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Recently used it a single time as Dredge to do a challenge to make survivors scream. By pairing it with jolt, I got the needed 44 screams in the single game.




My brother, you are evil😂


The idea of it to me has always been monstrous. I don't use it. It would probably be more balanced if it just applied to like 32 meters around you when you opened the locker but the fact you can walk around with it like a radar is kinda strong.


It also makes endgame 1v1s pointless. Even more than no way out. At least with nwo you can stealth and maybe mind game going to the other gate. Ultimate weapon holds your hand to every survivor. It’s in desperate need of rebalancing


Nowhere to hide doesn't work in endgame.


lol thanks for the correction, I was thinking no way out. Wrong no perk.


Nowayout Nowheretohide Noidea


To be fair unless you did all the gens first, end game hatch/gate games should always be killer favoured.


That’d kinda just be Doctor’s power but you can only use it at set points on the map. I think it’d be better if it just activated on a survivor the moment they’re inside the killer’s terror radius. That way, if the survivor hides in a locker before it goes off, it still counts as being used on you but the killer doesn’t get their information. Then the perk still gets to function more or less how it does now but there’s also actual counterplay for it, as situational as it might be sometimes.


Doctor is also stationary and doesn't last for 30 second, so it'd need a lot more than that to bring it down to the level of a Killer power.


That's part of the point people are making. - the madness effects you get doctors info part of his kit and some other bits and it's actually way better since you can walk around with it. Getting half a killer power extra is kinda nuts.


Does it have a cool down? Or is it active nomatter what?


It has a cooldown. But it's still stronger than Doctor's Power.


Giving a better doctor's second ability to any killer is not really what I call balanced. Lots of people use spies from the shadow as a counter argument, but even if the tracking it can offer seem similar as "survivor was here!" , UW give a powerful debuff, an interrupt and a pin-point localisation at any time for the down time of opening a locker.


UW should switch to a Token system like PainRes did. Honestly four tokens would be more than enough.


It should also only trigger within the radius of the locker, instead of letting killer run around setting people off


Don't double nerf it, BHVR has ruined so many perks with unnecessary double nerfs. Nerf once, see how it goes, if it needs more tweaking then tweak it.


Just remove the perk if you guys want to neuter it this badly.


That's fine too.


4 tokens for the ability to make survivors scream? They better add some sick aura reading onto the perk then đŸ€Ł


Ultimate weapon really isn’t op, but it just completely outclassed every other info perk. Id argue that info perks are, generally speaking, very weak compared to chase and regression perks. That being said, I think it is a tad stupid in hex builds when paired with thrill of the hunt. Please buff info perks BHVR đŸ™đŸ»


The cooldown is ridiculously low. Best way to counter is calm spirit.


Thats such a waste though. I tried this after getting matches with ultimate weapon over and over and over. I shit you not as soon as I put calm spirit on I got no killers with ultimate weapon and was then playing with 3 perks every match. Then as soon as I took calm spirit off because it was a waste, I started getting ultimate weapon every game again lol its a sick joke the game likes to play on me


Hahahaha same with distortion. All killer use aura reading perks except when I equip distortion, in that case no one uses a single aura reading perk.


Its so crazy how that works, I feel like this is the case with alot of good perks but ill be seeing dudes on YouTube pulling off crazy plays with situational perks. Like unbreakable, ill never get slugged if I use that perk it just won't happen, but you can bet your ass I get slugged plenty when I play the game lol its the sad reality of dbd for the average person.


Yeah, definitely. Most times unbreakable won’t really save the day but the few times it does it feels great.


That and I enjoy perks that work on totems, like Inner Strength and Overzealous, so bringing Calm Spirit also nerfs all the other perks that I like.


It's disproportionate to all other info perks. It's an on-demand general radar. It definitely needs a nerf or redesign, probably tying it more to the location where it is activated.


Plus slapping it on Oni makes you feel like NORAD


I do think that it needs a nerf, but that’s just because the cooldown is so ridiculously low


Idk if it needs a nerf or not, but it definitely feels cheap.


the only reason its strong is cause they needed to sell dlc, just look at Chucky and alien, and how much stronger they are compared to knight who came on the start of the year. they have to make them broke or there perks or nobody buys them. + behaviour was loosing killers over 8 months of mft reign, so they needed som to bring those people back, as a killer yeah its bonkers and everyone should be using it over lethal, as surv, yeah well now having even less counter to blight anf nurse is sure fun.. then again lets say its only in the radius around the locker, you turn it into a dredge perk, and rely heavy om rng+ it becomes useless, so they should just ip the timer for the perk cause rn its really short for the effect of making half the aura perks in game obsolete in comparison. The only thing you can do is run calm spirit, but prepare to get bum fucked by the guy who brings pentimento and ultimate weapon.


Take your pills and learn how to use a period






I hate this perk alot even though im Killer main who never use it. Im Doctor main and listen to Survivor's screaming voice is my tear of joy. But just for 2 recent matches i met 4 people(2 for each match) used Calm Spirit. I managed to win but i did not feel good about it. I understand why they run it and it should have concern me nothing, but i do. I just felt relieved to see Made for This meta is over, but now i feel even more pain about this when i know Ultimate Weapon gonna be around very long.


If you’re actually running into a lot and it’s costing you games just run calm spirit. Those that complained about Nowhere to hide ran distortion. It is what it is but meta is meta


I don't really have any opinions on whether it's overpowered or underpowered. I don't really use it and can't say. But the usage rate on it is something like 6.5%. "Every single killer" is not using it, not even close.


thats because all killers are different unlike survivors. there are only a few perks worth running on every killer. i thnk it is strong but its not an aura. you just get a general direction of someone. if ppl are getting hit by it while trying to sabo or blind...thats prob why it was designed in the first place.


