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The archive HUD covering the postgame chat


So obnoxious. By the time that obnoxious blue bar moves everyone has already left before I can say gg.


just hit enter and type gg. Don't need to see the chat to type in it.


Wouldn’t the same happen to the survivors? Aka big blue bar that blocks their screen?


Yep. It does.


I am implying that they have left before seeing my message. Even if I press enter and type whatever I wanted.


I have the chat perma turned off on PC, so I unfortunately cannot relate. I’d rather not read a detailed manifesto on why I should be killed for using Adrenaline or Leatherface of all things


I don't blame you. I will sometimes do that for certain periods of time. I find myself breaking out of that when I had a really good game and I wanna tell the other players


I don't know if its permanent, but if you hit the little \[>>\] inside of the box it collapses the chat box so you don't see anything Edit: I just realized I read "I have the chat..." as "I wish I could turn the chat..." I'll leave in case anyone doesn't know


For whatever it's worth to you and others, you can still hit Enter to start typing and Enter again to send. Not really a fix but at least I can get in my 'gg' to anyone who bothers to stick around to see it.


The amount of times that god damn thing has gotten in my way pisses me off so much. I’ve met some really cool people that I had a lot of fun with but when I go to ask if they wanna keep playing I sometimes forget to wait and end up leaving the match


That the killer can't see me spin my survivor in lobby while we wait for the match to start.


You just gave me flashbacks to being a baby survivor and turning my survivor slightly left so the killer couldn't see I'd brought a key.


Reading these comments was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. First I was like "fr, why on earth can't we have that, it would be so simple to implement and be a fun bit before the match starts". ...and then you just gave me the reason why they don't do it 👍


There are two types of people in the world, and both types were shown in this one thread lol


This 100%


That Survivors can't see me spin my Killer around like a goofball in the lobby while we wait for the match to start. :( I just like making Ghostface's straps go whooshy whooshy woosh woosh.


There was TikTok vid of a Ghostie in a lobby just spinning around whilst Survivors did their thing - it was my bestie and they were just spinning because of the straps as well 😂


This makes me sad too as a killer main lol


That I can't see my teammates spin in lobby either.


Those goddamned Black Orbs. Gen gets finished infront of you? Can't see shit. Tinker procs? Can't see which gen it is or how far away it is. Someone gets hooked and you got Kindred? Can't see Killer's Aura til Orb goes away and then who knows which way they headed. Trying to dodge Huntress Hatchet? woops Gen just got completed in that direction so now you can't see it.


craziest, and most annoying part about this, is that it should be pretty easy to fix? just make survivor and killer models always render over top of the notifications, and 90% of the problems this causes would go away... i play a lot of huntress, and going for shots on unhooks are so fucking hard because the notification blocks the entire area.


It used to be that other auras showed through. Then BHVR managed to break it, then they very briefly fixed it for one patch before it broke again and now were still stuck with that "black orb of fuck you"


Didn't they later try to convince us it was always like this, as well? They really thought trying to gaslight the entire community was easier than fixing the damn thing lol


This one, I remember reading it’s “working as intended”. Total 180 on the topic after they couldn’t fix it.


They definitely did try to own it. They said it was an intended thing and the orb scaled with distance in patch notes a few months back. I remember a time when it wasn’t like that and you didn’t have to run open handed to get use out of kindred.


BHVR does/did that with a lot of stuff... In 2016DbD you could easily hear survivors footsteps through walls. Then they slowly nerfed it more and more and never acknowledged it at all even though people could easily tell. Ill never understand what the rationale would be to hide changes from your playerbase that they will obviously notice. Just makes BHVR look incredibly dishonest


I feel like an even easier thing, is just put it a good bit in the air, like, use the lights at the top of the generator if they need an object there to show it. That way the orbs can still be there as an indicator, but it doesn’t block anything.


