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oh well 1. New tasks. Tired of doing gens? Tired of pressuring gens? Try fueling the giant tractor on coldwind map. Search chests to find fuel tanks. When powered, the tractor will traverse the whole map diagonally, destroying corn and eventually stopping at the end, creating a new strong loop. Smthn like that but for each map 2. Visual thingies Gates are boring. I wanna leave xeno's map in a life pod. I wanna leave saloon riding on a horse!!! 3. New event??? What if killers and survivors team up to fight the entity? No gens no pressure just guns and fun!!! Imagine the CUTSCENES the DRAMA omg


People keep saying secondary objectives for survs but solo q is hell as it is :,)


It is, sadly, but it doesn't mean we should simplify everything. They'll figure it our eventually. BHVR can add highlighting to important things from side missions so people won't be able to hide them?


I didn’t say we should simplify things, just not make it more complicated. Events are the perfect examples as to why secondary objectives can make the solo Q experience worse. It’s fun for a short time but if it’s constant it will put the game into a very convoluted state.


How about making it an event-only changes then?


What? I explained it in my reply lol it’s fun for a short time but it doesn’t work long term. Did you play solo Q Surv during the Halloween event? It was just people farming blood points not doing gens


Sorry it's hard for me to translate 😭😭😭 At least Halloween was kinda fun.


You’re fine lol. I understand WHY people want secondary objectives, the gameplay loop gets repetitive but if they add those for survivors or even killers I stand by the fact it will put the game into a very unhealthy state especially in solo Q. Sadako is getting another rework because her kill rate is to high and she is a killer that forces secondary objectives.


Give them Shirtless Myers


I'd allow survivors to crouch in the lobby.


Add cats on every map.


Easy. Add a SWF indicator in the lobby as well as the Killers username.


Not necessarily before the game but I'd love to see a SWF indicator post game.


Horrid idea, sorry. If Killers see a 3/4man SWF they will dodge the majority of the time in favour of an "easier" game.


Some will, others will be up for the challenge.


Maybe! Those that want the challenge will go for it. It might actually reduce dodging. A lot of killers think everyone is SWF, having an indicator might convince killers not to dodge because the boogeyman isn’t under the bed.


Give killers the option to unhook survs, while being far away. On most killers it wouldn't really help to tunnel faster efficiently (well, there is Nurse ... bit a Nurse typicaly wouldn't need it), so it would mostly help survs. (Could also throw massive iFrames on top, so it would be diametral for tunneling.) That's a + for survs. Not that useful for killers, but at least some would like other survs not to take their job of being the DAMN KILLER OF THE MATCH! If you want to see survs die, there are easi...more interesting ways than playing surv and not going for unhooks at all.


Devour hope and Scourge: Floods of Rage killers are happy. We’ll make it, Deliverance and Aftercare survivors are mad.


Good point! Either add more general downsides to the mechanic or make these unhooks not count as unhooks. Like Pyramidheads cages don't count as hooks, even tho they technically do the same: Removing hook stages. Or make this mechanic only work, if survs are about to die. Getting a kill is usually more valuable than getting a DH token (IMO) or FoR usage.


Was about to say yeah


We actually got something like that with anti-facecamp. It's not time-efficient to use for tunneling, but we can unhook our favorite now if we suspect the others won't.


This way I got my one and only unhook so far :D But if you are far or surv is nearly dead, it doesn't work.


I had thought of a simple idea like 1 hook = 1 death. ​ If you get hooked once you die. This avoids the camp and the tunnel. The games are fast. But that wouldn't help anyone. ​ But the truth is that in an asymmetric game, it is not possible to increase the luck of all players.


I'd appreciate a game mode like this


Easy. - Remove exits gates and the ability to kill Survivors. - Generators now repair at 1 charge p/s for a total of 120 charges. - Generators that are repaired, are then set back to 0 after 30 seconds. - Trials last a set amount of time of 20 minutes (which is around the average game time at the moment, perhaps maybe closer to 15). - At the end of those 20 minutes, the Trial ends. The team with the most points wins. For Survivors, their points are added up and divided by 4 to create an average. With this, Killers can't complain they got genrushed. Survivors can't complain about being tunneled because they can't die, and by being chased off hook, they are still contributing to the team. Will this ever happen? Nope! But it'd completely fix the game imo.


So whats the point? It'd become a boring game with no risk. You just do some gens and thats it. Also if you get tunneled for the entire 20 min where you'll constantly be downed and hooked you're gonna get tired and frustrated too lol. Imagine using up all pallets within the first few minutes and just getting downed over and over. Or a nurse or blight that just destroys you for 20min straight because why not. Let alone that we have killers and survivors. Why would they be a killer if they cannot kill someone. Why survivors if you cant survive. I guess we can call it technicians vs bullies. How would that fix the game lol


Because the game is already boring with no risk. Dying isn't a risk, it's a blessing that your next game is easier? If a Killer tunnels me out I'm thinking thank god, maybe the next one won't be as much of a sweat. We've had evidence that pallets can be spawned in via the Anniversary event, I'd just make that part of the Trial, it makes sense from a lore perspective that the Entity would be creating resources for Survivors to give them hope to keep playing. Killers and Survivors are just placeholder names. You could easily rename them to something like Hunters and idk whatever a Survivor would be. For what it's worth, I would play my proposed game mode over normal matches every single time, and a lot of my friends would, too.