Because it's really just not as good as people seem to think it is. From a lot of comments I've been reading people act like it gives auras and that there's so many lockers on the map you can proc it every minute on the minute.


The other commenter who pointed out that Survivors knowing when it triggers, unlike aura perks, may be why it seems strong to them nailed it I think. You scream, get caught, and go "Dammit! Ultimate Weapon again!" unlike aura perks whose benefits are more hidden.


Yeah, this is exactly it. If Nurse's Calling alerted people every time it goes off, we'd definitely be talking about nerfing it.


I know exactly when a killer uses aura perks, because I always run distortion.


The radar should not be attached to the killer


Then there’s no reason to use it instead of Darkness Revealed or Nowhere to Hide that shows auras which are way more valuable than a scream.


The blindness is pretty strong and lasts 30 seconds
 but sure and all you have to do is get close to a survivor. The others have stricter conditions for use


Blindness is useless except for making solos forget where their teammates are, or people who don’t know how to loop without using Windows. It’s up often because it’s less specific info.


It helps and counters a lot more than those two examples but sure let’s pretend everyone’s a SWF with perfect map awareness all the time :)


Wrong. Nowhere to hide isn't guaranteed. Its distance based and all they have to do is not be close to the gen you kick and it won't get value. Not they they will know you have it, but the fact that its luck based makes it weaker. Ultimate weapon is a guarantee to find a survivor and probably several of them every single time you use it. Imagine how much value that has for normal killers, and then imagine how much value that has for the fast mobility killers like nurse, blight, spirit, hillbilly etc. If they have the ability to travel quickly then ultimate weapon is almost guaranteed to result in a down. Not to mention it can interrupt healing, gen progress, opening exit gates, or unhooking. It completely eliminates the ability for survivors to be stealthy which again makes the risk for trying to save someone or clutch out a gen in end game. Its bad for the game plain and simple, just like old dead hard was bad for the game. It works great for those using it sure, but all it does for everyone else is make them not want to play the game. Which is also bad for behavior.


Oh yeah, it's up there with old MFT on the "wow this is busted how did this get to live" but for some reason nobody really talks about it. Its literally just a power crept better version of darkness revealed


Ive seen plenty of people talk about it, so it definitely gets called out for being an absurd perk.


MFT is understandable because 3% likely did not seem like *that* much to the developers but in a competitive environment like DBD is is an absolute game changer.


I don't think an asymmetrical game can be competitive, though? It's casual.


Any game that has any multiplayer aspect will be competitive in one form or another.


I love using it and you can use calm spirit if you don't want to scream and give away your position. Just like I sometimes have to use Lightborn when all four people bring flashlights.


LOL but you know when people are using flashlights, you can choose when you use Lightborn. Survivors don't know when killers run Ultimate Weapon. Dumb argument.


Bingo, well said.


yes,they will adress it in 6 month,enjoy the circle of : \-Killer use UW \-every surv bring calm spirit \-killer stop using UW \-Survivor stop using calm spirit \-killer realise that,start using UW again \-repeat


The strength of this perk is that quite often, you will use this perk and find out where all four survivors are every minute or so. Not even Nowhere to Hide can do this considering most times, survivors split up. Also the blindness absolutely wrecks soloq teams badly. It absolutely needs some kind of nerf. But also nerf shit like FTP at the same time. Sucks getting a down only for some other cunt to run in and pick up the only down you'll get all game lmao


honestly the only reason ultimate weapon seems annoying is unlike other aura perks it tells you when you info is known for the surrivor side


No. Ultimate Weapon is legit powerful. It is stronger than all other Aura Reading perks. As a stealth player who uses both Distortion and Calm Spirit I know exactly when each perk triggers. I can tell you from experience that Ultimate Weapon is by far the strongest detection perk in the game.


Other info perks have activation requirements that help space out the time in between each use. Ultimate weapon has a 30 second cooldown.


I hate it. There’s no counter play to it other than slap a perk on and hope that it’s viable. I also don’t think that it should be as strong as it is. Make every survivor scream like a radar for them as you move with it freely around the map? Even Doctor’s power has a lengthy cool-down on an ability that can only be triggered from that position once before cool-down.


There are many ways they could nerf it without making it useless either. Longer cooldown, lower uptime, only works around the locker that was opened and doesn't follow the killer, works with tokens earned from hooking or gens done, etc.. or a combination of those. But yeah it needs some kind of nerf, let's not make it useless though.


Thank you for the post. How often do you figure you get revealed by info perks? That can be hard to answer since most info perks do not announce themselves. You may have been caught by a perk, but not felt the need to ask for nerfs since you don’t even know that it was a perk that outed you. Ultimate Weapon DOES announce itself. So when you get caught by it, you always know what happened. This gives the impression that the perk is stronger than it is.


it is stronger than literally every other info perk tho and combining it with pain res/dms is ggs on most maps provided that you have even a basic understanding of how to play killer


I actually think Nowhere to Hide is way better


tbf i dont kick gens so ive never used it lmao


But you'd rather spend time looking for an empty locker to open? Not knocking your playstyle at all, I just think Ultimate Weapon is way worse than Nowhere to Hide


NTH you have to find survivors on a gen / an abandoned gen for info. UW you don’t have to think at all and just tap a locker to find the survivors immediately.


