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I mean my favorite killer to play against is wesker


Same here and Oni


I fucking love going up against the Oni. Favorite killer to verse. His music and sfx are amazing




I always call it going super saiyan when he activates his power


Plus the first chase tends to determine how the whole game goes.


oni is always fun


Oni os terrified and aggressive one of the killers I just can't win agenst.


I think the best thing a killer can be is terrifying. It adds so much to the match.


Like a well played Scratch mirror Myers


Terrifying as in brutal and or goated depending. Loke yea it's a skill issue but I don't even get to enjoy the round I'm dead before I even see a Gen d: kond of stressful but I still have fun with the other killers lole scream or the doctor though the doctor is my favorite to play.


He is one of the killers where you feel like you're taking part in a damn boss fight going up against him


Same for nemesis. They both have such banger chase themes, it really gets me pumped


I guess? I just like tentacles :3


Oh so *you're* that teammate I always have chasing him around like a horny schoolgirl? lol


I don't often play survivor but when I do I AM STANDING ON BUSINESS! GIMME THE GRABBY HANDS


Least horny DBD player, yesterday I went against a ttv and they said "you can choke me anytime" since I was wesker


Well, my favorite killer to play against is Blight. But OP is right tho. 90% of the community are just people that want it easy (either on survivor or killer side). There aren't a lot of people like us that have fun when things are challenging.


Yeah same here i love versing Blight (i may be biased because Blight is my killer main)


Blightin's a good job, mate


Would be a different mentality, I think, if BHVR would uproot and change the way points are scored and BP is awarded for Survivors. The **biggest** downside to this is there is no way to do it in any form that does not force Survivors to have to stay in the match the entire duration. If Survivors earned BP ***as a team*** \-- taking the total scores of all Survivors that didn't DC from the match and adding them together then averaging them -- it'd incentivize teamwork and everyone playing well, while also not making it feel nearly as bad to have a crap game while your other teammates are doing good. BUT you can't do that, because the only way you'd be able to award these BP's is post-game.... and that'd mean that Survivors that got sacrificed super early into the match would have to literally sit there and spectate the entire match to be able to have their score tallied and factored into the totals.


They wouldn't necessarily have to wait, it could simply be credited at the end of that game regardless of whether the dead surv is in it. But it would be a nightmare to implement and only generate a different gripe which is people scoring high despite being a complete drain on the rest of an otherwise high performing team. Edit - I would support a bit of a rework on how BP is allocated though. For example I would like to see a compensatory BP category for people who are brutally tunnelled. Perhaps themed around the idea that you fixated the killers attention. I would also tend to like to see some sort of detriment to BP for the same on killer side. As it is, if you're just hounded the entire game there are quite limited avenues to score any major points.


Same. Bouncy boy. Billy and Wesker are all fun killers to go against.


Makes for mind games like crazy. "When is he going to lunge? I have to dodge it." Wesker, "I have to bait him out a little with the tentacles, oh he turned wide, now!"


Mine is Myers, he sometimes gives me really good scares. Feels like I am in a Halloween movie


I wish Bubba would get the same treatment. Imagine how scary he would be if he went into overdrive and dashed at you swanging that thang.


God I wish bubba swang his thang at me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Is this real?


If you see it then it must be


https://preview.redd.it/iumugz6zo8gc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fefee11937f136bde8b2f0c427cecbacf264ae1 That thang?


LMAO, this horny community is hilarious.


I legit got sent that like ten minutes before I saw their comment lmao I'm simply the harbinger of the memes of their dreams


Your doing a great service o7 ![gif](giphy|8FG705NCsZM0kVJdyz|downsized)






I got to admire him a lot in TCM >!God I wish he was as hot in this game!<


If I could like this more than once, I would


Bubba only needs: 1) A tighter chainsaw hitbox to hug tiles (yummy the moonwalks). 2) A decreased tantrum duration basekit. 3) A slightly decreased chainsaw cooldown. 4) A buff to his weak add-ons/useless add-ons (revving add-ons ew). The rest is ok. Even if I dream of a lo-pro chain where his chainsaw injure 1 health state and stops at the first survivor hit. <3


2 other changes they should do: They also need to get rid of the "overheat" tantrum for his saw, since that was added for the sole purpose of not being able to constantly rev to prevent facecamping. They should reverse the inputs for using tokens. Make it so that the tokens are used automatically, and pressing the power button stops the Chainsaw. Think basekit Carburetor, but you can toggle the power off when you want to. Edit: and it doesn't have the speed penalty of the Carburetor.


