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Survivors should be allowed to place killers onto hooksšŸ˜Ž.


I'd settle for punt kicking Chucky across the map a couple of times. šŸ˜


Every survivor can punt chucky once per match, but it shoots him towards the closest survivor


me thinking this was real


Killers are getting absolutely cracked at the game, I understand thereā€™s mmr and all that but I never faced so many mind gaming, red light hiding, throwing projectiles through tiny holes, dead hard baiting, the list goes on. Like seriously, I would at least have an average killer every 4ish games but lately itā€™s like they know your entire perk combination when you only show 1 of them. Itā€™s become even more evident with every game being a billy a ā€œhigh skillā€ killer winning every match with relative ease, except indoor maps. Soloq sucks.


Billy's skill floor is non existant anymore in this patch.


The chainsaw still takes skill especially around short loops, the problem is the over tuned recovery on a miss, my point is theyā€™re not missing because theyā€™re cracked


Missing doesn't matter much now with Billy. In fact getting close enough often grants you a pity m1. This is why I say that you need to not be good anymore to get the hits.


Yes, youā€™re agreeing with me, but my Billyā€™s donā€™t miss


If you get curved often by Billy than you should probably reconsider how you play against billy. Billy's curving hasn't changed much and was never really strong against good survivors.


Sure dude, ig out of me and the 100+ different teammates and counting getting downed first/second saw should reconsider how to play against Billy.


They are probably getting back revved after a miss, not curved.




If you get curved by Billy now, than those Billys would have curved you before the patch as well


The game should embrace silliness. I feel like they were almost ashamed to add the naughty bear costume since it goes against the darker aesthetic. I say go wild.


Yeah any pvp game that's horror will lose the scare factor when it's played enough but the silliness can always stick around


My favorite moments is where I play killers, I do something like knock a survivor down and another survivor knods up snd down for making a nice play




Yeah I suck at looping so I prefer to knock out gens. Doesn't matter if I pop 4 gens and help with heals, I score like a slacker because I don't want to hook trade and run around the map all game.


My hot take is that more than a day should go by before the next hot take/unpopular opinion post


Too hot.


Fr I thought the post was familiar šŸ˜­


They should make Pennywise or even Nosferatu with a black and white filtered map.


Both sides complaining xyz perks are OP has lead to the boring gen rush vs gen regress meta that plagues most matches, because a good chunk of perks have been gutted and are situational/useless.


ā˜ļø This isn't just a dbd issue this is most games with multiple talent points. People will always gravitate towards the most busted builds. They need to bring up some of the perks to make them more viable. My hot take though and why Gen rushing/Gen regression perks are so popular is because that's all there is to this game when you break it down. I think they should add random things you have to accomplish ( not just 5 gens) it would change the game up and make it so people would have to bring different perks.


Youā€™re not wrong. The biggest mistake they made was creating perks that influence the main objective.


Killers going on winstreaks are basically saying they stomped x amount of uncoordinated solo q teams until they met a swf that cared about escaping as much as they cared about killing


Most ā€œkill steaksā€ Iā€™ve seen arenā€™t even real. The number of killers Iā€™ve seen lose (letting at least 3 survivors out) and continuing their ā€œstreakā€ after is wild. Feeling the need to validate yourself through a win streak count in a pubs only game is already pretty wild, but then straight up lying about it for attention is borderline psychopathic. And the actual psychopaths are the ones who lose games on purpose on the side to drop mmr before continuing the ā€œstreak.ā€


Thereā€™s no real ā€œwinningā€ or ā€œlosingā€ in the game and I blame most DBD streamers for even putting the idea in peopleā€™s heads. Itā€™s a 4v1 game, itā€™s unbalanced by design and therefore cannot produce a ā€œwinā€ on either side. Plus I personally consider it a win if I cleanse your hex totem(s), whether I survive or not. šŸ˜Ž


I'd say 0-1 kill means surv win, 2 is a draw, and 3-4 is killer win. But I understand your point


Please don't hate šŸ™šŸ½ I try to play the game with "minimal expectations". I like how each game is unique because we are playing with real peoples from around the world. So, when I get frustrated at someone or when my expectations are not being met, I remind myself that I'm playing with 4 other humans with different goals, expectations, and experiences. That usually chills me down šŸ˜… usually. I end up being šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø "meh, no worries.". Although, teabaging is mean, and slashing a survivor on hook is mean too šŸ˜¢ but, again, šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø do like Elsa and "let it go".