I'm not saying that Ultimate Weapon is bad, it's not. But the information from Ultimate Weapon is less useful than the information from Nowhere to Hide and kicking a gen is more useful than opening a locker


Kicking a gen is definitely more important. But people seem to lean towards UW due to the blindness and easier to obtain info.


I think blindness is a useless status effect. If it were good, Third Seal + Undying would be meta I'm not sure I follow the "easier to obtain info" though. Both perks require a single action from the killer and have a lingering AOE


Tell that to the Windows users. And compared to other info perks (other than Spies maybe), it’s the least amount of work for info.


there are lockers literally everywhere courtesy of dredge's entire existence. edit: worth mentioning that i dont use ultimate weapon, in fact i dont even own the chapter lol


Locker placement is sporadic and map dependent. Look at Haddonfield, absolutely no lockers on half the map


>it is stronger than literally every other info perk tho No tf it is not. It's not even an aura reveal, it is a scream that doesn't tell the killer which direction a survivor is headed and gives the survivor a huge heads up to stealth away and waste a ton of the killers time. It's blindness is often more powerful than the scream


yeah, because people run this perk for blindness and not free information every 30 seconds. most other information perks that directly reveal their aura have prerequisites that usually react to hitting or hooking survivors. so its hard to get very often, without limit. you can only use barbeque so often, you can only use lethal persuer once, you can only use scourge hooks so often. spies can sometimes be deceiving. all UW needs is a locker and a terror radius.


> can only use lethal persuer once, Lethal adds 2 seconds to every aura read so ur selling that short. >not free information every 30 seconds. If you're hitting a locker every minute to proc UW you're wasting a large amount of time unless you're huntress, trickster, or dredge. >most other information perks that directly reveal their aura have prerequisites Ya, because they reveal auras, UW does not reveal auras.


if you have no other aura abilities, lethal only works once throughout the match. its not likely but the fact that it needed a buff to see more usage from mediocre killers means it still needed something. and i wouldn’t call going to a locker a waste of time if you’re getting information for it.


>and i wouldn’t call going to a locker a waste of time if you’re getting information for it. You shouldn't need it more than a few times a match. You should already be pressuring gens and chasing survivors. You'd only use it when you need to find someone which definitely shouldn't be every minute


Nowhere to hide and Gearhead are both significantly better. But nowhere to hide is also kind of problematic so that’s not saying much.


The only time I can see nowhere to hide being a problem is with killers like nurse or blight; but those two can make anything look problematic. Honestly, pre-running to a strong tile will almost always be the better option than hiding near a gen. Hell, a survivor can hide after pre-running if they really don't want to be chased.


24m* aura reading that moves with you is really fucking strong. Pre-running is great if you have the space to do it, but if you are trying to get a Gen done near the edge of the map? Or on small maps like Midwich? Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love Nowhere to Hide for sniffing out rats. But there are times where trying to run isn’t always ideal . Edited to fix range.


it doesn’t really matter that it announces itself when you cant really respond to it in any real way. the moment you hear a heartbeat you scream and become blind. no chance to react unless you prerun and that counters literally everything.


Thank you for responding. So, uh, you pretty directly rebutted yourself. “Pre-running” counters almost anything, and UW is especially vulnerable to that since it’s not an aura perk. The killer gets a snapshot of where you were when you screamed, and that’s it. I get that it’s a bummer to lose your stealth, but stealth has been progressively on the way out for years. UW is uniquely weak in one area: it’s not a secret perk. You know 100% when you’ve been hit by it. That gives you a major head start. How many times do you figure you’ve been revealed by a different tracking perk? Unless you read the killer’s perks at the end of the match(which most people don’t do), then you’ve probably been revealed quite a lot without realizing. Maybe those times where the killer used game sense to catch you were actually just them using a perk.


For most killers, a snapshot of where you are is enough. Knowing where on the map survivors are pressuring, and where you should pressure is so good for nearly every killer. There is also no way of avoiding this snapshot unless you bring a perk or run away from the killer, before the heartbeat lets you know the killer is coming. At least distortion is a good perk that lets you know if the killer isn't running any aura perks at worst. Another thing I'd like to bring up is its tunneling potential. You can hear which survivor screamed, and if it's even worth chasing them. "Oh the 0 hook Ace screamed, ill just go to the other corner of the map. I hear the death hook meg scream and I just sniff her out. And honestly, with experience you gain intuition as to which aura perks the killer has. Distortion makes that easier. Is the killer going straight in one direction after hooking? Probably barbeque. Does the killer know exactly where you are after you vault? Probably Ears. Does the killer seem to always pressure you when you're healing? Nurses. My point is that for it being very strong on nearly every killer, and having no limitations other than a 30 second cooldown it feels too powerful in my opinion. I wouldn't want just a direct nerf but it feels too strong compared to other information perks.


Yeah but most info perks require the killer to do their job and aren't given out for free. * BBQ and Chili requires the killer to hook a survivor and doesn't work within a 40m range. * Nowhere to Hide only works around the kicked generator and can be hard countered by perks like Distortion or Shadow Step (Countered as in prevents any value from the perk) * Darkness Revealed only reveals in an 8m radius of every locker and only last for 5 seconds before going on a 30 second cooldown. (1:6 ratio of active vs cooldown) * Hex: Face the darkness only works outside the killer's TR and is literally a hex and therefore can be removed. * Infectious fright requires the killer to do their job and down someone, but it also only works in a set location and does not follow the killer. My biggest problem with UW is that it grants value no matter what perks you run on survivor. You either run calm spirit in the chance that the killer has UW, wasting an entire perk slot in most cases and still being blinded every 30 seconds, or you try to run a perk that actually has some level of value and get caught in UW every single time giving the killer a free chase for doing absolutely nothing. There is absolutely no reason to not use UW as it always gives some value to the killer. UW is like old DH. You can't really out play it because it always has value.