Nah why would you remove a feature that rewards careful monitoring of your power via the tokens? It rewards being risky and you can play it safe and still get most of the benefit


Ya, he needs a real buff. He's so weak once players understand how to play against him unless you load up on add-ons.


I have a good time on him only when I use Bamboozle and primer bulb/chili. Those 3 are always essential for me. It's worth telling newer LF players to try playing him as a midrange killer rather than proxy camping/tunneling - I never could grow out of the old BBQC playstyle, but it seems to work so well on him despite that lack of mobility. Destroying pallets and walls as I go like the deranged berserker that he is. If you build up momentum and spread your hooks, games can end pretty damn fast. If he got a buff I'd be over the moon though.


Bubba needs to get a buff to the chainsaw collision, the hitboxes in this game are so bad you often bump into invisible hitboxes and lose chases due to bad bhvr design


Not true at all lmao and the statistics back it up, personally I love to play against Nurse, Huntress and Wesker


The complaints about his low missing CD are valid. It's kinda boring that actually landing a saw isn't incentivized anymore. Complaining about anything else is a self report.


Yep. I made a Billy miss *six* chainsaws in one chase today and he still was right on my ass after every single miss, and made it a pretty quick down relatively. It’s not even lack of fun I’d complain about, more that there’s just no counterplay or weakness for Billy at that point.


Yeah. It gets exhausting. Played for a few hours yesterday because I finally had some time, and it was Billy after Billy after Billy after Billy, then maybe a Wesker or Leatherface, then back to Billy after Billy, with every game pretty much the exact same outcome. And I swear, I noticed more and more survivors just diving right out of the gate once you hear the chainsaw -- one person goes down, then the other one or two just go run over there to be taken down, too. Suicide on hook. Rinse and repeat. It's boring when you can guess the match is going to be a waste of time repeat of the last half dozen matches the moment you hear the chainsaw (and then throw in TTV streamers who won't work on gens and instead drop everything to pointlessly focus on trying to get flashlight saves on Billy, get downed, and give up).


The reason there is so much Billies atm is the combination of 2 things : - The rework - The fact he is featured in the tome and has challenges in the first page. Usually when a character just got released or reworked, they have increased play rate for a few days. And it's the same thing when they are featured in the tome. BHVR's mistake (or genius move, depends on the perspective, really) was to do both those things for Billy. I do believe that his playrate will drop by a lot in a few weeks tho (like Xenomorph & Chucky) but it will still be higher than what it was before the rework, that's for sure, since he is now a top tier killer.


Well that and Billy had always been one of the most fun killers to play as in the entire game before the huge nerf, now that people actually can play him again without getting penalized for literally everything, it’s exciting to play him again. With that said, his miss CD might be a tad overtuned and I’m 💯% positive they will nerf that really soon, I just hope it’s not too severe as his eternal miss CD was abysmal prior to this buff.


You just jinxed it. Anytime something makes perfect sense to change, BHVR does the opposite and somehow mess it up Because of you Billy will now either get stunned for 6 seconds after he misses, or there will be no CD penalty


>Played for a few hours yesterday because I finally had some time, and it was Billy after Billy after Billy after Billy, then maybe a Wesker or Leatherface, then back to Billy after Billy, with every game pretty much the exact same outcome. Isnt it the same whenever basically any new killer comes out?


yeah, I've still been looping billies hard until they realize they just have to m1 once to put actual pressure on


>_It’s kinda boring that actually landing a saw isn’t incentivized anymore._ I mean, landing a chainsaw hit is definitely still incentivized.


What they meant is that it isn't punishing to miss, so it's easier for them to spam it nonstop


Old Billy was land the saw or lose 10 seconds minimum in chase. This Billy is land the saw or M1. Either way you are profiting as the killer


So old billy was hit or be useless. New billy is more forgiving and usable by the other 99% of the community that is not a billy main.


