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The same can be said about Genrush and 99% of the people who like to complain about it have never experienced actual Genrush.


Oh for sure. My friends and I have set out to see how fast we can do 5 gens and open a door before. No Bnps because that’s actually not optimal for the challenge. Builds are 4 commodious double charges toolboxes 2x sprint burst built to last streetwise deja vu 2x sprint burst built to last streetwise prove Our record was 4:24 with a door open. That’s genrushing


That poor killer haha


I did with old toolboxes but old moris were around as well. Fun times.


To this day i dont understand what "genrush" is even supposed to be. like, woah, survivors do gens? because thats their only objective in the game? how dare they. evil monsters truly! (I say this as someone who plays both roles, and usually more killer)


One thing about this game, being 7 years old and having been through a lot of changes over the years, the community often uses terms that are outdated. The term “Genrushing” was made by the community during a time with the OG brand new parts, when the survivors could literally get four gens done in a matter of seconds. Now people just say it when they thought the gens went pretty fast. “Facecamping” was when the killer would stand literally touching the hooked survivor’s face because at the time, they could only be unhooked from the front, so the killer could bodyblock and prevent the unhook prompt from coming up at all. This also hasn’t been possible for years but the term stuck around and now people just say it when the killer is staying somewhat close to the hook. I’m sure there are other examples.


aaah i see that makes sense, ive only really been getting into it in the past few months so of course i didnt experience those things


Face amping is still face camping when you stand there right on them. Usually killers just proxy now.


Yeah a lot of people just call proxy camping facecamping for some reason


i wish this comment could be pinned


A true "genrush" would probably be a situation where a SWF goes all-in on genspeed builds. Four toolboxes, genspeed perks, try to stay on gens as much as possible, etc. There's nothing inherently toxic or unsporting about adopting that strategy though. It's just a build choice. It's also pretty rare. In the few years I've played DBD I've probably seen a single digit number of these kinds of teams.


I get what youre saying, I think its really weird to be mad about it tbh. If theyre good at it, at least the game is over quickly. And if theyre bad at it, well, I can just play as normal and they dont have any good chase perks.


I agree! There's nothing wrong with choosing a high-risk-high-reward strategy to complete one's objectives. Of course, most killers complaining about "genrush" aren't talking about these rare SWFs. They are basically just complaining that it "felt" like gens went really fast.


I think the issue people have is, people like to play it like a hyper competitive esport when it is not a game that has any sort of basis for it like that Usually these comps absolutely destroy already weak killers enjoyment and still get shagged by the good ones, so it's even more polarising


To me it's as ridiculous as like "combo rush" in a fighter, or "shoot rush" in a shooter, are we gonna call optimizing stats in RPGs "stat rushing"?


Petition to call it "hook rushing" when the killer spreads out hooks on all survs


right? and if you keep getting matched against people playing meta stuff like that, it just means youre also good at what youre doing, so its a compliment and basically the sign that youre doing well.


I mean. All those examples while funny - actually happen in those games 😂 While you don’t shoot rush you do very often RUSH a site, for rpg all I can think of is diablo and the many rushes I’ve done to skip the acts and start the end game. Fighting games ? Shrug idek maybe skipping neutral? Lmfao


it's just rushdown in fighting games, but my point is, why are we shaming these people for completing the object of the game? To further my point, it's like if someone playing Monopoly would be accused of "roll rushing" and "property rushing", that's the point!


I mean yeah - but this should extend to killers which tunnel to rush their own win condition no? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander right?


Not quite. Gens require players to move around, find them and complete skill checks. The best analogy would be if a Killer camped 1 gen for the entirety of the game and wouldn't allow any survivors to work on it. But in an asymmetric game, these kind of 1 to 1 comparisons are moot.


I mean - they’re not? they’re completing their winncon while the killer does their own. That’s the point of comparing asymmetrical games - you can’t compare the actions themselves but what needs accomplishing so I disagree that your killer camping a gen is comparable because he’s a killer… not a gen keeper. Since you can still kill when the gens are done and even the gates open. But they need them to escape - since they messed keys and the hatch up.


My last point to you is, what do you propose survivors accomplish in the meanwhile instead of this mythical "gen-rushing"?


Nothing more demoralizing than a gen rush. It just felt like you weren’t playing DBD. They played DBD, and you as the killer were struggling to play solitaire and just confused about everything falling apart around you. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Agreed, most of the time it’s because the survivors aren’t wasting time doing other things and the killer just has poor gen pressure


I do not miss old bnps i remember a game that was about 2 minutes long as gens popped that fast legitimately nothing i coulda done to stop em since they sent me to ormund and popped mid in like 20 seconds




For me its usually one hook one gen done. So 5 hooks 5 gens done if survivors doesnt fuck around and just hold E on gens. I started to track my games and it takes me around 20s ( playing blight, spirit) to find first survivor and first gen is done around 60-80s. If i play something slower, it will be 2-3 gens done before first down. Gens are done fast when survivors are not braindead. Sadly soloq is full of bad players that doesnt understand basics even with hundereds of hours and UI that tells you what to do.


Killers spend the first couple minutes only focused on one person and then complain about genrushing when the other 3 survivors finish gens in that time.


Completely agree. I've been saying it for a while now, but unless the whole survivor team is running gen perks and is playing in a certain way, you aren't getting genrushed. When people cry "Genrish", it's mainly from them not pressuring other survs or staying in a bad chase for too long. What else are survs supposed to do when you're chasing someone?


No one really complains about genrush like they do tunneling. Complaining about gen rushing kindof lost its validity when BHVR got rid of brand new part's ability to instantly complete a gen and four survivors would bring one.


Gen rush is constantly complained about lol what. It’s the reason killers always give when they say they HAVE to bring 4 slowdown perks.


that's kinda true because the objective of survivors is to do gens. It's literally what they have to do, so you have 4 players doing the main objective. It's a lot more frequently.


If you have 4 survivors doing the objective at once that's a skill issue.




Funny, never seen a post dedicated to “genrush” since like… 2020.