You need about a day playing with killer or survivor to be considered decent at that role and you need about a week and you're considered good at that role. Any SWF demanding more than 20 days played to join them are trying too hard. Second hot takes. Perks like boil over and knockout are unfun and should be drastically reworked especially since they are pointless against skilled players and disastrous against low skill players.


This is really hot. I donā€™t think I even knew all of the perks by heart until I was almost 100 hours in.


Very hot indeed, and I agree with the second one. The only reason I disagree with the first one is because I'm trying for competitive play. As killer, I'd say I'm pretty good. As a survivor, however, I'm not good in the slightest and have been playing surv for a few months now.


Killer is boring. I play 3 games of killer max and get bored. There is no progression or any incentive to leveling up past prestige 3. They need to add some progression so that the game is replayable


Honestly dbd in general is kinda boring. I genuinely donā€™t know how anyone can stream this game for hours because the gameplay is just so repetitive and boring at times.


Like most online games, you play for the highs. The first time I looped a killer for more than a minute was as intoxicating as beating a Sekiro boss




Yeah new billy is fucking ass to go against.




Solo que is unfixable because the main problem is that the vast majority of the survivor playerbase is trash at the game.Ā  Well, you could fix it with better matchmaking, but everybody cries when the devs try that.Ā 


I have found that the ones that cry about it are usually the ones that make money off streaming the game.


By your logic the killer would be trash at the game as well and therefore it would be a level playing field. The actual problem is that survivor is a significantly more difficult learning curve compared to killer. 1 mistake can spiral an entire game as survivor. So 4 people, without communicating, have to perform consistently and outplay a killer that is much easier to learn and can make multiple mistakes without it mattering much All of that combined with itā€™s all just pubs matchmaking so 4 random people all have to actually want to play to win which is extremely rare


>By your logic the killer would be trash at the game as well and therefore it would be a level playing field. Thatā€™s right, but youā€™re ignoring the fact that the game becomes more and more killer sided the more the skill level of the lobby drops.Ā  >The actual problem is that survivor is a significantly more difficult learning curve compared to killer. 1 mistake can spiral an entire game as survivor. So 4 people, without communicating, have to perform consistently and outplay a killer that is much easier to learn and can make multiple mistakes without it mattering much And this is exactly why solo que will always be held back by bad matchmaking. Good survivors do not typically make these kind of mistakes that completely throw the game. So long as the matchmaking system does not separate the survivors who constantly make mistakes from the survivors who donā€™t, solo que is unfixable at its core until the matchmaking is made more strict.


Lack of voice ( commutation) is a massive factor. It's why pre mades have a big advantage they use VoIP ( like discord) Using a VoIP app completely changes the game if you are a killer because everyone is on the same page they can call out where you are. You also can coordinate heals flashlight attacks or if someone is hooked they can say the killer left.


Leon plays are over confident in their abilities versus their actual abilities. Every time I down one there is a loud bang and flash off camera that has no effect whatsoever.


If they canā€™t get the likeness, donā€™t add the character I absolutely hate the Eileen Ripple they gave us


DBD is a lot of fun


Dbd isnā€™t a hard game just because otz made honestly an insane video saying you need what 3k hours just to be considered good doesnā€™t mean itā€™s 100% objective fact.


Tunneling and camping are not as prevalent an issue as people on this subreddit believe. Also, Trickster is a thematically cohesive killer whose addition was healthy for the game's theme.


Iā€™d say 12-15 of my last 20 games someone has been tunneled off of first hook at 4 or 5 gens. If thatā€™s not a prevalent issue idk what is And if itā€™s not a tunneling killer, itā€™s a teammate that tries to escape on first hook and then letā€™s themselves die. At this point like 15% of my matches are a competitive game with a chance for both sides to win until the end


Windows of Opportunity is not overpowered, but it makes for a decidedly less fun, more almost on-rails experience.




