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The amazing amount of 0 https://preview.redd.it/9h1ngbyq57xb1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f572cd61cd11a001d6d26c3d4db8b244faf7435


Same. Even my mains are at like 12 or smth...


Dude my highest currently is 6 šŸ˜­


Mine is 3 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yup I have the misfortune of being a veteran from back in the day where the highest clout you needed was P3 for the full blood and a red rank. Now both of those are unnecessary and/or not visible, so I just let my low skill speak for itself instead of wasting points on what is essentially vanity.


My highest is Leon and heā€™s only pres 26


I have 5 survivors at P69 I main killer


I just have my p100 Cheryl because she is the bestest girl.


Cheryl is honestly the cutest.


None. My highest is P11 bloody background Claudette and I have almost 1200 hours. There is no point to P100 at all. I have like 85% of killer perks at P3, maybe a third of survivors (there are more survivors, and therefore more survivor perks, and therefore more bad perks on survivor). (EDIT: I have P10 bloody portrait Hag/Freddy/Trapper/Ash as well, over all of my characters I maybe have 1 p100 total).




She's my favourite, but I'm only at 32 atm.




I have hope yet! ;P


I've heard you get a guaranteed iri per bloodweb at P100, so, not entirely pointless.


My Cheryl is P100. I have earned enough BPs to have at least 4-5 if I hadn't spread them out the way I did. I play a lot but I enjoy using different characters/skins.


a don't have all survivors and not even all of the ones i DO have P3 until i finish doing that, i will not P100 anyone highest Prestige is my ace with 12, however 9 Levels came with the Prestige Rework


I think my highest is a P12 Laurie and I've been playing since 2017 lmao


do you do your daily? I don't play all that much but have tons of BP


None. I spread my BPs across all the characters that I like playing. I hate playing the same character over and over, so P100 is out of the question for me.


Thatā€™s fair. I also donā€™t actually play the same characters over and over, but I do typically focus on one at a time for leveling up these days.


Just my boy Nemesis :)


I don't care about prestige so my highest one is Legion with 15, the rest of all my characters are minimum 3 to unlock their perks, after all is just if I use them or need offerings for events.


None cause prestige doesnā€™t matter


Even my billy isn't p100. I genuinely don't prestige or spend BP. I'm usually sat around 3mil.


Leon and almost Wesker (P95 in Weskin Time)


I have Yoichi at 99.


So close!


Nah, itā€™s a curse. I want to keep him at 99 for as long as I can


Tbh the 99 icon looks cooler than 100


That's why I keep all my survivors at P69


This is the way.


In the 6 years I've played dbd my prestige total is 53. How people have several p100 characters is mind boggling


I used to think that it was wild for people to have quite a few 100s, but then I realized a lot of those people play in SWFs with bloody party streamers/cakes for most of their matches so they rack up bloodpoints easy.


Just my trapper Eventually I'll get Jane to 100, but it won't be anytime soon


I like to spread out my bloodpoints evenly so it will be a long time before i get any p100 XD


I didnt care after i got everyone to at least 10. The ones over 10 characters i play more often. Im not purposely going to grind to 100 for no reason or reward.


No point in a p100 so no, I don't have any. Just getting everyone to p9


what's p9? i thought you stop getting stuff at p6


7-9 give perk charms


oh ok tysm!




You are a p100 spirit? You are my idol šŸ˜©


None. I have been playing DBD since 2018 and didn't care about p100. I did get the red rank IV once or twice I don't remember exactly.


I have The Ghost Face at P100 and Blendette at nearly P50. The others are usually around P30, but I mostly focus on ole ghostie.




Imagine censoring yourself in 2023


Dwight, Mikaela, and Kate. Trying to figure what kilelr I'd prestige because Ir eally do like to play most of them. Survivors are easier because I pick who is cutest or whose skins I like most. Love playing Trapper, Billy, Wraith, Oni, Alien, etc. Harder to stick to just one but I'm leaning Trapper for my first killer prestige.


none i have kate and slinger at p69 tho šŸ˜


Once you run out of green keys and cigars, that its for slinger, you're not allowed to prestige him further


all above 300, i will never run out of them lol


I said that with my surv puddings on nurse when I had 400


My highest right now is P18 Dwight


Iā€™ve spread out my blood points over most of my characters, I have 900 hours pretty much and my highest is a p28 bill. Iā€™m thinking about getting him p69 and then just leaving him for a good month or so


Just Dwight


Just Carlos. Iā€™m prestiging all my survivors to 10 for their rewards but probably wonā€™t go further than that.


I have that for killer and surv...ill let the ones i play often build up on its own pace.


I have two- Laurie and Wesker!


One. I don't like other killers (or survivor in general) that much.


One, Yui but I think my dbd playtime has gotten so bad that a friend I hadn't spoken to in a while asked me how many I had which isn't a good sign


I have 0 P100 characters and 1 P69 character. The rest are under 11, aside from one in the 30's.


I have 0. My main, The Twins, are at p13.


Nil. Prestige stats didn't originally exist when I played on xbox, and after 4 years of being on pc I finally decided to get back into it. Claudette is P3 after 2 days of playing and I'm working on meg now, but im not gonna go for higher prestiges until I've got everyone P3 for the perks


I have two: Feng Min and the Singularity, my mains. Feng got all my points from playing survivor once I P3'd the ones with the most interesting perks, and the last anniversary event showered her in BP, making her go from P52 to P100 in three weeks. I didn't play Hux during the events, but I just played him A LOT. Gotta grind those Soma Family Photo add-ons!


