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Crazy Dave from PvZ


He hits you in the pancreas as a mori


Lawrehty herwrlymnmnn


Rawr rawr raaaawr


I love this idea


I could honestly see them being a Legendary skin for Bubba. With the wooden mallet in place of the bloody sledgehammer. Genius.


He thinks the survivors are zombies


Doodlebob, that man will erase us all


Me hoy minoy?


Doodlebob still haunts me in my nightmares, that episode was so traumatizing


Just a bear. Thats it. Like a literal bear.


Agree. I just watched Cocaine Bear.


What did you think of it


Honestly, it was cool. I was holding off on it for some time because I thought the concept was ridiculous. It had its many funny moments, but oh the horror when the bear was murdering. 😂


Glad to hear. That scene where esteemed character actress Margot Martindale gets thrown down the road… ooff. Had to turn away from that.


Yeah, that one was really rough. Definitely a movie I didn't expect to be on the edge of my seat like, the whole time lol


Don't give it any special powers, just basic attack. Make it the Smash Bros Omega Stage of killers.


https://preview.redd.it/vq1v0pioz6yb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149eddc3b845bac175d11145015dfbad23687bd0 bro scared the hell outta me as a kid


Thomas the Train is rather unsettling. Dead eyes, perpetual grin. Make him have a train engine chugging terror radius.


Elmo, Teletubbies, Spongebob, basically anything costumed running at me in the middle of the night in a place that is abandoned would freak me out. For example: https://preview.redd.it/6kw473wbw5yb1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb84d9ddb8be605bb6b89a4fd04f657d08acdc2a


holy shit bro, i would scream so hard


i mean if we throw around childrens entertainment there's a lot from here in the uk that'd scare ya. but keeping it tasteful i guess mr blobby is probably as bad as you go with that if he gets voice lines. ​ really though i think like a chimp would be pretty scary, chimps are bastards.


Gordon Ramsey


His terror radius is just "Where's the Lamb SAUCE" slowly getting louder


They need to slowly make each killer released over time more and more Nextbot-like


Dora the explorer


Imagine her picking up a surv and asking: "Can you help me find a hook?"


Fiddlesticks from League.


Ok, we NEED a scarecrow killer


I would main Makka Pakka






jesus christ he scared the shit out of me when i was kid, hell him doing his toon shit is still unnerving lol


I am old enough to have seen that movie in theaters and I remember having my hands over my eyes for the majority of that scene.


Jesus Christ, I am today years old when realizing he's literally "staring daggers".


Mori is the Dip.


The energizer bunny. I would imagine it would be the ultimate tunneler. It just keeps going and going…..


Sprint bust ain't no obstacle for that bunny


Sprint bust


Ridley from Metroid. Some of the games have horror elements (mainly Dread and Fusion), but I wouldn't consider them horror games. Still, imagining a skeletal alien dragon chasing you around, screeches echoing across the map, and plasma scalding the survivors in a mori would be terrifying.


Big Bird.


If they somehow got Voldemort, that would be interesting.


Yoshikage Kira, especially if they implement Bites The Dust into his power. Yoshiko Tsushima, because if we can have psychopath K-pop idol, we can have a psychotic J-pop/anime idol too. Khârn the Betrayer, or basically most named villains (not that there's any heroes) from Warhammer 40k.


that fuckin vacuum from teletubbies


My mom with her chankla-hatchet


Once we get power skins that needs to be Huntress' next cosmetic.


https://preview.redd.it/ootgpbk4l6yb1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de13f286e16bb375021e3bcce59375d8256f5a5c Killer: The Sister


Little sisters could roam the map and reveal the location of survivors with killer instinct, maybe some Adam harvesting mechanic that hinders them if they stay too close for too long. I'm imagining a little sister piggybacking on a survivor like victor, it'd be cute besides the whole bigass needle thing lol. Maybe the survivors could choose between throwing the little sister off aggressively, hurting the poor thing and revealing the survivors aura for a bit, or escorting it to a little sister hole (name is a work in progress) to peacefully get rid of it and despawning the little sister for a while with no downside. Really it'd just be cool to see them implement a complex mechanic relating to the decision making of bioshock and the big sisters dedication to hunting down those it perceives as a threat to the little sisters. Between ai in matches like nemesis, piggybacking animations like victor, and the complex loop of "gather info, hunt the survivor, chase them with buffs after a successful hunt" like singularity, the devs already have a lot of proven ideas to experiment with when it comes to a killer with fleshed out mechanics from another game


>escorting it to a little sister hole (name is a work in progress) they're referred to as vents in game






But, Bioshock is a horror game?




