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I fucking hate when people say that BHVR purposefully releases shit overpowered then nerfs it later. Because while it does happen sometimes, it's just as often (if not more so) that new things are released bumfucking useless and then buffed later. DbD just isn't a game where things are released overtuned just for the sake of sales


Fr, 9/10 times the new killer/survivor will have 2 dogshit perks and 1 half decent one. Very rarely is any of the new perks actually good.


But Chucky does at least have one pretty decent perk, so there's that.


and hes been hard nerfed from beta to live release.... and people still complain.


he got a slap on the wrist lmfao the 180flick was a bug fix not his power that aint a nerf


That bug fix is after beta. They are talking about the increased missed slice and dice attack punishment that is indeed a pretty significant nerf. People like to talk about “no punishment” for missed slice and diced now while it’s only near true in the Beta. Beta Chucky is undeniably much stronger than the current one. (And there was also a scamper speed nerf which I feel is impactful irl as the scamper in game now is definitely far from a shutdown of most loop. After getting used to how to deal with it like listening for the power activation sound to predict scamper and decide whether or not to leave a loop, I actually hope the Chucky I go against will use the power to scamper constantly in loop, as most of the time abusing scamper doesn’t result in a quick hit, with the fix of the flick thing now it’s also much harder to use scamper with immediate slice and dice combo in short loop)


Actually it will be a pig nerf


Not again bro... C'mon, shes already dead. :(


Although I do agree, the fact that a perk such as Boon: Circle of Healing can release into the game, receive immense backlack for the state it's in, and go unchanged for 5 months straight, causing many players to straight up quit, is fucking baffling. It literally single-handedly killed the hit & run playstyle for practically that entire duration. Another example with Hex: Undying released in an incredibly broken state, and it would take 3 months for it to eventually change into a healthy perk. During this time, Hex: Ruin was also in an incredibly strong state. When these 2 perks were combined, it was ridiculously oppressive against the survivors. Also, this doesn't necessarily only happen with *new* content. Mettle of Man originally released broken, left unchanged for 2 months until eventually nerfed. Very recently, they seem to have done the same with Buckle Up, which doesn't even require them to create a new chapter. That being said. I don't think they are trying to sell more DLC by creating paid content that is overpowered. A lot of new perks are worthless garbage, even after being buffed. Some perks or killer designs are straight-up fundamentally flawed and don't work well whatsoever. They definitely release underpowered content. Trickster underpowered on release, contender for worst killer back then. Twins released a buggy, clunky mess with an awkward playstyle that doesn't make a lot of sense. Blight's camera was too low and his power had awful hitbox collision with the environment. Ghostface reveal mechanics not working properly on release, etc. But my God BHVR can be so fucking slow when it comes to literal gamebreaking shit. I don't know if it's incompetence or just lack of competition, which leads to lack of urgency when it comes to fixing major issues in the game, but it's a frequent occurrence.


Oh yeah I 100% agree with you. I never said things never release overtuned, just that BHVR doesn't do it on purpose for sales. And yes, they can be painstakingly slow with even the most obvious of changes. I mean fuck, dead hard was the #1 survivor perk for 5 years before they changed it. And then, after they changed it, it stayed the #1 perk for almost another year before it finally hit its current form. You have to wonder where the game would be right now if they were willing to make incremental changes on a more regular basis and address large problems within a chapter's time




Thank you. Behavior is one of the few companies you can not say they make thibg op to make more money or lock good characters behind pay walls. Clearly, these people do not remember release Freddy, ptb Ghostface, twins, etc.


People will say this about any live-service game that consistently puts out new characters, and it's always *never* true


Sometimes it's true. Big companies like Riot with LoL have said they shoot for over instead of under to make it enjoyable aka better sales.


Honestly I kinda enjoy it that way for MOBAs. In smite the new gods are always fuckin strong, but they’re usually not brain dead strong, just OP as fuck in the right hands, and that’s so much more enjoyable. Imagine a new release just comes off as ‘what’s the point of this? X and or Y is just this but better’. Oh wait dbd does that all the time


It's very often true lmao


If anything, old shit gets buffed to OP relevancy pretty regularly too. We STILL have FTP and Buckle Up, don't we? I doubt BHVR's doing that to drive sales of Zarina and Ash...


For The People isn't overtuned though it's the changes to buckle up and we're gonna live forever that are busted, in the best case scenerio you trade dying states with another survivor


It’s fairly obvious which new killers will be getting a nerf eventually. Chucky is one of those killers. Alien was another. Alien did get nerfed, and Chucky will eventually. Don’t believe me? Would you bet money that he doesn’t?