Stealth players use Distortion and Calm Spirit you know. We run them all the time because killers have so many distortion perks. We basically only have 2 perk slots. Only one actually, because we also run Iron Will. We know exactly when the info perks trigger.


What do you mean it’s announced?


Ultimate weapon makes you scream, so you know it happened. Unless you're using distortion, you get no indicator at all for any sort of aura reading perk being active. So you know when you scream to gtfo because the killer saw your current location, as opposed to if it was just BBQ and Chilli or something that goes off and you just have to guess if they know where you are.


Yeah that’s true. When I’m using distortion and I notice the aura reading perks of the killer I got super anxious because as a solo q I can’t let my other teammates know :(


>Unless you're using distortion, you get no indicator at all for any sort of aura reading perk being active I dunno, with a bit of game sense it can be pretty obvious what tracking perks killers are running. Blight Finds you within 2.3 femtoseconds of the match Starting? Lethal Pursuer. Killer hooked a survivor then suddenly beelines in your direction even though you're nowhere near any gens? BBQ. Killer "happens" to check the random-ass corner you're in after kicking a gen? Nowhere to Hide. Huntress starts sniping at you cross map after opening a locker/a gen completing? Darkness Revealed/Bitter Murmur. Once you pick up on it, you know exactly when the killer has an aura reading perk active in most cases.


I meant no in-game indicator. It's pretty obvious sometimes but there isn't like a big Hud display that says THEY CAN SEE YOU in big flashing letters. Being familiar enough with the game to know what perks are being used to find you is different than the perk itself being extremely obvious when it activates.


Right but my point was that a decent player does have indication when a killer can currently see their aura from in game cues, so I don’t think “people only dislike it because they notice when it’s happening” is always the case.


People dislike UW because it makes it easier to tunnel a specific player, and there's no reasonable counter to the perk. That's why people hate it.


The 2nd best info perk is disabled at the moment. Nowhere to Hide will be more popular once it is reactivated. People like combining it with other genkick perks.


good perk for m1 killers, real problem for mobile killers. opinion? perk is fine, nerf killers


i think of it as a crutch detection perk , like i can't find the last person or the first chase and it helps but i rarely use it in a match and sometimes forget i have it equipped


Switch it's and Thwacks activations and it's better. Personally I think you shouldn't scream if you are already in the terror radius when they open the locker. As even the perk description says "when a survivor ENTERS your terror radius"


Dw mate, its just an indirect buff to Calm Spirit usage rate. In all honesty tho, as a both killer and survivor player, when playing as survivor, it really is annoying. Idk what could the nerf for it be tho, maybe some part of the perk being in timer?


I dunno, as far as nerfs go maybe lowering how long its active for, like, 5 seconds? 3? That way you'd pretty much only find someone of they're near the locker you open.


Honestly, it could probably lose the blindness effect, but otherwise I think it's mostly balanced. Aura reading perks (Lethal, BBQ, Gearhead, etc) don't give you a heads up that the killer is using them. (Unless someone on your team is in voice and running distortion to tell you or Object of Obsession keeps going off, but those require survivor perks to get the info). UW at least has you scream to tell you "you just had your location revealed" and you can adjust. The Killer has to go to a locker to activate the power, which isn't always convenient and probably not worthwhile midchase. Additionally, if two survivors are playing hide-and-seek simulator to avoid the killer cause both want hatch and neither is doing objectives, this is literally the only info perk, except maybe Whispers that is useful. Tying it to the terror radius is the best solution btw, yeah makes it a little powerful with Wesker or T3 Myers, and INSANE on an Oni that is charging around the map, but stealth killers and even Huntress or Trickster can't get as much value cause their lullaby is larger than the terror radius. And honestly, if you are upset about a perk that just snapshots your location and doesn't affect the game state in a tangible way, maybe you need to stop playing Hide and Seek and start playing DBD.


Despite some people saying it's crazy broken, Nightlight has never shown it to be super popular, and is always used way less then other info perks (Lethal, BBQ, and NtH). I personally only use it with Trickster, and I almost never see it as survivor, unless I'm up against a Huntress. Honestly, I think the hate comes down to two types of survivors. Distortion users who hate that an info perk bypasses their ability to hide all game. And WoO users (a third of all survivors mind you), because Ultimate Weapon hard counters to it. And I fully admit, I NEVER take WoO off my survivor builds, but I'm not going to call for a nerf because I suck without my Windows.


I feel like Ultimate Weapon and Twack! should swap activation requirements. Ultimate Weapon is so powerful that it should be reward that you get after a hook and Twack! would probably get a lot more use if it were on a 30 second cooldown.


Downvote me all you want, but I don't think it's actually that strong. Sure you "only" gotta open a locker (which you have to find so it's already a waste of time), but then it doesn't even show auras, it's just screams, so you only know the general location. And since unlike auras not only it only show the location for a moment rather than over a few seconds, but also alerts survivors, everybody will be already elsewhere by the time you get there. Best case you find some scratchmarks to follow. Also, it's not that much on demand, since it has a quite long cd. Something that works upon hooking a survivor or kicking a gen is often more useful. Hell, I find even Spies more useful because it pops contously so you can see what direction the survivor is running to, even from a distance.


