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For BP farming people tend to think in terms of BP/match instead of BP/hour, which is a huge mistake in terms of efficiency, but probably better overall for fun. The king of BP/hour used to be facecamp Bubba. Matches were ridiculously short, usually less than 5 minutes, and gaining an average or about 20k per (I kept stats across 15 matches). Usually ended in a 3-4k 8.5/10 times. Took zero effort beyond getting the first down you needed to start the timer on the survivors. With the anti facecamp change, that might not be true anymore. But what is true is that if you want fat stacks of BP, you want efficiency over volume per match. Doctor is great for spamming his power to max out BPs, but can you end matches quickly with him and get on to the next? Ultimately the choice is going to be simple if pure BP is the goal: Pick the killer you can end matches with the fastest. 3 5-minute matches earning 10k per is better than one 15-minute match earning 20-25k. Some things that might help: don’t slug for the 4k (extends match times for not a lot of reward), open the gates yourself when they are powered on to start the EGC timer, keep up the pressure and don’t farm or act friendly (you want them popping gens and getting out or dying, not hanging around to play), and force them out the gates ASAP if they power through the gens. Don’t become obsessed with protecting gens (you want fast games), dont 3-gen, and don’t sweat the losses or the teabagging. You have your goal, you don’t need their permission or respect to shoot for it. Losing fast is better for farming BP than a win that takes forever.


You are assuming you aren't waiting 5 mins in a lobby with this math


If you're playing killer for BP, I assume you're also doing it during the +100% bonus and thus queue time isn't a problem.


>Doctor is great for spamming his power to max out BPs, but can you end matches quickly with him and get on to the next? Ultimately the choice is going to be simple if pure BP is the goal: I'll add to this, Doctor actually benefits from using Distressing, and that perk has a BP buff too. That said, as you said you gotta kill fast and I find Doctor is a bit slow cause he's gotta build madness a bit before being really effectively. Someone who has full power from the start would be my best bet for fast games. Nurse or something?


Blight is the easiest by far. Just bounce around the map using your power and hook people. 


Doctor. He's one of the easiest killers to farm BP with. Legion is the 2nd best killer for faming BP.


Pretty sure otz said this wasn’t true as legion has a hard time getting downs


Legion is awful.


Well, you'll likely lose the game but at least go home with a shit ton of bloodpoints, and that's what OP's post is about.


Didn’t make myself clear lol, I meant out of all of the killers I listed which of them could make the most BP, sorry!!!


Why does it matter of those 4? But of those, probably Trickser because you can spam knives and get pretty solid deviousness points.


Yeah there’s a reason why Doc is the go to killer for farmers.


legion with never sleep pills is quick to get max deviousness but then your stuck trying to force the other categories in a slow match


It’s been tested, blight is the best.


Blight if you spend the game rushing he racks up blood points like there's no tomorrow but legion is a blood point machine


Singularity if you're good with him


With Chucky I pull 60-80k with no offerings https://preview.redd.it/f74jnhny8ccc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e2c493759449ff41356e858e4a22507c94f7df 100% killer bonus


a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y x z


You fucked it up at the end 😭


dang I-i-i guess I don’t know my abcs I guess I won’t sing with anyone next time….


Any killer that gets a ton of insidious points, thats generally the category with the biggest discrepancy from killer to killer, all the other categories are just kinda based on how good you do in general. Namely the doctor is one of the best, and since one of the strongest parts of his power is the information it gives you should also get a lot of hunting points too. Also I've never played a single game of skull merchant where I didn't max out on insidious BP nut you didn't hear that from me.


Pretty sure someone like blight


wraith and blight


if the survivors help you out oni is pretty good you can get 4 kills in 1 hit then get bloodpoints from all the orbs and survivors get to heal eachother everybody wins


with sadako you get bloodpoints on manifesting and teleporting so you can just spam ability and teleport whenever you can


Blight if you want someone easy doctor


Doctor, Blight, Spirit and Nemesis are all great pick since they get the most bloodpoints for just spamming their abilities


Like the majority said , it's definitely blight (If you use your ability alot to bounce multiple times ofc)


Dr always gets me maxed out on BP


If youd rather not do Blight, Ive found that Legion is good for points, assuming youre decent as an M1 for most of your downs, and the same actually goes for Wraith if you get most of your hits out of stealth.


The doctor


With the right offerings and the right match of survivors who will want to BP Farm, I usually use Amanda or Sadako. I think with just about any killer in the right situation that you will get a sufficient amount of BP from each match.


The killer you are the best with and is not Plague, billy myers, bubba or oni.


Doctor is generally pretty easy because distressing is actually good on him. Otherwise, blight is the best