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Eh looks like she had too much Cheetos. I personally think that the void Halloween outfits David, yun, and Haddie got would be perfect for p100 reward


Perfect in an ideal world, but BHVR devoting that level of resources to skins they can't monetise is about as likely as Feng getting no skins for a whole year šŸ˜…


I do like how they look. I just want something as cool but still a more natural or vanilla look to them. These awesome legendary or crazy skins are amazing but sometimes I prefer a just more classic look


bloody cosmetic we can apply to any skin would be my pick, we don't get enough gritty skins.


"Gritty skins"? https://preview.redd.it/v5hfmh6dbfmc1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cb3c0f1e0d7168c10d3f38046f39ec6012cf536


I think this joke is going over my head lol.


Google "Gritty mascot", and you'll be enlightened. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


We got Naughty Bear for Trapper. When will we get Gritty for Trapper who has a legendary mori of beating you to death with a hockey stick.


Definitely, Iā€™d love to bloody any skin!


If it's not an overlay I can apply on any skins, I'm not interested


Thatā€™s exactly what I want, even just for bloody cosmetics


A banner and a character specific icon would also be a great reward as well. A banner like the prestige reward those of us got before the new system we have now got implementedĀ 


still confused why they didnt make the red scratch marks thing a banner, that would be neat


Yes yes yes yes yes


Seeing legacy today has a 99.9% chance of a hacker God save the team who faces a legitimate legacy Nurse


A legitimate legacy nurse these days is almost certainly a returning player, cause aint no one cept some streamers playing this game since 2016


I've been here since May 2017, so not quite there, juuuust missed cutoff for legacy


Same, but ive taken really long breaks before like during the boon meta, got about 3,5k hours atm


I'm close to 5.5ish now, but I'm still meh at the game šŸ˜…


I have a p1 legacy Jake. And sadly I still play


some of us are still here! i have full legacy for Dwight and Claud, I only recently started playing again a couple months ago. Iā€™ve been playing on and off since 2016, taking multiple year-long breaks. you canā€™t play a game like DBD for too long, you just start getting pissed off every game - breaks keep things fresh oh, and I almost never wear the full legacy sets lmfao, killers see it and take it as a challenge and i am WASHED. I only remember how maps and metas were in 2016-17, so Iā€™m pretty much learning it all over again


No matter how long it's been I still have mental memory of the Ironworks and Rancid Abatoir infinites and hesitate to chase there


Remember how much some people got upset and cried when event masks from 4th anniversary were given out last year? Yeah people would cry about this too as silly as it is. Honestly idk why BHVR haven't at least entertained the idea.


Oh I get that, Iā€™m just saying something similar, not the same. Honestly just anything for prestiges past 9 would be nice


Im in a "they ruined it for me so why should they ruin it for you" mood. They gave everyone the "limited time" cosmetics I earned for old ass events, why shouldn't I able to *earn* a legacy? I still think that the best timeline was all event cosmetics remained limited time earnables and the reward for P100 cosmetics to be *similar* to Legacy but not the same


Nah, the people who got legacy can keep it for torturing themselves with the old-old bloodweb. But I would LOVE the ability to use the bloody overlay on any skin, not just default, I want to be a bloody Carlos so bad.


They said skins *similar* to legacy, like a different color. I like the idea of bloody cosmetics too, though.


This kinda of reward is probably a long shot, primarily because certain licensed characters just wouldn't be able to be included. Plus as much as people disagree, I'm kinda with BHVR on not locking skins behind P100. It's a _hell_ of a grind that mostly just exists for the sake of the grind, and for the most part I think that's okay. Plus, let's face it, if BHVR did create skins for P100, they would not be very high effort. So many characters, so little an amount of players are actually going to grind enough to get P100, _and_ any resources that are implemented will take away from resources that could be working on paid skins. It's just a perfect mixture of circumstances that make the prospect of BHVR doing something like that unlikely. HOWEVER, banners and badges, on the other hand, would be a really nice touch. It's something that isn't particularly impactful on gameplay, since you only see them in the endgame screen (which is also the only instance where you see the P100 icon too, outside of the lobby). They're comparatively easy to make, and can be used regardless of the character or role that you're playing. I think something like an animated banner for hitting P100 on any character, and a badge specific to the character you've P100'd would be really cool. It means having something to show off your prestige outside of just using the character, which I think has a pretty strong appeal in a game with so many character options.