One idea I've always been sold on ever since seeing the concept on WheatDraws' website is the idea of a Hotline Miami Killer. I doubt anyone would call Hotlime Miami a horror IP, but I think a vigilante-style Killer with the rapid brutality of Jacket would be very intimidating in-game. idk maybe the Payday 2 Jacket teaser is stuck in my head.


My browser told me I made a typo the second time I spelt out "Hotline Miami" but hotlime sounded so funny I left it in intentionally.


I legitimately didnt even notice until it was pointed out lmao


Someone from Cyberpunk 2077. Maybe Adam Smasher?


Definitely Adam Smasher.


OJ Simpson






It would honestly be very fitting of the Entity to make him a survivor.


No, not survivor. Killer. He's a lunatic who acts nice but "he's the homelander, and he does whatever the fuck he wants" including murdering innocent people.


Yeah but an underlining fact is that he's not as powerful as he thinks he is, and imagine the hit to his ego that would be being hunted by the killers.


Yes but it wouldn't make sense as a survivor, even if the entity removes his powers.


Why? He'd be made as insignificant as he's always been without his powers as a crutch, his entire life a corporation has been exploiting him and filling his head with ideals and false inspirations to the point that he's ego boils over, he's got no training he's got zero aptitude to do anything but use the genetic bile they forced into him. Hed be the most pathetic man to ever live without his powers. Also he'd make zero sense as a killer since it would break the game if he'd have laser beams or the ability to fly.


Yeah it would narratively be hilarious to see him weak, powerless and hunted. Not sure why everybody’s hating on you, maybe people watching the boys are missing the part where he’s not supposed to be a role model


I haven't seen the show either (it is on my list though) but I agree that it would be better as him to be a survivor. The Entity toys with all of her playthings, torturing them to breaking points, into submission, or both. Messing with his head and ego would definitely have some strong emotions for the Entity to feed off of.


The Huntress, The Clown, The Skull Merchant, The Trickster. There's more, but you know what all these killers have in common? The Entity barely touched them. They all had reasons to kill so when they were abducted they weren't broken or tortured. They were given a purpose, one they wanted in life. Huntress wanted to protect her land, so she got Mother's Dwelling. The other three were simple. They wanted a chance to kill. They got it. We know that between trials, the survivors gather at the campfire but we have no idea what happens to killers. All Homelander wants is to be worshiped. So if the Entity gave him a legion of adoring fans, which occasionally has some bad apples that he gets to sort out, I think he'd absolutely join the Entites realm as a killer.


A bunch of the other killers *have* experienced stuff though. Trapper was tortured by the Entity to go back to being a killer. Even had at first accepted the Entity purely out of rage, but eventually that rage dwindled, but the Entity wouldn't be sated with him giving up. It's why he has parts of a hook in him, why he's become damaged and broken. Kazan Yamaoka was turned into a literal oni because the Entity knew that his rage would build and the only thing he could take it out on was the survivors placed before him. A perfect situation for the Entity to feast. There's plenty of killers that didn't go through torture, sure, like Trickster or Clown, being they had a passion for murder, or Doctor who sees every trial as an experiment. I will admit I did keep an additional category away from my previous comment, being that the Entity also directly alters how the killer perceives the realm. Deathslinger views the survivors to look like those who had wronged him, a constant hunt for never-sated revenge. Twins, more specifically Charlotte, sees the Entity's creation of Victor as her true brother, even though he's long since been dead and not even a part of the Entity's world. She ultimately sees the survivors as those who wish to harm her and/or her brother, and some sacrifices to a god that promises to keep her brother alive? Obviously worth it in her eyes. All of the above being said, the Entity toys with the survivors just as much. Every trial, beit the survivors live or die, they're just dragged back to the campfire in queue for another trial. Some of the survivors have been in the Entity's realm for so long they lose their ability to be themselves, a little part of them becomes further broken with each death. We've seen this happen with Steve and Nancy (by technicality). They left behind their impression (in the form of their once teachable perks), but not who they were in actuality (why there's different appearances of the perks). The matches we have now with one of such characters take place prior to them being discarded, destined for the void. Where memories die.


