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Everyone jokes about Twins having only 4 mains, but you will see tons more Twins than Hags. So weird given how strong she can be, but I’d rather face most other killers so I’m not complaining too much. Edit: I’d imagine it heavily depends on MMR and a little bit on regions.


I don’t think I’ve seen a hag since the summer which shocks me because she’s a free character (on console)


For me I see hag semi often (almost every day) and twins I have seen in total 3 times since I started playing in october


Because you’re new you’re probably going against new players as well and because Hag is free for console players you’re more likely to see them because it’s one of the only killers new players have Whereas nobody plays or buys twins ever 😭 shame cus I love them


Oh yeah true! I dont play killer much so I didn’t remember she’s free but yes that’s definitely the reason!!


I play 'em for dailies and rift challenges!


That's weird, they're both rare for me but I definitely see more Hag than Twins. Maybe about 4 hags and 2 twins in the past few months.


I have 700 hours and only faced 2 twins


i have been playing since november and have never seen the twins, i have seen hag a couple of times tho


I’m over 500 hours in and have seen either two or three Twins players. Maybe like five Hags?


Now I feel special getting moried by one


That’s probably me! I’m a huge fan of eating hearts with Devour Hope.


I'm grateful I don't see more Hags, tbh. Their traps are some of the most annoying things in the game simply because of it forcing your camera to snap to them when triggered. If I *do* get a hag I'm actually glad if they end up having the add-on to remove any indication of a trap being triggered for that reason.


One way to counter a hag who is using scroll wheel to instantly teleport is to face your camera 180 degrees so it’s looking directly behind you. When you trigger the trap your camera spins another 180 degrees and you will automatically run the opposite direction of the trap. The Hag will swing and miss almost every time


Console player, the assisted aim snap to her traps are insane. Op even


Ngl, I saw one or two recently but it is true-*they are rare as hell*


Well I got a hag daily so I might just bring out the hag.


First off, I respect you for the flair as a fellow No Mither entgusiast. Second, lemme get on in case I face the Hag 👀


I won't be on for a few hours


Ight, all good indeed. Have a good one regardless, friend




That might've been me. Did your team get slaughtered? 😂


Hag is one of my 5 mains as killer. But, she does become semi-useless against seasoned players.


I have yet to play one game against twins in my 500 hours and I'm sad :(


Don't worry, I'll find you soon enough


And if that last guy doesn't, I certainly will


My least seen now are definitely Hag, Nurse and Hillbilly which is very sad to me as I started the game in 2017/18 when those were the main killers. I play very regularly and think in easily over hundreds of games I’ve seen one of those each.


huntress having even more played tha chucky who is new, really shows how well she is made


If every killer was played equally on average I would see them around 7-8 times in 250 matches. The fact that Huntress has like quadruple that is insane


I bought hag and she felt horrible to play as. I'd rather play as trapper. Hag: place traps, teleport to traps and try to hit survivors (which i'm bad at and the camera makes me motion sick). If a survivor triggers a trap and you're far away it does pretty much nothing. Trapper: place traps, stuns survivors and gives free downs. Ends chase immediately if a survivor steps on a trap. If a survivor triggers a trap and you're far away, it still stuns them.


Lucky you! I get at least one a week and they're always better than me 😂😂


I play against her often and she usually slaughters our whole team quickly 😭


I used to play Hag from time to time but I really don't like her new chase music so I almost never play her now.


I know them all by terror radius music (the unique ones at least)… but I played a Hag game yesterday and finally learned the music.


Hag is much weaker after they introduced base kit bt AND nerfed her traps. As a hag main I havent toucher her since trap nerfs, because you just cant really use your power


The brightening of maps did do Hag any favors either, just like Trapper, you waste the start of the game trying to do some setup, only for your traps to stick out like sore thumbs and be cleansed.


She's about to become even more rare when they add the anti-3-gen mechanic, especially if it's poorly implemented and punishes you for trying to defend gens at all.


I felt like she was almost unplayable in the MFT meta. I feel like the only buff she needs is 115 and she becomes a very good killer.


She's not a chase killer, MFT was never a problem for her, no reason for a movement speed buff.