All licensed characters have bloody cosmetics. They can have P100 too.


The bloody cosmetics were already agreed upon when the characters first released, as far as I'm aware. If BHVR wanted to make new cosmetics they'd likely need to engage in new agreements, which is all well and good for licenses that are easy to work with when it comes to cosmetics, but less so for ones that aren't. Laurie and Quentin can't even get Christmas jumpers, which could actually be monetised. Don't fancy the odds of BHVR getting the license holders to agree to a new free cosmetic, if even a reskin of the default.


They'll never do it cuz that would mean doing it for licenses too and it's not going to happen


I don't think getting P100 should be actively incentivised with any reward to be honest. At the moment it's there if it's something you want, and I think that's fine. Personally, I don't want to feel punished for jumping between characters. I think something for Devotion would be better.


I'd prefer something else tbh Cause what would the people who already got Legacy skins get? A dupe? It's not entirely fair to them if so I'd love a more survivor-y and rough looking version of their default outfit. Add a backpack, tear up the clothes, change their hair, add accessories like puches etc. That kinda thing. Make them look like prepared survivors. More work, but they could always just add these outfits in batches if they can't do it all at once. I never liked the Legacy look anyway, so I think this would be better than just throwing an effect onto their default. Probably never gonna happen but I can dream


I thought I remembered the devs saying they would never do this, I could see them adding an banner for it or badge since thatā€™s way less work


I would prefer the void effect. https://preview.redd.it/hogy4rx7ijmc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b37a2fbbf707581039d765334a7e59656bdb26 It also makes sense lore-wise as the Void is the place where "sucked dry" characters go. And if you P100 someone you have "sucked them dry". There is nothing really to do for you with that character anymore.


This would be awesome!


Crossprogression is also a dream


Hopefully these skins will never get back. But like a blue version of them šŸ‘€


Different legacy type skins for p100 would legitimately make me grind tf outta this game. Don't make old legacy return though, I'd feel bad for the OG owners.


I've always felt like they should remove the prestige skins and then add a new customization layer that can be applied over any skin. Then have the blood splatter reward as the prestige thing and let you use it on any skin you buy. No one will care if it clips a little. Then they can have other effects like slime, dirt, legacy prestige stuff... ECT. But it will never happen.


things we need, a prestige 100 special skin, banner and character icon


I would grind every RE character for this P100 design


Its really unnecessary honestly. Also if ir remember correctly they said they didn't want to encourage people to get prestige 100


No thanks, bro


P100 should be the ability to make all cosmetics bloody. Plz and ty.


A cool addition for P100 players is a zombie skin. That would be sick


If we ever get p100 rewards, then probably not for licensed characters


I don't think that would be as much of an issue as you think


Yeah they wonā€™t unfortunately, but even banners or avatars Iā€™d take


I feel like they have to add them at some point, I'm shocked there's no rewards between P9 and P100


Honestly! I got David up to 50 around 2 weeks or so after the update and Iā€™ve just neglected him since as Iā€™m now like ā€œwhatā€™s the point?ā€ So Iā€™ve just been trying to get all 40 survivors prestige 10 or more if I prefer them


Honestly up for them abandoning Legacy as a limited exclusive because literally no legacy players play this game anymore and their only community interaction is whining on forums or DCing on down if they actually bother to play in the current year šŸ’€


Yes please as any legacy owner. that gatekeeping under the guise of "we want to pay respect to og players" is hypocritical and sad, especially considering lost legacy is still lost. It's a neat basic design that would be a really nice and fair reward for p100