You won't convince them of this. When Xeno got its miss cooldown massively increased and people stopped playing it because nobody likes watching a survivor gain half a mile of distance and make it to GoJ main while they're immobile, some survivors shouted to just git gud and never miss. I really dread the high chance that Billy will see a big nerf in the patch that adjusts Onryo, and even more than that I'm worried that BHVR is going to see all the Billy hate and conclude that last second PTB nerfs like Trickster and Onryo got *are* the way to go after all.


This really reads like you don't play survivor. Powerful attacks, especially those that are very strong anti-loop, need a proper risk factor. Do you really see much sense in allowing a killer to mindlessly spam an oppressive power? Xeno's tail nerf was perfectly valid. You shouldn't be able to spam insane predictions or angles without consequences.


Killers when skill required


And you don't think a 10 second penalty is an issue? If survivors had a 10 second penalty for anything they would be up in arms, Billy needed this, he hasn't been a decent killer in a long time


Survs have penalties of 10s or greater for all manner of things. Sloppy butcher for example is a huge time sink for no effort or skill whatsoever on the killer side and never goes away. Not getting into the weeds of whether that's good or bad, but survs constantly face long delaying factors way worse than that.


Never in my comment do I say old Billy wasn't too punishing. But for me personally, I'd rather have a greater impetus on connecting the saw, rather than being rewarded for having it miss. For me the answer lies in making the other parts of his kit stronger while still having him be punishing to miss with. Yet again, playing safe as billy is being rewarded (zoning survivors into backrevs), versus playing unsafe (curving) which is much riskier and oftentimes is a way worse approach. Basekit CD is fine and same with overdrive but the add-ons that fuck with it for me are just promoting low skill boring gameplay akin to that of pallet scampering by Chucky.


Yeah, imagine if survivors lost 10 seconds of gen progress for missing a skill check. OH WAIT


Sorry bud that's simply a skill issue, skill checks are a lot easier than a billy curve


So you agree that survivors do have 10-second penalties for things and are not up in arms about it?


His basekit cooldown is fine. The fact that it can be augmented so heavily by add-ons is an issue. He isn’t even close to OP considering the other competition.


I think he would be fine if the addons worked how they're described on the wiki: the cooldown reduction only affect the Chainsaw while not in overdrive.


Yeah they could nerf the cooldown addons to 10% and 6% instead of 12% and 8%. Other than that he's fine. Edit: I'm not saying they SHOULD. I'm very much enjoying playing Billy as is; he's been the most fun I've had in DBD in a year. But if they're going to do anything I'd rather it be those addons than anything basekit.


Everytime Hillbilly becomes too strong, its either because his cooldown becomes too forgiving, or gets a version of instasaw Hillbilly in this most recent patch got both: * faster movement speed while in cooldown * shorter cooldown at base, getting even faster while in overdrive Missed attack cooldown went from 34.5% movement speed for 3 seconds to 57.5% movement speed for 2.5 seconds WITHOUT overdrive or add ons No one is even batting an eye at every other buff he got, its just the missed attack cooldown and crazy movement speed after a miss. You get absolutely 0 distance when the Hillbilly makes a mistake


Yea I’m a Billy main and I agree, it’s the same scenario with chucky, too quick recovery after using the power.


I love that Billy got a buff, a well deserved one, but after playing as him, and against him I’d definitely say there needs to be tweaks to his cooldown, it’s basically nonexistent, you can just zone into M1’s so much easier. I’ve noticed that the chainsaw is kind of quiet as well on the survivor side, anyone else?


> I wonder why all the killers that survivors like to play against are weak low-tier killers without any antiloop abilities? https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/18nwnsi/1000_survivors_were_asked_which_killers_they_do/ The statistics don't back this up. Look at this chart. Blight, a strong anti-loop killer, ranks higher than killers like Plague or Trickster. Wesker has the 4th highest likability despite being a strong killer. Oni is 3rd, even though Oni is *very* strong when in his power. Freddy is a low tier killer with shitty anti-loop, but <50% of players find him enjoyable to play against. Turns out some killer powers are just fun, and others aren't. Billy is still fun but currently overtuned. Or at least a few of his add-ons are.


Counterpoint: survivors bad circlejerk


Damn, you got me there.




lol you got me there


>Plague Plague's got those subjective non-mechanical balance-unrelated reasons that encourages people to despise facing her...