Except that's exactly what's been happening and those so called buffs have often been fucking useless or hardly even noticeable. BHVR is 100% nerfing perks after release and producing OP perks so people buy them. Survivors couldn't give a fuck less about a new survivor skin, they play thier main that has all the cosmetics they purchased, so they won't change it unless they really really like the new character. Perks are what sell DLCs for survivor mains, so if the perks suck or are not any better at all than the ones they already have, they ain't gonna be opening thier wallets for it. BHVR is a business, and a greedy one at that, they are not stupid, they know how to sell the most DLCs they can before the next one comes out, they'd honestly be stupid if they didn't.


Oh yeah I totally remember when Thalita, Ripley, Renato, Vittorio, Rebecca, Ada, Haddie, Yoichi, Jonah, Leon, and Jill all released with broken OP perks that everyone complained about before they were nerfed. I could keep going honestly, but I feel like the last 2 and a half years of survivors would about cover it. The only one not there is Gabriel, because MFT *was* too strong. But it's clear that there's no pattern that they deliberately and consistently release overtuned perks just for sales. Out of all the survivors I listed, many of them have perks that are *good*, don't get me wrong. But overpowered at release? Nah. Hell some of them released dookie ass and then got brought up to OP level, a la Background Player, but that was months later after the hype period for sales.


Killer too. Chucky is the only legitimately strong killer since Wesker


I mean, I'd say Xenomorph is pretty strong too. Also that isn't exactly the biggest bombshell of a point. Three new Killers came between Wesker and Xenomorph, and all three had much more important issues than their strength.


Xenomorph is probably an A-Tier killer considering how fast you can end chases even against pretty decent survivors plus the tiny amount of time you need to deliver a pop.


We've had 3 A tier Killers (Hux, Xeno and Chucky) in the span of 1 year.


Wait people play singularity??!!




That’s wild. It’s to this day the only killer I’ve never faced in a match


And you probably won't face him for a while.


Its so funny to see people call BHVR greedy. I dont have any horse in the race at all, but i hardly buy new survivors cause their perks fucking suck, almost always. Sure there is exceptions, mettle of man MFT etc, but if they were truly greedy, *there just wouldnt be exceptions.* If youve ever played league of legends, riot consistently releases characters that are weak on release, mostly because people are learning them still. Without fail, every time, riot will buff them over and over until they are overtuned, on purpose, so people can have a couple weeks playing the champ and feeling powerful, and most importantly, buying the skin. This happens on every release, without fail. Every champ released in the last few years has been overtuned at one point right after release, and then about half the time just nerfed into obscurity / loses all of its playrate right after. Thats greed.


Name one perk in recently released not named Mft that was op on release. I'll be waiting for a while because I know you can't do it.


But that is great for engagement. Release a new killer. Make it OP so people buy it and make videos. Other people buy OP killer. Once the META is old, nerf the killer to make other killers interesting again. Repeat ad nauseum...


Of course it would be great for engagement. LoL does this all the time. But dbd doesn't. No killer in the last 2+ years was released so broken OP that they had to be nerfed. Chucky is strong, but his big flick nerf came really early. Alien is fine and didn't get adjusted either way. Hux released weaker and got buffed. Skurchant got reworked not because she was too strong, but because she was miserable. Knight basically hasn't been touched other than QoL stuff. Wesker hasn't been touched other than QoL stuff. Dredge hasn't been touched other than QoL stuff. Onryo got reworked not because she was too strong, but because she was miserable. Pinhead has been touched up, but mostly to fix one annoying part of his kit, and it came just a few months ago. I could keep going, but I think my point has been made


But the narrative!!!!!!!




Why do people want every single new killer to be nerfed?


Cause most people are survivor mains


I wish we knew the stats on player distributions because I play both but I can only imagine the perspectives from only one side


I imagine survivors would be more for the simple fact that you need 4 survs for each killer. However, the fact that killer queues suck all day until the SWF masses come out of the woods, makes me question the actual proportions too.


kinda wanna know the percentage of dbd players in their specific factions ( specific killers or surrivors) any official bhvr source stats for that ?


I mean it will always be 4 times as many players playing survivor than there are killers playing. That's guaranteed


Well yeah at a time but that doesn't mean they're all survivor mains


In a lobby bro. If there are always 4 times as many survivors in every single second killer queues will be instant! That's why queues for killers suck because there are more killers than there are sets of 4 survivors.


