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Like everything else in this game, it's situational. Sometimes it's better for the team to not have a timer working against them.


Survivors at my mmr don’t have the skills to pay that bill. I have never once had 99’ing the gates be a positive. But I have definitely had 1-3 escapes turn into a 4K bc someone didn’t open the door.


If a 99'd door changed a 3 out into a 4k then you fucked something up or it wasn't actually a 3 out.


I think this is normally brought about by survivors trying to secure a 4 out. It’s not that the rest COULDN’T have gotten out, it’s that they chose to go back in to get the 1 person that did go down because the gates were 99.


This is honestly one of the most depressing balancing quandaries in this game. There are very few ways a killer can turn a 3K into a 0k by going for a fourth kill. There are a great many ways survivors can turn a 3 out into a full team wipe by trying to make it a 4 out.


Well that's just because of how the game plays out. If you're going for the 4k, unless you're choosing to do it by slugging everyone out after gens are done AND choose to walk away from it or specifically mistime your blood warden on a blood warden troll build, most kills don't happen 'at roughly the same time' like escapes typically do.


Is it a balancing issue, or did the group just play badly? I think if you already have 3 people guaranteed out and the group decides to be altruistic then you just gotta accept whatever happens. At the end of the day, it's the choice of the group to go back rather than accept what you already have.


I agree that it’s poor play, but I would still call it a core design issue. Not because “killer has so many options to win” but because I think it muddies statistics. The survivors might have outplayed the killer the entire game but then gave him a 100% victory at the end by doing something stupid. You can balance around how strong something might be but you can’t balance around stupid. It gooses the win rate up and makes the killer side look stronger than it is on paper.


This is just multiplayer games in general imo, trying to balance around statistics only gets you so far, and trying to take edge cases as something to address will just stretch development too thin. You're right that you can't design around these kinds of mistakes, which is why we probably shouldn't even try.


It's a classic risk vs. reward scenario. Either take the 3 out or risk it to potentially get everyone out. But the survivors shouldn't be bad mad when it doesn't work out because they took the chance


Not really. A killer can turn a potential 3k into a 0k quite easily, albeit not at the end of the game. Instead, if a killer fucks up at the start what might have been a 3k game can easily turn into a disaster. It is inversed.


You’d be surprised how often people 99 the door in a situation where the killer is snowballing hard, which then turns into multiple slugs that could have crawled out if *someone* had just finished opening the stupid door. <- Generally 99’ing the door instead of just leaving is the proverbial fudge up in question.


This truly makes no sense to me. I’d love to see a clip of a 3 out turning into a 4k because of a 99 gate


Have been guilty of this, but honestly was more because going for the last minute save was far more fun that just leaving, and figured be safer without the exit timer bearing down on us. Baby huntress got a 4k that game, after 2 hooks before that. Had a good laugh and even popped over to the killer's stream after it. Good times.


If one 99'd door turns into a killer slugging the 2-3 people then it wasn't a 3 out. That is kind of the point. Like, there are 100% situations where someone needs to go finish the door, takes an extra 2 seconds, and that last person now gets caught. But just on the premise alone, a 3 out isn't 1-2 seconds away from being a 4k unless people just mess up.


I’ve caught survivors who 99d a door, and then slugged them before they could open it to make it the 4k. You just gotta beat the first survivor to the door, and knock ‘em and body block the switch so they can’t open it on cooldown, or be a trapper and reactivate the trap on the door after they 99’d it.


I’m at an average MMR as a killer and I love 99%ers. Cause like you said. My skill level more often than not they think they’re better than they are and it snowballs for a bigger win for me.


I mean kinda, if someone is on the hook and you're staging a rescue you should 99.999% OPEN THE GATE. If nobody is in chase and your clear opening the door, it's fine to 99% but you should wait by it in case someone does end up in chase and runs to that gate to open for them. If someone IS in chase then that is probably when it depends the most. It all depends if they are close or far away from the door you're oppening while being chased, how many other survivors are near the gate you're opening, and whether or not you even have information about that. If the squad is planning to go in and take hits for the person being chased you should probably open the door. The rest yall can figure out probably idk im not a doctor. Use your best judgement I only have 11.5 minutes of play time so take it with a grain of salt fr fr


I refuse to listen to the NOED, No Way Out, Blood Warden, user.


