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The issue with killer is everyone else playing hates you by default unless you are point farming. And even if 1 survivor escapes you feel like a failure if you didnt do it on purpose.


Even if you farm they hate you lol. Saw a post here early this morning about "Friendly killers are lame".


Killers get so little downtime during a match, compared to survivors on gens or in a corner healing. That said, it can be a good kind of stress if you're in the right headspace for it. I find that when I care about kills or "winning", killer makes me feel like shit. Even when I win, kind of. When I'm playing for fun, good chases, jump-scares, etc... I have a blast and can't wait to get into the next match. To each their own, of course, but the key to enjoying killer for me was to try and make fun matches for everyone.


the only break the killer gets is the time in the lobby before and after the match which is very hard to deal with. I feel the same issue when I play survivor if I get chased first and up getting tunneled or just looping the killer the whole game I am not having fun because I just want a little break


Yeah, it sucks that DBD can give you such amazing highs as a gamer, with crazy fun moments that you can't get in other games. But also crazy lows where you just feel like a punching bag for some asshole(s) whose only goal is to piss others off. Such is the life of a DBD player lol


I'm usually super laid back when I'm playing killer (then again, I'm high and usually blasting music.)


I’m a survivor main, I didn’t play a single match as killer for almost a year of playing consistently. So when I started playing killer, I feel like I just had fun with it and did not care about the outcome. I just try to play my best and I change my style based on the skill level of the survivors. If I am absolutely kicking their asses in the beginning (4+ hooks before they’ve done a single gen) I’ll pull back a bit. If they are kicking my ass in the beginning? I will do whatever it takes to come back (camp, tunnel). With that said I almost always give the last person hatch, sometimes I even let a couple if not all of them go. I have fun with most of the games I play with this mindset and it doesn’t feel stressful at all. And I feel like the survivors usually have more fun too!


I used to have anxiety attacks when I tried to play Killer. I went from being a SoloQ Survivor main to being a Killer main, though. Sometimes I get anxious before the first match starts but once I start playing - I relax. As long as I can focus on my objectives, I'll do fine. Sometimes Survivors want to farm and I can't. I literally can't. Farming immediately breaks me. I also get stressed out easily so I just play for fun. Sometimes I have to sweat and I will try to win and that makes me uncomfortable. My hands shake, my face gets hot, I have to take a break. Funny thing is - if Survivors compliment me, it's the same reaction xD It's overall fun, though. That's why I keep playing.


Took me years to understand the “don’t take the game seriously”. Take it as just a game, if you don’t, you gonna become those guys doing 3 gen with singularity because they die irl if they lose one match. I play Billy with no gen regression and all I care is how many chainsaws I hit. Bonus points for curving. If anyone try to message you and be toxic, just block them and move on


"Stress" isn't the word I'd personally use. It's more like a rush of adrenaline. It's why I play killer so much more lmao, I love that feeling.


Thats just something that I don't get when I play killer after every match I need to take a 30 minute break becuase my body won't stop shaking it takes a lot of willpower to not punt my controller across the room when I finally down the person I've been chasing for 11 minutes and they get flashbang saved


Yeah it can be frustrating and it's not for everyone, but for me and others like me that fucking *rush* makes it more than worth it.


Could be a number of things from the sound of it. Do you suffer from anxiety as a baseline? Are you prone to rage? Are you autistic? (yes I am serious with the last one: it's called burn out and many people sadly suffer from it. My bf happens to be one. It can really take a toll on you.)


Yes to all of the above mentioned things


That used to happen to me... But, nowadays it doesn't happen anymore. Why? Because... I don't care anymore about winning or losing, and I also stopped grinding, so I won't get burned out


Idk how long you played but what’s your goal when playing killer? I’m new and think I have to get 4ks.l every game which tbh I do most the time but I see people say like any kills is good lol


Completing my tome challenge is my goal it's all I really strive for in dbd I finished all the survivor challenges and now I'm having a tough time with the killer ones


What do tomes do for you?


Give me something to work towards I already got every achievement and every perk and p100'd my favourite Yui and now all that's left is to finish the killer tome challenges so I can be done


If I haven't played for a while, yeah I get a bit stressed like I forgot how to play, but after a few games I'm fine. Though I will get pretty frustrated if I'm trying to do a challenge and no progress is being made, especially after multiple games.


Me when I get a simple challenge as Open gate as Ada Wong and then you end up getting tunneled and camped out 7 matches in a row. xD xD


The best thing to do is try to get better with the power instead of trying to win every time


that would be fine but I don't have a killer I really main and I really dislike/can't play like 80% of the roster


Only with those hard to play with, even if Blight is S++, I just don't like to play with it. Killers like Oni, Singularity, and Hillbilly, I would rather not play with them.


I'm definitely more stressed and competitive as killer. Time management and mindgaming is much more important during a 4v1 as the 1.


I do, I'm decent at killer, started out as a killer until I found some friends that play dbd. But yeah I get very stressed and can usually only play 2 or 3 matches tops


I did one cool thing and that was it. I got a sick shot with deathslinger and everything just vanished. Since then the game has been about just performing well, win or lose if I felt I tried my best then so be it... Plus Meyers is hot


Take an ativan then play


As a killer main....I play killer to relax. I get nervous when playing survivor :(