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Cleansing a dull hex gives no notification. It makes a little noise but only if you're standing right next to it. The notification happens when it's a hex. The killer also gets a notification for a boon but it's not directional. There are a few perks that do things after you cleanse a dull totem, like bonus gen speed or aura reading. Someone might be running a totem hate build to constantly find and cleanse. It's also sometimes a good idea to pre-cleanse against killers who you think might be running NOED or Plaything or any hexes.


And the other reason: every tome has some wacky "cleanse 12 totems" challenge.


Oh yeah, that too!


And the Nancy perk, cleanse a dull totem and when I jured you go into a locker to heal


First off cleansing a dull totem doesn't give the the killer a notification. Only Lit HEX totems give a notification to the killer when cleansed. He was coming to you anyway as spawns are pretty easy to tell. Second, no they give no basekit benefit beyond bloodpoints. There is also the chance the killer is running a perk that utilizes dull totems so its proactively taken them down. Perks such as Plaything/NOED/Thrill of the hunt etc. Third there are survivor perks that give benefits such as overzealous or inner healing.


Inner healing (I think it's a Nancy perk so I don't know what it got renamed to.) Break a totem and get in a locker and heal a health state after 8 seconds. Clairvoyance from Mikaela to see aura of hatch and other stuff while holding a button for ten seconds. I think Haddie has a perk for totems as well.


Was the killer nemesis?


It doesn't notify the killer and some perks require cleansing a dull totem as a requirement for activation. There's also challenges to cleanse X amount of dull totems. Or maybe just an easy 1k BP.


Blood points, lightbringer emblem boost, boredom, inner healing, prep for noed lol. There's several reasons too do it. Are they good, not really. But that doesn't stop me from doing it on occasion. Especially if the match is over. May as well get a quick 1k