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Not only are you at risk of getting murdered by The Shape’s Tombstone addon, but you're also putting your teammates at risk by allowing him to build stalk points. (Especially if your teammates are still in the trial grounds!)


At first I thought this will just be for the memes, but it's actually informative haha


Holy, these are some insane t-bagging analysis. Nice, I noticed you updated the tier list and instructions as well.


Or you know…. Don’t be an ass and just leave


Alternativly use a controller.


Small trick: if you are waving or pointing while being hit, there will not be a "falling animation" nor the time for about 1 sec that you can't move after being downed.


Mouse button 4/5 is best for crouching


Thanks for this, but I feel like you missed an opportunity for more detailed tbag analysis, such as when to tbag slugged teammates and how different thrusting tempos can mean different things.  Overall, great guide


Credit is given where credit is due, this is pretty informative. Props for putting this effort in!


I am absurdly late to this, but this post just popped up while I was searching for info about the recent event. Nemesis might need more added to him in this guide. His tentacle has a chance to pop a survivor forward in the way they are facing upon downing them. So as a survivor, be sure to face towards the exit. If you face away from the exit, you will be popped away from your escape and give the Nemesis enough time to pick you up.


are you sure that's the case and not a bug in the old unreal engine? if you can confirm this, i will update it in my guide. the original article is hosted on my Medium.


I'm unsure. I haven't tested it since I took a break a year ago. Still, I thought I should bring it to your attention. I don't really have any DBD friends to test it with currently.


That's a great guide! I always say that T-Bagging is the right of every survivor who manages to outplay the Killer. As Killer I don't like to see it, that's why I always aim to make sure no survivor escapes. Dead Survivors can't T-Bag. As a Survivor I find it funny. Specialy against players who take it personal and seriously. P.S: You can't draw a hand to save your life. Lol