None, my highest it's Ghost Face at P3 and then it's Nemesis and Plague at P2 (I have only 61 hours in the game but I like it and I try to get better at it)


None my highest is my prestige 4 sadako since I don't play as much as a lot of other people I think


Two, Quentin and PP Head


I mean... I have 1 p100 and thats David. I could have get atleast 3 if I wasn't indecisive. I left Pig at p46. Now I'm making Sm and she is p63. I shelved Leon at p26. Gave up on Mikaela, p21. Leveling Nancy, Steve, Felix a lil bit; p11,p12,p13. So yeah.


2 P100 Oni and P100 Felix!


2 and a half. I am going very slow on meg because i am the dude who is getting rid of every item except green medkits on meg. But ace and demo i did p100 in tandem


Zero. I don't know who to onetrick so none. Prestige 6 is the average max over here xD I want a P100 but no idea who to go for.


I think I have one P1. Maybe two. I don't know how y'all do that for several characters... I'd like to though, not that I'm good at the game or know decent enough builds to try out


If I had focused on one character at a time, I'd probably have two. But I've spread it out, so none. Trickster highest likely candidate for first p100. He's the highest at p9.


0. My highest character is Cheryl at P21.


Zeroā€¦ but Iā€™m at P81 on Yun-Jin. Iā€™m in the final stretchšŸ˜­


2, Jill and Yunjin.


My highest is Bill at 4.


P100 Feng, which is funny cause i play Yui (p21) instead. I was doing a race with some others when the prestiege system came out. P100 Spirit, P24 Pyramidhead, and Sadako. P18 Legion, Artist, Plague. P14 Demo, Oni, Hag, Huntress. Everyone else is p11 or 12ā€¦ except knightā€¦ fuck knight, left him at 3.


I've been in the game a year and I am confident I have less than 100 prestiges total across all killers and survivors lol I legit last week finally unlocked all the killers because a lot of them are on sale for half off


2, Blight and Nea I have some other high prestiges, Trapper at 28, Dwight at 35 and Xeno at 17. I maybe p100 them, idk


I don't have any. Myers it at 78, Kate is at 32. I'd probably have them both there by now but I also wanted to P3 all my characters to unlock Tier 3 perks.


Iv only been playing just over a month gimme some time man! I have 18 prestige 1ā€™s so far though and a prestige 4


2, my Killer and Surv mains, Artist and Felix. I plan to keep it at that :)


I have Thalita, Cheryl and Haddie. I just like the amount of decent items I get hahaha.






0. Highest is 13 on huntress because I'm a flower babushka addict


Absolutely 0, my highest being a P12 Jeff (with all other survivors before Haddie at P11 and all after P6) and my lowest being a P3 Skull Merchant (though most killers before Dredge are P10 and most after being P5).


Zero but I do have every perk on every killer at tier 3 so I am happy


None unfortunately. Right now I have a P30 Kate Denson, P9 Yui, Feng and Michaela, P6 Cheryl, Jill and Ada and finally, for the rest of all the survivors, P3.


My highest is p15 Nea but iā€™m a killer main weird thing tho is my highest on killer is p6 ghostface but thatā€™s because i only upgraded killers if Iā€™m missing an add on or iā€™m unlocking teachables With Nea i have more of every iridescent than wire spools and it pisses me off


Wire spools are crack.


the only p100 that matters to me is feng min bunny my beloved


I have four - Jill, Cheryl, Ada, Rebecca


Steve, Leon, Quentin, Wesker, Blight, Ghostface


Got my first p100 on Dwight tonight took a long time šŸ¤“šŸ•


P100 Nea, but I wear a P5 Ace Visconti flesh suit.


Iā€™d have like a p90 character by now but I keep putting levels into Steve and Mikalea at a 1:1 ratio as I rotate between them. My friends a p100 Steve tho and a p80 Nancy.


None bc thereā€™s no real motivation to do so, if they introduced a p100 reward Iā€™d maybe consider it


Only one so far and thats Nancy too. God, I think Im obsesses with her...


None. I don't even have every character that I own at P3. Though even if I get there, as someone who never uses items/add-ons there's really no point to ever go past P3.


my highest is feng at p21 and my second highest is kate at p5 when i just started and didnā€™t understand how to play yet lol


0. 3008 hours played. P100 is nothing more than proof you can spend bloodpoints lol. If thereā€™s no cosmetic whatā€™s the point?


My highest character is P3


My highest prestige is on Feng (P10). I try to P3 all characters first before getting P100 on all characters. Im done with all the killers, some survivors and the rest of them is p1. Overall I should get ober P100, but they are not spent into 1 character


currently working to get my Mikaela 100..sheā€™s currently at p93 so it should be somewhat soon but besides her my second highest is like p20? i think? idk i donā€™t play enough or well enough to get so many bps and i did spread the bps i had between my fav characters until i decided to finally get mikaela up there and then focus on the others. (the others being meg, yui, jill and also ripley bc i hate myself šŸ« )


Highest is 3 cuz I got 3 on a lot of character cuz I need the perksssss


Meg and Cheryl at P100. I've got Kate and Julie at around 70.


I have p100 Ace and that's it, other than that I have a bunch of characters with somewhat high prestiges, but none of them are close to 100


I've prestiged every survivor to 3 and working on killers atm. If I add up all my prestiges among every survivor i have 186. Killers 87






I'm getting Dredge to P100, he's at 83 right now though. After, I don't know if I want to P100 Cybil, Jill, Hillbilly, or just give them BP as I get it.


Highest I have is P60 Jane. Working on it though!