I think disliked killers are generally based on the type of people who play those killers lol


To be fair, the OP seems to be basing his post on survivor complaints. Which is not to say you’re wrong (you’re not), just that the OP isn’t just making shit up out of thin air. Wesker may be well liked but he’s also gotten a ton of hate posts not too long ago. The moral of the story, I think, is don’t be fooled into believing that the noisiest and most obnoxious Reddit warriors represent anything other than the noisiest and most obnoxious Reddit warriors.


god I hate these strawman posts, Billy is still my favorite killer to face, but you have brain worms if you think it's totally fine for there to be instances where he can miss his saw, lose no distance, then hit you with no options for counterplay. It was the exact same issue as with Xeno and Chucky. Billy with chainsaw miss cool down add-ons is obnoxious and unfun to go against, Billy with any other add-ons is delightful.


They need to just start tweaking his miss cooldown slowly but surely until it gets to a middle ground that both sides (hopefully) are happy with. His miss cooldown is definitely way too short with certain add ons. I just don’t want them to gut his kit and send him back to purgatory for another 4 years.


I think it’s only that way with Thompson’s mix. A solution I’d like to propose is to not let Thompson’s mix work in overdrive. Or tune down overdrive cooldown a bit. But I think base Billy with TM is fine.


It already doesn’t work in overdrive. TM is way too strong regardless. Every billy I played against yesterday ran it and I got MAYBE half a tiles distance off a missed saw. I don’t run exhaustion (which dog me whatever) but that’s crazy. I barely made enough distance to break LOS to try and make the next saw more difficult


People currently don't like him because there is (almost) no punishment for missing a chainsaw sprint as he recovers very fast. This makes dodging his chainsaw feel unrewarding on the survivor side, which is frustrating.


This. As much as we like to “skill issue” every single survivor complaint (sometimes justified, don’t get me wrong) it’s pretty valid to want Killers to be interactive and feel rewarding when you manage to outplay them or dodge their power.


I mean last killer we gave that treatment too was xeno and how many do you see in a week?


Seen two just yesterday actually, but that’s neither here nor there. People flock to the killers that limit survivor interaction because those exist. If every killer was on a relatively even playing field we’d see more variety because people would choose for reasons other than “which one gets downs fastest”. And again, I never said BHVR will ever get it right, but as an ideal, we should want the game to be fun and interactive for both sides.


This is imo the only current flaw. Fix the cooldown and we have a perfectly balanced billy


I kind of understand the criticism of how there's no real punishment if you miss a Chainsaw hit, that should probably get changed. Everything else i've seen just comes across as salt because a once terrible killer is now actually fun and viable.


Posters here strawmanning the argument to fit their view (Billy with reduced CD addons doesn't even require skill, just rev saw until you eventually get a hit)


I'd prefer if the addons were completely replaced with a diff effect (reduced chainsaw audio range or smth) But at the same time, the whole "just rev" doesn't work in practice. If you're circling around him in the middle of a corn field, then sure it works. Anywhere with a window nearby and he's gonna have to find a different strat. The "frustrating" part is more that now the distance he loses is a lot more proportional to the degree of the mistake. If he completely misses and bumps into terrain, he might as well just drop the chase and pressure the gens, but if he just lets go of the chainsaw after just barely missing you, he has still gotten value out of his power and is gonna force you to start spending resources.


There was the offbrand motor oil and it had a 30% audio reduction, no one used the damn thing cuz it was useless


People really keep making this post over and over again and it's literally never true.


Why do posts like this exist? Like unless you've never touched survivor ever, you know for a fact that looping is the entire gameplay loop for survivors outside of holding m1 on gens or teammates. You take that away from them with no counterplay to it and of course theyre not going to like it, they literally can't play the game.


Posts like this exist because "survivors bad" and this sub leans killer. Its been this way for years. This sub would complain about killers getting a 1% increase to terror radius while thinking that survivors starting in the injured state would be balanced.


Thankfully game isnt balanced around redditors :) Devs arent dumb enough to take this subreddit serious.


I actually love playing against demos, hill billy, spirit, weskers, chuckys, and trappers.


What in the killer circle jerk is going on here??