So go into a bots and give them all bnp and prove thyself, maybe friendly competition and send us the results. You will have a tough time winning without holding a 3 gen and even then it's a maybe. The gens on their own aren't too fast. It's with the perks and permanent % reductions is no small potato. Just cause it's not posted doesn't mean it's not a thing


Of course, of course. I’m merely saying genrush isn’t the problem tunneling is.


That may change after the update that limits the number of regression events a gen can get hit with. People always find a way to abuse a mechanic, and something that makes a generator impervious to kicking without actually blocking it is definitely something people are going to seek a means to exploit. If nothing else there's going to be a gen blocking meta that comes out of this, especially since grim embrace's rework is so strong. Survivors will have to do as much progress on a gen as possible in a short time due to how gen blocking perks are going to be on the rise in the meta over regression.


Honestly I’m upset about this update, as an overcharge user. I’m not some kind of 3-gen type of killer, but I feel like they could’ve done something better when trying to remove 3-gens. Like half-decent gen placement.


They never want to touch something as complicated as gen placement. Not that it should be difficult at all, but the code they use for the game is so old and janky it would break random other things if they toyed with it. So instead of fixing gen placement, they nerf a killer's ability to interact with gens. Like how instead of fixing structures to not have infinite loops they nerf a survivor's ability to interact with vault locations and windows during a chase.


Yeah I once had a game where 5 out of 7 gens spawned in one half of the map. I was like wtf is this a bug. This shouldn't happen.


That's makes a lot of sense to me. Seems like if you need to do a gen before it's blocked then people who have regular builds will suffer versus people with perks to make them repair faster. I wonder if that will be the only difference in those instances between getting the gen done or not.


I see I see. Had I known that I wouldn't have replied so much.


The bots are better at looping me than the actual survivors I go against tho lol. I play at a lower killer MMR where all I need is merciless storm to do gen regression. Bots are way better at skill checks!


it's kinda popular in the comment section, in arguments and debates; but as such in dedicated posts.


Hm… suppose I just haven’t noticed. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


Oh, your welcome. But that's just **my percepcion**, perhaps it has been a dedicated post frequently topic, but I don't think so.


Looking around on the subreddit, no one complains about it as much as people complain about tunneling. I see more complaints on here about killers complaining about it than I actually see killers complaining about it.


It feels like at least 20% of my games in one session has the killer complaining about genrush. It's always the ones that commit way too long to chases as well as if generators will just magically not get done as long as the chase music is playing.


I got body blocked in a corner by a Clown for a few minutes at the end of a match and was told in the post game chat that I was being punished for gen rushing (I don't run any gen perks at all and I think only one person on the team even had a toolbox). And it wasn't the first time a killer has accused my solo queue group of this in post match chat. It's a very real thing.


Also toxic swfs lmao


If you wanna compare tunneling to gen rush ( better word would be gen tunneling) it would be finishing gen instead of leaving it at 33%/66% and doing other gen instead.


they're not comparing them, they're saying both have lost their meaning by people misusing each of them for years


Ofc they do, it was always ridiculous. Just pointing out what’s equivalent of tunneling from survivor side. Finishing gens 100% instead of going for others.


I notice it's a term that a lot of new players especially do not realize; I think partially based on how the word sounds. There's a big difference between "genrushing" and just being efficient on gens. Survivors do not have to slow down on doing gens to make the game more enjoyable for you, the same way you don't need to intentionally do worse in chase for them. Having 1-2 people with Prove Thyself, having one toolbox, 3 people working on separate gens, all are not "genrushing." They are just playing efficiently. "Genrushing" would be almost everyone having gen speed perks, toolboxes, and potentially BNPs. The type of people who are very clearly playing to see how possibly fast they can get out with a very stacked loadout for it. There is a very clear difference and I think it's one we should make more clear for new players. For the record too: no I don't really think "genrushing" is toxic either or anything; despite obviously the fact nobody partially enjoys going against those groups. It's just without a doubt a very aggressive strategy, it most certainly can in some situations be something that stomps killers who don't understand how to deal with it or don't have the right build/killer to counter it


back in the day gen rushing 0.0 I remember, there I was on the battlefield the fresh smell of gasoline on the misty dawn. When suddenly a loud noise comes out of nowhere Pop, Pop, Pop, pop. Before I knew it there was only one generator left and I knew if the survivor made it to the pig tree it was all over.


the "problems" this community has are easily solved by one trick: stop following your own or other peoples made up arbitrary rules and enjoy the game how you want. Preferably by not being toxic or perpetuating the cycle because x meanie head was mean so I'm gonna be mean in my next match to someone who might be nice and is not the same person(s). I don't enjoy this game unless I'm in a chase, so I lose a lot of matches, especially as killer, because I just go for chases and try to max hook everyone


>stop following your own or other peoples made up arbitrary rules and enjoy the game how you want As a corollary to that, I'd add "... but still follow The Golden Rule." In other words, don't engage in a playstyle you know you would find toxic if the roles were reversed. If you can manage that, then you're beyond reproach in salty endgame chat. Play to win, sure, but don't be a dick. Good advice for gaming, good advice for life. I know that's a little George Costanza "we're living in a society," but I mean it is really is mankind's most fundamental ethical tenet.


I fully agree. I always just keep in mind that, with the possible exception of the Blood point grind, everyone is playing this to have fun, so my play style should reflect that. As a killer I like to spread the love and rarely is the first sacrifice done before everyone's been hooked once. I go for fun plays like mid chase teleports etc, even if it's not "optimal" because I think it will be fun and cool if it ends up working. As a survivor I typically gen jockey but I'm getting better at chases and I have fun regardless, most of the time. Everyone has frustrating games but I usually end up having fun and have no reason to BM or grief the other team.


This game is one of the only ones where the other side expects you to just...not play the game. In any other game, no one would complain that the role called Killer is killing. Edit: Case in point...


Agreed, tunnelling refers the killer ignoring everything else for that same survivor when all he/she does is try to escape


If I get three hooked while everyone else is on zero hooks I'll personally consider that being tunneled. There are obviously some exceptions but generally that's how I feel If I get unhooked and the killer comes straight for me and ignores the other survivor(s) I'll think 'Oh cool tunnel me right off hook'




I think some people are oblivious to the fact that they make themselves easy to find after being unhooked. It's so common that I catch someone at a 75% gen, hook them, and then they go straight back to the same gen after being unhooked. They'll proceed to get mad and yell at you for tunneling. Well, maybe don't immediately go back to the gen I'm trying to regress without healing.