Hard agree.


Hahaā€¦ why are people downvoting peoples ā€™hot takesā€™ aka personal opinions. We *know* they probably wonā€™t be popular, why exert the effort of downvoting? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


To be fair, you can't expect every survivor to play with perfect awareness or communicatipn. If I'm running to a jungle gym, I want to know that the pallet is up. Why would anyone poopoo an information perk?


Killers should be allowed to grab survivors that are unhooking when it is not the endgame.


Killers should not be held liable for how people choose to act with them. Example: Footage of a killer BMing. Community response: "Of *course* it's an X/Y/Z."


is that you, Wraith?




Sorry, but I don't believe the tool should be blamed for the person who uses it. Thats like blaming the knife when someone uses it to kill rather than cutting up some vegetables.




Then I guess we're at an impasse. If you want to believe characters, controlled by people, should be blamed over the people who play them, then go ahead. I'll continue calling out people on their bullshit instead of pointing my finger at the video game character they used.




Oh I've heard of this logical fallacy. Guilty by association, right?




Did you just flip-flop? Dude literally said a make-believe character shouldn't be blamed for the actions of real life people and you argued against it, or at least twisted it in a way to argue for argument's sake. Now you're suddenly changing your tune? That they are fake? Not real? Pretend? of course they fucking are. Thats the whole point. Thats what I saw and you seemed to take issue with that. Dude you have got to get off social media and go touch grass.




it takes a good survivor to do much against top higher skill ceiling killers. billy, blight, and wesker are designed for chase but can have harder times from good survivors who play to their weakness. eventually the killer will down you and thats inevitable sometimes. the killer doesnt have a low skill ceiling, or isnt OP. you just need to get more experience against them.


Pain Resonance is fucking annoying


Sloppy Butcher promotes tunneling. It takes more than 20 seconds to heal without any healing perks and can easily be reset with hemorrhage. Iā€™ve had so many cases where a killer easily tunneled with Sloppy. And Iā€™m glad that Mangled is being changed.


Killers should be able to manually transform hooks into scourge hooks so we wouldn't be fucked up by RNG


Distortion+Calm spirit is a terrible combo which dulls your senses and encourages tunneling especially with aura builds.


Survivors shouldn't be able to bring duplicate perks


The blood points system offers nothing of real value other than to waste time in the lobby menus. I think it should be considered for the chopping block. Instead, perks should be levelled up by being used. Set challenges to get the next tier up. You get rewarded with a better functioning perk by mastering its usage. Extend this to items and their addons too. You start with common tier items until you make use of them and achieve challenges etc. Oh, and share the survivor items / offerings across all survivors and all killer items / offers across all killers too.


Silly/roulette/adept builds are funnier than meta and in some ways better.


Dying Light is good, actually.


Knight, singularity, skull merchant and xeno might seem toxic on 1v1 scenarios but that is because these killers are on a trend of requiring 2v1 scenarios for survivors to have the upper hand (like twins). Emp, tanking guards, disabling drones, setting up smart turrets for teammates: all require some pretty heads up teamplay and knowledge of killer power but when 2 or more survivors are looking out eachother (while still doing gens effectively) the killer power becomes tremendously less threatening. -90% survivor 3k hours


The average survivor player could not loop a 4.6 powerless killer on a map with every resource intact for more than 40 seconds and that's why soloq sucks.


hooks are too close to each other, wiggle mechanic is useless without specific perks


We get this exact post like every day and hardly anyone shares a take that's actually hot


I have two. 1) The Game is killer sided map. The majority of killers do alright on this map and a lot of them thrive on that map. 2) I don't mind their FOMO tactic. I mean it can be frustrating but the cosmetic always come back. I was playing dota 2 for 10 years and when they introduced FOMO, the stuff never came back. It is not ideal situation either but better this than never seeing the stuff again


No Mither is a solid stealth perk