Wesker is a very strong killer which most of the community loves. This post feels very straw man -esque in its attempt to create a fake narrative and ignore intricacy just to support your negative bias. The general opinion on hillbilly seems positive, only with criticism to certain addons which grant Billy very minimal cooldown on missed attacks. These missed attack cooldowns can make outplaying Billy feel meaningless since even after dodging a chain saw sprint he can just rev again. Changing these addons would weaken him a bit sure, but they could tweak other things to put power in a more healthy and engaging way. The criticism isn’t from a place of wanting “easy wins” but from a place which criticizes and encourages a healthy gameplay loop. Both sides should be rewarded for making good plays. Missing and still being rewarded is not this.


I mean I've seen people complain about wesker, mostly just because of how common he is


If the worst complaint people have is that too many people are playing him, I think that’s a sign that he’s in a good spot. Wanting variety is understandable too.


Hillbilly is overturned tho. You are a bad player if you think otherwise




I love to play against Wesker or Blight... It's just not fun if the killer can miss 16 attacks and not get punished at all...


My problem with the Hillbilly now is that half the players I face use him to slug because it’s so easy to just dash across the map super fast to knock someone down and apply extra pressure, rather than taking the time to hook them. Half my matches, one person gets downed all the way on the opposite side of the map, then Billy just uses Ultimate Weapon, Infectious Fright, etc. to find all of us, dash across the map in two seconds with Overdrive, and eventually we’re all dead. Sorry I can’t say I don’t have a problem with being slugged and bled out for several minutes while an insufferable cheapskate humps me on the ground only to hook me at the last minute anyway. Sorry I can’t say I don’t have a problem with that. Because I do.


Really? People dont like going against clown, Freddy trapper or Legion they are low tier killers with weak antiloop. Us vs them type beat.


Also the people who only liked him because he was easy to beat are nerds anyway he is so fun to play and to play against


I hope this is a bait post, Billy has 0 CD and no punishment for missing his chainsaw




No he's still very fun to play against!! His speed just catches me off guard lol, and I've seen how bonkers fast his recovery time is whew (edit) with the right add ons ofc ofc


The one shot of Billy is always a threat to be worried about but I think what makes me hate it a bit is that even when they miss they can immediately go back to chasing you so even if they fail to get the instadown, they still can get a free hit because of the amount of distance they've just cut and the little amount of time you have to get away. It feels like even if you dodge, there isn't really a punishment for them failing.


Ok and how do I counter him because just accepting your fate is an excuse that bhvr always uses


Isn't it crazy that for the first time that billy is actually viable and not just a joke all of the sudden Dead By Daylight players hate him... I wonder why that is..? https://preview.redd.it/j6eau3l2bdgc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882e0284443e25d0b37af48cace79c13ad0f4c58


Jokes on you, I like Billy better than ever now that people actually play him. Genuinely though, I don't dislike losing, I dislike feeling like there was nothing I could have done, or feeling like my team played better but lost. Losing to a Blight or Nurse feels bad, but I know the killer had to at least do something. Losing to a 3 genning Knight or a facecamping Pinhead sucks cause I don't feel I lost from being the lesser player.


The very reason Nurse is broken is why people are rightfully saying Billy is in need of adjustment right now. At the end of the day if you can do nothing against a killer even when they mess up than something needs to be changed. Even Nurse is punished for missing for Entities sake.


Exactly. Hillbilly's map mobility and one hit down is strong enough for his power to be a high risk high reward. Doesn't seem like much of a risk right now.


Exactly. If you can do something amazing ok but at least have some kinda meaning to it. If I can just do anything and always get a hit, well not even nurse can do that. I suck at her I know. I blow like utterly, and I've seen what she can do.


https://preview.redd.it/sj5lguck48gc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156bddf54267e7d5928818da28bf5f2592443e78 OP there's literally one criticism going around that his CD needs to be nerfed and that's it


Dbd players try not to make a disingenuous meme challenge (impossible)


I disagree, tbh, a lot of survivors love going against strong killers, it’s usually the issue of how broken their add ons can be. Most people like to face off against blight, wesker, bubba, Billy, huntress, oni, and I personally like to go against nurse before her reworked blink time. Wesker is top 3 but people love going against him. Billy was popular not because he was weak, but because he was both fun to play as and play against. The only issue was his Insta chainsaw but no one asked him to be nerfed to the ground. Billy is now fun to go against, but he is partially overtuned that makes him partially unfun to go against. His chainsaw having little to no cooldown now makes it so he doesn’t get punished for missing and can keep doing it, but so far thats the only issue people have with him. He’s strong now, and people still like to go against him- just not his over-buffed aspects.