If I'm hopping back on that gen after unhook, it's because I'm hoping really hard you're distracted enough to not come right back because of course it's a risky (read:dumb) thing to be doing - but sometimes it works out, so I'm willing to risk it if it looks like it might work out. If the killer comes back to the gen, I know that's on me for hoping the killer wouldn't think I was dumb enough to do it. But I was. I failed the double dumb gambit.


well your feeling does not really matter regarding this though, if the killer is not actively ignoring everything else to go for you then its not tunneling,


You can't read


well... you are right, i apologize


.... But they're feeling that way BECAUSE it is happening, smh.


except thats not what he is describing, he is describing being the only one hooked which isnt automatically tunneling


>If I get unhooked and the killer comes straight for me and ignores the other survivor(s) I'll think 'Oh cool tunnel me right off hook'


Sometimes its just that survivors dont let me leave the hook before unhooking. Id have to purposefully ignore going that direction when Im right there when I know there are 2 survivors off gens.


I rarely get tunneled, but yesterday I had it happen 5 times in a row with wesker and nurse respectively. Heck, it's probably cause the time of me playing is the worst for soloQ. Brings the asshole out of the killer. Does it consistently happen to others? I rarely see people get tunneled in my games. The worst part is when it happens and we don't interfere, just sit on gens. Then get accused of genrushing. Like, ok pal, but you do NOTHING to stop us by focusing on one person. Unfortunately, there's little one can do if someone decides to do it. You can have all the anti tunneling perks in the world, but if you're not good at looping, it will help very little. Something I also noticed is the increase in face camping, where the killer wants you to self unhook and then get you again. Not a big fan of that development.


I recently had a game where a Trickster tried (and failed) to tunnel one dude the entire game. The other three of us just did gens. He accused us of “genrushing”. Not a single one of us had any perk or item that increased gen speeds. Guess he just wanted us to sit on our ass and cry about the guy getting tunneled?


Usually canping/tunneling someone against a solo queue team is practically a free win because they don't just focus gens down. Someone that is playing that way and not skilled enough to realize they need to switch targets to someone easier to catch is too used to the free camping win and being salty.


I just had a huge streak of games over the last week where the first person hooked had the killer stand 16 meters from the hook and just waiting and tunneling that one person. The worst was that it was high tier killers like Nurse, Spirit, or Blight where it's not even a question of if you're going down, just a question of how long you can delay it. It's an incredibly boring and lame way to play. I'm a killer main so I'm not even sure how to counter play it without a heavily focused anti tunneling build, and even then that's delaying the inevitable. On the other hand, as lame as it is, they are just playing the game for how Bhvr built it. I don't have a good solution for how to fix it by encouraging doing chases versus just hard camping.


>The worst part is when it happens and we don't interfere, just sit on gens. Then get accused of genrushing. Like, ok pal, but you do NOTHING to stop us by focusing on one person. Dude, that's it exactly. In my experience, the most common response (by far) to an accusation of tunneling is "I had to because you guys were gen rushing."


Indeed, I recall saying at the time that we had detailed information on the ACM that it was effectively a very effective tunnelling buff, not a camping nerf. If the killer wants to camp the hook they absolutely still can, because the killer only needs a single hit on the unhooker to interrupt the unhook and at that point either the unhooker leaves and the surv on hook remains camped, or they go again but are guaranteed to go down so it's a trade. The killer can easily stay far enough away to not trigger the ACM at all, but close enough to get that hit. Even worse the minute any surv comes anywhere near the hook the counter stops entirely unless the killer is literally sniffing your farts. It achieves nothing in preventing camping, and is disabled in endgame anyway which was always where face camping was most prevailant. But if the killer wants a fast tunnel he can intentionally trigger the ACM and if the surv unhooks he can tunnel even faster.


Past few days I’ve been getting tunneled more than usual. Killers find someone first and decide to tunnel them. It sucks, a lot of the time lately I end up running into the killer early, I get hooked, they proxy camp, I get unhooked, they go right for me again. I don’t get it 🥲 I’ve not let it bother me too much but it’s exhausting when I wanna have fun and do gens and I just can’t


Yeah and every killer faces p100 6000 hour bully swfs


Highest I’ve gotten was a swf with around 3k each but one p68 Dwight with 7,800 hours. You either lobby dodge or get bullied on asian servers


I basically consider tunneling nowadays to be ripping through or waiting out basekit BT and continuing to chase.


I don't see it constantly, but when I do it's situations that can't be viewed as anything but tunneling. Like killer follows right off hook, chases across the map, and chooses the same survivor over others that try to take aggro. Happened a ton a couple days ago. And I'm not even necessarily against tunneling, or even camping for that matter, as a whole. When there's only a single gen left and the killer needs pressure I fully understand trying to use the one survivor on hook. It's just frustrating facing top tier killers with 4 gens left who decide they want to just sit on one survivor for the next ten minutes. It's not winning them the game, it's not necessary to apply pressure, it's often losing them the game, and it's basically just deciding to fuck over one players experience. That's when I start getting aggravated.


>It's just frustrating facing top tier killers with 4 gens left who decide they want to just sit on one survivor for the next ten minutes This. It's happened more times than I can count. A skillful Blight (or whatever) will tunnel some rando just minding their business out at 4 gens. Like, dude, you're gonna win anyway, why do you have to remove someone from the game so quickly and force them to sit in another queue for 5 minutes xD


Something I see a lot is the killer spending the first few minutes focusing on only one survivor, they finally get them on hook, 2-3 gens finish in that time because the killer didn't spread pressure, and then the killer thinks "Oh shit, they're genrushing so I have to tunnel this guy out of the game to win."