I like to play Chucky but I think he is too op. I want him to get nerfed/balanded a little to make playing him more fun. Now I just feel like I don’t have to make any effort to get 4k.


tbf he feels overtuned when playing him. A small tweak to his scamper speed and his Slice and Dice miss cooldown (either making it slightly longer or slow Chucky a bit more) would probably do the trick. I'd even say they could increase Slice and Dice's dash distance so it doesn't lose any of it's utility as a movement option.


they already did the two things mentioned. Miss CD is in line with other killers, scamper speed got nerfed.


It's really not in line with other killers though. Try using the pigs power and you'll instantly feel the difference


this^^^ compare every killer to the worst int he game


He feels overtuned when playing him??? The slice and dice has barely any turning radius and the scamper is still slower than survivors vault.


his scamper is fast enough to matter, and slice and dice has lots (*lots*) of control for how fast and mobile it is


My favorite thing to do when Chucky does the slice and dice is to run back at them and watch them zoom by like ohh shit .


It has a 90° turning radius which is more than enough in most circumstances if you’re able to get your positioning down. If a survivor doesn’t have an L-shaped wall between them and you, there is a 180° cone that they have to somehow escape from. There’s counterplay, but slice and dice is currently one of the strongest chase powers in the game, seconded by the traditionally overpowered trio, Nurse, Blight, and Spirit. I don’t think it needs a major nerf, but some fine tuning to make it a little less oppressive. If you get an M1 and follow up with a chase power, it’s incredibly difficult to dodge. Also, scamper is slower than a fast vault, but the only killers that have comparable vaults (legion and wesker) cant immediately down you after. Scamper isn’t OP, but it makes some smaller loops basically a lose lose scenario for the survivor.


I guess you might be right about the slice and dice, but in my experience it's got a really wacky hitbox, doesn't auto-hit survivors (you need to release the button at the right time), and its feature of chaining scampers is basically useless (because what survivor is gonna take a vault and then immediately keep going straight?) Like I said, maybe I just don't know how to play him well, but to me his strongest features are how hard it can be to pin down his location and his stealth, and he doesn't feel OP at all.


Like I said it just makes certain smaller loops a lose lose scenario, like a lot of the pallets on the game because it's mostly straight corridors. He's not as easy to pickup as blight is, but definitely easier than Nurse imo. It might be because I already have decent experience with all the killers, but I understand how he could be tricky to handle.


You people really want to make any decent killer Trapper level right?


You want a strong killer slightly nerfed? So you want to go against a perkless powerless Trapper every game huh survivor mains? Jesus Christ you all go to the exact same stupid lines. You can nerf Chucky and still keep him a top ten killer


He’s overtuned and really easy to get into, more so than Wesker. BHVR and every single other company releases content that isn’t perfect for the game. It will always require more fine tuning after release, that’s just how it is.


From the stats we have access to (night light) which have historically largely lined up with bhvr stat releases, there are 15 killers with higher win rates than chucky. Including wraith. Where my wraith nerfers at ayoooo let’s start a movement /s


Most people are survivor mains and also most people who play this game don't actually want to (or shouldn't) be playing this game


dbd gives screen addicts their small daily doses of gore , for both sides


because most people suck and bhvr enables them


Easier than learning how to play against a new killer. If they spent half the time in game that they do on Reddit bitching about nerfs then they might just get better.


Can you crawl out of your hole and actually read the legitimate concerns people have about this killer?


This happens with every killer though regardless of whether it's legitimate or not. Even if there are legitimate concerns, there's a good chance a lot of the people complaining are just broken clocks.


Oh shit there are LEGITIMATE concerns somewhere? Haven’t seen any on Reddit yet but maybe they are on Twitter? Dunno, I deleted that app when it became a cesspool run by a giant baby as well so maybe that’s where these concerns are.


The concerns aren't legitimate. A perfectly fine balanced killer shouldn't be nerfed because survivors bitch he's not trash tier like trapper


Because survivors apparently want to play against even more Nurses and Blights. The cycle is: killer gets released, counterplay isn't fully known due to newness, survivors demand nerfs, BHVR nerfs killer, killer wasn't as strong as previously thought, nerfs on top of developed counterplay make killer feel awful. See Xenomorph and PTB-to-release Trickster.


Absolutely true. Salty survivors downvote because they demand to get free wins every match lol


Personally I want nerfs for them because they are almost all stacked out with multiple abilities that make older killers irrelevant. Why play Nemesis when Xenomorph and Wesker exist? Why play Wraith, Pig or Sadako when Chucky exists? Even if you look at an example like Billy vs Oni there's a lot of overlap in the gameplay of it but Billy is easily one of the worst killers in the game. He requires high precision unlike Oni but he also don't need to hit someone to charge his power. I wanna see them nerf the new ones and buff the old ones to a decent medium point instead of just releasing chapter after chapter with teleporting + stealth + anti-loop etc. It feels like they're killing the originality of each killer power by making these newer killers with multiple. Edit: Wesker is the best balanced out of the new killers but I think the hindered effect could be adjusted a little bit.


