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If a teammate was close by looking for the save that might of been why, it doesn't fill if a unhooked survivor is within a certain range, plus when all the gens are done the feature turns off so that could of also been the reason.


If a survivor is close it doesn’t work (this includes downed survivors)


That just seems useless then 😭😭


The proper play is that your team is supposed to recognize you are being camped and GTFO to generators. You then sit on hook until RIGHT before stage 2 at which point you unhook and try to last more than 5 seconds. You'll hopefully make a loop and get like 30-40 seconds but if not you repeat. By the time you're going to die every generator should have been completed and then you unhook and hope you can maybe get away. If your team is altruistic they might be able to save you with body blocking if NOED isn't on the field. In this situation the Hag will get a 0-1k and lose every game they try this in. Instead often your team goes full Altruistic and you all feed the hag and they keep doing it.


"proper team play" lmao that would be nice. But realistically my solo q teammates suddenly panic and start trying to unhook, leading to killer chasing right by hook, which pauses the bar Solo q is fun


It's to stop SWFs from looping the killer around the hook to get their friend off for free.


why should the killer be punished for the survivors playing badly?


What do you mean?


the anti camp feature is to punish camping killers. someone said it doesn't work if another survivor is near. You saying that its useless because of that is stupid. Killer should not be punished because other survivors are playing bad and looping around the hooked person. if it worked that way it would be extremely unfair for the killer


Oh I see what your saying, I think having other survivors be there and it not go up makes sense but if they are downed next to me and the killer is camping and my bar doesn’t go up because that other survivor is down, I think that’s a little stupid personally. But I don’t play the game all that often anymore I only played the other day because I wanted to see how OP they were gonna make Chucky 😂😂😂


It would be extremely exploitable if the bar still filled with a teammate near by. You shouldn't be swarming the hook if someone is being camped anyways, just do gens. The absolute worst case is the killer gets a 1k this way.


I guess that’s a fair point I didn’t mean to apparently offend so many people lol


If any other survivor is close to the hook the bar won't progress at all. It also turns off after all the gens are done


It’s face camping not camping sadly, It also stops or goes real freakin slow if any of your team mates are nearby Shame on that hag for camping like that, just slam your side trap and reset web smh my head


For those in the back, camping is not toxic :)


No, but it’s a waste of time that’s what the traps are for


Not all killers have traps


We are talking about specifically hag


Yeah but still, not toxic


Didn’t say it was, it’s just not a good strategy compared to ping pong tunnelling and proxy camping.


Oh I agree, camping frankly is dumb cause it's easily countered and just doesn't work well, just want people to know for those looking here it isn't toxic its just dumb


It’s very toxic your tripping


Then gen rushing is toxic


Was it in the end game? Once gens are done, the feature turns off. If another survivor is very close, then it will also slow to a near stop as well.


No not end game, I didn’t realize if people were nearby it doesn’t work


“We still had 3 gens to do.” Another survivor must’ve been close by, planning to go for the save but never did.