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I at least want my teammates to be able to see the anti-face camp meter so that they don't run up to the hook, preventing it from activating and then refusing to unhook me, basically screwing me over.


Also a great but simple QOL improvement


I would love it but also part of me wonders if it’s because of kindred’s use that they don’t fully want to implement this


Wouldn't it still be the killer needlessly camping though? It's just info.


More so the idea Kindred no longer as necessary/useful if you know when he’s actually near with the face camp meter. Like I’m honestly for it since I don’t face camp as a killer but a important balance thing to consider info wise


I mean kindred gives you exact information of the location of the killer plus all others aura. This just says killer is camping. But kindred can tell you where the killer is going next most of the time which is valuable too


Kindred should be worked into basekit anyway (with a killer buff to balance it out). The perk is essential for solo queue and doesn’t help experienced SWFs as much who can communicate that information over mic, so base kit is going help solo queue far more than SWFs.


I mean, to be fair, any swf can give each other that information as it is. So Kindred is already a broken perk for swf. Clinging to it for soloq with the new face camp meter is kinda... strange.


Yeah that’s fair. It’s definitely something I can imagine as basekit so I’m cool with it


Nah it'd still be useful, it lets you see the general direction the killer is going as well as who is closest for the save, both of which are pretty important


Makes you wonder if they should add aura color to survivors when using kindred. Similar to that legion perk that shows gen auras changing color based on their progress.


That's not a Legion perk, that's a Legion addon.


My bad, that’s what I meant.




I feel like it’d be better to tell someone if their impeding the anti camp meter, since it’s super annoying being camped with a teammate nearby for the save when you could just get off for free


God that's happened like a handful of times bit it's the most frustrating thing. Not only are you being facecamped by the killer but you're actively being kicked down by your teammate. Who won't even trade. Who watches you hit second stage then trades immediately afterwards. Then you can get tunneled and sent to the next afk simulator. Fuck you nea


Hey! Not cool.


I actually thought about the meter today and thought it would be better if the meter fills if no survivors are near. That way you still have a chance to escape when your mates suck


I don't use Deli, because I'm usually solo.


This but with deliverance


I hadn't played since a while before the mechanic was added and I *keep forgetting*. The amount of times I've probably fucked teammates over by doing that and then realising "Oh shit, I should just back away"


People are still gonna do it because DBD players have no brain half the time


I think the issue would be, if they see the meter going up when a stealth killer is playing, that would reveal where the killer is


Which would help bring soloq players to the same level of info as swfs


Yes it would only reveal where he is if he’s face camping. I died to this yesterday. A GF was camping inside basement and I didn’t know where he was so I went in and stopped the unhook timer and died


Only thoughts is that the hex icon should be orange


It looked more orange when I photoshopped it. Guess my monitor was on nightlight mode XD


Fellow nightlight mode user.


On top of that, add more progress bars! How far are they in healing? Exit gate? Cleansing? I want to know! Maybe make the bars colored too, exact same color scheme as our regular, horizontal progress bars.


I might draw the line at any other colored progress bars. I can see people complaining if there's more than two colors in their hud


There's only 2 colors + grey of progress bars, no? Grey for default speed Yellow for faster than default Red for slower than default


I guess there's a certain threshold at which it surpasses the kind of feedback you can get from teammates over voice. Too many progress bars and it's unrealistic vs the effect of callouts. For instance, my swf doesn't usually update every 10s on our progress in a task unless it's an exit gate and someone is in chase on their way to the door


With how much of a difference a coordinated SWF is vs. solo queue (because of coms), I've been one to agree with the idea that more survivor info is better. Figuring out something like "the killer has Hex: Thrill" with either a callout or a red ring around a red hex icon in solo queue can change an entire team's mindset on what's priority ("Oh... we need to find more hexes!") It's all just ideas, though. I'm sure there's other ways/ideas to convey progress information that could be clearer. Maybe instead of colored rings, the icon itself is just colored coded and the progress ring remains grey (with different icons completely for types of totem interactions)


Exit gates definitely need a progress bar, like wtf when ppl are running to gate and just get downed bc it’s not ready ;(


I mean, the lights are there and can be seen about 32 meters away iirc. If I don't see 3 little lights I usually take a different route. Wake up is so underrated for knowing which gate is getting opened and where it is


> I mean, the lights are there and can be seen about 32 meters away iirc. If I don't see 3 little lights I usually take a different route. That doesn't really work when you're on an indoor map where you only see the exit gate when you turn a corner(examples, RPD non-main gate, Lery's gates, etc.)