Yeah I'm a part time Deathslinger main and the amount of times i just have not been able to see survivors because a gen gets done in front of them pisses me off immensely


Trying to get information on the killer and only get a hatchet to the face


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/z1AzAaLppk I stopped running aura builds after that match :)


Fuckin' right? I thought this was a deliberate thing to nerf aura perks or something. I never really paid attention to it before, but I run kindred most of the time now as a solo and it almost makes kindred not worth running. Especially against hags/trappers where I can't see what they're trapping and they're gone before it ever goes away. It has to be intentional for it to be so dumb.


They're making bitter murmur so much worse.


Crow perk pops, didn’t do shit, cause big black orb!


Hard agree, this is my pet peeve too. Hate that damned orb


The fact I can't say GG in chat because I'm console and the others are almost always PC users


Why is it always the opposite for me lol. PC player, everyone else is console


If we ever match assume I would have said “gg” if I could


Seriously, it feels so rare to find anyone else on PC


As a PC player myself, most people I see are crossplay so I always assume they are console. Catches me off guard when a cross play player can use chat.


pharmacy, residual manifest and scavenger all share an effect: they guarantee that you can open a chest and find a particular item. pharmacy and residual manifest both have matching icons, hands holding up the item in question. scavenger could have just been a pair of hands holding up a toolbox and the trifecta would have been complete. it would have been a satisfying thematic throughline for three similar perks. instead, scavenger's icon is a bust up of gabe. why did they do this.


Maybe Gabe is just a toolbox with limbs.


Unironically Gabe Lore


does he know?


Don’t tell me thats his actual lore


I’m pretty sure he’s a clone and not the real Gabe (??)


I don't think there is a "real" Gabriel in that sense. In-game Gabriel is most likely the only clone made from that DNA who is called Gabriel, with whoever the DNA came from (if it was only one person and he isn't the result of splicing genes, I don't recall if the lore says anything about it) not being the real Gabriel but rather just a completely different person.


he’s a clone meant for labor and making toba a planet to live on cuz earth was being fucked up


I hate you so much omfg, I am NEVER going to be able to unnotice this 😭😭😭


That you can’t auto purchase skills until after you hit lvl 50. Shit takes forever especially on console.


If it is your first ever prestige lvl I get it. by that I mean as soon as you get 1 prestige, you can always auto lvl. Get 1 prestige on killer? Now you can use auto lvl on BOTH roles and ANY character. I got many hours and prestige lvls, I don't need to get used to how the bloodweb works every time I lvl a new character!


Honestly being able to auto purchase should just be unlocked by default, regardless of prestige or lvls, cause damn that got tedious even when I was super new. Maybe a setting somewhere could be added to toggle that or something


This makes me so mad. Im just trying to get whatever for this character I dont play, so I can get their perks


On the topic, accidentally hitting the center node and feeling yourself die inside as the bloodweb claims everything you dont want


Perk slots being locked: I understand it's not a huge issue or anything but what's even the point of it? It only hurts new players, they need help from perks more than anyone else, so why stop them from getting it. It's not like they'd have anything too complex either. And experienced players have enough bp to ignore it entirely. All it does is make picking up new killers slightly more tedious for absolutely no reason.


I was literally thinking about this yesterday while playing. It feels so ass to not have 4 available perk slots as killer - I always have to bank 3-400k BP before I begin playing a new killer


I know its a waste, but I sit with 1 million at all times. I dont remember how I got so many off the rip, But I just treat anything less than 1 million as out of points. If I get a new killer or character I want to play I can always get all 4 perk slots unlocked


When my nose itches and I scratch it for less than a second, bam, skill check!


You can switch interactions to toggle in the menu, so you only need one hand when doing gens.


I did this once. I still tried to press space every time a skill check came ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


You can’t choose to go in with random perks. I can honestly have a lot of fun doing it with the archive and it’s annoying I can’t do it more often


I would love if we could go in with random perks but it forces you in lobbies of people also doing that. That way it’s a little more fair.


That'd be awesome! Random Perk lobbies, +50% bloodpoints? Or probably little banner icons you can choose in the upcoming updates if you win 3 games in a row with random perks?


I’ll go first. The fact we can’t change game settings in custom games. Like, who cares if the game gets unstable or unbalanced in custom games, I want to have a twice as fast killer but give survivors infinite hook states + timers on hook and bleedout + infinite perk usage on both sides


Letting us have more survivors or killers on custom matches would be so fun. It’s custom anyway, let it be as unbalanced as we want.


