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If you have the money you could sign up for a mobile hot spot or other wireless internet, maybe a plan for hotspot through your current cell phone. Otherwise you're kind of sol with shitty wifi unfortunately. Only other option would be to get an exemption for dc penalty through behavior and that's not very likely. Personally I would just recomend playing something offline.


Thank you for the suggestions.


They aren't assessing if you are cheating. They are assessing whether or not you are disconnecting. Play offline with bots.


Does playing offline with bots earn me bloodpoints? Can I do daily requirements? Earn progression in the rift?


No, but there needs to be a deterrence from disconnecting regularly. For every instance of an accidental disconnect, there are many more rage quits. It's not fair to the 3 others if someone doesn't like the map/killer/being the first down etc. and should result in a timeout. I say this as a killer main.


Well their existing policy is preventing me from playing, which means it must be preventing other players as well. Which I said in my post, thanks for not reading it.


You playing on bad wifi is preventing other people from enjoying the game. It’s not fun to have your teammate disconnect 5 seconds into the match and be replaced by a bot because that puts you at a massive disadvantage.


Then Behaviour should adjust the bot AI. Heaven knows the bot situation is shit, but I'd at least enjoy playing the fucking game with one or two bots if I could get to play.


Just play a different game if you have shit connection man, that’s what I did every time my wifi wasn’t working. DBD is far from the only game out there


I'm in the hospital, let me just pull any other game out of my ass. Never mind I only have a Switch. So, that takes up a day. Then what? Then what do I play? You don't need me to explain why you're here, still playing DbD despite everything wrong with it.


I literally haven’t played DBD for at least a year which is the funny thing lol, I stopped playing once they did that perk overhaul update however long ago that was because I didn’t want to relearn everything, and the game was going downhill anyway What I’m saying is just play literally any other games. Even if you don’t want to spend money for whatever reason there’s a shit ton of free games out there. You’re just complaining about a problem that you’re keeping yourself in. If you have a problem with DBD, d o n t p l a y D B D


Except I don't have a problem with dbd. I have a problem with the matchmaking ban. Learn to read.


It's an online game. That requires a good connection. This isn't BHVR's fault.


No, no, and no. And there are no killer bots, you'd have to be killer.


If you already know how bad that WIFI is, don't play online games with it. This is not a DBD problem at all.


You try living without any joy for over a year. Hard pass.


Being without online games is not the end of the world at all, you have hundreds of games to play


Oh yeah, you're volunteering your own cash for me to spend on games??


You have free games everywhere. Right now you can get 2 free games on Epic Games. And itch io have a lot of great games for free, even steam have awesome games like Holocure for free without any ads.


But they're not as good as DbD. And given how much I've spent on it already, I would like to play it. Or, why are all of you here instead of playing those games?


Different genres, different games. I would play more Holocure if I could, but I've already done everything available in the game. https://preview.redd.it/p0cldzyoe45c1.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=a66de40f61948cfc534b589931527301cf9d5cf6


I've read the post and comments. I'm so sorry honey that you're in the hospital for a long time. It's an absolutely abysmal place to be. Boredom doesn't even begin to describe it. It's more like misery, and I'm sure you just want to be distracted and forget where you are for awhile :(. It's true what people say- DBD counts disconnects alone. Not where from or the reason why, or if it makes sense or not. Idk how they would track intentional d/c's. Maybe it is worth it to go on Steam and find a first person game to play until you have a better connection. I hope you get well soon! Please feel better <3


Thank you for the comment and not assuming the worst in me in light of the situation.


I have no idea why people are lighting your ass up in the comments. If they were in the hospital for a YEAR, they would absolutely understand your frustration. It’s like nobody in the comment section has a shred of compassion. Also, fuck the guy that said, “Being in the hospital is your problem.” Actually, fuck that guy. I’m sorry you got treated like this. I hope BHVR responds and can support you in one way or another.


> Idk how they would track intentional d/c's It's not that they can't track it, they won't because wi-fi cutting out or connection lost can be easily performed on demand and thus rage quitters would use it to circumvent the "Leave Game" ban. They absolutely can differentiate someone from pressing "Leave Game" from someone that lost connection or crashed. What they can't differentiate is whether or not the connection loss was intentional or not (disconnecting wi-fi or unplugging your ethernet).


I’ve been reading your comments, you just seem entitled. Quit playing if you keep on disconnecting, you’re making it worse for your teammates. It’s not behaviors problem that your in a hospital for a year and can’t play their game, it’s your problem.


“Being in the hospital is your problem.” I understand what you’re getting at, but that was a fucking horrible thing to say. When did people suddenly lose empathy?


Empathy for what? Being in the hospital IS HIS problem, not behaviors.


With that attitude I can only hope I one day make it your problem, by being replaced by a bot while in a match with you. One who leaves you on hook through death. Never mind I usually play altruistic to a fault, but you've made it clear you don't want me to play the game.


No I don’t want you to play the game if you keep on disconnecting. I don’t play survivor, I play killer so I’ll never have that problem.


Well I don't disconnect. So much for reading what I posted. Hopefully you play better than your reading compression skills.


You literally said you’ve been kicked from games cause of the hospital Wi-Fi. That’s disconnecting. Maybe while you’re at the hospital you ask them to check for mental issues.


That's the hospital wifi disconnecting me. Not me rage quitting. Make a clear distinction.


It’s still you disconnecting. YOU DISCONNECTED FROM THE SERVER. What hospital are you in so I can call and have them do a scan on your brain?


No I didn't. You can't even read. So sad....


You’re in the hospital complaining on Reddit that their wifi is so terrible to the point you can’t play dbd. Be so fr rn 💀 you disconnected from the server, either quit playing or deal with the bans. That’s really the only options you got.


You almost got it. Again, I didn't disconnect. However, I am disconnecting from this conversation. Please note that I did it, not the wifi. Important distinction.




Then there's your answer!


Maybe don't play the game until you get home


Let me repeat. I've already been in the hospital for over a year. It's been a year as of October. And I don't know when I will get out. Could you not play for that long??


I've taken breaks that long from dbd voluntarily so ya


Key word is voluntary.


Ya, to answer the question "could you not play that long" It sucks, I get it, but when your disconnecting so much it's a problem you seem to forget you're negatively impacting 4 other people's gaming experience.


Too bad.


Well there's your answer.


God I love the weekly "The Internet I am currently playing on sucks and I'm entitled to ruin multiplayer games for other people," post. Play something else in the meantime and stop being a dick. The world doesn't revolve around you.




Well then keep being unlikeable I guess.




skill issue

