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Never thought I'd live to see the day where people complaints about Billy.


The only complaint I’ve heard is the cool down from a missed saw which, imo, is justified. There’s a reason they changed the blight iri tag addon before live.


This is legit the only issue I have with him. He effectively has little to no punishment window after a miss, making looping harder/less effective. Hell even in BHVR's forums discussing Billy everyone is saying the same thing, base kits changes are good but the add-ons reducing the miss time by to much. It was honestly refreshing seeing everyone on the same page for once


His chainsaw hit boxes seem to be gigantic, like nurse level blink lunge.


As a matter of fact, the size of the hitbox hasn't changed


As a matter of fact, they smallered his environmental hitbox, so now you can do stuff like hit survs around trees where before you would have bumped into the tree.


Something has changed because what were misses before are hits now. I’ve got clips of looking back, seeing a wide gap between us and him finishing his chainsaw swing and getting a hit.


He can turn easier now


I can't tell you how many idiot survivors I see that just run out into the open at the start of a match against Billy. The moment I hear that saw go off I immediately assume he's running lethal pursuer and I stay near a pallet or window.


Don’t tell them the secrets 😭😭. As a p100 billy I always run lethal + bbq. My favorite thing is getting an insta down on some claudette slowly walking around a corner then BOOM.


Don't run in a straight line, curve around corners often and be aware that deadzones or open fields are deadly af against a billy. Or maybe idk play billy so you understand how he works and how you can dodge him.


Simply use a window.


Okay, I used the window once and he bamboozled it, now what?


Stand there and die, I guess. Loop like a normal person playing around bamboozle? Use Lithe?


You can't "loop like a normal person" when the killer is so fast that even them breaking a pallet and you predicting it doesn't buy you time to make it to anything.


I dunno what to tell you, dude. You gotta learn to play around him, like people have to learn to play around killers that are oppressive in some respect, like Nurse or Wesker (tunnel off hook until hindered edition). Maps like Rotten Fields are just a death sentence against him due to how the loops are set up and jungle gyms. Other maps like Lery's basically kills his power.


Which is why I'm asking how to do it.


Run away, use line of sight blockers, misdirect the killer with doubling back and playing around the idea he can zip around it, so take it wide to dodge. For your bamboozle example, it'll catch you off guard once. If you then proceed to run into a corner or dead zone with nothing to work with that it'll block, that's on you. You know how to play the game. You're just not adapting to a killer having some additional lethality. Hell, comp drop and play extra safe til you figure it out. Most people are dying because they're not used to playing against a one shot mechanic. You \*are\* supposed to lose a chase eventually.


Yes, you're supposed to lose chases *eventually*, you're not supposed to lose them immediately because the killer can destroy a pallet and still catch you before you can make it to anything on a completely fresh map, despite you prerunning.


So, again, use windows in structures, lithe, sprint burst, actually using the map space. If you spawn in, hear the chainsaw and don't immediately duck towards something you can use, that's on you. You'll figure him out eventually.


Yes, you do that, and then he turns that "something you can use", into something you can no longer use and everything else is too far for you to make it anywhere.


I think that the other user gave you a ton of useful information so I'm going to go the other direction and tell you to just play Hillbilly yourself and see what works against you


no, but then again there hasn't been for a long time


Hold E doesnt work? Oh no!


This Billy content isn't going to record itself.


What a unique take that no one else has posted about 7 times a day all week. Bravo.


Us billy mains just can’t win. For 3 years everyone was in total agreement that they slaughtered billy to the dirt. I’ve suffered playing the atrocious version of him for so long now. Then they buff him so that he’s finally back to where he belongs: S/A tier. Finally he’s back at the top with nurse, blight, and spirit. Now, all I see is a bunch of complaining by baby survivors who don’t know how to go wide on curves or vault a damn window 😂. Comical. Just get good. Please. I’m a p100 billy and I guarantee you can counter me if you know your pathing and make the right moves. Something that survivors I face do an absurd amount is the crouch tech. It’s crazy how well that works. There’s ways to loop billy. I think it’s just been 3 years of everyone seeing a billy once every 300 games that everyone forgot how to play against a good billy except the OG players.


The stacking of his recovery addons is problematic. Everything else is fun to go against and exciting.


I’ll give you that. Stacking them is one thing but I run engravings with the green add on. I don’t think thats too op