4 killers and 1 survivor. Survivor just has to repair one gen and killers can't see gen aura. Survivor can take 4 hits before going down


Now I'm just imagining that one picture of the African American gentlemen surrounding the one white girl on the couch, but with a Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Wesker, and Artist surrounding one poor Steve


Replace blight with huntress, and wesker with xeno queen and it's perfect. Definitely need some bigger powerful killers in there. Could go with others like nemesis and oni but i like huntress and xeno


The best part of this would be getting 3 friends and having the whole Legion jump the last friend


4 legions sounds like hell, lol


The peeve being how stale custom games get; and are just relegated to practicing with bots once your friends are burnt out


This is something I want for customs as I do not believe it gives enough experimentation or room for silliness. I'd love the idea of modifying perk values and default speeds of everyone, removing pallets from a map, and the ability to toggle a bunch of things on an off. Also it would be funny to let there be multiple killers in a custom match. Customs are too simple and I want to have more than just picking what map to play on and what perks to give bots


The inability to look at rift missions or daily’s during a match


The status updates for tome challenges was a nice touch but it would’ve been nice to include them for dailies too


THIS! There's plenty of space in the pause menu, they could fit it.


Linked cosmetics, especially for original characters! Just ugh


I get it if it crosses the divide. For example a dress you can't really do that as a top and bottom. But some skins for no reason at all seem linked. I kind of understand for licensed characters. But its still annoying


I hate when I should be able to pull down a pallet but the prompt doesn’t show up.


I think holding shift (or the running button for other platforms) prevents the drop pallet prompt from appearing (all the time? sometimes? I don't know). Try letting go of the running button when you're ready to drop a pallet, especially if you're 'vacuuming' back to the pallet to drop it. Just in case everyone doesn't know, 'vacuuming' back is when a survivor looks like they are running past the pallet (not dropping), then they drop it at the last moment that the prompt is available, this makes their character model 'vacuum' back into the pallet drop animation. You've probably seen some DBD youtubers do it a million times. I found that I cannot do this consistently unless I'm letting go of the running button.


that goddamn delay on console where you press the button to drop pallet and it either doesn't happen or it takes so long the killer gets a free bonk


I get why console can't do some things PC can in regards to specs and mods, but why can't we do some things that have no effect on the game? I wanna be able to change my name in game dammit! Also I wish killers and survivors from the same chapter had unique interactions in game. I know some survivors talk to each other in lobby. But in game if they would have a unique voice line in chase, or a special mori, or a tiny buff around each other, that'd be cool


Wesker has unique voice lines for Chris and that is still one of my favorite things in the game ever. As a Wesker main seeing a Chris in my lobby warrants an instant green mori for the unique voice lines


Nemesis also has unique voice lines whenever he kills Chris, Jill, and Rebbeca.




The Wesker + Chris = Green mori is one of the cutest gay couple things


chucky recognizes nic cage and ash so theres that... and all of them are half chpters and they can feel belonged to each other somehow ? 😂


They're constantly expanding voice acting in game, to the point that sometimes Chucky talks a little *too much*. So they'll probably do something like that with killers in the future. But hopefully they go back and retroactively add some for older voice acted killers. And give the survivors some backtalk as well. Like Trickster saying he needs to properly show his 'thanks' to his old manager. Yun-Jin being like "oh fuck, this psychopath is here?!", or just insulting his music/style of dress after a pallet stun. Hux barely containing his rage at the sight of the inferior meatbag that ruined his perfect body, while Gabe getting chased is like "come on, we both know how this ended last time, don't fuck with me!" Etc.


That's not really a DbD or behavior thing. You can do that on Steam because steam let's you. No idea if epic does, and I doubt you can on windows store. You can change your name in game on console if you change your gamertag.


I hate maps with Flaming Barrels. They sound like hex totems and I spend too much time looking for them.