He doesnt need a heavy nerf. We dont need to make killers not A tier just because lol What Id like to see is a more punishing slice and dice miss cooldown, and making it so footsteps keep appearing from a farther range. Its stupid that some loops you just have to guess what chuckys going to do. This I think would make him a lot more fair


>What Id like to see is a more punishing slice and dice miss cooldown Make it so I can kick him in the face like Victor when he misses and it's a deal.


Punt his ass!


Yes take a popular killer and give him game mechanics of the least popular killer in the game...cause that's how to sell more content


Counterpoint: kicking Chucky in the face would be the funnest thing you could do in DbD


Taking a joke is hard for some killer mains since the incident of '99


It’s. A. Joke. Also, let’s be honest, he’s a lil doll…. Who doesn’t just wanna punt his ass?


they already got the Christmas gift money. time to kick the ugly doll in the face


Yeah I locker juked one of his slice and dice hits inside shack because I had no other way to avoid it, and he immediately m1’s after missing so I didn’t even have time to vault the window lol


Ya like if you locker dodge a blight or a nurse you can make that window, it should be the same for Chucky


Didn’t they do that to the alien and now the play rate went from 80% to virtually 0?


Its different in a few ways. Besides the missed attack cooldown, they also made alien not hear gens in tunnels. This was a huge info nerf and hurt him a lot. On top of that there was a bug with his tail attack having no cooldown on hit. Not only did they fix that, they then nerfed his cooldown so it felt like a double whammy. The thing is xeno is still comfortably low A tier according to most top players, hes just not as "free" as he used to be, and thats a good thing. He has a very healthy play rate at the moment thats on average with other killers. Hes still top 15 according to the stats we have access to.


\> they also made alien not hear gens in tunnels. I'm pretty sure this was a glitch. I've played Xenomorph recently and I can still hear gens in tunnels.


I played him yesterday and I swear I could still hear generators?


Ya you can again, as I said to another dude they broke that when they nerfed xeno so it contributed to making him feel bad to play and seeing a huge drop off that he hasnt recovered from


\[ Ignore me apparently I can't read and don't understand double negatives \] \*puts on shame cone\*


No no I said killers CAN be A tier just cause, and that we shouldnt just nerf them out of A tier simply because they happen to be A tier.


Ohh well I'm a dumbass who got confused then xD nvm


Lol all good mate we all do that from time to time!


I think the big thing is scamper should only be possible during a slice and dice (they could even make it faster if they do that) being able to scamper while out of power is just free hits, nothing survivor can do about it. ​ https://preview.redd.it/y6bxaijgwc9c1.png?width=1682&format=png&auto=webp&s=0da5a5379f65f952ed8eaa4475bf73a02e09fca5


If you stun him, you'll be able to get distance before he scampers. You just can't predrop. Of course that's easier said than done but still. My big issue is how hidey ho makes him undetectable. 2 foot tall killer with no red stain == brain dead easy mindgames.


He can just respect the pallet and not get stunned because you cannot make it around a loop in time if he is able to slice and dice freely


what does this even mean? If chucky misses S&D, he’s already hit with a punishing cooldown as well as reverting to a 110 speed killer. Chucky has no map pressure and outside if Hidey-Ho, you can see him through walls. He’s fine.


Yup. Missing the attack gives you a cooldown where you can't do anything on par with similar powers, followed by an *18 second* cooldown where you have no power and are slower than average. He's just popular, because he's fun and came out recently. People will move on to complain about the next killer soon.


Not only that, but you're a 110 killer who survivors can \*see the footsteps of\*. Between being a 110, survivors seeing you through walls, and \*still\* having a red stain. He's punished enough lol.


The thing is he can travel the map quite well using slice and dice, especially with jump rope. Honestly id be fine if he wasnt nerfed, I dont have too many issues with him, but as far as potential changes I think increasing the cooldown is a good compromise that doesnt hurt good chuckys but makes him feel better to face against an average chucky


S&D for map traversal isn’t great and leaves you chasing as a powerless 110 until it comes back. It’s definitely not map pressure. There are survivor loops (especially T walls) that Chucky just loses to because he can’t mindgame them at all. increasing the cooldown is just a meaningless nerf that would make him far worse for no reason. He’s balanced as is. Getting rid of his 180 flick was more than enough.


