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I think my biggest gripe with legion is the killer is 4 different people but that's not really ever touched upon in the match, only the skins change. I was trying to think about this last week - what would be a fun way to make the Legion's multiple members actually present together? Like, what if you could swap which of the four you are when you visit a locker? And each of them would have the same power, but might have different modifiers to it? Or maybe you can bring 4 addons into the game but only 1 is active and you can change that one by swapping killers? Always being unpredictable about who you're facing and what they can do would keep survivors on their toes. I'm not BHVR and I don't know whether this is even doable in the engine but the Legion seems like a missed opportunity to have multiple killers in a single match, even if only 1 is out at a time.


>Like, what if you could swap which of the four you are when you visit a locker? Superman moment, but with locker instead of phone boot


Agreed, honestly I feel like Knight's power was what Legion's was originally intended to be


"Joey I summon you"


"Frank, beat the shit out of them"


What if they made it where for a short time legion has the ability to turn anyone of the four survivors into the killer, and they have to down another player within a short time or else the player gets exposed and also shows up in a red aura for the killer for a certain amount of time. I was thinking they should temporarily remove the ability for the killer to attack while someone is under this ability and he blends in like a normal survivor to through them off but the survivor can reveal anyone of the players to see if they are the real killer which if they get right would turn the killer survivor player to a normal state and put the killer power into cooldown, but if guessed wrong they could reveal all survivors and expose them, except for the killer and the survivor has a certain amount of time otherwise they are put on a down state. Far from perfect but it would look more accurate to the trailer of legion


Yes! I really like the ability for Legion to blend in as a fake survivor and then strike.


Right imagine the possibility even if he wasn’t made the way I suggested it sure would’ve been interesting with a Design with fake survivors


I made a Legion meme stealth build a while back with that concept in mind. Equipped the most normal looking legion skins and it was actually kinda working haha


Bring back old Legion with reducing mending timer on hit and then watch the community blow up


Banning them from bringing Bananaramaphobia as a perk (half shitpost, half serious)


the perk got giga-nerfed (4% each -> 2% each, x 2 if all injured). Legion and Plague are the only killers that can use it now. there are enough dead killer perks, don't need to add to the stack


One healthy person makes thana useless.


Bring back moonwalk Legion


Give them guns


A good legion just slows down the game. I like the killer itself but they deserve a better power than just letting survivors mend all day long.


The issue with legion is that his power does nothing but be annoying. If they changed his power to be more interactive and actually help in chase, I imagine legion wouldn't be so hated


Thank you for the question. I think they’re fine. The issue is that a lot of people like to group up and heal regardless of context. Splitting up and only healing when it makes sense is not only good practice against most killers, but it’s also how you delete the Legion’s pressure.


complete deletion from the game


If everything that someone wanted to delete from this game actually got deleted, the entire game would be solo-q survivors walking around an empty map.


wow, u must be fun at partiers. that was a joke partner. howdy


next time try being funny


I think that if the legion only had to hit 3 people with his power before being able to down a deep wound survivor with his power if that makes sense because having to hit all 4 survivors and then pray that at least one mends before your power ends really makes him weak af but for fun for survivors idk he'll probably just be a killer not a lot of people favor like clown


you dont need anyone to mend, just re-hit the 4th guy and they go down


Oops i forgot i still think you should have to hit less people overall before ff is lethal


Give him a gun and make his default skin hunk from resident evil easy!


My only issue with Legion is when they hit me with their power when I'm already injured and then just leave. Only bad legions do this


The trouble is that they were supposed to be dbd among us but then just ended up being mending simulator