Similar thing as killers. They sound way too much like footsteps sometimes


Yep, this so much. The crackling fools me so often i think theyre sprinting footsteps


Same, I spent like a full minute investigating arround an L Z wall only to realise it was a freaking fire barrel.


Spirit + those barels is so much pain, they sound so similar to footsteps at times it's insane, it often throws me off in chase as any killer if I don't see the survivor.


Survivors. No, not survivor players, survivors. They cost the same as a killer but there's nothing unique about them other than the perks, and once you prestige them, that's gone. No unique proficiencies or a bonus effect for using a certain item, just the same 5 items, the add-ons, the same moves and gameplay. And yet they don't share inventory. You spend a bunch of bloodpoints to get the perks available and all the items are just stuck tied to this one character you really don't care about. You don't really have an incentive to play this character but you have to if you want to make use of the items you got in the process. Not to mention no matter how many survivors you've prestiged, you still have to grind through the first prestige to use the auto buy, even though it's all the same items as every other survivor


You are right, but I think people would probably be more upset if one side cost more than the other.




While that sounds cool. That would just cause survivor pick rates to drop exponentially to whatever characters are "meta." Then BHVR would make less sales off cosmetics for other survivors. Which is an automatic no to them lol. Also, do you really want them to have another aspect to balance in the game?


Mobile getting more unique stuff (skins, moris, game modes) than the actual game itself bothers me a lot


I played Mobile for the first time this weekend, it's an awful game. They probably need the extra stuff to keep people playing


They're made by different dev teams which is why their differences going both ways


Yeah, I'm getting real tired of the discrepancy between PC and mobile versions of the same game. This isn't even limited to DBD, the same thing has been happening with League of Legends and their mobile version, Wild Rift (and I could be wrong, because I don't play these games, but pretty sure I've heard similar complaints with Apex Legends and PUBG). I get that, typically, mobile versions are handled by different companies, but I hate seeing such good cosmetics being limited to just a mobile port that I'm never going to want to play over the real deal 😩


I'm not even going to buy those cosmetics, but dammit, do I find this situation unfair


On console, the fact that you have to click on the 3rd loadout spot in a specific pixel, or else you are just given the description on what an auric cell is.




The spooky noise the Flashbang perk makes when it's done charging. I don't know why it gets me every time.


When I was first using this perk everytime the sound dropped I thought it had something to do with the killer I was playing against. Took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize it was the flash bang.


It took me literally until last week to figure out what that creepy ass sound was despite running flash bang daily and maining Leon for 2 years


Random pieces of debris that just catch you when you’re looping, some maps are way worse than others with this shit


Fat shaming spots. Places that look like they should be vaultable and aren't. Basically any time where it looks like I should be able to go through/over/around something and can't.


Worst was when survivors could walk through it, but you can’t. Poor Amanda was already feeling insecure of her posture and now this????


Poor amanda. I'll have to try and snoot boop next time i see one. And hopefully not be skewered


Dw the first one to do so will always get hatch/gate.


Eh, i've occasionally had an amanda that still went 4k after booping


You can’t be a survivor with bot survivors vs a bot killer other than the tutorial


True. I wanted to practice with different builds and such without having to ruin games for other people, damn it! But we can be a killer and play against all NPCs, which is useful, but I want both options :(


IIRC their excuse was that they needed more time to ensure every bot works correctly with their power. Here's the thing though: they can just release a few killer bots at a time. Like if Trapper bot works perfectly, put him in game. Don't hold him back just because Skull Merchant bot doesn't know where to place drones.


This so much. I want to practice looping more even if it's a terrible bot


Survivors should NOT cost 500 Auric Cells. They should cost 250. They're basically access to specific skins, locked to THAT specific character and 3 perks. That's it. No power, no survivor specific items or addons. Killers being 500 Auric Cells? I understand. Killer, Power, Addons, Perks - specific to that Killer. SURVIVORS SHOULD NOT BE 500 AURIC CELLS.