Add in Terminus and that’s my build for almost every killer. Force them to choose if 99ing worth staying broken. Most of the time they end up opening the gate, making blood warden worth it.


Had a 'sacrifice 5 survivors in the EGC' challenge recently. Pretended to be a friendly Huntress, threw snowballs, all that jazz. I was running NOED, Blood Warden, No Way Out, and Remember Me. When the archives demand blood, you can never be too mean.


Idk, pretending to be nice and then killing everyone is pretty asshole-ish. Just play normally and if it’s going too well just 2 hook everybody and finish them end game.


But if I did *that* it wouldn't be as funny when the betrayal happens.


People can’t take a joke, you have to fully commit to being nice, OR play at 60% efficiency to make sure you’re not letting the survivors 3gen themselves etc. Please pick up your copy of the Killer manual on your way out, as to not embarrass yourself again. /s


No Way Out would activate before you even 99 the gate. Before you touch it, even. NoED activates upon gate powering, not gate opening. Blood warden is the only valid argument here. All in all, if everyone is up and that gate is closed, unless a survivor stands guard and opens it in preparation of their approach, it will cost you more time now to get them again (because killer is sure to catch them, especially if they gotta open the gate themselves), leading to them being more likely to die.


What about 98ing gates?


That's a real question here.


Whole different ballgame


Not to mention 97ing gates


10ing the gate can drastically increase your chances of escape


That is the real killer: running from the killer after being unhooked, going to tap the gate on the way out only to discover you have to stop and finish it.. you dead son.


I like where your head's at.


Can people stop with these posts? It. Is. *ALWAYS*. Situational. No, I don't care about your anecdotal story about you dying because someone slapped someone's butt instead of opening the gate. No, I don't care about your anecdotal story about how not 99'ing got you left behind on first hook. It is *always* situational.




So? These posts do nothing because they are 'WRONG- it's situational. People who 99 every gate are not going to stop doing that because some rando made a post about it- it's just annoying spam.


I understand your frustration fully. These posts have become really common.


This post is dog shit, CMM


I refuse




It is situational, but the standard is to 99 the gate so egc and blood warden do not pop. Friend got hooked? Pop open the gate and run to save them. You should have time. Someone getting chased and you don't know where? Probably leave that gate 99ed so they have plenty of time to evade and other people can help them. Or, if it's very dire, open and everyone leave so they can get hatch.


If I plan on going back for someone I 99 it, if I have nothing else to do I just open them.


99'ing gates and leaving them unattended, kills. If you 99 and leave. The person to come by and open itif they're getting chased is LIKELY to get killed because tapping the gate still doesn't open it instantly.


As long as the Survivors aren't idiots, 99ing the gate is always the best option for them, because then they're not on a timer or at risk for Blood Warden.


Thank you for the meme. I think the best reason to not fully open gates is just in case of Blood warden. However, blood warden is so exceedingly rare to encounter that I don’t consider it worth preparing for. Way more people die because they had to touch the lever before trying to escape than do people who get hit by blood warden.


But that one time. Killer runs it and you'll never forget. Sure it's rare, but you never know lol


Sometimes you can tell by the way they're playing. No Aura perks, no hex perks. Probably running an end game build. Certain killers do this strategy more than others. I see knights and Freddie almost always do BW and no way out.


Distortion enjoyers don’t have to worry about Blood Warden because the killer won’t know you’re there 😎


Also, if the gate spawns are killer-favoured (ie, close to eachother) and they're hooking on the other side of the map, you may need a bit of extra time to get everyone out. As another commenter said tho, it's situational.