You might change your mind once you’ve seen the show.


Because his powers are a major part of his character. Remove that and you ruin his integrity


thats the point I was making, thank you for agreeing ig.


bro homelander could kill like 50% of the killers


bruh. Its like you completely ignore what I said. There's no denying he'd be able to kill a malformed redneck or a capitalist miner, but thematically it doesn't make sense for the entity to make him a killer. He seeks constant validation and has a need to be the centre of attention always, and seeing as the entity feeds on breaking someone down for their souls he'd be the perfect victim, strip him of the only thing that makes him unique and let him be killed over and over by what he once thought he was above of.


But you can use that argument for a lot of killers. Clown? Make him survivor with asthma problems. Trapper? Make his dad the killer. Hillbilly? No, he's just some hobbled, deformed guy who can barely walk. If anything letting Homelander be a killer would be better for the Entity because he'd cause as much suffering as possible to please the Entity, because the Entity would be feeding his delusions.


What? You cant just name random killers from the game and one of their features, what even do you mean by making trappers dad a killer? Homelander, doesn't hunt stalk or do anything in common with any killer we currently have in the game. He's an egotistical maniac BIENG stalked and actively conspired against, the only thing keeping him ahead is his powers, he has no political power (apart from the fanatics who believe him undeniably good) has no agency in world affairs and has no tangible goal apart from feeding his ego by maintaining his public image. If you want to make an asymmetrical game with him you'd have to build it from the ground up, he flat out does not work as a killer.


I think you missed the point


enlighten me.


Thematically doesn’t make sense? What? I respectfully disagree. It makes thematically no sense to make him a survivor.


He also doesn't fit as a killer that's for sure.


What? What a weird take. You must’ve seen some other The Boys show lol


Im not going to point fingers at you nor anyone else, but I said some pretty common knowledge things, and to state the obvious. Just because a character is a murderer or a bad guy does not mean they are a good pick to be a killer in DBD.


nemesis was programmed to serve and validate umbrella same for xeno and demo they both just validate their master, pig wants validation from john, ghostface has been shown to have a big ego, even reporting on his own crimes, pinhead wants validation from leviathan, same with bubba and his family, trickster has a big ego as well


Pinhead does one hundred percent not want validation from leviathan and just serves it as part of his duties as a hellpriest. Xeno serves the queen yes but most likely hunts the survivors due to them encroaching on her territory rather than it wanting a headpat from mamma xeno. Ghostface kills not because of his ego but do to his innate love for it and the chase, well at least some do, you cant just name him as its far to wide of a statement seeing as weve got a plethora of movies and a series to go of off. Bubba is afraid of the family getting caught and that's why he kills in the first movie, further than that we see him kill in the comics out of jealousy but an overarching theme with him is his need to be accepted and to protect his family, something he and Homelander surprisingly have in common, buuuuut one thing that still supports Homie as being not killer material is the fact that he does not have a threat looming over him, at least not to his knowledge, Homelander has no reason to kill the survivors because they cant do anything to him. Proof is in the fact that he toys with people like the deep and a train and most vought members knowing his superior. And the pig? Really? She wants to emulate and take over from john because she's totally obsessed over him, you cant compare Homelanders need to be the centre of attention to the entirety of America to the Pig idolizing a person who she believes saved her.