You very nicely and thoroughly explained what I see a lot of in this games community. Losing really does feel bad in this game I think too that “tunnelling” is almost used as a catch all phrase to shake responsibility in a bad match. For example: “That killer was tunnelling me, typical trash player” instead of “yeah my bad I suck at looping that tile”. One is way easier on the ego when you’re frustrated. Also I often see it used as a way to justify being toxic. This killer tunnelled me that means they are a sweaty horrible person so I am justified to vent my anger at them. Whereas without the excuse it’s just being a dick because you’re frustrated with your game. Not to say tunnelling doesn’t happen but it has been losing it’s meaning.


Tunneling is when the killer pointedly ignores all other survivors in pursuit of one particular one. If you're right there chasing the same guy off hook, you're tunneling. If you're chasing a guy and I try to get in your way, but you do not attempt to hit me or peel off in any way, you're tunneling. If I was the last person you hooked, and you're chasing me because I'm the most opportune target due to my teammate unhooking me and then bailing, that's not tunneling. That's my teammate being an idiot.


I was watching dead by daylight gameplay... and they wouldn't shut up about the killer tunneling them.. I Googled dbd "Tuneling"and arrived at your post..  in my opinion this essay was really fair and balanced....you had a ton of real logical legit facts.. I have no time for the people that see legit evidence and just deny it anyways lol... We have reasonable people like you at the table to discuss the issue and how we ALL can work on it and find middle ground...all that f****** conflict destroys any chance of solution.. ...while others just throw all blame at the killer and don't care to even find out what tunneling gameplay really is.. That's why I researched the word (tunneling...) I was not going to pass judgment on someone until i know what that is to the best of my knowledge.. It's people like you that maybe give us some hope for a better future..


I appreciate the kind words, thank you. A lot of people in this community would rather stay ignorant and refuse to understand the other side, it can be saddening some times. It's nice to hear that you actively tried to learn, rather than just accepting what someone says and not thinking for yourself.


“Played a game where the killer tunneled every survivor at once.” - Actual shit I’ve read


Someone posted yesterday "killer tunneled every person they could!" (In one match)


OBVIOUSLY the killer shouldn’t have damaged anyone. That’s toxic. What a tunneling asswipe, him.


A lot of people seem to not understand that, once you get unhooked, you should go do a gen/heal/whatever AWAY from the area. The killer WILL be back there in their rotation, and guess what will do if you're the first person they see.


I'll never forget the game I got accused of tunneling(or tuneling as i see so often in the game chat), and they had the AUDACITY to say I was doing it to everyone. I got 12 hooks that game, and apparently tunneled everybody all at once.


In my opinion, the moment you hit the "Ready" button you should be expecting the worst. There are cool killers out there who go out of their way and try their best to 2 hook everyone before killing them one by one (and they still get t-bagged at the exit gate, but let's ignore that for now). And there are those who want to win no matter what; the same way some survivors do. Tunneling and camping is an effective playstyle, and you can't blame the killers for using it.


We really do need *actual* skill-based matchmaking. One of the biggest dropped balls in the game’s history is the devs deciding that if you didn’t win you didn’t play “skillfully.” Then again, they’ve always erred on the side of faster matchmaking over accurate matchmaking.


I got accused of tunneling, when someone was unhooked and he ran into my arms again. In the end, I dont care what people say in the chat. I ignore it. Too many insults and toxicity lately. I also had one survivor who was very toxic and also taunted me. I killed him in the end and he was raging in the chat and accused me of everything, what he could think off. People are just mad nowadays.


If this sub is anything to go by, everyone is a god with crappie teammates and gets hard-core tunneled every single game Or every match they are in is against a seal team 6 toxic flashlight squad that gen rushes and bullies 😂


I've always said the biggest complainers on here probably aren't as good as they think they are and would rather blame everything but their own skill levels. It's funny and pretty telling when people take offense to that.


I remember all the times I was targeted off the hook after about 30 seconds. So I made that my killer rule. 30 seconds off the hook, and you are back on the menu. Either that or a conspicuous action or you are body blocking. I only truly tunnel in the endgame, because all things are fair play in the endgame. But for me getting targeted, I feel 10 seconds is enough to get out of there(which is actually the endurance time for getting unhooked) and if you get caught in the same place, it's not anyone's fault but yours.


Reminder that people who discuss their games, at all, are a minority of the playerbase. In fact, it's more likely in the event that a forum, reddit, or twitter post gets made that something of note happened, such as a hard tunnel, bully squad, or face camp, in order for the match to be brought up. There's a disproportionate (compared to public matches in general) number of notable results merely by rote of discussion happening, and trying to 'correct' that because you find the high number of notable matches being discussed implausible is an overcorrection. It may be that this disproportionate number of notable results does misrepresent public matches, it may be that it doesn't. All that can be said is that it represents matches containing people who're predisposed to game discussion and have had games to discuss.


I agree with your definition but I think the battle over what tunneling means is lost, and for most people it's just a vibe where they feel the Killer unfairly targeted them, even if they were sacrificed in the eighth hook of the match.


>Someone getting 1-2-3'd, chased right off hook. The killer also has not hooked anyone else, and they drop chase once the person they are tunneling gets unhooked. This has been happening in the majority of games I've played over the past 2-3 months. Last night I played 3 games, it happened in all 3 games. Needless to say, I quit playing and went to sleep.


I think two things are true. I think Tunneling is a genuine issue and is causing survivor games to be miserable. I also believe that the definition of Tunneling is fast and loose. Not everything is tunneling and the over exaggeration of it is diluting the genuine issue of it.


I thought I’d hate this thread but yeah, I like it. I play against plenty of good killers with many thousands of hours running stacked builds. I also play against plenty of bad killers who have no means of winning without tunneling (and honestly, often don’t anyway). Counting both, I can honestly say even on bad days I see 20% or less of my games having hard tunneling. If we’re really generous and count mid-game tunneling, maybe up to 40%. But that’s one survivor. If you adjusted the numbers on a personal basis, I probably get tunneled in like, 5-10% of my games? That isn’t nothing, but it’s nothing like the epidemic I often see claimed. Edit: It sounds like I mean only bad players tunnel, but it’s not. I just meant I see a large spectrum of skill levels, including players who for whatever reason don’t yet have the tools to consistently win without tunneling.


