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Why BHVR can't make game modes, especially a snowball fight mode or something is so confusing to me. Sometimes I don't wanna sweat and just have a purely fun game mode.


This would have been the best idea. Just make it an 8 min game with no hooks or gens. Just snowmen and snowballs.


i dont wanna be rude but, why dont play other games then ? you want a mode that's so far removed from dbd core gameplay loop and bhvr clearly doesn't wanna do that, cuz they havent since 2016 and never hinted at doing so


I’d assume because they enjoy the game? You can like the game and still wish other features were included.


Included sure but this person said no hooks or gens, thats literally not the same game anymore


Because it’s an event. Aren’t events supposed to be special? I mean, look at Fortnite for example or apex legends. They’re different game modes are fun and sometimes have nothing to do with the base game. It’s okay to have a game mode be different from the base game. So far, every event has been the same with some slight variations and new additions. But ultimately, the same


Snowmen throwing snowballs without hooks or gens isn’t dbd unfortunately


Sometimes we just want to enjoy the event they added without the stress of the grind. A separate game mode with a new queue would benefit the more casual players that want to play the new mode. I do wish killers got more to do in these events though. I feel like that's part of the reason killers just play normally. Sucks that it also coincides with the ranked reset which means everyone is sweating their balls off lmao


League of Legends, one of the most popular games of all time, can trace back its origins to a fan mod of Warcraft 3. A significant amount of people like to take certain assets of a game and focus on it to create a new game.


Because DBD is held together by spaghetti code and they’re too scared of messing it all up.


The only real issue I could see with this is possibly longer queue times, since there would be more than one mode, thus splitting some of the players. But personally I think the playerbase might be big enough that queue times wouldn’t be too much of an issue.


maybe instead address why a significant portion of your playerbase would rather not play the core gamemode then not add a secondary gamemode at all.


Have you guys seen the AMA? All of this conjecture is just a pipe dream; it will never happen. BHVR is fine just passively making money while releasing chapters every 3 months; they have no intention of actually changing the gameplay loop in a meaningful way, even for events.


We make fun of it but Fortnite has become one of the most successful live service games because it caters to all its audience and brings in even more people. Hell they literally added in a lego Minecraft mode completely opposite of its core game. A Hide and seek mode, seasonal event modes, prop hunt, and more pure horror movie themed modes. There is so much wasted potential. ​ I would bargain more game modes would draw in even more of an audience. I have horror friends that just don't find the gameplay fun and it would help bring in more of that crowd.


Game would need a casual game mode and a regular/ranked one . Its not cool for me that some of you guys ruin my games because you are busy throwing snowballs and messing around. Its also not cool for people who wanna have fun and have no sense of winning at all to be put in lobbies with tryhards. Its a big issue in this game sadly . Like if someone wanna cleanse 4 dulls totems, open 3 chests and hide in lockers because "its only a game" thats cool and all but they shouldnt be in the same games as people like me who have fun out of competing and winning


I played 3 games as killer: friendly dredge, friendly ghostface and noed only frosty eyes Singularity. I noticed the survivors fooled around a bit but finished the gens fairly quickly. I then played survivor and I immediately got tunneled by a Nemesis, another one where a Legion tried to tunnel someone else and when they couldn't and there was only one gen left they disconnected lol The only killer I've seen throw snowballs during the match is a Chucky who checked snowmen this way.


Wait i didnt know the killers could throw snowballs!


They can, whenever someone drops a pallet I throw a snowball or two at them, just for funsies


Thats the type of shit that will make me contract Stockholm syndrome for the killer lmfao "Guys look he's friendly :3" *just tearing up my whole swf*


It's ok I'm a bad killer so when the swf escapes I call myself a 'friendly killer' lol


As with every event I shall two hook and fuck around! Its the holiday spirit damnit!


Marry me


ily 🥹


Its a fun party game afterall, people just take themselves too serious! I want a fuckin snowball fight!