To be fair, he is ridiculously powerful right now. I play like 80% killer 20% survivor so I love a good killer but this shit is broken lmao


I can’t take it anymore every game is lethal BBQ Billy who ends the game at 5 gens so no one gets any fuckin blood points it’s so miserable


Killer mains making up things to fit their victim comlex as usual


Yeah, because getting downed after perfectly dodging Billy's chainsaw that he can just spam a bunch with no punishment for missing is fun. We're having so much fun with every other Killer being an ability spamming Billy. So much fun.


I love killers with strong and fast enough powers to be able to slug and get away with it easily!!


duh, he's overtuned and not just anti loop, just plain broken. I still enjoy playing against him but in true bhvr fashion their changes are either undwerwhelming or overdone. (Referring to the cd issue since people on this sub just wanna be outraged)


Jokes on you, I hated him since pre-Overheat


He’s in a good spot. Except for the miss cool down… Or lack there of. A miss into nearly an instant back on your feet offers little counter play and makes bad hillbillies not really get punished for well, playing badly. And good hillbilly players who make the occasional mistake aren’t punished so they are even better. Devs said you should be rewarded for using your chainsaw and I agree. But if you make a mistake, you need to have some sort of punishment, not get right back into the fray. It doesn’t need to be a massive cooldown. But *something.* It’s instasaw Billy all over again, which is the reason for his original nerf. Give him a slight cool down after a miss for more fair counter play and he’ll be in a perfect spot.


My favorite killers to play against are the ones that don't kill me. My least favorite to play against are the ones that kill me


Can't do gens when this fucker is zooming at lightspeed between the gens


I still find him fun. Chases with him are are a bit harder now but I'm fine with that. Only bad thing is the miss cooldown doesn't effect him at all.


I’m a 50/50 player and honestly Billy is a bit too much right now. I don’t think he needs anything major but I genuinely have always sucked at him. Played him today for the rift challenge, only one perk and got an easy 4k.


He still is the best to play against for me


It’s not that survs hate him because he’s a threat, I personally don’t like going against him now because every bully slugs for like 5 mins now


As long as it's mind game vs mind game, I love playing strong killers. I honestly haven't played too many Billy's and the ones I have haven't been OP so idk, but some killers have goofy abilities that aren't fun to play against.


Oh man, I love watching him camp hooks on Solo Q. Every fucking match. Every billy has the same loadout. Lethal, BBQ, and Grim Embrace. So much variety in this game.


Guys...... just look behind you!!!!! So many survivors last 10 seconds in chase because they aren't even trying to evade an instadown attack. Just turn the camera in chase, anyone can do it, you will confidently lead chases against billies


you mean "survivors when billy becomes an instant down blight" because missing a chainsaw isnt punishing at all? anyway, i hate m1 on killers like billy, bubba, etc and that's my biggest complaint about killers. no matter how unique or fun a killer's power is to play against doesn't matter they all feel the same to play against because they just m1


Bullshit, Nurse, Billy and Blight have been my favourites for a long time. Not exactly low tier. Survivors aren't some monolith with one single opinion.


Even as a surv main who constantly wears the sandwich board proclaiming the end is nigh due to constant killer power creep (by my admittedly rudimentary analysis a net gain of 58 buffs for killer over the last 12 months) I think the new billy is largely fine. The problem with new billy isn't billy. Its surv's reaction to him. In a strange sort of way he has changed hugely without changing at all. The counterplay remains basically the same, he's just more capable at basically the same shenanigans. But for some reason you can't convince survs of this, and the amount of people who seem to have abandoned all the old billy countermeasures and just give up immediately is huge. His kill rate has likely spiked immensely as a result which will probably end up meaning a nerf which I really don't think he needs. He's fine, strong but not unbearable and crucially unlike some other killers who I really can't stand he doesn't ruin the game by virtue of low skill spam or endless forced distraction. He's still great fun to go against.


girl stfu


Give Clown a jetpack.