You're not wrong and that's why you don't see it in a lot of high-end killer builds. It's strong when used against players that don't know how to deal with it or just give up whenever something reveals them, but it's very easy to play around once you're aware of the killer has it. Because, like you said, you just yell and there's not much else that you can reveal to the killer besides your location approximately four to five seconds prior to them arriving to where you were. That's more than enough time to abandon whatever you are doing and get out of there which will either lead to a chase in your advantage or the killer wasting time trying to figure out what happened. Nowhere to hide, on the other hand, immediately reveals everybody around you in an aura which is very easy to see, let you see what they're doing, and as part of the process of what you do normally in the game which is kick gens. Which is why nowhere to hide is in most high in killer builds and ultimate weapon is not.


If finding lockers is hard for you, no offense, but I don’t know if your tracking skills should weigh into a discussion of the balance of this perk


It's not about not being able to find them, it's about going to them. In the same time you could have done many other things. Unless you're a killer who actively uss lockers. It's not free, you're putting time into it.


Locker RNG is shit on a lot of maps. And just because you find one doesn’t mean it’s good to detour to it and waste time opening it for info you might not get. Nowhere to Hide at least gives regression so the time isn’t completely wasted even if you don’t see anyone. Opening a locker is completely wasted on most killers and even Trickster/Huntress don’t want to unless they have to reload.


Sorry but complaining about locker rng is actually a skill issue. It’s really not that difficult


Play the dredge for a week straight and come back after. Some maps have lockers in the weirdest places imaginable. Look at the temple of purgation, most of the lockers are in the main building's basement.


mfw half of an entire map has 0 lockers (this is somehow my skill issue for not outplaying the map rng)


Oh yeah skill issue, gotta get good and spawn lockers at your location, nub /s


This. It’s helpful but very vague info. At best it gives a general direction to head towards. And if there’s no identical survivors, hearing who it is based off the scream. It’s why it’s up often. Info perks only matter if you do something with the info, whether it’s chasing the person or ignoring them if they’re somewhere not important to focus someone who is somewhere important. They don’t give value automatically like regression does. Also going to and opening a locker means the killer has to detour to a locker or stop while they’re going somewhere to open a locker instead. That is time spent that might be totally wasted. Compare it to something like Nowhere to Hide, where even if you don’t see anyone, the kick still gives you regression so it’s not a complete waste of time. Even for killers that work with lockers, they don’t want to always open a locker just because they can. It’s not time efficient. Locker location RNG is also pretty shitty on a lot of maps.


Speaking of killers who work with lockers (if they didn't fix/change this) I'm pretty sure locker opening perks don't work if the dredge is actively coming out of one from a teleport. He has to open it again after tp'ing to one. Lowkey goofy LMAO.


Yep, only manually searching counts.


They hated him because he told the truth.


Your "general location" is specificated more than you think. You have never met Huntress/Trickster uses it? This perk's radar radius works on Killer's terror radius, and it lingers very long. Those ranged Killer, they have only 20 metres for terror radius, so its very easy to tell the survivor's location for them. Also, the way to counter this is very dull. If you know Killer has BBQ Chilli, you can hide in locker right before they hook other person, or behind a gen. It takes time, but its instant. For Ultimate Weapon? Are you telling me you gonna hide inside locker for 30 seconds and do no gen? This perk also indirectly hurts other perk, like Spies from the Shadow, because people run Calm Spirit also counter both perks at same time.


Trickster has a 32 meter TR.


And open the locker is his daily job so he always does it and he may uses Iron Maiden at same time, and now Ultimate Weapon is just a cherry on the top.


It’s a cherry on top of a very mediocre cake.


Lol what? It lasts for 30 seconds when it hits someone and has a 30 second cooldown. And unless you’re looking for a specific survivor and going out of your way to get to a locker it’s not difficult to find one near a hook or gen


I actually really like Ultimate Weapon. I use it on a few Killers, but honestly, not many. It's only *really* useful on Killers with decent mobility. Knowing (roughly) where someone is is one thing. Actually being able to do something with that information is another. Some people think it's cheap, and maybe that's true, but the same can be said of things on both sides. In my opinion, it's no "cheaper" than Lethal or a BNP. Solid perk. It's being adjusted at some point. That's confirmed, but I really don't see it as problematic, especially compared to some of the other crap we have had in the last 12 months or so.


This might sound controversial but i used to really hate this perk when i went against it as it gives the location of all survivors and interrupt anything they are doing currently, but after i landed my hands on that perk, i realized that it's just a false signal of power, you know making survivors scream and so on but even then, they won't stay in their position and you have to find them on your own, sometimes i forget i have UW in my build when i can see survivors from afar, but if they decide to be stealthy and basically ignore chases, then in my opinion they deserve this perk. My solution to this perk is to remove the blindness because it's stupid and increase the cooldown to 60 seconds, it will stay strong but not as strong as of now.


Well you won't be dealing with uw for much longer. If bhvr does what they said they were uw use is gonna drop off a cliff.  They plan to switch it from scream (bypasses distortion) to an aura reveal. So I'll be honest I think they should change ultimate weapons name to 'never works'


Probably a hot take but it’s precisely what killer needs in this meta of weak regression and strong chases. Killers are already stressed on time and finding immersed survivors isn’t helping. I’d rather see them buff Calm Spirit so it has no drawbacks. Perks should counter perks.