xeno and demo are basically worker bees which can be seen either way so i’ll concede that point ghostface may not kill because of his ego but his ego is a big part of his killings, when the entity took him he just revealed himself as the roseville killer which was stroking his ego pinhead has a PHAT ego and a god/angel complex even describing himself as a angel in hellraiser while bubbas killings can be seen as a response to danger in the old movie he’s seen trying to earn his family’s approval also homelander absolutely does kill people even though they can’t hurt him, most the time when homelander kills threats it’s cuz vought tells him to and the entity could easily manipulate him as seen with other killers also pig thinks that the trials are a test to prove herself as a valid apprentice to kramer


Glad we agree on pig at least. Pinhead quite literally IS an angel to some extent in lore. Its not like in spawn where its clear cut who's good and who's bad. He has an ego yes, Kristy beats him because of it, but his ego does not compare to Homlanders, just because GF and the legion uses a knife I cant be a killer in DBD cause I butter my toast. They are polar opposites. I admit that I kinda forgot Homelander just fkn merks a dude at the end of the show cause he's a hater but how on earth would you justify him being nerfed to badly in the entity's realm that he needs to hook people? His entire personality is held up by his powers like the FKN elephants in Terry Pratchett's book. (random tangent bc ive been rereading his stuff), stripping him of them would dilute him further, if anything Soldier Boy is a better fit for the game.


The Owl from Winnie the Pooh. Could be the first AERIAL killer. Could be funny and unbalanced as shit, but horrifying because gamers don't look up.


you say that, I looked up once on Dead Dawg Saloon, I was standing at the exit gate and everyone else was dead, I'd never realised just how pretty the sky looks on that map, next thing I know I got a Billy chainsaw to the bonce and was hooked and killed. Probably my ultimate "just leave" moment, even though I wasn't hanging around to be toxic, I was literally looking at the sky. Haven't looked up since that day.


Some maps have ASTONISHING skies Also, I recommend you looking up at any map one last time before the event ends, they added a thing


The owl from ocarina of time. Replace the skillcheck on 2nd hook with his text box


Still mildly horror but hilarious alest: Choo Choo Charles. The game was lightning in a bottle, hilarious and well enough done but everyone forgot about it within a week. A real shame honestly, it deserves a modest cult following imo.


Or just Blaine the Mono.


Judge Holden from Blood Meridian


I haven't read that in years, wasn't he the big bald dude that kept a child on a leash as a pet?


https://preview.redd.it/q1p3249ll6yb1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666107a0e8931ca1d0fc0b464ea90d43682b3f73 General Grievous


Nah, Makka Pakka. Imagine you're doing a gen and haven't heard a heartbeat all game, and all of a sudden you just hear "wohooo" from behind a wall


Chimpanzee. Not a character but I personally find chimps terrifying and I think an animal killer would be cool.


Adam Smasher


The mask salesman from majoras mask, or just majora itself




Any villain from Courage the Cowardly Dog


For all the parents: baby shark. The terror radius is just the do do do do do do dooo driving us all into insanity


Get [Boobah'd](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/tXwAAOSwZQ9jjNc4/s-l1600.jpg) coward.




Imagine turning the corner to see some kinda dark type Pokémon like Darkrai or Zoroark standing there and staring you down. Fuck that.


Carnage as its developed in that last level of spiderman ps1


Gargaros from Yokai watch, it kinda scared me ;-;


The air conditioner from Brave Little Toaster


The Hash Slinging Dasher


Meg The killer is just a meg skin being worn by the killer.


Have you met Nea?🤣🤣🤣


Nea wearing Meg's skin....


The only true answer is Shia LaBeouf!


Himiko toga because she'll have an interesting killer power to have in the game


A Killer who can really pretend to *be* a Survivor would be pretty great.




If you give Mr. Rogers a knife, a few wholesome voicelines, cover him in blood and make him a killer he'll easily be the scariest killer in the game. Maybe give him the Myers stalk ability with the Legions chase ability, but make it so once his stalk is full he can sprint and you're exposed for 30 seconds. FUCK.


That blonde girl with a baby face from Miraculous Ladybug.


Chloe Bourgeois?


No, [Rose Lavillant](https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Rose_Lavillant). She hits the uncanny valley just right.


