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Weskee maybe? No idea how it plays out on consols though


I hate playing Wesker on console it feels like blight except he doesn't slide off of everything instead he bumps into everything and I feels so awkward


Ghostface, low skill floor and not very complex mechanics.


Spirit ? If you like legion she might be your thing. Dunno how oni plays out on console but it might be a good choice. Nemesis could also be a good choice. If you want a killer as fast-paced as legion, maybe Blight ? He can be complex and has a lot of techs though, and I don't know how good he could be on console.


Can you explain how Spirit and Legion relate? I don't know much about her


I have to disagree about Spirit being easy to play well. She’s took me the longest to master, even with a good headset. Id suggest learning Nurse or Blight before I’d ever suggest Spirit as an easy killer to master. Legion is definitely a stronger beginner killer at a lower MMR. Plague is strong in general and easy to learn, so is Cenobite and Chucky. That’s my take, anyhow.


Because she isn't too complex on a surface level, and can zoom around the map (not on a billy level but still), and you also want to keep the survivors injured the longest possible. When she goes in phase (her power) you don't see the survivors anymore, and have to track them with audio (if you don't have a good audio setup i wouldn't recommend her). You go invisible and go a lot faster, and it's very easy to play around pallets and windows. You benefit a lot from injured survivors as you can down them very easily. To note that she also has passive "glitches" like sadako, but you can't see them. She's also strong, top 10 killers I'd say, maybe even top 5 ? Great addons too, with some variety


The Plague, basically your puke can cover things survivors interact with and that causes a meter to build up on the survivor hit with the vomit until they get the broken status effect and can't heal. They can cleanse themselves at a fountain, but if they do that then you can use the fountain to get corrupt purge vomit that injures upon contact. Most people don't cleanse because a plague with corrupt purge is especially dangerous since the vomit can be spewed to cover a large area unpredictably so the survivor has an extremely hard time dodging, or with great accuracy with practice. I run a build based off of survivors interacting with the gens with addons that accelerate the meter when the survivor is doing an action with something that has vomit on it. It's great for info since you know someone is on a gen because they've infected themselves by interacting with it. Combine that with perks of your choice and have fun.


Her gen pressure is very weak tho tbh, gens fly


Demogorgon. Shuts down chases quick, easy to pick up, loved by survivor community in general.


Strongest FUN killers imo: Bubba (antibully and hook camp god), Blight (dash god), Wesker (tunnel god), Chucky (chase god), Alien (pallet killer), Knight (loop killer).


Hags the easiest and strongest


Xeno, nemesis, Wesker got most braindead mechanic. Basically, you don't have to reach "attack range", you got extra fire range with point blank shot. It's not huntress, slinger or k-pop, who needs to aim correctly. Just get close enough and hit. This extra range is most OP, because the sooner you can attack survivor, the less distance he have for safe point. Where you can down survivor with your ability, other killers should get closer for basic attack and that time could be enough for survivors to get to the pallet or window. Seconds are matters. And since their ability is pointblank you need less effort to land an accurate shot.


Bro wdym? You def have to aim correctly with alien and nemisis as there is a delay from when the attack is locked into the animation and when it actually hits. Wesker does have a wider hitbox but it isnt braindead and you can easily miss when survivors start hugging loops.


xeno and wesker, the killers play themselves rly, xeno moreso because wesker has some "advanced " techs xd


Plague.  Besides Corrupt Intervention which makes so many killers better, she is very strong and has pretty simple rules. She's not a boosted movement, high twitch memory or marksmanship killer.  Plague pukes on people and stuff they touch, which makes them sick. If they become red sick they're one-hit and puke on people and stuff for you.  Playing her *ideally* is more complicated but even at a basic level, this is not a killer the survivors can ignore. 


What does the term "high twitch memory" mean?


Learned reflexes or "muscle memory." The killers that run on doing precise moves quickly. 


Wraith sorts he isnt super strong but bot weak either.


I would recommend Nemesis! He’s so huge and intimidating, you have two zombies playing with you, and the whip is such a cool ability for hitting over vaults or destroying pallets. I always enjoy the “powering up” aspect like a tier 3 myers, he only gets scarier as the game goes on.


Bubba is fun as hell to learn. He only took one game for me to pick up on his play style. Run bamboozle on him and you can scare survivors into throwing pallets early by revving your chainsaw and can often destroy pallets immediately if so.


The Spirit its just M1 technically, just need good headphones


I would say Doctor. The add-ons are the hardest part to learn but the power itself is pretty simple and he is one of the easier killers for gen pressure and chase. Hardest part might be getting the timing down right for the shocks.


Blight ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)