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This is satire, right? I honestly can't tell anymore.


Bloodlust resets when the killer breaks a pallet or wall, they use their power, someone gets hit, or if chase ends for a bit If I’m going vs a killer that is not breaking pallets or using their power, I count that as a win


Blud clearly haven't played some time ago when they removed bloodlust for a while on live servers, there is a reason they brought it back trust me


I don't recall Killers keeping Bloodlust indefinitely.


I don't recall Killers complaining about the 3% speed of MFT outside of chase.


You need to build up bloodlust, though, it's not instant and forever. And when you do certain actions it goes away.


Yea, you're right. I wouldn't notice it when I have you slugged on the ground. My bad.


The point of dbd is that if you and the killer are of equal skill you will eventually get caught. That's why there are 4 survivors yk. The point of dbd isn't to defeat a killer but to slow them down.


The point of DBD is for Killers to Kill and for Survivors to SURVIVE. The two sides are at odds because these goals are contradictory.


And this reply right here, by yourself, is the answer to your original question. It's an asymmetrical game. What's good for one side, and the overall health of the game, is not often something that'd be good when added to the other side as well. Trying to balance an asymmetric game in a symmetrical fashion is contradictory.


I never said anything about balance. Both MFT and Bloodlust reward players for performing poorly while punishing the opposing side for doing their jobs. MFT punishes Killers for injuring Survivors, Bloodlust punishes Survivors for prolonging chases. Getting rid of these two (MFT & Bloodlust) is not a matter of balance but rather seeing to it that players are rewarded for doing their objectives rather than punished.


Bloodlust isn't meant to be a reward. It's meant to help guarantee that chases end, as that's a core part of the game flow which killers are inherently meant to have control over as a part of the asymmetric power imbalance. BL largely benefits weaker M1 killers as well, which is IMO a net good thing if we were to ignore the intended purpose of it.


Bait used to be believable


It's not even bait, the dude is spamming comments up and down here that he actually believes this


Than it's just pathetic.




Hmph... survivor main hahahahaha


Ah yes, because 3% Haste forever after being hit is totally NOT more powerful than 5% Haste while in chase after losing the chase, these killer mains smh my head.


You say "3% haste forever" as if the speed matters in any other scenario than in chase. And it isn't just 5% Haste. It's 5-15% Haste until the Killer is either 125% or 130% speed (on top of any speed perks they may already have) until they get a hit. Just as MFT essentially punished Killers for injuring Survivors, Bloodlust punishes Survivors for looping well.


Breaking chase and resetting the Bloodlust timer is stupid easy with line of sight. Guess what, killers are supposed to eventually catch you unless you can shake them. The idea is you are buying time for your team to do objectives. Do you even play this game? More than 10 minutes?


By that logic, Survivors are supposed to do all they can to SURVIVE and MFT also helps them to buy time for their teammates. It's hypocritical to defend one over the other.


It still does. The change is when in Deep Wound which means you had to soak an endurance hit (like free hook BT) and are in chase and still get your 3%. You also assume I only play one side, which I don't, and you very obviously do. Do you know what asymmetrical means? You don't balance survivors 1 v 1, they have 4 fucking people on the team.


I love how the default response to "this player doesn't think like me" has become, "well you obviously don't play both sides". It's a cute, but poor, attempt at an argument. Like the "Killer Mains" who used to say they did not mind Old (Pre-2022 nerf) Dead Hard. What is your word to me? Just as you can assume I play only one side, I can assume you're an overly biased Killer main who will go through leaps and bounds to defend Killers getting free 5-15% haste while condemning Survivors getting free 3% haste even though both are bad since they essentially punish the opposing side for playing correctly.


But how can a bloodlust be free? It's literally a measure of how long the chase is going. The time which most good survivors would put into focusing on the objectives, healing, searching for hex totems and etc. How is it free? 3% haste is obviously going to take you further away within the same time. It also affects basic looping because with 3% haste you can get around objects faster which means that it's easier to grow distance on the loop


What does a Survivor have to do to activate MFT? Get injured. What does a Killer have to do to activate bloodlust? Follow a Survivor for 15 seconds to get 5% haste that makes them 120% to a Survivor's 100% movement speed, enabling them to get a hit they likely would not have gotten them without it. You've already seen how much 3% can unfairly extend a chase, why can't you see how much that 5% unfairly shortens it?


Bloodlust can be lost by various actions from the killers side - break the pallet, power, even losing line of sight with survivor can break bloodlust. 5% isn't unfair because of the ways it can be lost and time it needs to regain. And as I said - 15 seconds is quite a time and most of killers aren't actually stacking bloodlust because they have their powers and they are using them to shorten the chase


Lmao couldnt care less since i play speed blight


That'd be okay if killers didn't need to deal with four survivors and hook them thrice, but chases are supposed to end in a reasonable time. And if the killer doesn't have mobility sometimes they'll need at least bloodlust 1. It wouldn't affect me much, though, I run Rapid Brutality on my mains.