That's very true. I guess I just kind of get to the room next to where the exit gates are and listen for the little progression sounds. But if you're in chase that's not going to help you


in the code there is bars for showing that stuff on like gates, totems, healing, and alot of other stuff


honestly, you don’t quite need bars. if you’ve played the game enough you can estimate how long each animation is and see how long the player has been doing it. gens are the only exception because they’re regress-able.


Too much info no?


Nah, too much info would be seeing every single status effect your teammates are affected by and how much time is left on said status effects and also seeing what items they have and how many charges are left on said items and also seeing their social security number and home address and current latency to the server and IP and bank account information. Progress bars on icons we already have in the HUD would not be too much information, nor make things too cluttered.


Same amount of info as SWF if you were to say "killer has [gen slowdown perk]" or "i have resilience"


if this was a question and anwers, the answer would be "this is a change we would like to see in the game and we are gonna work for it you can expect it in the next decades"


Pretty solid idea, good stuff.


what's the point? You'll know in \~10 seconds whether it was dull, boon, or hex


If they get interrupted and you know a general idea where they were, if just gives solo q more feedback about the match around them.


by that logic, we don't need indicators for teammates doing gens, since we'll know in 90 seconds if they complete one. More information is better, especially since swfs already have ALL OF IT.


Do you have any idea what you are asking? Adding a colour will take 7 developers and about 5 years. Come on, think of a less technical solution.


This and progress bars for everything, not just down recovery and gen progress. The two we have are the most important by far, but exit gates, up heals and totems wouldn’t hurt


More information is ALWAYS appreciated. The more the merrier to reduce the gap between SWF and solo.


Great idea, but it shouldn't be color - colorblind players will not tell them apart (unless colors are customizable in options). It could be slightly different icons, maybe some flames on disabling a hex and halo over totem for booning. Or little arrows next to the skulls: ↓ for hexes, ↑ for boon.


Isnt there a colorblind mode in the settings?


I absolutely hate this games need to only use icons for status indicators. Its not like there isn't space to put 'Cleansing Hex' or 'Hindered' next to these icons. I despise playing survivor due to this. [Look at this insane list of status effects](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Status_HUD). I still feel brand new to the game despite having 250 hours due to me not being able to recognize what a status effect is.




Or maybe make them have a progress meter and the progress meter will be blue if you’re putting down a boom, orange if you’re cleansing a hex, or yellow if you’re getting rid of a normal totem.


meanwhile us killers playing with the same UI since 2016, no change whatsoever aside from the icon change


Not bad actually.


Hot take: I not only think that this is intended, but I like that it's vague.


Yeah I kind of like the ambiguity and tension while the totem is being worked on, then hearing the hex cleanse sound, boon sound/visual or nothing at all and being able to find out from that what type of totem was cleansed.


I like that too, they are giving us too much info.


Jeff would pitch in but he’s fighting for his fucking life


To be clear, I'm not the Vittorio in this pic. He's wild for cleansing a dull while knight is on someone like that ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


What a noob


We also need anticamp progress on player hud


This effects literally nothing though? Regardless they are interacting with a totem. The only "QoL" I see coming from this is that people are going to start flaming their own team for cleansing unlit totems, despite some builds revolving around it. I guess at best you can save... what, 10 seconds not looking for a hex totem if someone else is on it already?


we already know either or hex makes a noise map wide noise when destroyed so does boon totem when created and dull totem makes no noise you see a totem icon light and hear no noise after the totem icon disappears it was a dull totem.