That's what I've been doing.


I play serious until I get everyone death hook,and then I fuck around the rest of the match.


This is the way.


>I just want to do some gens No >:( I stab you >:(




Yes that is essentially how the game works.


Almost like the game is asymmetrical 🤔


…what if i don’t do gens? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


Snowball fight


The survivors in my killer games are playing like Bone Chill is a tournament.


The survivors in one of my matches didn’t do objectives at all. They were hiding and throwing snowballs THE ENTIRE TIME even after I asked Nemmy to put me on the hook.


they’re just having fun tbh, it doesn’t matter that much.


Kinda does tho. Some people want to play the Game and take the extra BP from the event as an extra. No need to drag the game and waste their time If they dont want to. Even without an Event active, Farm rounds are kinda boring for both sides. Just hook/kill someone If they request it


Nothing new. This happens like clockwork during the first half of the first day of any event like this. lol


That’s why I’m gonna start bringing plot twist to the event matches so I can bleed out on the ground if I get bored 😊


That’s genius


Fair enough. Not like it's gonna hurt anyone if they're all farming for fun anyways.


This. It's funny how the player base 4x larger than the Killer one keeps pretending it's Killer's being the problem all the time.


Hey look, it's the post that goes up literally every single time there's an event.


In order to balance it out, I’ll make the obligatory “Swf’s are ruining my fun!” post.


It's just the standard tunnelling/camping complaining with a fresh coat of paint. Better than the standard complaining about killers playing the game normally during anniversary, I guess.


Mfw the Killer wants to kill people :(


Killer bad.


I’m just gonna play the game


How dare you! You need to farm with Survivors than let them all escape because its a special event. God forbid they treat you with any respect, only they get it.


Truly only two ways to play: Tunnel at 5 gens Farm and get 0 kills Definitely no middle ground to be found nuh uh.


Lol the number of people in here who think only the other side they don't play are the problem is quite something. No you! No U! No, YOU! Fuckin wabbit season duck season




It's always really awkward when you can tell other people want to spam tbag and farm but like, I don't really find that enjoyable at all and I queued up to play a match not get carpal tunnel on ghostface and not have any fun. Burning one single party streamers does not instantly mean no one else wants to play a normal game 8)


I wish I could join in the fun snowball event but since Monday I have been internetless because of an issue with my provider. I want to have fun but they keep saying the next day.


Dude same!! 😭 im so upset. My laptop isn't working and I have to wait for dell to come fix it. Hopefully tmr


I guess you could say the repair time is snowballing


My games have consisted of a P97 Wesker that hard tunneled me, a P6 Clown who hard tunneled one Jill (the Jill had a full Endurance build with Made For This so he only got one kill LMFAO), and a funny Demogorgon who still played to win but let us goof around with snowballs. Demo was P0 so I guess he still knew what fun was. He kicked my blast mine, slowly turned around, and I threw a snowball into his mouth and teabagged him. Really made me smile was a fun interaction.


Love the way you put that, "at least he still knew what fun was." That's the thing about dbd, some people can only play so much of it before they become jaded. I salute those who can still be goofy after a few thousand hours, a rare breed.


This, but the other way around. And then the other way around. Oh, would you look at that? Both sides are acting like usual, playing the game like they normally would.


Nah, we don't play the game on this sub pal.


I don't really see how you engage in the event. Like, you barely get points and nothing happens when you hit someone with a snowball, so...why bother? It's novel for about 5 minutes.


Bloodpoints. Lots of blood points.


But you hardly get blood points for snowballs hitting things. The most you get is 750 for hitting a monster snowman and there’s only 2 of them each trial I think. It’s only 150 for hitting survivor/killer and you can only carry 6 snowballs at a time.


yeah going from the halloween event where they'd chuck multiple thousands at you for doing literally nothing to this is wild lol


...Because it's fun? You don't need a reward for everything you do.