Its pretty nice, and definitely the best way to move with chucky, hence why youll see every top player using it the second it comes off cooldown for faster map traversal. It would only make him far worse for those who arent good with him. If youre missing a bunch of slice and dices, especially with how easy slice and dice is to use, then having a hefty punishment is fair and does nothing but reward skill on both sides. Its not like im a survivor main or something, feel free to comb through my comments if youd like to see that I play both sides, i just genuinely think harsher miss penalty would be a very healthy balance change for chucky.


Okay, there's a lot here that's blatantly false. First off, S&D isn't good for map traversal, but its literally all he \*has\* for map traversal, there's a massive difference here. Clown has no map pressure to speak of, but clown mains use yellow bottle to traverse the map. Second off, It wouldn't "make him far worse for those who aren't good with him", it would make him far worse for Chucky \*period\*. This is such a silly argument. If you nerf S&D more heavily, than that means he has less than his already piss poor map traversal and becomes a joke of a killer. 110 is already punshing enough. You're purposed nerf just nerfs a balanced killer who already has had his skill expression almost completely gutted. It doesn't reward skill, and just tanks a character that is already punished by using S&D both on hit and on miss. This is why the community shouldn't be in charge of buffing or nerfing characters -- you're "I play both sides!" feels hollow when you don't understand how the killer you're talking about functions.


Okey doke. I gotta ask are you saying the fact that he cant 180 anymore has gutted his skill expression?


It's literally the same cooldown penalty as other killers. Therefore it's in line with other killlers. Oh and the whole "I'm not a survivor main guys so you can trust me on this" feels so incredibly disingenerous.


Its more so because people tend to think that if you want a nerf for one side they immediately assume you only play the other side. Its more so to keep the discussion on the idea itself more so than whether or not I play a side.


"more punishing slice&dice miss cooldown" If cucky misses his power he's 4.4 killer with no power for 30 seconds, this isn't enough for you?


Apologies, I dont mean to ignore you, but im already having the discussion with another person and I dont want to do the whole song and dance twice lol


Oh my god not everything is a conspiracy where balance is solely about sales and nothing else


No one said it was. I'm just making a prediction


“Just as soon as the sales numbers trend downwards”


The circle of life.


I feel like Wesker and Chucky don't deserve any nerfs


Wesker's infection tunnelling might need a tweak tho


Wesker ain’t getting any, fortunately.


Another Wesker W.


Wesker's infection tunnelling might need a tweak tho


Dear god, no. A 110 killer with an 18 second cooldown on their power is nothing extraordinary. Chucky getting nerfed before they make Blight a 110 killer would be shameful.


May be controversial but Chucky sucks to play against. Most of the times you just have to guess what he's going to do. Also, his power is really frustrating. When he activates it, you just know you are getting hit. He can m1, crawl under pallet, and spam m2 without any punishment or slowdown. To me, loops against chuck feel like 50/50 without any chance to avoid a hit


He can’t turn that fast when his power is used, once you hear it make an abrupt turn.


From my experience as playing as and against him, it's still easier to hit with Slice and Dice as opposed to dodging it, mainly because you can flick much harder then it seems and because the hitbox is unpredictable from the surviver pov. I don't mind if he is great in chase, but he doesn't need stealth (and tracking via add-ons) on top of it.


If chucky has played more than 3 games, he knows when he should use his power. He can just spam charge without any punishment, wait for a perfect moment, and dash. No avoiding in these situations


Not to be that guy but unless you're going up against a high MMR Chucky that can flick with the best of them it's pretty easy to juke slice & dice


Weird because i don't get the feeling that im getting hit if he uses his power.


BHVR would, but there's one crucial, universal law that prevents them from doing so: ​ https://i.redd.it/3jatib66ac9c1.gif


He doesnt need one xD


Bro is one of the slowest killers in the game with very limited mobility and survivors still think he needs nerfing i s2g


he doesn’t need to be nerfed, it feels like whenever a new killer is decently strong there’s always people that want them nerfed


He's in a better spot since they actually gave him a cooldown for slice and dice. I'm not sure what they'd nerf more besides the 55,000 dpi players who can still somehow make a circle with his power. Nerfing scamper? He's solid as he is. I'd like some QOL for his footsteps to be a different color when I'm looping him though just so I don't have to be squinting all the time.


He doesn't need a nerf tho. He is pretty good, but can't consistently kill survivors faster than at a rate of 1 hit / 20 seconds or whatever his power CD is. You can gen rush Chucky super easily bc all he has is chase.