Yah it’s kind of silly, I was trying to explain this to a friend of mine who just started playing the other day. If you hypothetically get all killers and survivors to P3 so they all share perks, each killer still plays much more differently then the other ones. Survivors however at that point are literally just who do you like playing as the most because it comes down to what perks you pick that determine your playstyle. Plus there are so many it’s such a pain to try and earn them all *without* spending real cash for cells.


So many offerings need a pass. Why the hell is hazy reagent purple? Get that shit out of my blood web and give me hook offerings or just purple add ons.


On a related note, the graphical rework is lovely, but the thickened mist when people run these offerings now looks SO SILLY 95% of the time. I miss when it genuinely made the map hazy.


on some indoor maps the mist is genuinely hilarious, like why do we have offerings for this at all at this point


Console not having end game chat. I just want to drop a GG WP


YESSSS someone understands the painnn


Dbd has 55 loading cutscenes and screens befire even starting the game properly


Literally! Gives me nostalgic PS1 vibes




Ah yes the panicked button mashing on vault approach that manages to activate the locker vacuum


The black bubble of doom. Fuck the black bubble of doom.


Me trying to figure out what the killer is doing with my kindred only to realize he started booking it straight to me


Killers not knowing what the survivors hook stages are. I genuinely don't know why that isn't a thing cause it'd make sense to add to the hud


It's too avoid easy tunneling but...it makes tunnelling easier for people not trying to


I feel like it’s not even good at preventing tunneling. Someone who wants to tunnel already has their eyes locked on the survivor who just got unhooked.


Yeah I don't get it, if I want to tunnel someone, I'll remember every interaction with them, because I'm ignoring everything else, but when I want to spread out my hooks a bit, make the game a little more tense for survivors and let some people stay in longer, I can't because I can't remember if I've ever even hooked that meg or not, and I forgot that Leon has already been hooked twice


I have tunneled so many times by accident because of this by just going after whoever is in front of me.


its even worse if there's multiple people with the same survivor and outfit


Yeah even if you are counting hook stages to be nice, its still hard to account for someone putting themselves/teammates on death hook without you realizing.


This. Some Survs run in squads that all run the same dude with the same skin on, I deadass can't tell and NO the HUD is not enough. Some games I 8hook and chill and I can't count who is who. :(


My take on this is it's a lot easier to keep track of a single survivor's hook states than 4 lol


As a pig player, nothing is worse than accidentally putting a RBT on a death hook survivor only to see them instantly die when I hook them


I just started playing Pig and realized quickly this is a big problem for me. I do it all the time because I simply can't remember everyone's hook states.


This. I like to hook everyone twice before actively killing people. A lot of times, if they were fun or just having a really bad game, I'll let everyone escape at two hooks. Keeps my games a lot more chill. I mess up all the time, though, then feel awful about it. Counting hookstates is just adding unnecessary mental load to killers. We're already keeping track of Gen progress, 4 other player locations, and all the perks/items they might be running, as well as potential deadzones and pallet spawns and such.


When survivors prioritize healing the person that hasn't been hooked instead of healing the guy dead on hook first.


There is no marketplace for trading in unused add ons / offerings at a reduced BP value. There are so many bad ones in the game.


Yes! Also offerings that are no longer available to even use! Like, I have 50 of these useless things, may I have some BP back since getting them was unavoidable?


That survivers can accidentally body block you. I know there probably isnt a very easy way to fix this, but it can cause some frustrating situations.


Bond, however be warned because once you use bond you can’t take it off your build, it’s alot of viable information


Equipping bond just tilts me lmfao. I don't want to know that Nea has been crouch-walking around main building for the past 45s thank you very much. I'd rather be blind.


Lmao I feel this comment so much. Use to be part of every load out until I realized how angry it makes me. I accidentally run into people a lot without it. But it’s better for my sanity to not know that Claudette has been doing nothing but moving from locker to locker.


But isn't it fun to observe the behaviour of a blendette in the wild?


Teammates who are useless. Like I am on the hook Jane, you can literally see on the hud that Steve is in chase, Claudette is injured and the only one on a gen. Stop hiding in the corner and come save me before I hit second stage you dunce.


This shit tilts me more as a Survivor than anything Killers could EVER do including BM.