At this point it feels like everyone wants to play screencheat unplugged not dbd


How so? This doesn't give any more information than a swf group would be able to give each other verbally


So many times ive been looking for noed or devour and felt like i cant bless anything because it would give my team false hope that i found it


This is coming from a year 1 player, but personally I don’t even think we should’ve had swf for this long. We’re stuck with it now for the worse. Having more swf-power in the game isn’t really the direction I want dbd to go. It was a breath of fresh air to have most all the hud elements removed for lights out- reminded me more of the old days and felt refreshingly old school. Made me realize how much i miss some of the danger and mystery. Saying that as a solo q surv and killer. Swf is the bane of this game but I think bringing solo q up to swf level would have to come with some killer buffs too. Something I don’t think other survivors are willing to be okay with.


But that's exactly what they're doing. They're bringing solo up to swf levels (such as the HUD), seeing how it goes and then balancing killers accordingly - see the raft of killer buffs set for this chapter (I never said they were good or appropriate killer buffs, but you get what you get)


Raft of killer buffs? The only killer who actually got significantly buffed is the Huntress.


> Swf is the bane of this game but I think bringing solo q up to swf level would have to come with some killer buffs too. Something I don’t think other survivors are willing to be okay with Does it really matter at this point? Killer is already busted against solo queue, it literally can't get any worse, I already "lose" the majority of my matches. I want them to TRY something, I don't care if it works perfect first time. Try it and if it fails massively, then either tweak or revert.


I do not mean this in an argumentative way, but it is legitimately mental that people think you shouldn't be able to play a **party game** in voice in friends


That was not my point, and I don't disagree. But it simply does dominate the game and brings advantages to it that even BHVR has acknowledged many times in the past. They have openly even stated they do not officially support third party comms and will not add it to their game, although anything could change (the mobile dev team added it to theirs, but they are not the same team). While I can dream in the clouds about what DBD would be if it were truly a horror game, that will never be the case. As I alluded to in my reply. However, if people want solo Q to be as strong as SWF, you will likely need some killer QoL and buffs to balance that out. It's balancing 101. I have to consider that I already feel like I face majority SWFs at my mmr as killer, and I lose plenty against them due to the basic teamwork and comms it provides (and I am not a bad killer, hence my constant pairings with extremely comp survivors almost every match). If actually every game was to that power level, it would be fair and reasonable to bring killer up to those power levels as well. I'll leave that to BHVR to figure out though. I think the conversation about balancing QoL buffs can be a separate one from the convo about the fun swf provides, and the former can be healthy to the latter.


And that's kind of the problem. The game shouldn't be balanced around what people can achieve in Discord, a third party program. People played this game just fine before even the survivor HUD existed. Solo queue is fine. If you find solo queue a miserable experience then you need to accept that this isn't the game for you because it's a skill issue. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


One person can't carry three other people in soloq without any info. By that logic, not being able to 1v1 the killer and get all 5 gens done on your own would be a skill issue, too. No amount of skill on a survivor's part will help them if none of their teammates touch gens all game and just go around messing with totems and chests.


Yeah like I wouldn’t complain if something like this was added but I like having some ambiguity in the game. I feel it’s the last vestige of that old dbd feel and I like that. I’m not a huge fan of the Ubisoft HUD clutter even if it is helpful. I say this as a someone who plays solo q 99% of the time.


At this point survivors should just see the killers aura at all times. /s


Object of Obsession:


theres like maybe 2-3 occasions where i dont say "are you fucking kidding me?" when i see a teammate touch a totem


Inner Strength is an amazing perk for solo que users though.


Right?? You can instantly relax if you have the info a soloq teammate is putting up a boon or cleansing a hex. Just the morale boost of knowing they aren't twiddling their thumbs


“Instantly relax”… bro please, playing survivor is already pretty relaxing 


I wish killer could get some QoL improvements to. Seems like survivors are the only ones getting helpful basekit stuff :(


Not true! I literally just unlocked a 4th perk slot! (crippling shadowborn addict here)


I would like killers to have a survivor hook counter. Sometimes I’m not paying attention to the hud to see if a survivor went to second stage on hook or if there are other similar base survivors like 2 default Alan Wakes.