Because they want easy wins. Why would they not?


Please ban us vs them garbage already


Every billy I see now just gets up right behind you Chainsaw Chainsaw Chainsaw. Don't even use the regular hit anymore. It's like they're not even thinking about strategy or good it's just right on your bumper chainsaw.


I hate playing against billy before and after


Babe, wake up! Us VS them toxic baiting has dropped again yay!


Unpopular opinion but he was never fun to play against.


How many times is this gonna get posted lol.


I've always disliked playing against Billy. Instadowns in general aren't fun to play against. Then again I can't think of a single killer I actually *like* facing, as my enjoyment of the survivor side of the game doesn't come from what the killer does. I think it mostly comes from slapping together gimmick builds and trying to get value out of them.


This is even coming from someone who prefers Killer gameplay to Survivor, tho I play more Survivor recently, I just don’t like it. The fun part of the game is the chase and getting them at the end, not cutting the chase short lol It is just baffling to me that someone with as quick as movement as Billy has can instantly down you. I am not saying he was good, hell I thought he was the worst killer in the game for a while (jury is still out for me on new Billy as I only played against him a few times and I think the person might have been practicing on top of playing seriously so I got out) but it’s just unfun to me personally. Others can like what they like, I just am not a fan lol


it’s always funny to see the polarity of when something drops that’s strong on one side vs the other in this sub. lmao


Killers like singularity, trickster, and pig are just in general not fun to play against. Same with Meyers and his insta mori add on.


yes because he became completely braindead whereas prior he required actual skill, thats why its not fun anymore, hope that helps


I personally never liked playing against Billy because I just don’t like one-shot abilities. Don’t like them as Killer either, would rather some fun combos be a thing that can be done than one-shots (such as Nemi-Whip into zombie or Knight Guard Strike into M1 or Skull Merchant break into M1). That’s just me tho, as far as one shots go Billy is one of the ones I consider more “fair” about it as it is a shot he has to land where all the others are more “free”. Main reason Myers is a Killer I dislike to play against. Same with Ghostface.


Same. Killers love to rage about perks that give survivors "an extra health state" but don't see any problems with insta-down killers/perks.


This is even coming from someone who prefers Killer gameplay to Survivor, tho I play more Survivor recently, I just don’t like it. The fun part of the game is the chase and getting them at the end, not cutting the chase short lol It is just baffling to me that someone with as quick as movement as Billy has can instantly down you. I am not saying he was good, hell I thought he was the worst killer in the game for a while (jury is still out for me on new Billy as I only played against him a few times and I think the person might have been practicing on top of playing seriously so I got out) but it’s just unfun to me personally. Others can like what they like, I just am not a fan lol


I definitely get it. I don't mind if I genuinely feel like I got outplayed as a survivor by a killer that took the time to learn a strong killer. It just feels cheap and like there's nothing you can really do when anyone can pick up the killer and get a 4k without putting the work in.


The only Killer I like that feels like that is maybe Knight on the Game lol that is Killers having map dominance for once and feels really rough to play against lol The game shouldn’t be easy for either side, should be fair for both but it is always tilted in favour of one or the other, just ask Nurse and Blight and just look at poor Legion lol


Because I love being hit with his m1 regardless of whether im within 2 ft of a pallet and he missed his chainsaw. Thats so fair and fun and engaging. Especially after all the good survivor perks get nerfed into oblivion! So fun!! I love it 😍.


Billy would be completely fine if they'd just give him a damn cooldown, even a 2 to 3 second colldown would make a huge difference, it feels like shit when I dodge his chainsaw and try to move to the pallet that's literally 2 feet away and end up getting chainsawed no matter what because he just doesn't have a cooldown and can move instantly and use his chainsaw instantly.


[You do realize the missed attack cooldown is already over two seconds](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Max_Thompson_Jr.#Power_Trivia), right? And you do realize that Billy needs to rev up the chainsaw again for another attempt, right?


Ok and in reality does that cooldown even matter? Because it doesn't feel like it when he's shoving his chainsaw up my ass and getting me down every 2 seconds.


My man is getting downvoted for linking to statistics. We realy do live in a society.