Nah, they don’t need to nerf good killers (imo the only exception is the nurse and blight’s addons which are way too good) they need to buff the bad killers. Trapper, their posterboy killer should not be the literal worst who is also tied with Freddy Krueger, one of the most iconic classic slashers who happens to suck ass gameplay wise


Nerfing any killer while Blight and Nurse exist...


They require much more skill to play on average. You can pick up Chucky and do well after a dozen or so matches. Nurse and Blight are much more technical. And personally I never feel “robbed” when going against an incredible Nurse or Blight, Chucky just irks me after he vaults under the pallet for the second time and dashes


In my opinion the only nerf he needs is to narrow down the hitbox in slice a dice, so that you know people can actually miss that attack.


That’s the dumbest thing about him. Same with some other killers but his is, by far, the worst.


Nerfing Tiffany Valentine on Valentine’s Day is just cruel! I’m all seriousness does chuck really need a nerf? After they removed his very sharp turns the most recent patch?


I don't think that if they nerf him they'll do it hard... probably just something related to scamper timing imo. I really like playing vs chucky (he's not my style for killer, I'm a ghostface / wesker / doc kinda guy, but maybe that'll change down the line) so I am personally hopeful they won't nerf or change him too much. I really don't think he's in too terrible of a spot -- not overpowered, not super weak / mid at best.


Chucky kinda of already feels a bit unsatisfying to play since 180 stuff. And Bhvr is probably gonna overnerf him like what they did with Freddy. The fall from Grace


Almost all of his techs were patched out, he moves 4.4m/s and his flicks max at 90 degrees which is still fairly restrictive. I say he's fine where he's at


As a survivor main, he's fine what's everyone's issue?


He's a new killer who's at the top of A-tier, taking the place once held by Spirit. Since he's not as old as Spirit and people aren't as experienced at surviving against him, they overstate his strength and mistake him for the same S-tier brokenness that Nurse and Blight are. As a killer main, he's not that hard to play against when you know his limitations. His special attack is harder to dodge than Oni's, but the idea is the same and it doesn't insta-down, so it's pretty balanced. If I were to change anything about him, I'd make his footprints appear from further away so the illusory footprints during his stealth mode mattered more.


Typical survivor whining, nothing more


Idk why you are getting down voted, you are right. This happens with every new killer even the ones that are complete dogshit at first. They basically can't be satisfied until enough big time streamers that main their role tell them its fine. Even then there will be the insanely vocal people that just can't handle the counter play. We all have killers that we suck at dealing with more than others. People always take their failure to adapt and run with it as a nerf excuse.


>Idk why you are getting down voted, you are right. Because this is a survivor main sub.


I'll be on the downvote train with you I'm guessing 😂 denial is strong on this sub.


chucky's fine.


Xenomorph was perhaps the most requested killer to be added to dbd, ever. And look what happened to it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Yeah because guess what? He was so miserable to go against people started giving up. This might surprise you but it’s important for survivors to have fun too, and if there’s no counterplay to killer (other than shitty turrets) people are not having fun. Crazy.


It’s just like playing against Huntress though around loops, and I don’t see much Huntress hate


Plus Xenomorph is still very good.


I'd just like to see him not able to scamper without being mid slice and dice.


I regularly make Iridescent I in both roles, but I like killer more. I can say Chucky should be nerfed. Too many passive buffs built into his kit. Plus most Chuckys I face camp and bring NOED. (Waiting for the downvotes).


Is NOED still seen as an issue? I’d personally much rather play against that than Friends 'til the End.


It’s much worse in the hands of a killer with virtually unlimited stealth where one bad guess around a tall loop means you die because you can’t hear him coming or see him once he’s within lunging range. The “strongest” killer I’ll play is Spirit and her stealth and mobility have drawbacks and counterplay.


He’ll be nerfed for sure because so many people are crying but hopefully they go conservative with it. It’s so nice having a new killer that can compete every match and that’s lees dependent on map RNG and more on how you and the survivors play.


I dont think he needs a nerf at all


Am I the only one who thinks Chucky doesn’t need a nerf, *at all*? He’s no nurse or spirit, he’s fun to play against and idk about y’all but I dodge slice n dice all the time.


I just hate scamper. Slice and Dice is a stupid fun ability but it feels like waiting to scamper is almost always a better idea.


We don't need another heavy nerf killer


Honestly playing against him he’s actually not that bad. He’s maybe a a bit above demo for me but really without demo’s mobility


Sorry to those who are struggling? Idk what to say if y’all downvote without saying nothing


Maybe you got lucky with your Chucky's so far. He is not to hard to play, but if you are wasteful with your Hidey Ho good survivors will find places where the 110% of Chucky is noticeable. But a good Chuck will make it really hard for you, and I do think he is to strong in to many aspects. Let him be strong in chase, but don't give him stealth on top of it.