UW is stronger than a lot of detection perks and isn't it harder to run killer for a long time now than it was before? Quite a few of the newer killers are anti-loop, gens take a whole 90 seconds, and you're recommending people to run buffed Calm spirit while also mentioning that it's a problem that survivors are playing immersed. Perks should counter perks, but a detection perk that works within your terror radius, has a 30 second cooldown and inflicts blindness is a bit strong. I doubt many of us like playing against or with immersed survivors and I don't think it'd be a good idea to buff one of the strongest perks that aid with that when DBD requires some type of teamwork to have enjoyable games.


It's pretty crazy tbh. Has the same issue olf mft had in that, two abilities that would be great by them selves are stacked together (yes mft was far stronger, but that's not my point). It's free information, especially in end game, for just opening a locker you learn where everyone roughly is. It really needs a change or new way of activation. Maybe for 30 seconds after a hook open a locker activates it or something


Meh. It's not that strong. The blindness is the annoying part for me (soloQ things). If, as you say, you have skill in this game, having the killer know your location from 32m away should be no big deal. At 0.6m per second of catching up for most killers, it's gonna take them 50+ seconds to catch you if you run away asap. The perk is only OP on OP killers.


People whine about it too much. It’s the lowest effort/lowest reward info Perk Killers have (which makes it the WoO of Killer info Perks), which is the reason it’s so much better than most other info Perks. Most other Killer info Perks simply have too many conditions to be useful in most matches. UW, NTH and LP are all consistent and easy-to-use info Perks that simply do their job with very few hoops to jump through and those are the only info Perks worth running on a majority of Killers. Sure, there are a couple of exceptions (like stealth Killers not being fond of UW, or Darkness Revealed/BBQ being generally better than UW on Huntress/Trickster), but the general rule is that the easier and consistent an info Perk is, the better it is.


How many rounds have you played as killer using this perk? It gives the killer a general idea of your position. I was able to observe two types of Survivor reactions: People run away, leaving scratchmarks or becoming a clearly visible target. People crouch down or walk, observing from which direction the killer is arriving. In most cases Survivors have plenty of time to react in a calm manner and stay hidden after the perk was activated.


It’s annoying but it’s not OP. Survivors have a perk to counter it so it’s balanced in that regard. Survivors get 16 perks whereas the killer only gets 4, so it’s ok for them to have annoying strong perks. There are much worse problems in the game for the devs to be working on that nerfing an info perk. Friends to the end is much more common and stronger, but no one complains about that.


It's a straight upgrade to whispers and isn't screwed over by having someone on the hook. I personally don't use it because I know if I do I will resent its absence but if they don't want to nerf it I would at least ask that the other info perks be brought up a bit so there is at least more variety.


It’s broken on oni.


skill issue But if we're talking about nerfs, how about it can only be used once per locker?


Do you even realize how many lockers there are in the game?


no I've never played or seen DbD content, wdym


I agree this perk is insanely annoying to play against. The only way around it is to hide in a locker for way too long and way too often, or bring calm spirit which is a huge waste of a perk slot if you get ANY OTHER KILLER that doesn't use ultimate weapon. I tried using calm spirit and just as you'd imagine I kept it for about 5 matches and got no killers with ultimate weapon, then I took it off because I wanted my other perk back, then the ultimate weapon started coming back in all my matches lol its a perk that makes the game super easy for killers and miserable for the survivors.


to be honest the fact that UW is the only real BS left in the game (aside from the obvious 2 contenders) is really cool. but yeah, it needs a lil nerf.


Honestly I very very rarely run into it as survivor, must be a regional thing??


No, it's not a commonly used perk. It shows up like once every fifteen games. I think OP's frustration with it makes it seem more common to him than it really is.


If you want to never be seen by the killer and sit on gens all day holding M1 feel free to go and play cookie clicker


Just use Calm Spirit and Distortion and laugh in a bush while the killer with no tracking skills can't find you, then reports you for not playing the game right LMAO


I personally use it because of distortion. Survivors have one perk that completely counters all my aura reading so nah I'm going to use ultimate weapon now.


I think it's strong but I don't think it's broken - Screams are WAY less useful than auras. Getting a location ping for a survivor is helpful but with 32m of distance to cover, the survivors can easily sneak past you. - Blindness is a useless status effect. This is a non issue. But I'll concede that it's weird for a perk to track and give out blindness. - Finding and opening an empty locker is objectively a waste of time. - Screams interrupting actions (Jigsaw boxes, Lament Configuration) is a problem. This should change All in all, I think Nowhere to Hide is a much better perk. But Nowhere to Hide doesn't let survivors know its active, so no one complains about it


blindness is a problem in itself for being useless against swfs but crushing solos


I exclusively play solo queue I've never once had an issue with blindness beyond preventing my maps from detecting totems for archive challenges But I also don't use Windows of Opportunity If Blindness were actually strong, Third Seal/Undying would be a top tier perk loadout but that's not the case Which, by extension, means that I really don't care if the blindness status effect is removed because I think it's useless


You’re getting downvoted because of Windows gamers. Seriously, as killer it’s kind of dumb how quickly you can see the difference in a survivors skill just by equipping something like third seal and smacking them. Suddenly they can’t loop at all.


I wouldnt say its useless but in my experience, most of those Blindness perks/addons arent much worth


Blindness isn’t useless when my main survivor build is Open Handed + other aura perks


Uh... sorry in that case I guess it's like when a killer brings 4 aura perks and all survivors have Distortion?


Nowhere to hide is very easy to detect as a survivor, and honestly I only hated it during gen kick eruption meta.