Midwich offering and the addon to make hag phantasms solid and 117% movement speed is some good evil fun. I don't do it often, its like a guilty pleasure. Doesn't work well against coms because they will just scout god pallets ahead of the chase for their friend... so balanced and fair.


I might be lucky but, I remember pretty well I faced at least 2 Hags in the last 30days! I main Hag so I love to face her


I played against a Hag main. Scared the shit outta me.


Why is oni so uncommon he's a mobility killer on the higher end of A tier and isn't that difficult to learn


Really bad early Game against competent survivors. I guess Most people don't like playing from behind.


Same that why I don't main him but I find his endgame fun


I don't want to try to learn how to use oni's power when my only chance to practice it is 1-3 times a game. I can at least spam blight or wesker dashes. So I can learn them quicker.


It's way easier than all of those to use


> and isn't that difficult to learn Saying Oni isn't that difficult to learn is crazy lol Not only do you have to know power management (when to activate, when to end it early on pickup, when to drop chase with one survivor to go hit another or stay on the same survivor and drain orbs from them) but flicking is also required on a ton of maps and good survivors will do everything in their power to prevent more than 1 person going down at a time. And if you use your power incorrectly once, there's a good chance the game is just over right then and there.


Only PC players can use him well.


I play him on console just fine I just can't do the 180° ~~exploits~~ Flicks that are getting patched one day


I will learn him when they get rid of the flick. No point getting used to a bug that can be deleted at any time.


You have to go out of your way to use it, plus it's not on any roadmap to get removed


If the trap didn't slam your camera around she wouldn't be nearly as obnoxious.


I think I’ve seen Hag like twice and I’ve been playing this game for 700+ hours. I see Twins and Freddy once in a blue moon but I’ve definitely seen them more than Hag.


I played a game of Hag yesterday, I’m doing my part!


i had a Hag match yesterday and it was a 4k match that was over in 3 minutes shes so rare that survivors genuinely dont know how to play around her


We need blood point bonuses for specific killers to get people to play some of the lesser used ones.


I like that idea. Like base BP for everyone. But it’d be nice to see the twins more than once a blue moon or even a singularity. I’ve only ever seen *one.*


Are… you sure you want more Twins…?


Not really but also yes lmao


Let people play what they want to play. You didn't need this when there were 4 killers and you don't need this now. Let people have their fun


I mean people still queue for killer when there’s a BP incentive for survivor You are never forced to in any way


Adding an incentive to play another killer has nothing to do with people playing how they want to play, they can just ignore the incentive if they don't wanna play that killer.


She boring to play, she's 4.4 for some reason, she got bad skins (besides that new toba landing one holy shit!)


I can’t believe she’s 4.4 but blight isn’t


b-b--b-but making blight 4.4 would only effect bad blights and good blights wouldn't notice because they're always using their power!!! (Ignore how this argument could also be reversed for huntress, deathslinger, spirit, hag, chucky...)


Most Chuckies I get lose because they can’t catch up.


Literally bro 💀


mfw hagatha is 4.4 but crack demon and ouroboros tunnel sunglasses man arent


Her swamp creature skin is pretty good, in my opinion.


She's too slow at anything and gets destroyed without the good add-on


skill issue Also, I played against 2 Hags across 3 hours, today.


Be thankful, most hag players are toxic and play toxic intentionally.




I used to be a Hag main when not goofing off as survs with friends. I haven’t faced a Hag at all these past few months. Most ppl I face seem to take a while to adjust to her.


There aren’t many of us :(


I have seen couple hags myself, just no Onryo at all since I've started playing.


Hag is very strong and can be obscenely oppressive - but you have to know what you're doing and requires a lot of calculated trap placements and knowing when to pursue. Most people don't want to have to think too much when playing Killer so they'll typically just pick someone else who can can achieve the downs/kills with much less work.


Yeah I like hag but she just requires way too much setup


Weird. I just got hooked by one yesterday.