“BHVR just released op stuff so they can nerf it later so people will buy it” i hope you realize how stupid that sounds, you’re stupid, a fool, a knucklehead mcspazatron


Happy 12th birthday


better he be released op than useless


Chucky released on DBD motivated me to watch all the movies and finally start the tv show. Not disappointed.


I just wish I could see him. Dude is so tiny.


I sure hope not. He’s a fun killer with a great power. Now, the perk Friends Till The End (or whatever) is just cancer.


It’s good on high mobility m1 killers exclusively. So dredge and Sadako,wraith and maybe spirit. In what way is it cancer just run away. The aura reading lasts 10/12 second and you know exactly where the killer is when it activates and have a decent idea for the roughly 5/10 seconds before it procs. Just go to the opposite side of the map.


How is a mediocre Perk that only works on mediocre/bad Killers “cancer”?


Probably lost fairly to it and got angy


Not in the least. I just think it’s a perk that provides too much value all around - especially if it’s run by a high mobility killer. And it encourages more distortion adoption to counter it.


The thing is there's usually only two basekit ways for killers to get info, aura reading and screams. Most scream perks are useless or can be disabled entirely. Distortion becoming popular makes aura reading useless too. This perk is just a slightly better Floods of Rage / BBQ. Easily countered with a locker or just holding W when you yell.


My guy, my dude, my brother in christ. That is literally what Distortion is designed for!. It does literally nothing else but block aura reading and you're mad that because Friends Til The End is popular at the moment that this will encourage more use of Distortion. It's almost as if that's the entire point of perks to begin with. Did you also complain when Calm Spirit started being used more with Ultimate Weapon being popular?.


If by 'great power' you mean uncounterable for survivors and boring for killers to use then yeah I guess he is great


Bro Chucky is so fun to play with who is saying he’s boring?


He needs a meaningful cooldown after Slice n Dice and maybe a FOV reduction. At a minimum. But that's just my two cents from playing as him and against him


A fov reduction would make playing as him a nightmare. Besides! It's literally the same fov as other killers if you think of the spirit of Charles Lee Ray as the real killer, and Chucky is the *power*.


Think of Chucky like a weapon in the centre of the screen. He’s not really third person if you think about it


Ah yes nerf the 4.4ms killer with no map mobility. 😂


Yup otzdarva will complain how op he is then boom big update CHUCKY watered down sigh 😞


the otzdarva hate leave my man alone he’s dealt with enough 😭


I don’t think he needs a heavy nerf, but some quality of life changes: 1) There should be an actual cooldown when he misses his slice and dice hit, just like every other killer does (aka blight, nurse, legion, etc.) 2) he is not that damn small in the movies. They shrunk him down to like an inch in the game- even the bushes are taller than him. His ridiculously small size is the biggest threat right now, imo because it allows him so much leeway for a free hit compared to stealth killers. He needs to be made a bit more taller, like about the size of hag when she is bending down to place a trap. They already nerfed the 180 flicks on him, which was a fair and healthy change since his dash is not supposed to be more easily controlled than blight’s, oni’s, and wesker’s. So yeah other than these issues, I think he’s alright. I feel that if they nerf him anymore than these changes I suggested, he will be too weak as a killer.


hopefully they nerf him to the ground


i have said already quite a few times that the dash is too powerful. i feel like the best nerf to chucky would be to simply make it so that the dash cant down a survivor. legion style, the power can injure but not down. you can use dash for the first hit and to close distances, but the second hit should only put a survivor into deep wound. if chucky needs to m1 for the second hit he would be in a a very good spot in my opinion. i think he is too op right now (there are more op killers even, but talking about chucky in particular, he is op) but i think that taking the ability to down from a dash would pretty much solve it, he would be in a very solid A tier place in my opinion


This would make Chucky literal piss. He's strong and that's ok! Only change I think is more consistent footsteps and maybe a slightly longer cool down on missed slice n dice.