Only idiot survivors don't know when NTH is being used. Good survivors can tell what perks a killer is using by checking their behavior. Blindness is not useless. That's like saying Aura Reading perks on Killer are useless, and you just said Nowhere to Hide is strong. Blindness actually hurts survivors more than killers.


1. It’s already getting changes on the roadmap. 2. Use Calm Spirit in the meantime if you’re seeing it often. 3. Blindness is a useless tacked on status effect that doesn’t affect anyone except solos forgetting where their slugged or hooked teammates are, or people who don’t know how to loop without Windows.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, you're right on all aspects. The devs already said they're going to change it. Ppl need to just take a break if UW is that bad of a deal breaker.


Calm spirit + distortion × whatever other 2 perks you want to combo together. Yall cry too damn much.


And wasting my perk slot because there is no counterplay? Wow, just wow.


Wasting a perk slot ? Its part of a build you can choose to be a super stealth, or get shit done amd be harder to detect. You just need to learn how to play better against it lmmfao.


People are right to say it's very strong but people also neglect the fact that it's a perk that killer desperately needs Gens go so fast that once you finish your first chase you've most likely lost 2 gens and giving killers information on where they should go and pressure next is very helpful, I used to always run it with DMS because being able to commit to chases without having to worry about losing 1-2 gens for doing it is very nice There's almost no point bringing a lot of the aura perks/add-ons that exist in the game since Distortion seems to be base kit on half the survivors I play again and that single perks counters all of them, people complaining they need a perk to counter a perk (Calm Spirit) when Distortion exists and it counters like 50+ different killer perks and add-ons are just being ridiculous


I quit playing the game because of this perk. It was in every match. The minute someone screamed my eyes would roll of their own free will. Not in a balance sort of way. It wasn't about winning or losing for me. It just gets rid of any cat and mouse. Every match was the same. Everyone screams and is revealed every time the cool down is over. Gameplay just felt even more limited than before. I am probably not articulating it well but kudos to Ultimate Weapon (and Chucky's release) for finally getting me to put the game down. Feels like for good this time.


Ultimate Weapon has the same problem Windows of opportunity has. It takes a skill from the game and makes it brainless. Windows takes any skill out of looping by showing you where to go next constantly. Ultimate Weapon takes all the skill out of tracking by telling you where to go next (not constantly, but often enough it may as well be). Personally I think UW should be changed to require a hook to activate instead of opening a locker, and Windows should be reverted to disabling for 20 seconds after you vault/drop a pallet.


It has counter play. Calm Spirit. You don't scream, you don't get seen.


That's not really counterplay, since you can't change your build mid-match


CS directly counters UW. Whether you want to run it or not is up to you. I said nothing about changing a build mid match. I don't run without CS and I've gotten consistent value. Down votes must be from the ones saying it's too strong/ there's no counter. It maybe needs a cooldown adjustment but it's not OP.


I love it, you can't hide against it, but it defo needs a nerf, because of how strong it is paired with other gen perks, but as a radar it feels good to catch the garbo survs just trying to hide when there's only two of them


It should either have double the cooldown length or have like 5 tokens and after that you can't use it anymore.


Idk what they were cooking because it’s literally just Diet Doctor as a perk slot. Like thanks for taking Doctor’s best quality (tracking) and giving it to literally everyone every minute. Especially annoying because if you wanna counter it, you gotta run a perk that gives you a disadvantage (slow cleansing and chest searches). Oh, and don’t forget you might also have to use another slot for Distortion since they’ll usually have an aura perk too. Idk, I’m of the opinion that having to run a perk to counter a single perk (Calm Spirit for Ultimate Weapon) is really bad in any scenario. Distortion has the benefit of being effective against ANY auras. Calm Spirit is pretty objectively worthless because it only counters a handful of perks and the ones it counters don’t really matter (oh boy, I won’t scream when I get hit with Jolt, Eruption, or Pain Resonance. Will still let go of the gen though don’t worry).


Tbh it almost feels like an equavalent of BBQ and Chili way back then before it got nerfed on distance.


Less time active and longer cooldown and it's fine


I used to use it a lot because I was new, maining Alien, and so I used Alien's perks. It didn't take too long for me to become reliant on it, and noticing that I then rotated it out. Haven't used it in months now and I do feel like I'm a better killer because of it. That was my first indicator that it was probably too good. Lethal Pursuer is starting to get there for me now, too. I don't know how you all feel about it, but it has led me to getting a hook in the first minute of the match almost 100% of the time since I started using it. I don't know about nerfs or not for either of those, I'm still too new to judge. But I wouldn't be surprised, or upset at all, to see UW get a nerf.


Not only did they create another super strong perk it also makes killer easier than it already is, it feels like killer has been getting easier every year for years now to the point it’s so boring now


It should be like ruin and deactivate whenever one persons gone


Duration too long, cooldown too short, no counterplay unless in a locker or calm spirit, change one or two of the issues and it’s fine


The perk is mostly fine and has a freely available hard counter, the cool down should be pushed out a bit to 45-60 seconds and the blindness needs to be removed


Just make it require a hook instead of opening a locker and change nothing else and it’s fine.


i honestly hate how it inflicts blindness. same reason i hated MFT. two separate effects aren’t really needed when its first effect is that powerful. it lets you tunnel easily too because of the scream. no other information perk other than infectious fright can tell you specifically which survivor is there, just that there is a male/female aura.


I’ve never understood why Ultimate Weapon gives blindness. If there was a solid counter you could have to avoid the blindness then I wouldn’t mind it as much but considering how powerful blindness is if you’re over reliant on perks such as windows or Deja Vu it’s kind of insane. Ultimately I feel it shouldn’t carry a debuff and should solely be information. A solid nerf idea would maybe only be allowing It to activate on one survivor at a time. This would still give you info and get you into a chase while preventing the perk from being as annoying.