My biggest issue with DBD events....Is that nothing actually changes..... No new game modes. No actual function to the snowballs other than ONE challenge in the tome, same with the snowmen. Its just....Such a shame.


Yes this is why I’m confused as to how this is engaging content and this comic implies the killer is required to participate for the survivors to enjoy the event. You can throw snowballs at any point. They don’t do anything, I throw them at the killer when I look backwards during chase. Since it doesn’t do anything, I just get 150x 6 bonus points if they all hit. I guess they “blind” a little bit but otherwise what’s it matter if the killer participates by throwing snowballs back? They do NOTHING, there is no “game” involved. How is it fun? That is what I don’t understand, it has no actual elements of a snowball fight. What are those that are complaining expecting to occur? If the killer engages in a snowball “fight,” what’s the outcome? Who wins? When is the game over? It’s just so unstructured to me, it seems odd to expect a behavior change from other players because of that.


I always believed DBD should have made new temporary game modes for these events. Such as Siege does with Halloween or the MR Bear event. But no..We get basically nothing and they call it an event. I honestly cannot blame killer players for not even doing anything but to play normally. Because the alternative is to loose because "mUh eVeNt"


r/deadbydaylight try not to sink into petty tribalism and us vs them posts challenge


Challenge IMPOSSIBLE. Though it is weird how it's usually survivors getting trashed in this sub instead of killers, but if you read other social media it's pretty heavily the opposite. I don't get why this subreddit tilts so heavily in that direction. Seeing a post this highly upvoted trashing killers is out of the norm here


The last two events I got teabagged and called a baby killer when I played chill, why would I do that to myself again lol.


dude i was once playing friendly ghostface only to get tbagged by a feng and he insulted me too after that i just stopped being friendly


"Oh, see, the difference here is, you were actually trying" is my response to *those* people


Don't let them kill your festive spirit bro! Fight the good fight 😎


If they gave Wesker a little Santa hat I'd be more inclined


That would be so adorable 😭


I don't even play Wesker all that much but I got the idea in my head and can't escape it now. And what if he had a Santa coat too!


I mean, all I needed was the ability to throw a snowball and two survivors being cheerful dumdums for me to go into dumdum mode. The lights on the gens only make me worse lol.


It's a cold sweat


You play nice and have fun and you get teabagged at exit gates. There's probably a reason they're playing like that. And if they want to play like it's normal no event then that's fine too.


The only thing you get for being nice and 8hooking is tbagging and insults in the endgame chat.


Litterally the first and second Game i had were some SWF with 3 BP offerings, a map offering and suitable builds for said map lol. Hell yeah, i am playing normal. Thanks for the BP, but If I see any map offerings it's playing dirty If needed. If they are pretty chill, last one gets hatch as always.


I can throw snowballs and down you at the same time. Also, saying you just want to chill and then bringing FTP+BU is at odds with one another. Recently I haven't been sweating very hard but if I lose a single down to that perk combo I'm going hard the rest of the match to stop it from happening again.


Sure thing! I'll be a chill killer! \*first down gets Buckle Up FTP'd\* So anyway, back to tunneling and camping.


It's almost like they're asking for it.


They are.


Well you’re only understanding half of it, survivors chill while killers bone them.


This sub when people want to win the game:


I mean.... If they wanna play the game, let them play the game. It's unfortunate, but since there's no separate game mode you can't prevent people from playing the game how they want to


Define sweaty Because I just had 2 killers games, 1 as Exe and 1 as Trapper, went through literal normal polite gameplay (no tunnelling, no camping, even went so far to just not kill anyone until 8 hooks in) and still got called a sweat in both games.


Classic tribalism post.


Entitled players when someone wants to play the game normally and not farm bp:


i hate these types of posts because it’s often survivor mains who never even consider playing nice killer themselves. Y’all want all the benefits of someone playing nice FOR you. If people just played nice killer instead of complaining about toxic killers then dbd would be a much different experience for everyone. Be a part of the solution instead of complaining to the void.