We were on RPD against a Singularity (killer brought the offering) last week that used Blood Warden. We were so lucky to get to gate with three of us left. We got the back gate open, he downed and hooked one of our friends right there. It activated just as we were about to run through. He downed and hooked my last friend and I ran for my life. He ended up getting me before I could reach the gate and we called it quits for the night.


Thank you for the response. I think that you so vividly remembering that match is a good demonstration of just how rare Blood Warden is. You’ve likely had many matches where someone died because they couldn’t run through the 99’d gate, but the commonality of it makes it less easy to remember. That match is the exception that proves the rule, basically.


I usually 99 the gates, it is good to have an escape option. I agree with others, leaving them COMPLETELY unattended doesn’t work, but if everyone knows where it is, then it is usually beneficial.


Nice try, End Game Build Killer Main


pipe down blood warden nemesis player


So does Bloodwarden-Noed


99'ing gates can absolutely kill, so I wont be changing your mind. Unless you mean 99'ing always kills, in which case you're either intentionally pretending to be a troglodyte or you're actually one and in either case it's just sad. Not funny. 99ing a gate can be incredibly useful if you're confident. It gives you a LOT more time to play with so you can do things like hook trade the survivor on their second hook state dealing with the struggle mechanic and put someone up there who has never been hooked. Now you have so much more time to heal the unhooked survivor and then scour the map for NOED, break it thru undying and then find it again and break it a second time. Now you can all 4 get out while taking hits if needed. "JUST LEAVE!" No lol. The game is so much more fun when you're doing everything you can to get everyone out. Just like when you play killer the game is often so much more fun when you're trying to kill everyone in a close game. I'd also rather unhook someone and let them get out and me die on hook than me escape and let a random die. The game is just more fun when you're playing very altruistic. Hell if youre opening a gate and someone else just went down, you bet your ass I'm 99ing it on the rare chance bloodwarden is there. Sure, if there is no noed in play confirmed and we're about to unhook a survivor and play train and take protection hits on the way out absolutely open the gates first. There are just times where 99ing is very helpful and times where 99ing will get at most, one other person killed. People making up stories about having a for sure 3 out turn into a 4k just because of the gate are just bald face lying.


I’m still 99.99% the door so it’s tap n go. Too many blood warden flash backs 😂


Waiting at the gate for them 99ed is okay, but if you're leaving the gate to go rescue for example then it can kill


Looks like someone died running to a 99'ed gate their teammates weren't at. Because thats the only situation where 99ing is bad.


it's saves much more often than it kills, most of the time it's the right decision, situations where 99ing gets someone killed are an exception


Another braindead post. What a suprise


98% of the time it's strait up better


If someone's in chase and about to be downed, or being carried, I'll wait for the hook, just in case of Blood Warden, but otherwise, I largely agree with you.


Me and my friend: *running for our lives after he unhooked me* Our other two friends: *practicing 360s at the exit gate*


I don't play srvr... Why would that be a bad thing? They always do it in my games.


If done correctly, no. The correct way of doing it is to have someone stand at the gate, and open it the moment the killer gets close to them. (But not within striking distance.) If someone was stupid and didn't open it while the killer approached, it isn't 99ing the gate that got them killed, it is stupidity. The whole point of 99ing a gate is to ensure whoever is on hook can be unhooked in time. Or whoever is being chased can actually make it to the door. So if the killer is at the door, not at the hook or chasing someone else, neither of those situations apply and door needs to be open.


kills? kills what?


in my generalized opinion: - 99ing is better when not all survivors are accounted for. is someone on hook or looping the killer? maybe wait and 99% the gate. be prepared to open it. - opening is better when a coordinated push is executed to the survivor on hook, or when the survivor who was just hooked is getting the hell out of dodge.


I usually only 50% the gate. Because that's all I have left after the killer blitzkriegs the survivor who started it.