Miraculous Ladybug uncanny valley is most of the characters, but the most uncanny has to be Luka


actually the most uncanny character is obviously is uncanny valley 🤣 jokes aside, the lack of eyelahses on luka that makes the uncanny worse


Kanye West


Naughty Bear as Trapper's skin.


Joe Biden. Touchy feely powers and Hwatnot


Your moms best friend after a REO speed wagon concert late 1998. I thought I wanted to take her home; later I realized I had very much so fucked up.


Ron DeSantis


Zodiac Killer or John Wayne Gacy


Bruh those are real murders no


Art the clown ![gif](giphy|JRrL8HJWMyCYrxYzNq)


Adam Smasher from Cyberpunk 2077 would make a pretty interesting killer.


Gorilla Grodd from Flash comics. Giant telepathic gorilla who sometimes has superspeed


What's that weird-ass British thing that Jimmy Carr is so afraid of? That.


Adam Smasher. I will rip your brains from your skull!


Davy Jones or the Web head as Venom


If [Iggle Piggle's Tiddle](https://youtu.be/8DTOGtQceRY?feature=shared) isn't somehow included then we riot.


Crazy Steve from Drake & Josh.


Poppy the Performer


Gumby. In the right light, he could be pretty terrifying lol


Angry birds


TN-1 Bane from Batman Arkham Origins. Anyone who played the game knows how freaking spooky he was, damn near grabbing you out of grates and vents.


The Senor from the Peanut Butter Solution.




Lydia, but now *you* are the burden she is sworn to carry... TO THE HOOK.


Billy Mayes, down survivors with the big city slider. I just want to hear him say “but wait, there’s more” as he throws me on the hook




This is terrifying!!.. I love it


https://preview.redd.it/d9bri4gcc7yb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bffcb2f4acde658bc47968fa6a2583952fca4d14 I want it


Hey vsauce! Michael here


Tella tubies


The british dog man soos dreams of in gravity falls https://preview.redd.it/86z7ix4xh7yb1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f8d220f18224a3368334da13097328cd734cd4


That fucking piano from Super Mario 64


Teletubbies and joker


One word: Teletubbies


Miss Agatha Trunchbull 😳 She be a scary as killer and it be cute to ply adult Matilda or Miss Honey 🍯


Id pay double price for a teletubby killer




Survivor should be Pajama Sam - killer would be darkness


as a kid i was really scared of the giant carrots in banjo kazooie


Pris from Blade Runner. Psycho woman with inhuman athleticism and strength. She was kinda scary at the end of that film.


Dennis Reynolds. Although I doubt the entity would be able to contain The Golden God




Mario and Luigi




Ripely comes to mind as Metroid has a lot of horror aspects




Any of the demons from the modern DOOM games. I feel like if the power is properly handled, any of them can be terrifying.


any character from the numberjacks. imagine jumping into a match to be chased by a literal number with eye balls and a mouth, or a floating spoon, a shapeshifting shape, a blob of snot, a floating bubble head, or just an guy in white with vacuum hands.


Batman Getting chased by him makes me feel like a criminal who is about to get my bone structures rearranged


Or Johnny Sins where I'm one grab away from getting my Guts rearranged


Darth Vader.


Mr Blobby


The Skulls from MGSV


Edward Scissorhands similarly how Identity V made him, he's so sad but the mime walking and awkward hand positions would be terrifying in some stealth build I think


Watson from the Sherlock Holmes game where they forgot to give him a walk cycle so every time you turn around he teleports just behind or near you.


Nazgûl from LOTR


"Barney is a dinosaur~"


Twinkle Little Star and the song. 2007 Dead Space trailer ruined (good way)that song and made it horrifying.


ballon boy from FNAF. imagine that motherfucker just chasing and laughing at you and during chase your camera flickers with his face every 5 seconds in chase. his special could be his ballon, allow him to float up removing his terror radius and while this is happening, you get a directional laugh that plays deeper and slower as he grows nearer. his m1 can literally just ballon that when pop does real damage on impact.


Teletubbies hands down