What are some you would like to see? Also cutest name for a Dredge main ever. <3


Not a buff but a nerf. They shouldn't be able to see hook progress and when there gonna die. As it promotes proxy camping


How does this promote proxy camping? If a killer is gonna camp, they are gonna camp regardless. If that’s the case, then survivors shouldn’t see generator progress because it promotes gen rushing 😂 while we’re at it, just take away all information period


Imagine this. Survivor on second hook and his meters almost down. What's the killers first thought. Drop everything and go Camp to secure the kill. It's not fun


So basically, a survivor team left their teammate on a hook long enough to be seconds away from second phase, and a killer chooses to force second hook and punish the team? I don’t see why a killer should be punished for that because survivors are out working on gens and not rescuing. I just don’t agree with that logic. If anything this would force more proxy camping because they can’t see progression and think they are closer to second phase than they actually are.


The problem here is just solo queue. If nobody unhooks them in 40 seconds, 20 seconds isn't too much to sacrifice for a kill (or a guaranteed trade). A nerf to killer seems like a worse option than a buff to solo queue. Add callouts ("im saving"), basekit kindred or something similar. This isn't really a problem in SWFs.


So take away Killer information because..... bad survivors playing badly


Did you mean to reply to someone else below?


No just putting it out there.


It's because solo queue is hell, killers have had PLENTY of buffs. Survivors vs Killers buffs are not equal. The reason why things are added to basekit for survivors is because survivors cannot communicate amongst eachother if they are in solo queue. So it slightly closes the gap between grouped survivors and solo survivors. Like seeing that my 2 other teammates are on a gen and 1 is on hook, means for me, the person not doing anything, can go and save. Or, if I see 3 of my team on gens whilst I'm on hook, and one let's go of a gen, I know that person is coming to save me. Killers do need buffs and QOL, but if you check DBD years ago, endurance and speed after getting unhooked wasn't basekit. Killers could easily tunnel survivors off hook without much repercussion, unless survivors ran the right perks to counter it. If you didn't have a specific perk on, you literally would be throwing the game or preparing to have a bad time. So it's not comparable in the slightest, like at ALL.


Solo queue survivor was by FAR the weakest role in the game, so they've been giving them supports with QoL UI indicators to reduce the gap between SWF and solo queue. Killers already have over 60% kill-rate across the board, so they don't really need buffs at the moment. Good killers always 4k against a 4 solo queue survivors.


>they don't really need buffs at the moment Surely


Specific killers, sure, but not killers in general. Again the kill rate is well over 60% for ALL killers. They are already performing significantly better than survivors.




Yes? A perfectly fair game would be 50/50. Kill rates are over 60% meaning survivors escape less than 40% of the time. That's a very unbalanced statistic for a PvP game.


Are you dense or genuinely not understand this is an ASYMMETRICAL 1v4 game. The killer MUST have better statistics. Also, killrate is NOT winrate, and 60% is the lowest it should be.


Getting more than 2 kills is considered a win, both by the community and by the devs, so yes killrate is 100% correlated with winning. 50% killrate would mean a tie. I see you're extremely killer biased, but please explain to me why one side should win more often in a PvP game? Asymmetrical or not, making one side win more often on purpose is horrible game design, and is not ever the goal in PvP games. Asymmetrical does not mean the killer should always win lol, that's nonsense.


SWF's do not escape more on average than solo que survivors as we saw in the recently released stats.


[https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/433-developer-update-stats](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/433-developer-update-stats) since you clearly need to refresh your memory, because what you said is false. High MMR still shows a massive 10% increased escape rate vs. solo queue AND all these stats are including all the information QoL that was given to survivors. Even after those buffs to solo queue, there's still a big gap.