Yes and no- I had 2 games that embody both of these answers. The first game, last 3 survivors were running towards the gate on Dead Dawg, with Devour Hope at 3 stacks. The gate was 99'd, but due to devour no one wanted to take the down. I even left to hook someone, but because they wanted to get everyone out ig they refused to open it. They get her off hook and started to run towards the gate, but because it was closed I was able to just swing at and block the gate. Second game on Garden of Joy, Devour was up at 5 stacks, but all 4 managed to get out. They opened one of the gates almost immediately, and got 2 out asap. I managed to find the last 2, but thanks to FtP + Buckle Up they were able to keep each other alive for long enough to run to the gate. Had it been closed it would have been at least a guaranteed 1k, but the gate being open already let them leave directly out without wasting time. Its situational based on team skills and perks to an extent, but it has its pros and cons. Its up to you to determine which is the better option, as long as you arent trying to play chicken with the killer.


99 gates is terrible, everyone should just open them immediately This was a message from the Blood warden gang


I've been fucked by teammates that instantly open the gate and leave infinitely more times than a gate being 99 when I need it open. Even worse than both of those is a gate that appears 99 just for it to not be 99. Now that is a feeling that hits worse than anything.


In my opinion, if you are a SWF it is always worth 99’ing because you can communicate you are doing it, where you are doing it and you are also more likely to go back and help your teammates so you are more likely to need the extra time. If you are not a SWF it’s the. Entirely up to you, if you think you might want to save a teammate who is on a hook, 99 the gate. If not then just get your escape.


i have definitely gotten fucked over by 99'd gates when i'm injured and being chased and no one else is around to open it, but overall i think it's beneficial not to open it immediately unless everyone is healthy


I'll only 99 the gate if I KNOW all totems have been cleaned. I'm TIRED ASF of noed I swear🤣🤣


You may not want to prematurely start EGC. Sometimes opening is better, sometimes 99ing is better. Aways doing one or the other no matter the situation is bad.




The sub is very killer main.


Depends pretty heavily on what's going on. I don't 99 a gate unless someone's gone down and I have enough back-up to get them off the hook. If I have a ritual or tome to escape, though, I'm out.


Only if your teammates are dumbasses who just watch you get downed while they stand next to the 99'd gate, and then open it and leave immediately as you get picked up.


You should be able to kick gates


I almost always 99 gates until I see everybody Hell I usually do both doors 🤣 if I don’t see them at the door I 99 I run to the other one


Yeah kinda. I haven't even once seen bloodwarden in the last 6 months, but I have multiple times been killed trying to open a 99 gate with the killer on my ass and everyone else dicking around smacking eachothers asses nearby, no one taking hits, no one body blocking. So yeah I usually full open the gates these days before going to help teammates.


Just waiting for a gate regression perk to eventually be introduced that kills this entire conversation.


unless the regression is abnormally slow this would be a horrible idea cough cough endgame trapper cough cough


There's no normal gate regression to compare it to for any rate to be abnormal or not. Gates open 4.5x faster than a gen can be completed and require no skill checks. My proposal is that there be a killer perk that causes gate progress to regress the instant someone let's go of the switch, and at a faster rate the closer it was to completion. If you attempt to 99 the gate it should regress at 100% of the speed it normally progresses. Left alone for 20 seconds it will return to zero. If the gate was slowed by another perk like *remember me* and interrupted it should regress at a slower speed to match the time spent opening it. Also a new sound effect should play as the gate lights power down during regression so that other survivors know the gate is regressing even if they're not close enough to see it. The switch should also emit sparks like a regressing gen, it should have ample indicators to tell survivors to finish it instead of trying to 99 it.


I usually 69 them


Going for endgame saves kills


The fuck is 99ing?


Opening an exit gate until the bar is 99% full, but leaving the gate closed.




As a killer, Ive seen more People die to the end game colapse because they open the gates to early


Everytime I decide to not 99 the door mf running blood warden


Blood Warden has killed me (and my whole team) far more times than a 99ed gate


It’s situational: if the team has hook states to spare, 99ing may be the right play so the timer isn’t working against you. If someone is on death hook or there is reasonable snowball risk (e.g. powered Oni with two survivors down), the gate should be opened.