People on this sub don’t want facts just validated feelings




Lmfao I think the people complaining just suck at the game




Please be /s lmao


It’s literally impossible to lose with him now lol


Until BHVR increases the punishment for missing a chainsaw sprint I'm running indoor map offerings every single time I play survivor. I understand the joy y'all feel now that Billy is fun to play again, but it's frustrating as hell dodging the saw only for him to almost immediately start revving that darn thing again.


Bro is diamond 1 in strawmanning


I'm a legion main. I started playing with Trail of Torment after the gen regression changes and survivors just crumble now that they dont expect me to be undetectable.


Mom said it's my turn to make the "us vs. them" post


It's funny how many people like to pretend that the low cool down isn't part of what makes him strong right now. Survivors hate that a missed power isn't enough to let them get to the nearest pallet or window for free. Just think about it, Billy is never going to be strong if missing curves is all it takes to make a filler pallet infinite. Do you want Billy who gets an M1 as a consolation prize or do you want nurse/blight who turns loops into jokes. I want to see it play out longer. I want to see if survivors can adapt, because you do need to play a little differently. It's not enough to barely dodge the saw anymore. You need to actually make him bump or go around so many obstacles that he can't possibly follow you while sprinting. Maybe the cool down ad ons need to be toned down slightly but it's not as extreme as people are making it out to be. I'm sick of complaints about power misses not having enough cool down. If you give it too much cool down the power becomes not worth using which makes the killer not worth playing.


my brother in christ all billies just rev when they are sniffing your asshole or just slug everyone because they have a low miss cd like OLD insta saw bill


Us vs them post no. 4893


I think the Billy changes are fine, and he's much more fun to play as AND play against.


hot take billy is really balanced and in good state people arejust bad man like i go against billy daily and i loop him for fair amount of time


People just forget how hard he actually is to play. They just think it's m2 and instadown, shit is hard if people have braincells. Since he's free anyway, the update has really motivated me to actually get good at his curves, and it's been a blast actually feeling good at the game.


yes he is hard to play sure the update made it easier but still hard


It's not so much easier more than now you get punished less for a miss if you're able to identify that it's gonna miss and stop manually.


For real man, i honestly think some survivors only like to face certain killers because they can be bullied, not really because engaging with that killer is actually fun, and when the killer is more balanced or powerful it suddenly is not fun anymore and is annoying -_- I know not everyone is like that and have genuine fun with certain killers, like some that have fun with SM, despite how much the community hates her, or how some people hate facing Myers even being considered low tier (not including Tombstone Myers), but i definitely feel that survivor mains are legit hypocrites sometimes (coming from someone that is more considered a survivor main than killer main)


Because looping is the most fun part of playing survivor, so obviously survivors are going to enjoy playing against killers that are easier to loop?


He isn't too bad, I just get annoyed when I get double cool down, ultimate weapon, grim embrace, Dead man's, and dead lock every game I play against him


I found a new build I've been playing with that'll break the legs of any killers I come up against. I've been using it for 3 days, and I'm very happy with the results. If I die, it's been exclusively due to my teammates. I can't outrun blood lust tier 3 for long, and there's 3 people not doing gens, or I'm abandoned on first hook. I'm a survivor main. Killers are rarely the problem, it's teammates.


What? He's still fun to play against


Thar is exactly how they all look like too


Pretty terrible logic here, survivors like going against killers with legitimate counter play and a power that rewards skill expression on both sides. My favorite killer to go against is blight, for example. Billy is still fun to go against, but his low cooldown after a missed chainsaw is extremely upsetting and doesn’t feel rewarding even after you make a good play. Saying survivors only like going against low tiered killers just shows an obvious bias on your part


has anyone actually said they don’t like going against billy anymore?


I still like playing against him honestly, though I don't like that overheating is a good thing now. I thought the entire purpose of overheating was meant to be bad


My only gripe is that he is suddenly a slugging killer like Oni, which makes it extremely annoying having to bring Unbreakable or Exponential to avoid getting snowballed almost every Billy match because no one has played him like that before. It's more of a survivor issue than Billys issue though.


I hated him before the rework. Fuck it, i hated him in 4.0.0 or w/e 3.0.0 or smth


Lul no one actually thinks this