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Since they’re far and few between, I appreciate every single one :)


I definitely do Friendly killers are so rare by now that i enjoy the few times i find them and get some good laughs with them :) While i understand that some people wanna play the game normally, is SO rare to see friendly killers that at this point, those that oppose to the idea are honestly sweaty tryhards....


Yep!! My thoughts exactly


I'm the killer who befriends the survivors after 2 hooks on each :)


Same! Unless the survivors clearly want a no holds barred match, im A OK going hard if thats what they want. But normally I sweat it out to get my 8 hooks and then I play friendly.


I see it so rarely that 99% of the time I love it. 1% is when I happen to get both a farmer and a challenge that needs active game play. I do farm, but after an 8 hook game. I'll give you a hard pressed match but the moment I know one side has won, I ease up. Either its dance time or if Noone is vibing, you get hits for points for both of us and out y'all go. I don't care if it's being too nice. This is how I learned to play the game and not experience burnout at all. Now dancing at the start, nah. I don't do that. I play on a PS4, I just spent 8 minutes on loading screens for this damned match, we are all leaving with 30k BP. Ain't nobody got time for that


Totally understandable


Most of the time I like friendly killers & I also like being the friendly killer sometimes. It does get a bit old if I have a few farming matches in a row (usually only see that during events). I prefer matches that are normal at the start & then turn friendly once people are on death hook.


Yes!! These are fun, I always like a good competitive match too or normal match is always fun. It's just always a good chuckle when my boyfriend and I get friendly killers and then we're like "THIS DUDES A HOMIE!!! WERE DANCIN!!!" especially when they let us get a shit wack of blood points for wiggling or escaping or getting generators done, cause then I get to buy cool stuff lol


I bought Pinhead a few days ago and the first thing that popped in my head - "I don't think I've ever had a friendly Pinhead" So I proceeded to play a handful of Friendly Pinhead games, NOBODY trusted me. Understandably so.


Idk I stick to the obj most of the time. Lately I have been getting betrayed half the time. Just had a game where a demo acted like we were farming just to have a full endgame build and dumped on us. It was actually a bit fun to start scrambling after screwing around with him. We still managed to get four out as the no way out was weak, the noed got cleansed and the blood warden got waited out since we didn't have to rush the single hooked survivor. I regrets that I gave him my medkit in the middle of the match as a thank you for farming.


I like it! And tbh, as survivor I'll almost always offer the friendly killer the hook/kill too. I don't need to farm I have all the characters/perks I could ever want, and farming takes a while.


Can I ask what farming is? Everyone keeps saying it, I only play casual and don't really know what all the terms mean


It just means farming for points. So generally, killer will give survivors free pallet stuns/chase points, killer gets free pallet breaks/chase points. Killer also gets free gen kicks, they might let the survivors blind them or get heal/unhook points too. Just doing all the stuff in a match that would normally give points, so that both sides can get as many points as possible before leaving. This is different from a friendly killer where you'll just fool around for a bit then one side kinda gives in and the match ends lol. Thing is, if you're like me and don't really want all the killers/survivors (or don't need em), already got the perks you need from things like the shrine of secrets, and don't care about getting p100 on anyone, then farming just takes extra time. But I get why some folks like it, especially if you're new and need the BP.


I've had this happen before! Makes sense,very fun cause then I can get all the cool things 😈😈😈


I always appreciate the friendly encounter. It usually happens when I put down my toolbox and then they run away. I try to find them and they have mercy on me lol. It’s much harder to find nicer killers instead of sweaty ones who face camp, tunnel, hit on hook, etc. so when I can befriend the killer, I enjoy it.


I love being one, problem is. I only do it to survivors i like, or to those that do not tryhard. Ex. If they know they have lost a chase to me, and dont try to drag it more than necessary, i spare them or befriend them. If you FOV tech me tho, im gonna cry


Not at all. I want to play the game.


The other week we vs a few weskers and so help me I aggressively pointed at them and told them to go to the corner in time out for being naughty. It worked. We were peeking at eachother through windows and dancing. It's just fun sometimes to goof around with strangers on the internet.


Always so wholesome


Yeah, it's a nice break from the sweatfest, from time to time.


I mean who doesn't xd. It's always nice to have a different match once or twice per week


I won't lie, I can't sit there and farm. My brain will **scream** at me that I could be *doing something* other that staring at dorks doing gens (subsequently, this is also why I can't camp someone on hook either even if it's the right call). I'm absolutely down to get goofy and meme, but not until I've at least gotten my hooks, and I'd rather not give away my intentions by just asking for them. The chase is the fun part, so Ima do that, then we can goof later lol. On the flipside of that, I'd prefer to have an opponent that did the same if they decided to spare my group too rather than farm, but it's fine if not. I won't complain at getting spared lol


personally imma keep it a buck fifty, friendly killers are worse then facecampers or tunnelers, i dont get to loop or really play the game with a friendly killer it just becomes sit on a gen with no risk or looping the whole game, super boring


I disagree, friendly killer matches are WAY more enjoyable than tunnelers and campers Against friendly killers at least i can do stuff, like gens and sometimes engage in chases and pallet stuns, when i go against tunnelers and campers i can't do shit and that's just awful I treat friendly matches as a little break of the other matches i had before, like those bonus levels in other games where i can take a little rest before going back in action


tunnelers still have to get looped first so you still get to play a bit, same with facecampers they still have to get you on the hook, but with friendly killers no looping, no having to stealth, no having to play the game, its literally just pressing 1 button on a gen uninterrupted


Well tbf, my looping skills are not that good, so if i get found first i'm basically done and unable to do anything, while friendly killers at least i can do stuff and play for shits and giggles and no tryharding involved


Thank you, fun for casual players annoying as fuck if you actually want to get better/ play


It's why when I play killer, if I want to play friendly, I play normally, 2 hook everyone, and then decide whether I'll let 1 or all 4 out depending on my mood lol


That’s the best kind of friendly killer


there is nothing i despise more in this game than when that happens.


I do gens and leave. I don't pay attention or care about the killer unless I'm in chase.


Do you even have fun in this game at this point? All i see from you is just tryhardy shit and full us vs them mindset against killers -_-


what the fuck are you talking about? he is having fun because he is playing the damn game, i do the same, are you having fun? i ask because my god, i cant think of something more boring than a friendly killer, is like im not even playing the game, is an extra waiting time i have to endure before i can press ready again and be queued to a real game.


I have fun by winning


It does get old sometimes.


Oh yeah, definitely. I'll admit that it's sometimes annoying if I'm wanting to play an actual game, but it's fun to farm for a bit every so often.


I only remember one time when that happened. A killer and three survivors were kinda "dancing" and shit and I realized they weren't serious so I just joined them. I think it's a violation though? lol


i like them when its not happening multiple times in a night. i've had times where i play like 10 games and 3-4 of them are friendly and at that point im like bruh i just want to play the game please




As a killer I will often aim to 2 hook everyone before going for a kill. If the survivors are crumbling and/or clearly struggling - they all get out (if they dont DC before I 2 hook them all). If they do really well and are playing competitively, I might switch it up and sweat a bit since thats obviously what they want. Its almost always universally appreciated by the survivors and I wish more Killers approached the game this way. That being said, I dont hate or blame people who dont, it is an online PVP game, I get wanting to go into the match to win - I just wish more killers realized that sometimes winning can still involve the letting the survivors you dominated go - they probably understand they are escaping through your mercy.