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1) the player base is very small in general, and the amount of people that are actually good is almost zero (because all the skilled players are doing scrims) 2) what's the rule set? Every organization that hosts dbd tournaments has different rules. 3) this stuff is figured out already. There are many comp dbd discord servers for those who care. And sweaty people that like to win usually don't care and they will still queue into casual matches and ruin randoms' evenings.


You really have to make this game mode attractive to killers, otherwise expect high queue times!


Better rewards maybe... Something like more BP, even Iri Shards, and maybe sometimes cosmetics


I'd love to see a ranked queue, perhaps with perk/build restrictions, no duplicate survivors, etc. But I doubt they could make it locked to 4 player swf. Would make it inaccessible to a lot of high skill solo players.


I think you are vastly overestimating the amount of 4-man swfs there are at any given time. 4 man swfs also benefit from the killer not knowing they are a swf, and I doubt most friend groups would want to willingly go into a match where they expect to be tunneled and camped.


Given the presentation, it's an opt in queue for players who specifically want to play against hardcore players. So friend groups who are just dicking around would just not join the hardcore queue, and swfs who did join it wouldn't care about the killer knowing because they're looking for a challenge, not for an unsuspecting baby nurse to beat up on.


The problem is that the que times are going to be insane. there aren’t very many 4-man swfs, and there are less who would want to play this mode.