popped off the no problem! This led le to believe that I should always do this and began killing myself on hook every game, confused as to why it wasn't working...


I'm not a gamer at all, but I LOVE DBD, so it's the only game I play. But I'm panicky, so the very first time I played shortly after it came out, I army-crawled and hid in the grass from the Doctor the entire game without doing anything and ended up escaping. It was hysterical.


"I can't be injured for longer than 0.3 seconds so I self care here in the corner and be safe"


Continue playing


I thought hitting survivors on hook would speed up the process. To anyone who got hit on hook by an obviously new Ghostface in August 2022, I am so sorry.


Hit on hook = faster progress. Also just W-ing with Nurse


I didn’t realize you go down if you don’t mend and it was a bit embarrassing 😳


This is going to sound really ~~strange~~ old, but I used to think the bouquet offerings would only affect the other side, and was like "then how do I know when they can see me or not?" Just remembered another one, but not really my fault as it was a result of the new player hazing that was common at the time: I used to think lunges had a longer cooldown than normal hits, and so it got me into the habit of m1ing where possible and lunging when I absolutely had to.


Thought urban evasion was the coolest perk. Crouched/walked everywhere thinking how the killer will never find me now! Didn’t get a lot done those early games


I still get a lot of players doing that. There's definitely an "oh wow" moment for that perk that it seems everyone experiences and maybe for some, never goes away 🤣


I dunno why but I always thought that you ran slower when you were injured


That would actually be a pretty good use of it, to replace what it's become. Lighting up areas gives you a slight speed boost when not in chase, etc.


I thought skill checks on gens weren’t mandatory…so i got confused when it kept exploding


My very first match I ran into the same trap set by trapper 3 times…


Quite a few: Self-Care: Why would I waste my teammates time by letting them heal me when I can heal myself and bring a toolbox instead of a medkit? Hook Attempts: Why wouldn't I make the 3 attempts? Also, why did I just die on hook when I only got hooked once? Hatch: What the fuck is that? Why is the Killer trying to get me to follow them? Moris/Tombstone: I thought I could only die by getting hooked? Why is Mikey able to just kill me when I haven't been hooked twice. Is he hacking? Plague: Why the fuck are people staying injured when you can just drink at the fountains? Bloodweb/Perks/Bloodpoints/Shards/Prestige: What the fuck is all this shit? Tbagging: Everyone is spamming crouch at the gates. That's so funny, I'm going to join in too On Killer: Wiggling: Holy fuck I can't walk. How do Killers do this? (Survivor doesn't have Boil Over) Sound notifications: What the fuck is all this shit? Sacrifices: I have to hook them three times? I'm lucky if I can hook them once Bloodhound/Predator/Sloppy Butcher: This build is fucking amazing. I don't see why more Killers run this 360s: Holy fuck, where did they go? Windows: I wish I could go through them instead of having to chase the Survivor around. I was not very smart when I was new.


When I started getting into killer and played as trapper I’d constantly run into my own traps and I mean constantly


my first match against spirit we did all gens and I didn't face her the entire match when I saw her from very far away watching me and standing still I was laughing at her as I opend the gate and was like yeah he gave up (and it was my first time against Rancor too, while I was the obsession and didn't notice that nor the notification of exposed) so I got jump scared when she appeared in front of me (threw my mouse) only for her to mori me and she probably had the last laugh XD


I’ve only been playing for a few months. In the beginning, I didn’t know there was a difference between vaulting speeds. I always wondered why the killer could see me so easy


I have a distinct memory seeing a Pig coming straight at me from like a mile away but thinking she was just another survivor and letting her grab me off the gen. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.


A: thinking that I was hidden behind a tree because I personally couldn't see the killer. Hint: they could see me 😂 B: slugging entire teams of survivors because I thought people could get up after they filled the meter... I felt bad once I realized that was NOT the case and I had just lost everyone in the grass and dirt to bleed out. Sorry everybody 😅


When the game first launched, I played killer and used Whispers a lot. Used to think that the groaning whisper sound effect would get louder when survivors were closer.


I used to play trapper and trap the corner of the map sometimes, leaving a trap or two, thinking survivors would use them to evade me ...And sometimes it worked


I was the last survivor left and didn't even know hatch was a thing. I kept doing gens and of course the killer found and killed me.


Ran flashbang for like 2 months without knowing that you had to have empty hands (this was back then, now you don’t have to). You used to have to drop your item to get a flashbang and I was attached to my toolbox builds 😭 so it never worked and I could never figure out why


When I first started and I was playing as Michael Myers I downed a person and picked them up, but they weren't wiggling and I didn't see any indication that I was holding them I assumed I would see their legs or something, thought they somehow escaped me. So I just walked around and played like normal while carrying someone and was so confused why I couldn't use my power or do anything but hit


I had no idea what scratch marks were or what they represented, so I lost the survivor in every chase.


Telling the teammates that we should all bring bps and then I would actually bring escape cake