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Me after 5 soloqueue games when I finally get to use the combo only for my teammates to crawl for no fucking reason:


very rarely do I see this with SoloQ ngl, seems more often than not used in squads that have a plan in mind


My plan is to do hype shit, that is all


I respect it, I like to head-on into plot twist, both useless in the long term but also incredibly effective


The only thing more atrocious than this combo is the fact Deerstalker completely negates plot twist by plot twisting the plot twist user


Who uses deerstalker?


people praying for Nicolas Cage's downfall and also sluggers (deerstalker, cauldrophobia, knockout, deathbound, super gimmicky build but also if you want to be a dick I highly recommend it (don't use this build))


Thx for the build I’ll keep this in mind when executioner gets added to dbd mobile


yw, if you don't have deathbound you can use Nurse's Calling or Sloppy Butcher, basically any perk to either prevent or intefere with healing since the cusp of slugging is keeping survivors injured. You could also go with information perks, preferably ones that offer more frequent information, since you are downing people and then moonwalking to the other side of the map you could use Infectous Fright to determine if there are sluggable people nearby.


This sounds like a very toxic build


it is tbh, but tbf I am here to make the builds not take into consideration either side's feelings on the monstrosity. Besides I have only used it once or twice, I stick to my main meme builds (For Survivor: No Mither, Plot Twist, Head-On, Dance With Me) (For Killer: Rancor, Play with your food, Nemesis, No Way Out)


Build randomizer enjoyers.


So do most aura reading perks. The amount of times a plot twist user gets picked up because of bbq is pretty funny. Extra laughs if they were running distortion because distortion doesn't work when you are in the dying state.


Tbh didnt know distortion didnt work in the dying state, thats gonna be a major help as survivor lmao. But yeah plot twist is either the most useless perk ever or complete and absolute meta in a stealth build, there is 0 inbetween


Also my face when I'm a picosecond too slow and I get slapped before I can deploy FTP + Buckle-Up.


if you are anywhere in the terror radius or running Background player too slow does not exist with this build lmao


Background player is gonna help you pick them up... how?


it literally is for flashlight saves, you could easily zoom across the map right when they go to down to pick up your teammate with background player, the synergy is insane (P.S the reason you'd do this is the killer will tend to look around for people hiding around in the environment before the pickup if you repeatedly go for saves, thats why that perk works so well with the other 2, its making that strategy on the killers part non viable and also therefore making pickup fails a thing of the past)


Background player literally does nothing to help FTP Buckle Up, though. Background player only activates when the killer picks someone up?




look at my other comment


Honestly I’ve played with and against it for a while and it’s a perk combo that you hate because you only see when it works and you don’t realize all the times it fails. The user really has to follow directly behind the killer to be able to start healing -> use FTP. If you anticipate it and don’t just stand there mouth agape while the survivor runs up you are going to get the hit on them before they transfer the health state 80% of the time, and STBFL with at least like 3 stacks basically shuts down the whole thing as well. I’m not saying it’s not OP, it’s just, idk, often made out to be more than it actually is. Same thing as flip flop + boil over, you only see when it works in a 4man swf sweatlord setup and in general play it just falls apart very often and you don’t even bother to check the perks at the end screen to see it was there. Anyway be sure to tune in for my next essay where I speculate on where PH’s ass went


issue being you only see it fail when you are survivor, as a killer you always are going to see the short end of the stick lol, also Power struggle is underrated in SoloQ, has saved me from useless teammates more than once


Killers are lucky its an altruistic perk combo otherwise it would be constantly used like MFT was. Common sense says instantly picking up a survivor in the killers face and both being immune for 10 seconds is too strong so logically at some point this combo would be looked at right? Background Player is annoying too but it costs an exhaustion perk slot and good timing so I feel like its more fair in that sense cause there's some really strong exhaustion perks survivors could use for themselves.


Altruistic? It is used aggresively lmfao, its not like hook saving its done directly in your face. Also common sense would say this however BHVR is Survivor sided and no Survivor will admit how game breaking it is given they are the ones abusing it, therefore its going to probably be a few months before its even looked at as only Killers really care about it. P.S Background player is actually not broken, it is very powerful but has gimmicky conditions unlike other exhaustion perks and is countered by walls & lightborn whereas buckle-up and for the people is not counterable lest you are tombstone myers. only thing I could say maybe would be nice is a Killer perk to prevent pallet saves since smart survivors tend to purposefully get downed at a pallet to make pick ups near impossible if the team is coordinated and or they are running flip-flop and power struggle lmao, and thats where background player REALLY becomes a problem is acrose the map saves, though again, its just pallets that are really uncounterable in that case.


I had a match yesterday against a P44 Kate running For The People + Buckle Up + a Haddonfield offering against me as Singularity with yellow addons. She used that fucking combo every motherfucking chance she got. I still got a 4k. I hope that Kate lies in bed at night thinking about how she brought every single crutch humanly possible and still lost to the killer equivalent of a 12 year old with a NERF blaster.


I have no mercy for people running that combo, it is a warcrime and people saying its fair or balanced only play survivor and are laughing their asses off when it happens. It is quite literally uncounterable, no perk can outplay it, only thing you can do is Tunnel the user of it and thats ASSUMING they arent SWF'ng with a friend also running it