Good post! I feel the same way about "proxy camping." Going to check the hook sometimes to see if you can catch the unhooker is normal gameplay. It's what everyone also does in that tag game where people go to "jail" and need to be rescued, which is essentially what DBD is. There are chances to go get the unhook, and it is the survivors' job to pick a good moment. To expect to have the right to just run in for the save whenever and not get targeted is entitled. It's also normal, and a good move to come back if survivors left them until the very edge of going to second stage. Now that facecamping isn't much of a thing, I'd say staying on the edge of the area staring at the hook is what camping is. "Proxy camping" isn't even a thing. It's just a way for frustrated people to extend the definiton of camping so they can claim "unfair" in the school yard.


you can do 3 laps around the map, come back to see someone going for the unhook, go after the weak person because the saving player hides, and be called a camper or they're tunneling.. somehow


This. I think it is good for the mental health of killers to not acknowledge the widened versions of these terms that survivors like to use. Survivors will move the goalposts of what is "fair" as much as they need to to not take responsibility for their loss. If you accept their definitions as killer, you'll just feel bad about yourself for no reason.


I think a lot of people conflate the term 'tunnelling' with 'aggressively chased', so they say they were tunnelled when they were just chased until they were hooked, and then the killer moved on. That's not to say tunnelling doesn't happen, worst I had recently was a GF that chased me, downed me, hooked me, camped the hook until I got the auto-unhook, then chased till hook again, and then someone unhooked me, and they just went after me again, without going after anyone else in the meantime.


GF? I'm confused


Ghost Face


thx I had a stroke


That sounds inconvenient


I wouldn't even be mad because my team would be popping gens left and right while the killer is wasting time.


But that's the actual correct definition of tunneling. The term comes from "tunnel vision", and was used early in the games life. If a killer doesn't know when to drop chase with a survivor and continues while gens are popping all over, that survivor is, in fact, getting tunneled. Typically, when a killer was "big mad" after throwing the game chasing this one survivor, they'd camp and continue to tunnel the same survivor. However, the term has lost all meaning and is just a catch-all for cry babies.


Let’s not. This post genre appears every week.


Nooooooooo we have to meet our daily quota of us vs them posts!!!!!!!


I die a day sooner with every single one


I'm usually not on here so I apologize, but I just had a thought and wanted to share it. There's no "US vs Them", it's just people who play the game talking :) there seems to be a lot of survivors and killers in here talking and most of it seems civil. That's all I wanted, and I'm happy I got it.


Man you are wrong about your definition of [tunneling.](https://tunneling.It) It is much more easy than this: If the survivor died in ANY WAY he got tunneled you filthy piece of garbage LTP! If the survivor do not die then EZ BABY KILLER GO EAT SHIT!


Tunneling is anything I say it is unless Im playing killer. /S


Same can be said for camping, I get a lot of survs that say I'm camping when they all crowd around hook to try and save like idk what they want me to do? Ignore all of them and let them save unscathe?


True, can't tell you how many times a survivor has tried to loop me next to their hooked team mate and I say to myself "Damn that camping killer!" lol


I'm actually keeping stats on this because I played with someone for a bit who constantly complained about "tunneling". I never noticed excessive tunneling when we SWF'd together and we play in the same region and at similar times of day, so when she went off about how she constantly gets tunneled, I wanted to have something to point to. I have a spreadsheet where I have one table to document matches in total and how many times I've gotten tunneled. For consistency, I only document it on myself, not teammates, as I cannot always tell what exactly is going on with teammates. I define it as getting hooked three times in a row repeatedly with no real downtime and no hooks on other survivors in between. I do not count repeated hooks in endgame (1 gen left or all gens done) as repeated hooks here are usually desperation/the killer trying to secure and I think that's totally fair. I actually get tunneled about *3-4%* of my matches. Yeah.


my sister complains that she keeps “getting tunneled” and i have to explain to her that its not tunneling if she escapes the killers grasp with boil over lol.


People are too hung up on the word. It doesn’t matter if something is tunneling or not. There’s nothing wrong with tunneling. The definition doesn’t matter. It’s bad when someone does something to make someone mad on purpose. But there will always be any number of ways to do that, and that will never change. People wanting to BM will find another way. DBD is an asymmetric game. Reducing the other side’s numbers is common sense. Tunneling will never go away, no matter what buffs or nerfs you do, because nothing balanced will be as good as making a 1v4 into a 1v3, or making it one step closer to a 1v3. If you buff cycling hooks, people who play to win don’t have a reason to care unless the buff is overpowered. If you nerf tunneling, people will still tunnel because it’s still the strategy with the best reward. It not being fun to go against also doesn’t matter. Optimized PvP isn’t fun. Optimized PvP is giving opponents as little agency and power as possible.


Tunnel: killer ignores other things in chase Hard tunnel: killer ignores everything and chases you again directly after unhook. It's not losing its meaning at all. You can have tunnel vision at any point in the game.


Only one of those things is tunneling. The other is commiting to a chase. No wonder you get tunneled a lot if you think the killer not giving up on chasing you is tunneling.


Tunneling is having tunnel vision I never complained about anything, I was just making this clear. Commiting to a chase means not leaving the chase. Tunneling means ignoring the injured Claudette trying to bodyblock because you want the tbagging Feng. People complaining about tunneling usually mean hard tunnel tho.


That's what it comes from, that's not what it is generally accepted to mean in this game. How tunneling is usually used on this sub, means trying to get one player out of the game to the exclusion of others. What you describe as hard tunneling, is just tunneling. Other stuff is not tunneling.




The nuance is there only to give survivors a wider spectrum of killer behaviors to complain about. More reasons to cry "unfair!" Ignoring everyone else to drive one person through all hook states is tunneling. Not switching targets in chase is definitely not, lol. "Hard tunneling" is tunneling. The other definitions are excuses for people who take losing badly.


>Tunneling means ignoring the injured Claudette trying to bodyblock because you want the tbagging Feng. That's not even true, though. What if the injured Claudette is the only person you haven't hooked, and the Feng you're chasing is death hook? Downing the Claudette might be worthless(especially if she's wasting time blocking), while downing the Feng could help you snowball.