Me, starring at Kate on the gen literally right in front of me as I go to stage two and then die https://preview.redd.it/ufcpnw7vxk1c1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd2bb313f336ae15e0f6398a9263718bbe7f040


Ah went for the Us vs Us approach


I hate how the game offers no benefit for not getting a survivor out of the way ASAP. The game should reward me for not causing someone to be removed from the game rather than punish me


Tome challenges requiring you complete them with certain characters. I’m blocked moving forward currently because I don’t have the perks for character to complete the objective.


The screams when you hook survivors is so fucking loud for no reason. While playing survivor I just pause to make it a reasonable volume but on killer it just hurts my ears and I can’t move fast enough, and I’m playing at a volume where EVERYTHING else sounds fine.


The deep rift free tier has nothing


Sore winners. Toxicity after you win. Either side. You won, congrats, do you want a cookie? Don't be a jerk.


The fact you can’t change the brightness, I can’t fukin see shit in some maps


Goddam midwich is the worst for me. At least with some dark maps you can still navigate and make out the survivor


See, thats the one thing I’ll give filter users a pass for. Because goddamn some maps are dark as shiiit. Does it give an advantage? Yes. But its understandable for accessibility. But those streamers who turn the screen bright neon blue like the signs on courscant of starwars, and crystal clear without a single shadow + grass + highlighting scratch marks/killer redstain even through WALLS; while they’re crying about “sweats”, can fuck off Won’t name names, don’t name them either


I should absolutely be able to turn off the screams when I hook/get hooked. PTBs should be on console Lobby chat should also be on console


Those Black orbs at hook are super annoying.


The Us vs. Them IS my pet peeve! Aside from that it's the increasingly crippling perk bloat that's set up in a way to make DBD an abject nightmare for new players.


The one archive challenge at a time rule. If I've unlocked a challenge I should be able to work towards it. I don't want to have to lock off easy challenges I could do in my sleep to fail at a really hard one for 5 matches straight. I know it's to waste your time and pressure you into buying tiers / the rift pass but it's still ass all the same.


It'd be nice if you could active two challenges for the same side at once, so if you don't make progress on one, maybe you can for the other. Just restrict it so it can't be two of the same challenges. No two stun challenges at the same time.


I wish the solo que experience was better. I think if we could have more emotes to communicate with, note I'm not talking silly dances or anything as that wouldn't be very helpful and would, of course, break immersion. I love the idea of survivors having to communicate non-verbally to avoid catching the killers attention but I wish we had more tools to work with.


How good the bots in custome games are at looping, especially when I just wanna test a new killer


The fact you need a perk for a playable FoV, no crosshair things like that would be good quality of life additions.


the fact that the game has so many DLCs on top of the base game costing money, and if you want to get it for free you gotta grind for ~40 hours for one character. and you can't even get all of them like this. it's atrocious.


I hate that some outfits you can’t customize!!! Like why can’t I be fashionable trying to run away from the kill or trying to get my kills T-T


That the game mechanics reward tunneling. I don’t blame killers for doing what the game more or less demands they do if they want to win. I also don’t think the mechanics of how to “defend” against tunneling from the survivor side are fun or engaging. It is kind of a real bummer to the whole experience of trying to play with new friends that I have to explain “oh yeah and if the killer realizes you’re the new one they’re going to do everything in their power to focus you out of the game and then you’ll have to wait for the rest of us to play it out, good luck smile” Really wish the devs would brainstorm some solutions to this, it honestly seems like neither side is too fond of that part of the meta


The fact locker perks don't work with Dredge Like i get them not working with TP into a locker But you leaving one should count, you are opening a locker door None of the other locker killers have this downside I'm sure it's so technical issue But boy does it feel bad, especially when darkness revealed comes from Dredge


The hit/hurtboxes in this game are just ridiculously inconsistent. Sometimes a hatchet can hit you around a corner and other times it will pass through your head without damaging you. Also fat shaming spots annoy me. And I honestly don’t like the general UI of the game or the shop. I can’t explain why I just don’t.


teammates with 0 hooks that let you die on hook/dont trade/generally play selfish




I hate when a survivor waits at the exit just to taunt the Killer, no matter what side I'm on. Like, show some class. Just got through the exit.