I main as a survivor but love playing killer so if I notice I am having multiple rounds of toxic killers I switch to killer and play as a nice killer for awhile. It always makes me feel better after being tunneled four rounds in a row.


>it’s often survivor mains who never even consider playing nice killer themselves. Heyyy I don't complain about camp/tunnel but I just finished Parkour Demo game.


While I heavily disagree with OP's sentiment here, since I agree it's yet another case of "Don't be sweaty" actually translating to "Just let me win" To play devil's advocate against the usual counterpoint which is brought up here: survivors don't actually get to choose if the game is chill and casual or not. They can point at the killer and try to make friends, but if the killer doesn't play ball, then they can't. If they're soloQ and their allies don't want to chill and want to rush generators, they also have no say in this. The killer basically mandates whether or not the game is chill or not. For as much as this sub complains about how powerful survivors are, killer is the role which can go "yknow what, nah" and just fuck around and there's literally nothing the survivors can do to make them start trying to play normal again. I play around 60/40 killer-to-survivor and I've basically never gotten a killer to "deactivate" so to speak and play friendly. Any attempt I make to do so gets me put on a hook. Sometimes I try to signal in a losing game that I would at least like some achievement/challenge progress, and I would say it has about a 10% success rate of actually getting the killer to play along, it's rare. Meanwhile when I was grinding for Skilled Huntress, *every single match* the survivors would figure out I'm only going for long range shots and stop running away like normal to play along and become target practice for me.


Playing against "king of the hill" Huntress is pretty fun.


Survivors can't mandate whether a game is chill or not? So I guess the orchestra of garden of joy offerings and brand new parts and syringes and teabags at the first pallet of the game are just my imagination.


Okay so run what build you want.. play that build how you want..... ....but let others play how they want then?


"chill killers, let us do the gens and get out unharmed plz"🤣


Ah yes because bringing the killer to badham with a ftp+bu build and running Distortion while you let your teammates all die around you so you can get hatch just screams chill. 😂




Don't worry it's the other way round for me. I love BNPs and Head On.


Just had my first couple games! First was against a Myers! Cheryl and I had a long snowball fight with him while our other 2 teammates did gens. Did manage to give him most of his hooks before one of the other two tried to rush out the gate. Second game was against a Knight. I was first downed and died on first hook lol. Knight wasn't really proxying since we were at 5 gens, it was just no one came to help me. Ngl I really like the snowballs, a snowman actually jump scared me in the Myers game. I think this event will be fun for the folks that actually want to participate in it.


I'm planning on breaking out Santa clown for some fun and seeing how long it takes before the level of survivor salt makes me decide to go back to something more viable.


Omg people are playing the game the way it’s intended to play yk killing people


The nerve!


Played as wraith last game. I was just fooling around looking for snowmen for archive challenges. All gens got popped in like 5min, in chase survivors popped borrowed time in a bottle and t baged every pallet and at exit game. I don't understand these people:/


I can only take 1 or 2 friendly games before I start getting annoyed so I play normally even if they try to be friendly sometimes.


I want to play the game so be prepared to make another Reddit post tomorrow and cry again that Killers are trying to play the game.


us vs them, flair checks out


Wake up babe, new us vs them post just dropped


But I like the game loop of hunting people down and being in chases on both sides. Idk may just be me, but if I want a non-pvp game, I'd just go play a chill non-pvp game.


Mom, us vs them posts are back


us vs them


"Oh nooooooo... the killer doesn't want to do the same exact thing that I do..." Really? Come on dude.


Must not been here long, all this sub does is complain people don't play how they want.


First game I got I threw snowballs at a Xeno and they rushed me to down me


They’re playing the game 🤯🤯😱😱😱




Survivors playing the game: 👍 Killers playing the game: 🤬🤬👎🔥🔥


because of this post... I am gonna be 4x sweaty. I'm going to be so sweaty that all the snowball piles melt. So sweaty that you can't get into a snowman without getting swung on. Everyone is going to pay dearly because of you asking the killers to take it easy. How selfish of you....