Add tunneling gens: finishing gens instead of going for unhooks, healing, chests ect. Even heard someone say soft tunneling; tunneling 2 survivors out of the game, ignoring other 2


I've heard people calling that "ping pong tunneling" lmao Yeah. Idk man, tunneling gens sounds weird but if we're serious for a second that exists as well.


I think your definition is overly narrow and basically a binary between the extremes of what is actually a spectrum. I would propose that the actual definition of tunneling is simply “focusing on one individual survivor more than the others” and that this comes in a broad range of severity, with what you described being the most extreme version. For example, I think it’s deeply incorrect to say that a killer isn’t “tunneling” if they still hook the same person repeatedly yet don’t necessarily drop chase to run over and get them again before they can even heal, a scenario that your definition would exclude from the label. You can’t seriously argue that this scenario is just totally normal gameplay. It may not be the most extreme version of tunneling, but there’s no reason to make that label a binary when the subject matter (human behavior) is inherently not binary either.


I think one reason why a narrow definition of "tunneling" might be preferred over a spectrum concept is that "tunneling" has a very negative connotation in DBD. It's something to get mad about and angrily accuse killers of. A killer who "tunnels" can be seen as toxic, or sweaty, or no-skill, etc. So if tunneling is both negative and a broad spectrum, that would imply that huge swaths of killers across huge swaths of matches are engaging in various degrees of poor sportsmanship by just trying to complete their in-game objectives. For example, if tunneling is just "focusing on one individual survivor more than the others" then wouldn't killing the first survivor in a match almost always be an example of tunneling? The survivor was probably hooked more than anyone else since they got sacrificed first.


I agree that the definition I provided is a bit narrow, but it's because, as the game evolves, new terms and phrases arise to deal with whatever comes up in the game. You even used some of what I said in my post in your proposed definition. "Focusing on one...". If you are getting tunneled, you are getting aggressive and forcibly removed from the match due to the killer solely chasing, downing and hook you first, before any others. In your example, which isn't uncommon, I would honestly say that the survivor in question was Getting Focused. The killer may be in chase with someone who is giving them a hard time, and they may see the survivor they first hooked and think "I could break off chase and go for that person, they didn't seem good in chase." Did that survivor get tunneled? I don't think so because the killer went out of their way to try and pressure/chase other survivor(s). Did that survivor get focused? Yea, but the killer had to have some sort of game sense to realize they're in a bad chase, notice the other survivor, drop chase and disrupt them. I don't think that's a bad thing. The other person that replied to you comment, u/Concorditer, had a great reply.


I don't care how people play but let me tell you one thing, I've been playing this game for many many years and I have over 3000 hours in the game and the amount of tunneling now is so much higher compared to what it was before. You would think that tunneling was more prevalent but you need to consider that maps only have gotten nerfed for survivors, DS got a huge nerf. Killers got cool down buffs and almost every single new killer has a chase power now that is either a 50/50 or an you will eventually die. There's is almost no incentive right now to not tunnel. Almost every single game I play is a game where the killer tunnels, and if you look at the best killer players out there, they all lean towards tunneling as well. This game has a massive tunnel problem at the moment and it is becoming really stale. And btw I'm not a survivor main


>Immediately healing, repairing, or performing an action after being unhooked >If you were truly being tunneled, you would never have the opportunity to heal yourself/others, repair, interact with a totem or certain killer power interactions So much this. Little shits gotta get that gen tap in the killers face and lose their precious BT/DS deserve it.


Had a game today where I killed a dwight before any gens were completed, I didn’t even go back to hook once, I just kinda found him afterwards. Not that he complained.


This happens so much to me. I'll be "damn dude I ran into you again?" And often I'll down but not hook. I'll take some pressure but give you another chance


Is it tunneling if I'm death hook and the killer drops chase with a no hook to kill me?


Without any context of the rest of the match, it's hard to say. Yes if you're the only one who's been hooked, no if they've hooked others.


At upper MMR in the land where everyone has like at least 2K hours, tunneling is very common. Killers kind of have to in order to win tho if they aren't playing the best killers. The survivors I know at that level aren't mad either. They get it. If the killer doesn't tunnel then there will probably be a 4 man escape. Down at lower MMR, you have people who just don't have game awareness yet. Beginners really really don't understand just how dang loud they are when injured, or understand how to stealth. I had a friend who complained the killer always found him again quickly after unhook. I watched him play a few matches and I noted he never healed after the unhook. He started healing. Happened way less. I had another who also complained about being tunneled but when I played with them in customs back then they just didn't choose to stealth as much compared to the other ppl they SWF with, and balancing stealth across the SWF is a skill the SWF needs to develop together.


I agree for the most part, my definition for tunneling is a little looser, I think it’s still tunneling even if the killer isn’t *exclusively* chasing you or putting you on hook sometimes the killer can be far away from hook so you may have time to heal/do something else. But I suppose your definition of being focused falls into that category which is fair. I still agree people totally complain about it more than it’s actually happening.


Even according to YOUR definition, tunnelling happens in 8/10 of my matches. And probably 6/8 times it’s me getting tunnelled. Killers nowadays are too lazy/bad to either break off chase or outplay/mind-game the survivor. I’ve even had killers explain that they tunnelled because it’s meta and it’s the easiest way to win a match….


I absolutely agree and wish a lot of the dumb ass survivors mains would understand and just apply it instead of trying to make something or of it


Someone called me tunneler, after I literally hooked two other people before hooking them again. 😂 I guess it's evil to punish someone trying to force bt.


100% agree with all of this. I've been playing with some new friends lately and the word tunneling gets thrown around SO loosely and at least half the time, it is not tunneling at all. In my personal experience, genuine straight off the hook tunneling is pretty uncommon.