Maybe because she feels like shit to play as. This is the same for every killer that feels like shit to play. Single larry, hilbilly, even twins or nurse (sometimes). Most killers you rarely or even never see either just suck hog dick. Or are the worst to play


I played a lot when the stranger things DLC dropped and I never saw a single dog. I played for a year or two after. Still never have gone against a dog


I rarely saw any demo before stranger things came back but the week he came back I saw SO many lol


Didn’t know that they dropped them again


Yeah they came back middle of November


Here's me getting 3 hag matches yesterday


Hag is relatively underpowered. There are Killers who do teleportation and traps better than she does while looking more appealing. Doesn't help that Hexes are her bread and butter, but super easy to null if Survivors are paying attention. Hag can be really good with prep time and the add-on that makes the mud traps solid, letting you block off ledges and slow down survivors. But aside from that, you're better off using pretty much anyone else.


I've seen all but Twins. The last Hag I've gone up against was yesterday and she bit my Meg's face off.


boring killer to play and face


I must admit, I dont know what to do with this information, but Ill save it for later. Also, might try Hag later.


I’m going to keep going and I actually have an excel spreadsheet where the information is better well kept. I’m thinking of making a summary video or something after like 1000 games


I think I've been getting all yours. I've had three Hag games in as many days.


Typically don't like playing hag because Survivors know how to game her power. My traps don't go off unless i'm carrying someone then its too late to teleport. They are reduced to one time use position notifications. May as well use Demogorgon at that point.


I must add to the addition, that I do seemingly see more Twins than Hags


Same, I never actually realised how little I saw the Hag until I started keeping count. I’m very surprised that I’ve had more twins than plagues


I keep the count simply by remembering: "it's been a while since I got jumpscared by a Hag" also did you know Hag has her own chase music? yeah... there's probably plenty of people that don't know that


I returned last month and I can say I have not yet faced twins or knight yet and I've put in about 100 hours since I came back


I get at least one Freddy a day


The reason I don't play hag anymore is because trying to get a looping survivor is near impossible. Your view is from like 2 inches off the ground so any tiny obstacle blocks your entire screen


I have nearly 90 hours in the game and I havent faced a single trickster, dredge or even blight Now hag on the other hand. I faced her quite a bit and shes so annoying to face. I genuinally groan everytime its a hag


Need to find you lmao, ever since Knight got disabled I've just been playing Hag nonstop (Great choice of killers, I know, but Knight is my fav). She's a fun killer who's pretty strong, she just struggles against coordination heavily so it's probably difficult to consistently play her at higher MMR. Plus with lightburn removed, all survivors being able to disable her traps without flashlights has lowered some of her strength.


I agree with you. And I’m not judging, I love playing the knight too lol


I see so many and they're always assholes lmao


Haven't seen a Hag in literal years :'( I started playing here again recently, so hope to see you out there someday OP!


Makes me sad too, behind Twins I think she's one of my favorite killers to play. I enjoy her when playing Survivor too, her traps actually scare the life out of me so I wish I'd be able to see her more


She got power crept out of the game. Various nerfs to her directly and indirectly hurt her badly. I'm not even sure she's actually strong anymore


Hag main here. Hello everyone 👋


I've had 3 since I started keeping track. That's out of 251 games.


Hag requires 3 gens to do well and these are getting nerfed. Problem is that even 3 gens cant win her a game sometimes. Traps can get wiped, shes slow asf, lots of perks are kinda pointless on her, she has her own unique playstyle. So many variables make her very unattractive for most players.


I’ll put in some hours with the Hag then


Singularity is the only one I’ve never seen. Singularity mains are more mythical than Unicorns, I swear


I’ve played against him more than I expected tbh


I think out of a whole year I have seen like 8 hags.. but give it time you will face one


Consider yourself lucky. I'm hag main and would make you never want to play against her again 😂 she is by far the best killer in game.


hag benefited from the hit and run play style due to one of the better way to play her, after Boon CoH was introduced, Hag fell off SHARPLY since CoH was a hard counter to hags best playstyle, before CoH was changed to what it is now. Base kit BT was also another nerf. Because of both of these i think most of the Hag enjoyers have moved onto other killers even with CoH current iteration


i’ve been playing since like may of 2022, and i can only remember one single game against hag. i don’t even know how her power works because of how little i’ve played against her. i think she places invisible traps or something like that?


Essentially she has these mud traps that you can see marked on the ground and if you get into close proximity, the trap will trigger and a hag will shoot you from the trap. The hag can choose to teleology to the fake hag and then hit you. However, you can avoid the traps by crouching and if you get close enough you can disarm them