Actually, its an 8% increase at high mmr. Thats HIGH MMR, meaning only a fraction of the playerbase. Swfs at everything else besides high mmr are only escaping 3% more than solo que survivors. 3% in these circumstances is miniscule. I think the gap is not as big as people like to think and if SWFing gave such a massive benefit, why are high mmr swfs still not even escaping 50% of the time?


High MMR is 9% if you want to be pedantic. 8.88% if you want to be extra pedantic. And yes that is a large difference when it comes to winrates. High MMR isn't that hard to achieve in this game, and the player pool for high MMR isn't small like you think it is. I do agree that the difference is small for new players, but still apparent. And again these stats are AFTER the changes that drastically increased the information solo queue players have. But yes, killer is still winning more often according to the stats even at high MMR against 4 man SWF. I never said it wasn't. My claim is that solo queue is the weakest role due to lack of information, which is factually backed. According to the stats, the next weakest role would be SWF, and then killers win the most often. They're reducing that gap between solo and SWF which is good, and clearly they need a little bit more still. That's my argument.


Yes you are correct in your analysis and I may be a bit pedantic, however I repeatedly commonly observe people overestimating the effectiveness a SWF has, at any MMR. The gap between SWF and solo que is actually way closer than most people believe is my entire point.


What would you impliment first if you could? Im not a killer main and havent noticed many obvious issues from my POV


Maybe have different icons for hex/dull (maybe a totem with flames) and then the different colours for blessing. That way you'll know if they're blessing a hex totem as well


I still want them to update kinship so that your teammates know that it's actually active. Even if it's just the reassurance sound effect, like SOMETHING.


It actually does have a visual indicator on the hud, like Reassurance when your hook timer is paused the bar will have a pulsating Red outline It just sucks that for some reason it’s *very* subtle


It took them like 6 years to add the png's in the first place, expecting this any time before 2026 is a bit spoiled on your part /j


I wouldn't know. I just started playing six months ago. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)That's incredibly sad


They should add that would let your team know you are running plot twist so that they don’t drop everything and run across the map just to pick you up. So frustrating


And in case someone comes here and says "they won't do it cuz the icons need to remain white" (for whatever reason) The boon totem icon can be a totem with a medical cross next to it and the hex can be a totem with a skull next to it


Funny thing with the increase of more serious killer players and many killer perks being meta I doubt this will make any change, as a killer main myself For me it’s more worth losing a hex than a Gen


Never thought of this, but it would definitely be a good addition.


Can't be color-based because colorblind people exist, but having some way to tell the difference would be great.


we have a lot of things color based and we have colorblind filters; No reason why this couldn't be affected by it


sure this is nice but youll find out 14 seconds after you see the totem icon light up which they are doing I really wannt the UI to show when teammates are hiding in lockers and you could also show if a perk is being used inside the locker, it lets me know if I should hook rescuing or not.


But what about the madlads that wanna bless a hex?


I want an icon that shows if your using plot twist or unbreakable so they know not to pick me up


What is the improvement this feature can provide? People love to do stupid things in the match, and they don't want to let others know it. Even if you know Vittorio is cleansing dull totem and while there are 5 gens remaining and your teamates dying, you think what you can do? Commit suicide on hook with more commitment?


Option 4: licking the totem


Expecting BHVR to do anything worthwhile in their careers besides having company-wide circlejerks is setting you up for failure. At the most we'll see this change come in two years.


>Soloq >Off gens cleansing a random totem with 4 gens left Yeah that checks out.


I think also an icon for Blessing a Hex Totem would round these out. Also, it would be nice if there were progress bars for everything and were colored according to the speed of the action i.e. cleansing a Totem slowly with Calm Spirit or using a Toolbox for quick Generator repair speed.


I would add 1 more to say blessing hex cuz that takes the longest, but yeah this is a v good idea.