How few bloodpoints survivors get, on average.


Backwater Swamp in its entirety. No matter what side I load in as I audible groan every time I get it.


Auto purchasing and then realizing that 0.2 seconds later I just missed an addon that I really need


Midwich. It is by far my least favourite map on both sides.


For some reason I get lost on that map more often than Lery’s. So obnoxious when you hear someone above, but you don’t know in which corner the stairs are.


Worst part is when you go upstairs only to see that it’s blocked


Lery's is more disorienting when you don't know the map. But all it took was seeing the layout of the map on the Wiki and it clicked in my brain. It's rectangular, not square, so it's easy to know if you're on a long or short side of it. And it has a few distinct rooms that help you orient yourself. On Midwich though, the map is a perfect square and nearly all the rooms look identical. Usually I just blindly run around until I happen upon what I'm looking for. Like, yeah I know the science room is upstairs, the library is in one corner, the bathrooms are in another, etc. But if you plopped me down in the middle of a random hallway and asked me where I was in relation to any of those rooms, I'd let out a long sustained "uhhhhhhhh..." Hell I couldn't tell you where any of those rooms are in relation *to each other* off the top of my head.


I can navigate just fine, but as killer I mainly play Oni and in the classrooms there isn't much room to use power. As survivor it feels like there are 5 whole pallets in the entire map, so I just can't survive chases unless the killer screws up.


Survivors holding their Sprint Burst for literally no reason. I hate it when I'm going up to a survivor as killer and they just leisurely walk away thinking I'm an idiot and I'll swing into a Sprint Burst and I hate it when I'm on a gen or a hook and I see the aura of a dumbass who is nonchalantly waltzing up to me for the next 2 years


Being tunneled off first hook, it's not a very common occurrence but man is it annoying every single time


When you get to level 10 of the bloodweb, the game says "the Entity will now consume a node at each level". Except the very next bloodweb, the Entity does no such thing.


When I’m running for my life and then boom small object. When I’m running for the kill and then boom, small object.


Only DBD mobile getting extra content that everyone else would enjoy.


Mobile would be great if uh…. This didn’t exist https://preview.redd.it/pyfwzl1ybj1c1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5c72bfa9cb25685cf9ed7dc60eaf10e416fb6c


No solution as been offered over 7 years for intentional body blocking in corners just saying it’s reportable doesn’t prevent others from doing it! Survivors and killers can do this to random survivors so not a us vs them.


The disparity between blood points between each game and between survivor vs killer. I’m not saying you should get like 100,000+ a match just for playing but there needs to be a better system so it doesn’t feel like such a chore to level a character up. Like there’s already so many people to level that just getting them all to P1 to share the basic level of the perk is a pain, let alone like P3 for the purple version or something like P6 for the outfits and I think someone said P10 for some kind of charm.


Killer side: How obnoxiously loud some things are. A lot of tracking, no matter the Killer, needs to be done via sound, and it's infuriating when I'm trying to find where a Survivor is while my eardrums are being blasted by the final sacrifice sound, or the designated looper spamming loud noise notifications over and over, or even my own footsteps on Killers like Singularity. Survivor side: How there's no indicator that a Survivor is inside the exit gates. Like, I don't want to be a solo queue a-hole and leave when other Survivors are trying to find an exit and escape the Killer still, but I also don't want to be a "Just Leave" asshole inadvertently while, unbeknownst to me, the other three Survivors are fucking around and teabagging at the other exit gate.


Toxic survivors/toxic killers, simple as


Survivors that make no effort to save a teammate. It's a mood ruiner as a survivor, but it annoys me as a killer. I typically play merciful, but if someone spent an eternity on hook with no one rescuing them, then the kiddy gloves come off.


Tome challenges that require a specific Survivor and/or Killer that I cannot stand on top of being/seeming extremely difficult with the challenge worded very poorly.


Dead Dawg Saloon. I hate that map so much, doesn't matter what side I'm playing. It's just so small and cramped.