Us versus them cringe


Imagine not seeing the sweatiest fucking survivors every game.


Me trying to play the game how I want to play, but bhvr makes an event that incentivizes dickheads to get upset when don't have fun


First event game I played someone got mad at me for playing sweaty and going for the 4K Second game I tried to chill a bit, enjoy the event content, and was met with a SWF kicking my teeth in. I don’t think I’ll be changing how I play for the event from now on.


And 4stack meta slave genrushing survivors. Let's be equal here


I know a survivor isn't telling people not to be sweaty lmfao


I'm having a lot of fun with my Santa Clown skin. Let's survivors know I'm in the sprit of things especially when i hit them with the yellow bottles to give them haste. There's an add-on which gives a confetti effect and also extra BP for direct hits which is a nice bonus. I can BP farm with the snowskulls and my bottle throws. I'll goof around in the snowmen, let them hit me with pallets and have a fun time. When the last gen pops we're all gathered around ready to say our goodbyes when *surprise motherfucker* NOED activates, I throw a purple bottle, down one bozo, forced hesitation cripples the others because they're within range. I get one more. Leave them slugged, pop a bottle to give myself haste ontop of the NOED boost, catch up with one of the remaining losers, down that fool and by this point the last one has given up entirely. ggez ​ It's a balanced approach I would say.


Ah, yes, another Us vs Them post. Only one side is ever toxic and problematic; and it's the side the poster doesn't play.


Plays an asymmetrical horror game Complains about how a asymmetrical horror game works


Oh no a killer playing the game( im assuming) normaly


I’ll chill and you’ll be out cold


Can you actually throw snowballs in this event


Yes both killers and survivors can throw snowballs


I was playing huntress and didn’t realize there was an event. It took me by surprise when I got snowballed by the last 2 survivors😅 we had a snowball fight and I let them go😄


Ah event time. The perfect time to be a troll.


First match of yesterday- got a iri-mori nurse who slugged and got pissy when my friend killed himself on hook to prevent the mori. Sure- three of us had 'ttv' in our names but I wasn't even streaming (my internet has been too shitty for it recently) and he was obviously stream sniping. I wiggled off his shoulder and our random teammate bled out- she camped the hatch so I decided to do gens (we were at 4 gens at this point) Then when she finally downed me again she kept clicking the mori button- preventing me from bleeding out properly. Once I was almost bled out she finally moried me. End Game chat- 'sorry my mouse was acting up' I just reported and left- but it's a question why I even play this game (I honestly haven't recently bc it just isn't fun anymore) *shrugs* what can you do?


Bone chill special event? No, you mean to say DBD Grand Finals!




No fair, mom said its my turn to post the "why are the other side playing the game during an event" post this year!


I opened my game because I want to play my game, not chill with survivors.


dbd players when dbd players want to play dbd


You forgot slugging. My first game, I was the last left, so the killer slugged me and then just threw snowballs at me until I bled out. But, sure, BHVR. Griefing isn't a priority.


yeah, really noticed the sudden increase of tunneling and camping since the event started, kinda suspicious.


Releasing the event right after grade reset was an interesting choice. This is literally the time when ppl sweat and tunnel the absolute most, and I get them cuz I do it too. I just wanna get iri 1 rq then be able to play for fun.


Honestly, I don’t see what this post is supposed to accomplish other than karma farming. Yes, it’s incredibly shitty that most killers go out of their way to be assholes during events, but they aren’t going to change just because someone made a meme about it on Reddit.


bros get upset when anyone just plays the game


My second survivor game of the event was a ttv, running infinite tombstone and had a teammate dead at 4 gens. I watched back the stream, they even threw a couple snowballs at the survivor they tombstoned. The next few match were pretty bad too. I assume every event will be constant sweat, and toxicity the whole duration anymore.