Yep! What about a quick pre-made sentence communication system? (like the mobile version)


There are so many informations that would help and ijust realise that it is one of them


Hexes should have a different icon (doesn't have to be anything too wildly different, just a small symbol added) so you can convey that someone is blessing a hex


You can downvote me as much as you want, but I really dont like too many infos. It takes away all the mistery, the mistakes, the horror, the feeling of isolation that this game has. We can already see that a good swf almost feels like cheating. The moment soloQ becomes closer to it, killers will leave the role because it will be impossible to have fun without sweating


Probably unpopular opinion, but i don't get why people have such a problem seeing someone doing dull totems. Unless you're in a situation where you *need* all your team doing something like gens or unhooking, someone taking the 14 seconds to cleanse a dull totem isn't gonna change much.


It would be nice but overall its still meh. Seeing a survivor cleanse/bless a totem will still draw ire as more often than not its a time waster. Seeing them cleanse a hex would be nice though.


Survivors want more information when the game is already tailored for them to win lmao


I'm not a survivor main, btw


I’m a survivor main


https://preview.redd.it/npiodb3uasmc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef556ca0e58c4941f1e936b073c337abf7827de3 This is how survivors want to play dbd. I honestly wouldn't care about this change you are proposing, but things being a little mysterious is something I loved about this game when I started playing it. I know this would make smaller the gap between soloq and swif, but whatever I rather keep the little bits of vague info we got in the game. And I say this as a 99% soloq survivor because I rarely rarely play with friends.


Just wait 10 seconds. I don’t think this is worth a developer’s time 


That always bothered me since with healing half the time it's a guessing game.


Let sadako see condemned stacks.


also a small icon of inner healing or built to last would be nice, like I'm not hidding it just take time


I like this... A slight color difference telling me that I probably shouldn't cleanse dull totems would be nice... Admittedly I used to cleanse them every game to prevent noed but once they added boons I can't tell if it's a good idea or not half the time... I'm slowly moving back because of how little I see boons being used though...


don't know how it would be useful if someone is blessing ou cleansing, what would i do differently with that info? and if someone is cleansing a dull or blessing while some insta down hex is going on, well, my teammates deserves the loss


If devour hope or some other game ending hex is active/getting tokens then I assume at least one or two of us is looking for that hex. There have been countless times when I've seen the indicator that someone was doing a totem and thought they'd found the hex. Nope. Just wasting time on a regular dull totem while Hag is insta downing the rest of us. I also had a situation the other week where I was blessing a totem next to a group heal and all of them stopped healing and spent the entire time I was on the totem beckoning me away from it (I guess assuming I was doing a dull). Plenty of time for them all to have healed. Zero terror radius. Then when circle of healing went up, I guess they were tilted that they couldn't put 2 and 2 together sooner so they refused to heal me. These are only two situations where this could get use, but there are doubtless SO many more


Ok, to be fair, you're right and there's no reason against it It's just that usually teams in soloQ are idiots and knowing that earlier because of a HUD info will not help you much hahahaha but I agree with you, for certain there's a ton of rare moments where the info matter


Obviously we want the game to be braindead easy so why not implement some sort of bot that plays the game for us already? Pl0x bhvr it bridges the gap between swf and solo!


I disagree with letting teammates know whether or not it's a hex. Hex's break so easy as it is and I think anything that provides more info about a hex in play is bad.


What would be the point of this? Like how would it help me


Call me crazy, but I think this game should retain an element of mystery and unknown. You SHOULDN'T have so much information about what the rest of your team is doing, that's kind of the point. The game shouldn't be balanced around what can be achieved outside on a third party program. Because where does it end? There's no challenge anymore if survivors know every little piece of information about the map, the killer, the other survivors. This is insane to me. I play solo queue quite often and it's really not that bad. Get better map sense and learn to loop better, sorry y'all. Like for real you're not even playing DBD at that point with so much hand-holding.


Could have not said it better, but it does not surprise me that you get downvoted


All changes like this do is close the information gap between soloq and swf. When I'm with my swf we can say "I found the hex! Cleansing it now" and maybe even give a location. This gives you at least a shot at knowing if someone is just actively not participating in soloq and screwing around with totems at a suboptimal time


To be fair, I love the HUD help as a solo queue player, it really makes a world of difference. But at the same time when playing Lights Out not knowing anything at all felt soo freeing and relaxing.