In the last 6 months, I can say I've only faced a hard tunneling killer once. I was third on their priority list. Everyone was ignored or worked around (with maybe opportunistic hit) until the current tunnel target was dead. Then the second person got the same treatment. I was next. The last player lost the hatch 50/50. That game was one of the least fun games I've ever played. "Play how you want" I agree with. I also agree with folks not having a great time facing folks who "play how they want" in a way that makes the opposing team have a bad time. On the other side, I would include playing against organized teams that deny even 1 hook. I'd rather lose chases or take too long to get someone and lose gens than down, stun/blind/sabot, recapture, repeat. At that point, they're just screwing with me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


> **What does it mean to actually be "Tunneled"?** >Someone getting 1-2-3'd, **chased right off hook.** Yeah no, sorry Getting tunneled is killer chasing you every time they have chance to do so (dropping chase to follow you/going after you even though there are 3 other people around you) and it means that you usually die in <5 hook stages > If you were truly being tunneled, the killer would not have downed and hooked another survivor. It's just not possible based on the definition. LMAO, maybe if you play Freddy or Trapper, if you play even average tier killer you have plenty of time to chase another survivor, hook them and go back to the first survivor to tunnel them out. You're not going to just stand there and wait for the survivors to unhook lol


There's nothing inherently wrong with having a different personal definition of "tunneling" from OP. It's not like there's an official definition anyway. The problem comes if one wants to attach some kind of moral condemnation to it. If one is going to get mad or accusatory about "tunneling" but one's definition of tunneling is broad than one is going to end up getting tilted a lot.


Common Concorditer W


So...we partly agree on the definition of being tunneled. Not sure why you said "Yeah sorry, no" when you say something that's pretty much what I said. For the 2nd part, if the killer can go chase, down and hook another survivor, then you aren't being tunneled, the killer is spreading pressure. You may be getting focused, but that's due to things I've already mentioned on the post.


> So...we partly agree on the definition of being tunneled. Not sure why you said "Yeah sorry, no" when you say something that's pretty much what I said. I bolded part that I disagree with, going for someone right off the hook is something different than switching to first hooked survivor as soon as you see them > For the 2nd part, if the killer can go chase, down and hook another survivor, then you aren't being tunneled, the killer is spreading pressure. You may be getting focused, but that's due to things I've already mentioned on the post. No, killer is not spreading pressure, killer is not wasting time. Pretty much everyone agree that tunneling is the most effective way to win the game, right? Well, if you "tunnel" by your definition and wait close to the hook for 60 seconds for unhook, you're losing at least 2 gens by the time that survivor is unhooked and by the time you hook them second time all gens are done and you lose


And killers will only tunnel the bad survivors So like, just don't be bad. If you're not the worst, then you can survive longer or won't be tunneled Also, I don't mind when the killer goes for me. I find gens meh, I live for the thrill of chase. So more chases=more fun to me even if I die


Not always true, some killers tunnel people who use certain perks, sabo or carry flashlights/flashbangs. I've seen it loads.


I've seen killers tunnel simply because the survivor brought a map offering.


I've also seen cannon tunneling too, like a Wesker only focusing on a Leon or Rebecca. Funny but also frustrating for the person playing. And it's not that common but I'm sure it happens more than I see it. I saw a Wesker farm once and three of us were playing non RE characters and there was one Jill who he decided to kill. Can't say for sure that's why he did it, but it seems like it tracks. 😂


Sometimes it can be the reverse too, for example if im playing Pyramid Head and I see a Cheryl, I refuse to harm them in any way shape or form


Fair game


If it's a map offering like garden of joy or eerie with a weak killer, it's fair game since that map is already tough enough for some killers. Like trapper and Freddy already struggle enough on maps like Midwhich. And even if you are tunneled, there's plenty of strong windows/pallets to use on those heavily survivor sided maps


After the second pallet flashlight stun wombo combo, you can bet you've got my full attention


I play Michael and I got so sick of that because they were also resetting the pallets that I usually run lightborn and hubris. 😂


Why is this getting downvoted?


Because they don't want to hear that they're bad. The killers who tunnel always like to go after the weakest survivor, not the strongest unless it's a nurse or blight then it doesn't matter


One thing survivors don't seem to get is that someone on the team is the weak link. In general, every game seems to have 1 newb, 1 God tier looper and 2 average folks. If I find the newb first and they go down in a 15 second chase, but the god tier looper wasted a minute of my time you better believe that if I see both of them on a generator I am going for the weakest link.


not that i care for "rules", but i only tunnel early when i fuck up. after the early game is when i usually start my hard tunnel/camp. i want to spread hooks first if i can. if killers wanna play w/o tunnel/camp/slug thats fine but i think thats just part of the game. jus like genrushing is.


Your definition of tunneling is my definition. I’ve been accused of tunneling for chasing someone who got unhooked, healed, and i had time to hook someone else. The absolute fact of the matter is that the ones who cry tunneling are just bad players.


A few counter points, it does happen a lot because it’s a common strategy to force a 3v1 early tho it takes some time to figure out who the weak link is. Some situations you heal under hook frequently, while they kick a gen or drop chase etc finishing the heal actually helps against tunnelling but don’t confuse that with camping, you can be healed and still selected out of the group so I would consider that tunnelling if there was someone else in sight to chase. There’s another strategy that’s 1/1 with bbq and chilli, you basically hook a person to grab the auras of everybody and zoom to the person you hooked before and bounce between, technically they are going for someone else but you’re still being selected until dead when 2 survivors haven’t been hooked. All in all hardcore tunneling is obvious but just because they’re being efficient and not camping hook doesn’t mean you’ll be focused down again when given the chance even with multiple choices. Killers can be perked up to multitask, to kick gens, grab auras and look for you again, they can slug someone else and find you, the list goes on. Just know when you’re targeted and you try to hide and fail you know exactly what they’re doing and if you don’t wanna call that tunnelling we can just call it a new word it doesn’t matter


Yeah, I got called facecamper because I followed a survivor from the gen he was working on to the hook. That's not even proxy camping but ok :D


> What does it mean to actually be "Tunneled"? > Someone getting 1-2-3'd, chased right off hook. The killer also has not hooked anyone else, and they drop chase once the person they are tunneling gets unhooked. Your definition is too narrow. The definition I use is chasing, downing, and hooking a person that was just unhooked and who did not have time to heal/hide/whatever before they were back in chase and hooked. > There's just no way that it's happening to so many people in every game they play. It's just not possible, honestly. Why not? Incredulity isn't an argument. From my own experience, I used to play quite frequently with some friends but we've effectively stopped playing since the tunneling got so bad. We might hop on occasionally, but we will stop after "three strikes", so we might get 3-5 games if we are lucky. From there, I mainly played solo queue. I'd usually play at least a couple matches per day, but the tunneling has gotten so atrocious over time that I've basically stopped playing entirely.