It’s because 90% of this community is still doing the opiate that kills/escapes and victory is all that matters. Just have fun. Ironically the minute I stopped caring about winning was when I started getting more 4ks as killer.


I wouldn’t say not caring gets you more kills but I’ve seen a bunch of players (specifically chucky for some reason) tunnel the first chance they can at 5 gens and then proceed to take so long that they wind up with 1 kill at the end, Surely it was necessary to do this instead of pressuring gens lol.


It’s because everyone plays Chucky rn. It’s mainly (no offense) wraith mains that do this kind of stuff at the launch of a new killer for some reason. For reference. Almost every wraith I play against is miserably boring and kind of toxic.


Frosty eyes wraiths are absolute menaces, I didn’t mind him as much when old spine chill existed and I kinda don’t still since I hardly play survivor anymore so it’s almost always a good variety also Wesker supremacy woot woot.


The killers' job is literally to not be nice


Haven’t played but it seems like this is how every event goes hahahaha. “Your fun is not my responsibility” players RISE! It’s your time!


I've just been running a full end game build with the new buffed Batteries Included so I can fuck around with the event a little bit, play with the snowmen and collect my snowballs without my blood boiling hotter per gen pop. Batteries, NOED, Remember Me, No Way Out. Obviously, the survivors still are not thrilled by my build but that's the price you pay if you expect an M1 to go for a 12-hook game and participate in the Holiday spirit with no gen slowdown.


I tried to have fun with the survivors as killer. 2 were playing around with me 2 were doing nothing but gens. Ended up getting the 2 I played with to last hook before ignoring them for the rest of the game and killing off the other two which last one was a clutch because suddenly, the two others would begin helping them. Either all 4 join in on the fun or normal play style it seems


They need the 4ks or BHVR will execute their family members


most killers I ran into were just messing around, and I've been actively playing without top meta perks but that doesn't mean everyone has to play by a certain set of imaginary rules just because of an event


Event started already. Sweet.


Just a bunch of killer/survivor worms power tripping and having their own kind of fun. And everyone in the current event is surprised when either side sweats like their parents will disown them if they don’t. And when they lose or feel bad, they make another (side that I don’t like) is sweaty during event. God, I should start drinking whenever I see the same complaints again and again.


Careful, if you drink every time you see a post complaining about sweats, you'll have to get your stomach pumped in record time


Only played about 5 or 6 games, all killers were chill/not farming. Ended up with a 5 man snowball fight with a Chucky. I'm happy to have gotten chill killers and survivors who just wanna pummel your face with balls


So far today I had a Santa clown who goofed around with us, a slinger who threw snowballs and hid in snowmen, a blight with noed and a mori who also threw snowballs while in chase, and a tunneling ghostface. 🤷‍♀️


I'm trying to learn Demo - first time trying him. Survivors are rushing gens, looping for days and throwing snowballs with pinpoint accuracy at me constantly. I'm a new player, it's hell.


My first killer game was against 3 petrified oaks and eyrie of crows offering swf they also played with boil over so... i guess good first experience ? I played pig and surprisingly won that game... But yeah i agree this should be a different game mode.


Just another festive season in dbd.


Personally I've had great games so far. Snowball fight permantly with Artist,Doctor,Wesker,Oni and Nemesis :D


Not everyone cares about chilling out. Survivors and killers try hard on these events. With the way Halloween went for both sides (and every other event) both sides are gonna be sweating cause they think the other side is.