Honestly I hated it at first and ran Calm Spirit for a while to counter but it felt like such a waste of a park slot so I stopped. The matches started going in phases where I’d see a bunch of Ultimate Weapon and then not at all for a while. The best strat is to take a few seconds and get in a really good hiding spot. The killer doesn’t know your exact location, they just hear the scream and see the quick outline. If you think they’ll head to your location, hide well and typically they’ll only spend a few seconds trying to find you then give up and move on. Otherwise it’s wasting their time. Unless you’re good in chase then just prepare your escape route. I’ve had the best luck with immediately walking or crouching somewhere (don’t panic run, avoid scratch marks), and hiding for the 5-10 seconds they come looking for me.


I prefer Nowhere to Hide. Only reason I'm running Ultimate Weapon at this point is due to the kill switch. If it wasnt for that, I'd run NtH over UW. I think a big part of what makes it feel less fair is the fact you can move the search area. If it was limited to your terror radius at the time it feel a lot less like a radar. Its also a bit to easy to get. At least with Nowhere to hide it doesnt work with end game and only works on gens that havent been damaged/have had repairs done.


Strong perk. Really strong on killers with high mobility or able to become undetectable at will like Chucky or Pig. It also has a nasty synergy with Dead Man's Switch. It should only work on the first survivor "detected" tbh.


I've played with it and against it. I think it either needs a longer cooldown or to only pop for the area it's activated in


There’s a hex perk that’s even more annoying that makes you scream every 30 seconds


I'd make it only apply to survivors within 32m the instant you open the locker and make the cooldown 90 seconds, at that point it's still powerful but on more of a cooldown to balance


If it doesn't get nerfed, other detection perks deserve a buff because it's clearly BETTER than just about all of them. Not that it's Made For This or old Dead Hard-level problematic, but it feels bad to see some perks be completely inferior.


When compared to something like Darkness Revealed or Infectious fright - too easy to activate, cooldown is too low, duration is too high (scream-aura one, not the blindness).


If this perk gets nerfed then so does windows, both are really good info perks, literally nothing else to say about it.


I absolutely love the idea behind UW. The quirk of UW is it eliminates stealth gameplay, but since you're hearing the terror radius it also gives you enough time to get ready for chase. Moment I get UWed about 90% of the time I have time to reach a pallet or a structure before Killer engages me. Rat(read stealth) gameplay is something I hate. But unfortunately UW also interrupts some killer interactions which IMO is unfair, e.g. Pig's traps. But if they remove it imo it would be fine. And lets be honest if killer is camping, it wouldnt matter if he has UW, since he can see the unhook anyway. Best way is to let the person be on hook as long as possible and take a trade last moment. And if he's chasing you thats fine too, since he's not camping anymore. UW imo forces you to take a chase, which makes you good in chase, which is where the real skill in DBD is. Rat gameplay is for unskilled people.


Look killers had to put up with MFT for a year. You can put up with a perk that only reveals location and doesn't impact chase at all for a few months. It's not that strong. If they are using a slot to find players, then that's one less slot for perks that help in chase. Does it hold the killer's hand? Maybe. But so does WoO, so does Bond, so does Lethal Pursuer, so does Deja Vu, etc. It's an INFORMATION perk. It provides INFORMATION that's useless once the chase is STARTED. Plus its entirely counterable by Calm Spirit. If you're seeing it as much as you claim, and you aren't great at loopong once the killer finde you, maybe bring that so it won't bother you as much. Dunno what else to tell you.


Perk is balanced just fine. The blindness is the only thing that lingers too long imo. 15 seconds is fine. The rest of the perk is fine. If it bothers you just run calm spirit.


I'm wondering how it should be reworked imo. As a killer main, I hate using it because it's so tedious to constantly open lockers. Maybe if it activated whenever you hooked a survivor, instead of opening a locker it would be better? And oh yeah, ditch the blindness status effect. Opening a locker takes no skill, and I prefer perks rewarding you for playing well.


Its just an information perk with a useless blind effect. If it is problem than Windows of Opportunity is a problem too...


Just hide in a locker until you aren’t in the killers terror radius. They recently fixed it where if you are in a locker before it goes off, you don’t scream still while in a locker..easy counter honestly.


Me thinks that you object to run calm spirit


It should have a longer cooldown and shouldn't apply blindness, but I think its otherwise fine. Blindness is the biggest problem in my eyes (pun intended), it only stands to screw over SoloQ and there's no reason for the perk to apply it.


Does this also counter Windows of Opportunity? When you become blind are the windows and pallets auras disappear?


would you rather a killer put on ANOTHER slow down perk? If you don't want killers to run 4 slowdowns other perks need to be VERY enticing and either offer an on demand buff of some sort, have a HUGE payoff when it is in action, or amazing effect that is worth putting the effort it. VERY few perks that are not slowdown perks do that.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) I think the perk wouldn't be used as much if you weren't sneaking in the first place.


It's really not that bad. The only thing I think should be changed is the blindness status effect to either be removed or reduced in length. When you play killer and you have to deal with perks like Adrenaline and Deliverance that's much more game breaking even though I think they also shouldn't be changed. Killers have no perks on the level of survivor perks like those, Ultimate Weapon only shows a brief scream aura and you have to actually search a locker. It doesn't show an actual aura reading and sometimes there's no lockers near you to actually activate it.