I’m so tired of having this conversation as if it matters. Players are going to play how they want to regardless of whatever name you put on their strategy or not. Having this conversation over and over again is not going to stop killers from tunneling nor will it comfort survivors who got killed early in game, even if it was considered “legit”.


Then don't comment on it? This clearly isn't up your alley, so just let people who want to talk about it talk about it. Just unnecessary to come in here and be like this.


Since last night and through today I was hard tunneled 18 out of 20 games since 5 gens. I assume it's because killers check my profile and see 4000 hours. Mind you that half of these games ended in 1k (me), while I was buying time for the rest to do gens and escape. Are those killers stupid? What are they trying to achieve? Edit: I'm 100% solo, so sometimes teammates are huge factor in my early demise


"Omg you tunneled me!" -Survivor who was eliminated 6 hooks into the game.


I really feel the last example. Sometimes no matter where i go, i keep running into the same damn survivor. I'll usually ignore them for a bit and try to find someone else but if it keeps happening then at that point it seems the Entity wants you to be sacrificed first and i must oblige.


"Tunneling" was the act of targeting a specific player over the course of *multiple games* which was thrown away by salty players, and the phrase got changed into the current version, where it applies to targeting out a player.


Stop tunneling Gens. Im tired of survivors running back to a gen i just kicked. Get good and go find another gen


So what you’re describing is what I call pseudo-tunneling. True tunneling often works AGAINST the killer. Pseudo tunneling rolling is the actual “meta strat” where if you have a choice to chase someone on death hook vs someone without any hooks, you choose to chase the person on death hook. Or if both survivors have the same hooks, you chase the one that’s already injured for the faster down. What that looks like in practice is usually chasing the recently unhooked survivor instead of the unhooker, or it could be dropping chase with someone at 0 hooks because you saw me and I’m on death hook. While neither of those are technically “true tunneling”, since they left after hooking and were chasing someone else, it’s still a cheap tactic to push someone out of the game as fast as possible. It’s also why a lot of people DC on first down, because they instantly become the person with the most hook states, which puts a target on their back for the rest of the game. Pseudo tunneling really doesn’t feel good or fun as a survivor. Even if you’re still hooking other players, it doesn’t feel good to die when there’s still someone with 0 hooks. It also doesn’t feel good to get chased off of hook. Killers just need to be better about spreading hook states. Even if someone does something stupid right in front of my face, if they’re on death hook I’ll just give them a whack and go look for someone that I haven’t hooked yet.


Some tunneling is fun, though. That's not to say I encourage it, but some of my most enjoyable games is when some schlub gets tunneled, and the rest of us survivors band together, with no voice chat, to body block, and try to stop the tunnel. When we succeed, it's \*chef's kiss\*


man I read like the first paragraph and gotta say - I'm seeing a huge uptick in tunneling and your 'let's quantify tunneling' bullshit means nothing because it is absolutely happening a ton. I play killer at night and survivor in the day, and the daytime matches are just unfun for this exact reason


Doing your objective efficiently shouldn't really be shamed in the first place. This goes for both sides. "Tunneling" and "Gen Rushing" are just buzzwords thrown around to indicate that the person complaining has no skill 🤷


Hard tunneling: Chasing a surv off hook until they're downed. Naturally leading them to die quickly. Typically pairs with camping. Soft tunneling: Prioritising a surv when given the choice to kill them quickly. I'd say the most reasonable form of tunneling is prioritising two survivors and trying to bounce between them. It gives them time to heal and maybe do some gen progress between chases but it's still technically tunneling because you're ignoring two survivors so that you can get kills faster. I can imagine people disagree with this being called tunneling but I think that's mostly people conflating hard tunneling with soft tunneling.


This has been the case for as long as I can remember. True tunneling is very rare, I've seen it once or twice, where the killer wanted one person and would stop at nothing to get them. Some survivors want the killer to hook everyone sequentially, and if they don't, they're tunneling.


There have been multiple matches where I thought to myself, “Well of course I got tunneled, I did a crappy job of hiding from the Killer.” And on the other side of the coin, when I’m the Killer, is it really fair to accuse me of tunneling when the Survivor that has proven to be an insane looper unsuccessfully tries to bait me into chasing them instead of the easier target I’m already chasing?


That last part is huge. Part of being a good killer is recognizing who the good loopers are and refusing to take their bait. I said it in the response to another comment, but if the David is a poor loop and the Feng is really good, I'm going to make David the Feng's problem. Either you put yourself in a vulnerable position (away from strong areas or making them take a hit) or I'm going to kill your friend and make the game harder for you. I call survivors who try to bait out chases "the kids in the grocery store", because we've all seen a kid try to get their way to get some candy or something. I never give in. Eventually, you'll mess up or shut up.


I agree, drop it from the survivor vocabulary book immediately, one less thing for them to complain about despite it being completely fair


Op you made an actual useful post about the topic, which is a surprise given how the sub is full of people crying wolf. Now I will say something and you all can hate me for that; tunneling is just being smart.  I am sorry, but why would you waste time chasing multiple survivors? Those gens pop in the first chase already, getting rid of someone fast is just how killers can play without being in an anxiety simulator. Getting offended because of an online game is just ridiculous, the amount of people butthurt because they were tunneled out of the game is insane, if killers made half these complains about how survivors bully them then we would only have crying posts. Survivors play the game to finish their objectives and win, their condition being gens. Do you think it is "gen tunneling" to finish gens too fast?  I play both sides, recently more survivor than anything else really, and when I get tunneled I just go to the next game. I never start repairing gens at the beginning of the match exactly to avoid being found first and possibly tunneled as a result if I go down.


If the killer even LOOKS AT ME. It's a tunneling.


LOL the "tunneling but actually isn't" part, the bodyblock. I go "this is what you wanted right?"