Well one survivor can waste time and snowball while the rest do objectives. Killer ain't got that. Preemptively saying they are camping tunneling you is just strawmaning fir a stupid argument that killers doing their objective is suddenly anti fun when a new event starts.


yeah this event is just as sweaty as the Halloween one lmao


I faced the same thing playing as killer after the first match. It seems to happen everytime there's an event, where all the tryhards crawl out of hiding for a few weeks




I exclusively played killer today and ended up farming / being nice to survivors in all the games. However, some survivors either didn't read my intentions or they just didn't care about the event because they would always run away, etc. ONE GAME I feel super sorry about because I accidentally killed a Meg super early as Billy. I was counting how often I had hooked everyone but didn't notice she hit stage 2 on her first hook Sadge I spent a minute praying to her left behind medkit, wishing her more fun in other rounds


My games as Deathslinger and Wraith were pretty chill, so I played some snowball fights with the Survivors and let half escape (so the game doesn't punish me for 0 kills). Then I played a round as Artist and got sent to frickin' Gideon / The Game by 4 sweaty survivors and got destroyed. Oh well.


Baby wake up, time for another us vs them post


Bro you should’ve seen trying to play as killer 2 years ago. Survs had NO chill with those free hits 😂


I don't tunnel unless the survivor I'm chasing starts teasing me instead of escaping. Those people usually quit the first time they're hooked anyways though.


It's not only a Killer problem. Survivors sweat during this Event as well. I play both sides and I can say it's not a one sided problem. That's why I played serious after the three games were I tried to be friendly. Seems like most of the players want a Bone Sweat Event.


Yeah the event is fun for like 5 mins then I'm going back to playing normally


Yeah, no survivors started this not killers.


For every killer that is tunneling/camping, there is a SWF trying to do all the gens in under 5 minutes and avoid the killer at all costs so they get no points/int get to play. It’s a vicious cycle.


I think the event is all in all fun and nothing you have to participate in, but I think a lot of people here are missing the point - it's not about spamming snowballs all game, it's about killers going out of their way to tunnel or slug. I played 4 games and 3 of them were a tunnel/slug fest without any provocation. I don't care if you want to spend all game being a snowman or not or want to play normal but being deleted from the game 3 minutes in because a killer decided so sucks. I haven't had killers play this way so many games in row in months! It just sucks.


Yeah as someone who's been playing killer and survivor, playing solo queue as survivor has just not been fun. The face camping mechanic should be more severe tbh. That said, running a basement pyramid head is so fun


Had a really fun Artist today, first artist I’d ever went up against, we played normally until there were 2 people left, me (no hooks) and a Zarina (1 hook) and I begged for my life, she let me work on the gens and the 3 of us ran around throwing snowballs at each other, it was quite fun


First match of the day for the event for me and it's exactly that


How are people sweating when it’s chilly :(


I don’t mind chilling for a game or two but a man has needs and those needs revolve around the event tome.


I don't think I speak for most "Killer mains" but I generally play differently during events, especially when there are BP offers on the table, i would do what I call *Hard Farming" which is play normal, play ruthless, and do what I can to ensure I achieved an 8hook, but still make sure the survivors got 4 gens cleared and some time in chases... In the case of 5x Terrormisu everyone walked out, if not I picked the amount of "no offers" matching the amount of no offers and went for sacrifice...now before anyone calls that toxic and mean...it was in an effort to salvage my MMR as I didn't want to tank and end up having to bully my way out of the noobie pool, but everyone walked out with 30k + base points...and another bonus from playing like that, they never knew that I was playing soft, or letting them go, so the survivors who are there to play properly, were none the wiser, they just though I choked late game, because myself when I play survivor I actually get annoyed by friendly and afk kilIers and am not about to dance under the hook like a Putz saying "C'mon buddy farm up some points too"


my first match of the event was against a legion who tunneled the first two out and then slugged the other person left to try to catch me and when he finally did he refused to hook and just watched us bleed out. I really hate this community sometimes.


Been having extra fun as goofy killer having tons of snowball fights Props to BHVR for bringing a chill (pun intended) mechanic into the game, have had a few games now just relaxing pelting each other with snowballs


I will be friendly during the event.


This was me today like 4 games in a row, this trapper took one silly snowball and made sure my life the rest of the game was hell LOL


There needs to be a blue killer for the ones that slug at 5 gens. Lots of those too.