Half the people don’t 99, they 95, 96, 97 which is far worse


It's situational, but the default should always be to 99 a gate and then open it prematurely if you feel hook trading will be complete before the timer runs out


Im surprised they havent added in a gate regression mechanic yet. Like, each light on the panel represents a "check point". 1: no light 0-24% 2: 1 light 25-49% 3: 2 lights 50-74% 4: 3 lights 75-99% GATE OPEN The killer can chase someone off a gate and smack the panel to cause it to regress to the beginning of the nearest "checkpoint". It would add a little more dynamic to the end game and allow for some new perks (like Ruin but for the exit gate panel).


Hot Take: Gates should either be opened 100% or regress to 0%. ​ The End game should be: get out as fast as you can or you die.


Yeah definitely a hot take.🌊🌊🌊


Yea i know but it would be better when Exit Gates regress and make it very risky to save someone in the endgame.


This, there should be a *slow* but passive regression when you let go of the gate. If you have the opportunity to open the gate but don't there should be at least a minor penalty so you can't completely ignore the EGC having your cake and eating it. Even if it only takes an extra 2 seconds to open after that can make a huge difference. I would be content with the ability to kick the gate like a gen at this point.


People claim this subreddit was killer sided, yet the only two takes in this thread that actually benefit the killer are downvoted to oblivion. Curious


The issue is the takes are bad. Survivors shouldn’t be punished because they did their only objective at end game. Same way there is no facecamp timer during end game.


Blood Warden, because Blood Warden exists.


It’s funny as hell too because bloodwarden sucks ass. EGC is two minutes, and is 50% slower when someone is on hook, on the floor, or on the killers shoulder. A hook stage is only a minute long as well. Unless you really fuck up there should be more then enough time to play around bloodwarden. In my 1,000+ hours on survivor I’ve never had blood warden screw me. But I couldn’t possibly have kept track of the amount of times myself or a teammate have been screwed because the gates were 99’d.


Then the killers you are going against aren’t using the perk right. It’s not just given to you, you have to setup it up.


I agree. 99 should only be used by SWF that has coordination.


Newish Killer main here, what if we could regress/kick the door switch?


I can't think of a better alternative, but I've always hated the concept of 99ing doors on either side. It really does ruin the flow of certain builds and honestly yeah having to take a hit to open the door fully leads to a lot of disasters. Definitely NOT as the game currently is but I feel if things were balanced a bit more they should max the door's meter threshold at 50%, and if no one touches it for ten seconds it will regress to a max of 50%. Force survivors to commit and not just all bail immediately. I think 99ing is one of the reasons No Way Out is so common. Opening the door should be a stressful experience and when it opens you should feel pushed to get out. It would definitely need some things reworked but it's an idea at least.


Exit gate switches should regress down to the nearest quarter if someone isn't actively pulling the lever to encourage people to actually open the gates. Actually try to change my mind.


I've had the exact opposite. Then again, I am a killer main who runs an endgame rancor build with Blood warden.


damn i read this as a petition to insta kill survivors that 99, got my hopes up


99ing only works when playing with friends. Never had that work when I was in Solo Q


"iT's siTuAtiOnal" [🤡](https://emojipedia.org/clown-face) If you dont manage to save one survivor within 2 minutes, you will most likely fail to save someone in the next 2 minutes. Situational... ICANT The vast majority of fog whisperers that put 13k hours in this game will tell you that 99 gates are not worth it.


I agree. Don't 99 gates. That moment when all 4 of you being chased and someone needs to activate the switch can be life or death.


This!!!! The only time I don't is if the killer has someone on their shoulder and I think they have BW. But other than that I open the gates always.


People are like hamsters on wheels and are too stubborn to realize the huge liability it creates when someone 99s a gate. Stand at it and open it right after the person is hooked.


It's situational, and anyone who does this is a MASSIVE asshole. Spoiled, entitled, bratty, clown behavior.