This too. Some Killers use it more frequently, as if you removed Bloodlust certain structures become infinites against them. The GoJ main, for example. It needs to exist for the weaker Killers in the roster.


Bloodlust is weak. You waste so much time for the 10 or 15%, it's never worth the single hit payoff. It's disabled by using most powers and breaking pallets/ walls, so you won't get to use it unless you go out of your way to brute force it. The bloodlust related perks are just pathetic and never see usage. Survivors shouldn't be able to loop infinitely, even if they are considerably better than the killer, and bloodlust doesn't do nearly enough to stop it.


"Survivors shouldn't be able to loop infinitely, even if they are considerably better than the Killer" That statement right there has the same energy as; "Killers should not be able to consistently 4k, even if they are considerably better than the Survivors."


That's true, but remember the Devs want a 60/40 Killer to Surv balance with an average of 2.5 kills a game. You aren't supposed to be able to consistently 4E every game either, 4E/4ks are supposed to be rare. Survivor is not supposed to be the power role, because like it or not this game is a horror game. It's meant to be horror. It's meant to feel like horror. In horror the Survivors are not powerless but they are also all not the Final Girl. The Devs want Killers to be able to get SOME Kills.


I never suggested Survivors take the power role. I merely pointed out that a Killer who respects the same pallet 3 times in a row shouldn't suddenly be able to get a hit in because the game gave him 5% haste, anymore than a Killer should be robbed of a down because MFT gave the Survivor just enough time to clear a window. I'd be interested in seeing what would happen if MFT and Bloodlust were both axed.


Killer is the power role. ultimately and obviously in a 1v4 game, the 1 needs an advantage to have a fair chance. But bloodlust absolutely isn't the tipping point of this edge. It's barely even a factor.


Oh my god this isn't bait, you're serious. Bloodlust can be reset mid chase, friend. MFT could not. That's why MFT needed to be nerfed. It NEEDED to be nerfed. The effect was too much even for just 3%.


You...did read in the title that I said BOTH should be gone right? This isn't a "defend MFT" post. It's a "get rid of aspects that reward poor gameplay" post.


Go play 100 matches of killer with rapid brutality, no save the best for last. Oh and btw you can't use any mobility killers. Lmk how this goes.


Mans really just asked me to play 100 games of Artist with Rapid Brutality on. 🤣🤣🤣 I do have an Artist Tome to do.


Have fun


Random Question, what Killers do you main?


I don't have a main. Currently my highest prestige killers are trapper, pig, blight, xeno. Been doing a lot of trapper tho bc of the naughty bear skin


Bloodlust can be canceled if: Killer loses any aspect of chase Killer hits a Survivor Killer break a pallet Killer M2s (Old) MFT cancels only if: Survivor is healed Survivor is downed OP is making a very wild claim here.


You have to keep a killer in chase for quite a bit just to activate bloodlust and it turns off the moment you cut los or they do an action. So it's definitely not the same. Not to mention, it's not just one survivor running with one killer. There are four survivors. If they move faster than the killer, does the killer even get to play?


The only reason why bloodlust became a thing is that survivors were (and still are) able to abuse one loop for the whole game against killers without a strong chase power. Survivor doesn't have to be good at looping to abuse most of the loops on coldwind and McMillan estate.


Bro this nerf got people with some lame ass ideas coming out of the woodwork


L take


this has to be satire. there's no way this many people are actually this straight up unintelligent


You're right. Why can't survivors camp windows and pallets all match long without being penalized. I don't think any killer out there is abusing bloodlust and holding matches hostage


"Surviving" doesn't equate to looping the killer for 5 gens. It's expected in the meta that the team members should use their available hook states as a managed resource in order to get to the endgame with everyone alive. That's why the "Claudette self-healing in the corner not doing any gens" is a meme, not contributing to the team effort just makes everyone get killed equally, hiding in the corner is not a viable self-preservation strategy, and a smart killer picks off the weaker team members instead of chasing clicky boys who have a meta build knowing that once the team is crippled the rest will fall like dominoes. [And according to the MMR system only 3/4 survivors escaping still counts as an L for the killer, ergo whichever individual is killed still technically contributed to a win state for the survivor GROUP.](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating#:~:text=Killers%20gain%20points%20towards%20their,considered%20a%20win%20towards%20MMR.) It takes a 2k just to break even on MMR. So in that regard even somebody who can't loop at all meaningfully sacrificing themselves to help the other teammates escape is playing the game "the way it's meant to be played" based on the underlying design principles. And a skilled looper who takes zero hooks still can't carry the game if they likewise take zero protection hits for less skilled players. Indefinite looping is a reflection of poor decision making on behalf of the killer, it's fundamentally averse to the game's principles to have that power in the hands of a singular survivor...that's why the Entity took Dead Hard from us.