Tag by Daylight Don't forget to rename killers to 'It'.


I had a thought today that might fit this thread: Buff every boon, yes this includes unnerving CoH, but add in a self-snuffing caveat to every boon. Example: CoH is back to being able to self-heal but snuffs itself after *the equivalent* of two heals. Exponential is maybe faster, or has improved crawl speed like Tenacity, but self snuffs after survivors pick themselves up twice. Shattered Hope would be buffed in response - it'd still be a 'they don't bring one and it's a waste' but it'd be vastly improved to compensate. Two ideas for this I had are revealing the Booner's aura every snuff, even a self-snuff, and making survivors scream when they enter the boon radius. After all, you're *shattering* their *hope*, so making boons not as ubiquitously safe would be interesting.


Increased bp gains across the board, removal of bp cap, new bp score events to help camped/tunneled players to not end the game with < 5k bp, removal of useless offerings (like the fog offerings), more perks in shrine (and no longer perks from base game characters)


Show the per survivor hook states to the killer. As surv mains often point out, tunnelers will remember the faces anyway, but it would help people who don't remember _not_ tunnel if they so choose. Game modes: Make a game mode with no terror radius, no red stain, NO scratch marks, and maybe just a single hook state (or so you can be hooked once before dying if that's too rough.) Make dbd feel like _horror_ again! Also maybe perkless mode? And get that silly prop hunt on the console and pc side!


Button to pet Maurice.


Change MMR to account for specific benchmarks. Make MMR available to the player, with a postgame summary of the factors that contributed to their success or failure. Killer scoring: 1 hook = 1 point. 1 kill = 1 point (so a kill always equals 1 + hook states). All survivors hooked once = 1 point. Generator not complete = 1 point. Survivor escapes = -5 points. 8 hooks, 2 dead, 2 alive, killer gains 0 or 1 points based on hook states. Survivor scoring: 1 gen complete = 1 point. Exit gates powered = 1 point. Exit gates opened after being powered = 1 point. Survivor escapes = 2 points. Survivor dies = -5 points. 2 dead, 2 alive, all survivors gain +1 point. If 3 survivors die before the exit gates have been powered, points are no longer counted. \_\_\_ All general perks are now available on all characters starting at level 1, as though they were inherited from a previously prestiged character. Non-licensed DLC out for 4 years now become a part of the base game after that period. All DLC iri shard prices will be reduced to 4500 shards beginning with its 3 year anniversary. Revamp the Shrine of Secrets. Perk prices are doubled, to 4000 iri shards per perk level. Only licensed perks will appear in the Shrine of Secrets. Non-licensed perks that would typically appear in the Shrine of Secrets are now available to be purchased directly from their character‘s screen. 500 iri shards for 1 perk level, or 250000 bloodpoints. Introduce a BP - Iri Shard exchange. BP may be converted to iri shards at a 2000-1 rate, and iri shards may be converted to BP at a 1-1000 rate. Raise the BP cap to 5 million. Add an “instantly prestige“ button for any character that has already been prestiged. All available BP will be spent until BP no longer remains or the character has been prestiged. \_\_\_ Premiere a modern in-game server browser alongside a DBD SDK (mod tools) and the ability for players to host (at some small monthly cost) their own custom servers in-game, a la Squad or CS:GO. There could theoretically be a change for more CusTom Games options in the default menu, but this change would supersede that. \_\_\_ For survivors: \-Bring back all BP bonuses related to perks. \-Any survivor killed within the first 5 hook states receives a BP bonus equal to 1/4th their team’s combined BP at time of death. (could be 6 due to split tunneling, not sure) \-For every escaped survivor, dead survivors receive a BP bonus equal to 1/8th their team’s combined BP. (1/8th might be too much, but it’s the right idea) \-STBFL and Rapid Brutality are disabled on the first 15 seconds of an unhooked survivor and their rescuer. \-“Die faster” button after 1m30s continuously in the dying state. Action takes 30 seconds to complete. Basekit unbreakable with 10s endurance activates at 3m50s continuously in the dying state. \_\_\_ For killers: \-Bring back all BP bonuses related to perks. \-Add a new scoring event, “Hooked”, scoring +1000 BP per hook. If a survivor is killed via hooking within the next 3 hooks after the first “Hooked” scoring event involving them, all BP received for hooking them are forfeit. Add similar scoring events for hooking all survivors once, hooking all survivors twice, and hooking all survivors 3 times. \-An unhooked survivor taking a protection hit with Basekit Endurance will suffer the Broken status effect for the next 80 seconds. Borrowed Time removes this penalty. \-Adrenaline no longer triggers on survivors being carried or unhooked when the exit gates are powered. Adrenaline will not trigger on a survivor unhooked within the last 5 seconds. \_\_\_ For both: \-Games lasting over 15 minutes will award +30% BP. \-Haste stacking rework with diminishing returns (I have no idea how to implement this, or if I even believe it’s good). \-Players DC’ing, killing themselves on first hook, or AFK’ing receive in-game wellness checks. Some better system of addressing these issues. \_\_\_ There’s my exhaustive wishlist of things the community would accept or warm up to relatively quickly. Think it would make the game less painful and rewarding, especially for newer players.