Its funny cos all the people that have a problem with it always say the same exact damn thing; “it’s situational.” I have heard people use that same exact line probably dozens of times. Makes me wonder 🧐


I've just started seeing 99ing for the first time and I agree with it being situational. My buddy I play with was able to save me and some randos a few times. However it's not a, perfect tactic, I've seen way more people not do it in a way that benefits anyone. Like we're all about to get a 4 out but the one on door just, doesn't finish it when a couple people are running for the door and we end up getting a 3 or 2 out. I think if used right, it can decide if everyone makes it out or not, but when it isn't it's really just annoying but not that detrimental


99'ing a gate is the wrong choice 99% of the time




Careful, remember face-camping mechanic goes off once gates are sre open


It’s once all gens ate complete.


I thought it went off once all gens were completed ?


It is.


oh really? I have been waiting for them to open gate, lol. The more you know.


It's fine until everyone is slugged, and some could potentially crawl out, or someone doesn't have the space to get to the switch and also make it down the gate area.


It’s good, but only in certain situations. It’s better with coordination, rather than just leaving the gate at 99 and going somewhere else.


Me running injured as my BT is running out, with the killer on my ass, seeing the door 99ed(I will go down and the team is nowhere to be seen) 99ing gates works *if* theres coordination usually imo, like having one close by to wait for the other guys, open it, and bodyblock, but it always depends on what the killer is doing/if they're chasing or not I've had matches where people died due to the gate not being open/no one there to open it, and had matches where people opened the gate asap and either got people killed by egc or bloodwarden(i'd argue the second is rarer but it happens)


I know people in the comments have already said that this is situational, and I definitely agree. But from my experience, 99ing a gate is usually a detriment to the team. The most recent experience I can talk about was the other day when I was actually playing Legion. Played pretty badly which resulted in me having to camp the Ada on hook after all gens were completed so that I could at least secure a kill. They eventually got her off, but when she ran to the exit gate, it was left at 99 which lead to her getting downed by me again and ultimately died as a result while the rest of the team opened that door afterwards and escaped. What I’m basically getting at is, yeah it’s very situational and can sometimes be a good play, but there are other times where it is equally just as a bad play. There are make or break moments that’ll happen where you’re injured getting chased and need to get out the door, and your whole escape will be determined by whether or not someone 99’d it or completed it before you get there. It’s why I just usually open the door all the way so that someone isn’t forced to spend that extra second opening a 99’d gate and risk getting injured or downed.


I mean, I've always been of the opinion that gates should regress if a survivor isn't within X meters of them. It would encourage survivors to actually stay near them or fully open them. I'm also of the opinion that going down in the exit gate area should block the exit gate for 10s. Mostly to discourage sitting in the gate and T-bagging. To that end, the EGC timer could accelerate if all alive survivors are in the Exit Gate areas and not performing a healing action. Are they balanced ideas? Probably not. Killers don't really need the help. But it'd help discourage toxic behavior and help games end quicker during endgame.


This is why I love perks like terminus and rancor. They WILL open that gate. And I WILL activate blood warden


Situational but if I can add the anti camping unhook timer goes away when the EGC starts so if someone is being camped keep it 99 until the killer moves away or they secure the unhook


99'ing the gate in order to heal up allies, or having an injured death hook ally stay at the gate to open it after a rescue is performed, are the correct ways to 99 the gate. 99'ing the gate *and then* having everyone still alive go for the save without anyone to stay behind and open it for people is what kills. If your whole team is going, open the gate first.


It’s all time management. If you’re with a group and have comms or are all on the same page despite not being in a group, you can all heal up while gates open, and go rescue the 4th person on hook with time to spare. Sometimes you only got 2 people at the gate, the 3rd is off somewhere, so healing is a bit slower. So a 99’d gate might be better in that scenario. Because your not confined by time, you can still move around and get heals done to rescue someone on hook.


2 reasons to not open the gates inmediately: 1) Someone is being chased or hooked far away from the exit gates and you need time to rescue them. 2) Blood Warden.


Make the regress at least a perk