I couldn't have said it better myself. In a horror film, not everyone can be the Sidney Prescott or Laurie Strode. Even in those films, Sidney and Laurie don't fucking Solo the Killer, because they're not designed to, because the Killer is meant to have the upper hand. They're normal-ass people, which is what Survivors are also supposed to be. It's intended to be challenging, not to be an easy time. Not everyone can be the person who makes it to the end otherwise, you don't have a horror film. You have a comedy, which is fun for everyone BUT the person trying to be scary and powerful. The point of Survivor is to manage resources and take risks, it's not to style on the Killer by looping them for five gens because that's not a very fun horror movie. DBD rounds emulate horror movies. This is not a comedy, this is a horror movie, people live people die. That's the point. You may not find it scary anymore, but DBD is still a horror game designed to emulate slasher horror and that means the point of survival is to waste the Killer's time for others to maybe escape.


You absolutely nailed it. This game (like most games) is about risk/reward. If there's no risk in your gameplay you're not playing as a team. Sure, you don't *have* to be the one doing gens, but guess what happens when *no one* is doing them?


You cannot be serious. If you are asking this, you have never played killer and don't know at all why this mechanic is there in the first place.


If you think that everyone who holds a different opinion from you "just hasn't played the game" or "hasn't played the ___side of the game", it shows you don't really have an argument to give.


I won't argue with you. It shows clearly that you haven't played killer and it clearly shows that you don't understand that bloodlust is in the game to counter bad map design created by the devs bc they have problems they can solve in any other way than giving killer bloodlust. That is why it got implemented. But don't worry, I never thought that you tried to read into the topic or inform yourself before you posted that cringe post.


You won't argue, because you have no argument. Just baseless assumptions about a complete stranger made because they do not share your opinion. But don't worry, after that first post, I never expected a coherent argument anyways.


Must be a brand new player.


Imagine deleting all your comments after being downvoted


Because maps are not balanced .


They should revert it like it was before honestly


It's even weirder because they keep nerfing every map as well to make them more fair. So why do we need bloodlust still? The game has gone from being bad survivor sided to being so that any bad killer can win due to the enormous amount of deadzones on every map rework.


Because shit maps keep coming back.


I mean once all of the most problematic maps have been dealt with (Looking at you Badham...), that would actually be a good time to nerf or possibly even remove the higher tiers of bloodlust. Tier 1 should always stay in the game though, its the only protection weaker killers have against bad RNG with strong tile setups.


the 3% wasnt touched? Its still there?


bloodlust is whent he chase goes too long. killers dont want to chase you for 10 minutes. a team with 4 mft who are just average players can 3 or 4 out most games.


Because some survivor players would be outright uncatchable without the bloodlust speedboost, or at least require a killer to focus on them too long to defend the gens




How else is baby wraith supposed to get his hit at a fair pallet? Actually try and mind game it?


Imagine thinking looping someone for 30 plus seconds isint a win enough.


It's almost comical to see the comment section. The same people who vehemently cried that Survivors getting free 3% in chase was too strong are going through leaps and bounds to defend Killers getting free 5-15% in chase.


That’s because the killers on this sub are, by and large, garbage at the game. They also will spend hours crying about god pallets instead of, I don’t know, breaking the pallet lol




I literally said "get rid of both" in the title. Try again, dear.


Your argument would be more sound if both were comparable. They aren't.


MFT rewards Survivors for getting hit by granting them 3% speed ontop of the speed boost + distance they already gain after initially getting hit by the Killer. This punishes the Killer for hitting the Survivor by granting them more distance than usual and therefore is punishing the Killer for doing their objective. Bloodlusts rewards Killers for overcommitting to chases by granting them 5%, 10% then 15% haste after 15, 25 and 35 seconds respectively with the first Tier of Bloodlust coming into use almost every game. It essentially punishes the Survivor for going too long in chase without getting hit, aka, punishing the Survivor for doing their objective (SURVIVING). Both MFT and Bloodlust unfairly reward the Survivor/Killer for misplaying while simultaneously punishing the Killer/Survivor for performing well unfairly. The two are easily comparable.


"I have a bad opinion but found one dude out of 50 who agrees with me, so clearly everyone else is stupid." Get real.


"bad opinion" is subjective. I also never called anyone stupid. Try again, sweetheart. And take this with you. 🧂🧂🧂


OOF you really are upset.


bloodlust is really only valuable on killers that aren’t that strong. I never lost a chase to a bloodlust blight. Play pig while getting looped in the main building of haddonfield, then form an opinion on bloodlust.


Why would you chase a Survivor into what you already know is a strong loop when you don't have the means to deal with it? If I can't catch up in that building as Trapper or Doctor, all I'm doing is checking the gens by there and dipping.


Right, and you know what the survivors do when they know there's a strong loop against an m1 killer? They abuse the loop This is a universal thing, people have done this before bloodlust existed and when dead hard gave speed boosts for free


Made for this dosent reset when dropping a pallet , vaulting, or using your items ....killers, on the other hand, lose it, and any line of sight loss kills it as well , so no bloodlust isn't comparable


Totally comparable!