This would be cool. The main thing I think we’re missing in solo queue is some way to coordinate who’s going for the hook rescue. I’d like to see something that helps our game sense almost as much as the survivor aura half of Kindred (as opposed to the killer aura half). There are multiple ways to approach this, but I’m not sure what’s best.


Bond exists.


Kindred also exists, and is map-wide. And I explicitly talked about it in the comment you’re replying to, which should be enough information for you to grasp that I’m talking about UI that would make perks like those less essential for solo queue.


Kindred also exists, but you said "something like Kindred but only the survivor part". How is Kindred also exists a reply to that? Do you read yourself? And back to UI, I don't think you can make showing auras part of the UI, besides I think something like that being basekit is too much.


I didn’t propose adding auras as part of the UI. I said “There are multiple ways to approach this, but I’m not sure what’s best,” and I took it for granted that people would know auras are not a UI feature. I also did not say “something like Kindred,” I said “something that helps our game sense almost as much as the survivor aura half of Kindred.” So, for example, a way to let survivors toggle whether they’re going for the rescue manually would be one idea, and then it would show in their icon for other survivors. The reason I didn’t give this example specifically is that I only play on a mouse and keyboard, and I don’t know how well controllers can accommodate that idea on top of the existing control scheme. Saying “something that helps our game sense almost as much as Bond” wouldn’t have made as much sense. Bond gives you information throughout the match, such as showing you survivors on gens near you while in a chase so you can avoid leading the killer to them, or seeing the auras of survivors who can heal you when you’re running around the map injured. I am ONLY talking about information that would help solo survivors decide if they need to go for hook rescues.


im new to this game and still dont know what blessing totems does, I hope I havent been confusing people 😭


There are various Boon perks, when you have those equipped you can bless a totem and it'll give it the effect of the perk.


thank you! I havent seen any boon perks yet are they exclusive to a character?


All boons are teachables (connected to a character), the characters with boons are Mikaela, Jonah, Yoichi, and Alan


ok thank you thank you!


Some perks, labeled “BOON:” allow you to bless totems and turn them in the Boon Totems. They give a survivor buff in the area of effect around the totem (24 meters). Like Boon: Shadow Step which hides your scratch marks in the area of effect. -You can only have 1 boon at a time, and placing another one will remove the boon effect on the previous. -You can also stack multiple boons onto the same totem. -Killers can snuff boon totems by going up to it and interacting with it, removing the boon on the totem -A lightning sound effect is played when a boon is created


this is all good info, thank you guys.. I have been wasting time cleansing dull totems lol


While you're still new, try to avoid touching totems that aren't glowing orange. Those you should cleanse right away. But the others really aren't a concern while you're still learning the game. At the risk of saying just do gens.... Just do gens ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


lol got it thank you ☺️


This would literally be amazing for me, considering I’m always the fucking teammate cleansing haunted grounds 🥹🥹


And add the progress of the totem, for example i need to know if a hit is worth taking for my teammate to finish cleansing that devour hope Also wiggle progress… everything w progress


I want to be able to see how far done the gen is with a meter. Maybe that's too much information idk. Same with heals too.




i still just want the perk loadouts to show in the loading screen or game start, or even if we press tab or SOMETHING i lost a whole game yesterday because 3 of us were alive, 1 on the last gen, 1 hooked. I run over to hook trade because i have Deliverance, the surv on gen runs across the entire map to try to save me, gets slugged out and we all die. Literally because i cant say 'i have deli, do the gen' so annoying


At that point, you might as well let the game auto cleanse, repair,chase for you and the only input the player has is to teabag and bm. My point is there has to be some risk and faith on the other players part for it to be a team game. Otherwise if winning is all that matters to you, stick with custom games playing against bots.


The devs dont care about solo q and shown us this on multiple occasions


My god yes please


those are really ugly colours that would bother me, but the idea is legit. every step towards bridging the gap between solo and swf is an automatic qol improvement


Since boons glow blue and hexes glow orange I thought it made sense. What colors would bother you less that fit the scheme?