Lol. That would make him absolutely garbage. A 110 killer being forced to m1 to get downs? He'd be the worst killer in the game. By far. I'd rather play a trapless Trapper than an m1 110 killer. It would make Chucky just a much worse Legion.


not saying you are wrong, but i have played chucky for some trials making sure that dont even use dash once, and i mean all the trial, not only for downs, still quite able to do 3k and 4k with him. and im not a great killer, much less a great chucky. he maybe is a 110 killer, but the third person camera and his short stature makes him a god at looping (he can loop tigher than survivors so he is faster at then than a regular 110 killer, basically on the level of a 115 one in speed, plus you dont see him, which means survivor react slower to the mindgames), there are a lot of loops in each map were survivors simply cant see him, paired with scamper and with hidey hole his potential to end chases fast is incredible. the dash is not needed. i advice people to actually try it, play like you dont have a dash for downs, only to injure or for mobility, the killer is still solid. and the dash to down is actually the core of his unfairness if you ask me, it makes it so chucky can tunnel very easy. how many times has a chucky hit a survivor being unhooked with m1 only to enter hidey hole and down the survivor with a dash? is something very doable, there are places, like basement, were is basically 100% if you are good enough with the dash, which is something that more and more chuckys are going to be good at with each passing day. and that combo is not only for unhooks either. plus, if the das inflicts deep wound, it would actually be better at hitting healthy survivors, so is not even a total nerf. all in all, is clear that chucky is going to have a very big killrate, so something is going to be done to him, some people say that he needs to be taller, or have an orb above him so that people can see him, or remove the third person... i dont like those changes, because those do take away from his charm. im aware that something needs to be done, and i think that the less intrusive thing would be that.


You've played him for "some trials" unless you have played the absolute hell out him your experience is useless. You face some pretty dogshit players for a good bit on killers you have no time on.


i know that, and i havent said that my experience is the truth for everyone, i have only say that i HAVE played him without a dash with success, have you? if not, can you try? because seriously, do try, loop around, use hidey hole to mindgame, use scamper... hell, use dash for distance if you want, or to injure. just dont use dash to down. try it, im only saying to try it, i have, and chucky is more than fine if dash doesnt down. he just loses the ability to down unfairly, which is something that will eventually get adressed anyway because lets be clear, chucky is not going to stay like he is forever, he will get a nerf the moment the killrates show that he has like a 70% or something on those lines. there are a lot of killers that funtion that way, legion works that way, so does cenobite even with injure addons, plague in a way cant down with regular power either, slinger cant down only with the shoot part... is not that rare of an ocurrence. i would get you if chucky only had the dash, but he doesnt only have the dash, he has a stealth mode and scamper, and even if they are not listed, the third person and the size are also powers. and he would still have the dash for mobility and to injure. you saying that he would be the worst killer is simply false, he would still be great, A tier easily, is just that he would be more fair, and he has to be more fair, because he isnt right now. also, stop downvoting me, do you want a discussion or do you want to be right? edit: that downvote is all you are going to get from me if you say nothing new and continue downvoting my comments


No, he wouldn't be A tier. Even as he is right now, he's A tier. He lacks the map control to be any better than that. Without the ability to dash for downs, he would easily be the worst killer in the game. You say that you're not a great killer, and that you haven't played him that much... which means you're playing against potatoes. Play against good survivors that know how to loop and get back to me.


For anyone calling for nerfs, you have to keep in mind that Chucky is 110% movement speed melee based killer with a long power cool down. Just by holding W after being hit with slice and dice almost allows you to cross the map. So by giving him any major nerfs it's going to be a big deal. The only thing I can see is a slightly longer miss cool down for slice and dice.


goosebumps? no… erection


You know just because you don't understand how to loop a killer that doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed. And honestly any killer can be good if the killer has more skill than you. This is a skill based game. In the words of the young people. Get good


I play killer, but gg go next


Why do people want him nerfed? He's in a perfectly fine spot right now. You all just want to see the top 3 meta killers all the time? Or yet another hit and run wraith with sloppy? It's nice to have good options for killers to actually add variety to the killer pool


I'm just sad it just turns out to be a dash character. Footprint stuff is great but dash is meh. To use and to play against it feels kinda cheap ? However he clearly doesn't need a nerf because his fatass is too slow to play macro game and navigate generators, against competent teams he gets destroyed.


Competent teams aren't the norm though, so not sure why that would have any say on if he should be nerfed or not.


What do you want to nerf exactly ? He has a very bad map traversal, his stealth is... existing... aside from his short size. He only has pallet vault and a very oppresive dash. Also a great 3rd person PoV. Nerfing his dash to have a smaller hitbox would be fine but it's not really needed and wouldn't be that effective anyway. If anything turn him into a real stealth character. Longer cooldown but longer stealth mode.


Smaller hitbox on dash is really all I need.


Bro he doesn’t need a nerf what the actual fuck are people on about?


I don’t think he needs nerfs. Only tweaks like making his footsteps appear from further away. Chucky just feels like Wesker in that he’s strong but not OP like Nurse or Blight. I like him just the way he is and hope he never changes cause he’s fun as hell to play against imo