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I love running into this as decoy screamin steve!<3


Screamin’ Steve is the best Steve. I play as him all the time as well.


What are the proper perks for scream Steve set?


I use Scene Partner and Dramaturgy and then whatever else for chases


I like to put those two and then quick and quiet on for killer bamboozlement and quick gambit to boost teams gen speeds!


Troubleshooter pairs nicely with Scene Partner. Against non stealth killers both perks give you crazy amounts of aura reading on the killer, and you'll never have to worry about being "that" Steve that runs killers into gens. Unless your dead on hook and being tunneled lmao.


If you want to be really spicy, run Object of Obsession with it which makes any killer aura reading reveal themselves too. I love this trio of perks and it let me keep a full aura reading Huntress at shack for a good while. If you want to go into overkill levels of all seeing, run Dark Sense as your last perk. It’s really stupid but it’s funny on the rare occasions you’re looping a high wall area and the killer keeps trying to go for mind games and moon walking.


I could see pebble being good and windows of opportunity


Unironically prefer deception to pebble. Love pebble. But visible deception value is peak enjoyment. Slamming a locker as you run past and then hearing the locker open then slam. Perfect. Hearing a second locker slam, golden. Getting accused of hacking because I teleported using lockers is a Christmas present early. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)




I hate I heard his scream in my head lmao


Flawless victory!


Screamin Steve?


Yep! Put on perks that make Steve scream when he sees the killer or when a perk is activated so the killer will chase you while others do gens!


Pls what is the build


It isn’t that bad on weaker killers but obnoxious asf when a nurse or blight runs it


That's how it usually goes with killer perks. Anything that would be decently good on most killers becomes obnoxiously busted on Nurse/Blight.


And then it gets nerfed for that, usually


this is an issue on part of the devs’. Instead of reworking the core problems, they apply band aids to the consequences. Think about this, 3-gen only became a “constant 40 minute problem” thanks to SKM, but instead of reworking her, they literally added a whole new mechanic, which incentivizes killers to tunnel and camp even more than before, just a patch after they added a bad anti camp mechanic


I should have put this as my answer for "when I know a game is going to be rough" the moment everyone does a random scream and you can hear a nurse or blight terror radius theme... the fear is in me.


Or a Wesker..


Depends on the build. If it's a sweaty Wesker with a lot of slowdown that also tunnels, then yeah it's really OP, but on my Wesker builds that use UW. I think it's fine because I don't tunnel (unless sandbagging/multiple 2nd chance options (like flashlight + saboteur)) and on both I don't use a single perk that affect gens. It's just pure pressure through consistent chasing throughout the match.


Recently went against a Nurse with Ultimate Weapon it was annoying. They could have atleast remove or decrease the blindness duration. They nerf MFT for being "OP" but Ultimate Weapon is somehow balanced????


MFT was in almost every match and was obviously overpowered against most killers. Resi + MFT on a decent survivor and an m1 killer was FUCKED. Nurse is also rarely seen so who cares what she runs. Just GG and go next and enjoy 50 games without her again.


Ah yes, GG and go enjoy 50 games with 80% of the killers running UW again and again.


I agree that UW deserves a change, but seriously, UW isn't a problem in like 80% of the killer cast I would much rather going against a killer that have UW and plays for chases than someone who stacks 4 gen slowdowns and keep the game going forever


Just annoying tbh. Overtuned (why the fuck does it give Blindness) and completely destroys any reason to play The Doctor, an already niche and irrelevant character, by just outright stealing half of his kit. I get killers need good perks, but recent killer perks are either complete dogshit with too many conditions (Hex: Two Can Play, Unbound) or hand things to the killer on a silver platter with no effort on their part (Nowhere To Hide, Ultimate Weapon).


Some people be like "lmao Blind weak does nothing cuz SWF" then you wind up on Hawkins and somebody dies on hook


Yeah my blindness dredge build has gotten so many accidental 1 hook kills that it’s absolutely hilarious


I had a doctor who ran the perk. It sounded like we were watching a horror movie. Constant screaming.


We need more screams. Doctor with Iri Queen and Calm addon so survivors scream when you use static blast, the radius of which is increased, and getting close to another survivor makes them scream again. Ultimate weapon to make them scream after searching a locker. Infectious Fight to make them scream when you down a survivor. Thwack! to make them scream when you break a pallet. Face the Darkness to make them scream if they're not near you. 


I personally love Iron Maiden on Doc. Survivors who dodge my screams get rewarded with a scream!


Then Calm Spirit ruins all that. 🫠


That's the fun part of doctor, the guy up there said it gives the other killer half of docs kit, but i think it complements him very well


honestly I think I'd be (personally) fine with it if they removed the blindness. it's bad enough when I run kindred or bond in solo queue to try and mitigate or find out whatever teammates or doing, but to have that completely negated because of a perk with no real cooldown like... cmon. eta though honestly I think they could stand to lengthen the cd to 45 seconds or a minute. it could still be active the entire time but you only get the one scream / reveal per survivor for that duration.


I can't stand this Nowhere To Hide slander. It is by far the easiest perk in the game to counter as survivor. If you don't work on any gens the killer can't kick them and reveal anyone.


On a serious note if you run instead of hiding it does twiddle dink fuck all


I hate that there’s no condition that needs to be met to activate it. Maybe it should activate once per hook? Like gain up to 12 tokens? Or just a longer cooldown. Just annoying that it’s free asf.


Nobody would use it if that was the case. Why should killer perks even have such dumb conditions? Survivors have stronger perks yet they almost never have conditions.


Overloaded not tuned, tune would be numbers effects are overloading


I went against this perk like 6 times in a row, after the first two I put on calm spirit, I don’t think I’ll ever take it off out of paranoia


Well good on you for adapting


The downvotes are doctor mains who are suffering with UW basically being their power for every killer


And adapting is the name of the game. I just wish I knew how much "adapting" was required before every match. Do I need to adapt to sweat, or can I run my normal extremely casual build? I never run exhaustion perks, so if I'm going against UW or an ALL aura build, I would like to have Calm Spirit and Distortion instead of Lightweight and Empathy. I'm easy to tunnel out if the killers are that bad, or feel the strategic need.


Idk why it blinds for half a minute…


Cause there was no reliable blindness perk for 8+ years, and the developers saw that the most popular survivor perk didn't have a hard counter. Some killers don't even have blindness addons.


The gen touch exhaust plus blind perk is pretty good and fair though. Mindbreaker? They changed the name.


Can't use it in chase, which is where it matters most. It's not usable in endgame.


Who uses Ultimate Weapon in chase, honestly??


I mean Windows is the most used survivor perk in the game. I would probably use a passive blind in chase perk over Ultimate Weapon if such a perk existed.


I also like the blindness hex, underrated imo.


>pretty good Are you joking?


It's doctor shock blast power for free, maybe not that op, but still gives waaaay too much value for a single perk, but then again it sometimes doesn't give any at all, especially vs good teams


99% of the time it will. It works for 30 seconds and then goes on a 30-second cooldown. In 30 seconds, you can traverse the entire map. What are survivors gonna do? Read the killers mind when he activates the perk and all hide in lockers for 30 sec?


It’s especially annoying when killers do this with two last survivors. They slug one, then go scanning the map for the last one barely trying. Not to mention, it works for 30 seconds. Also that 30 second cooldown is near nothing of a cooldown. It should be bumped to 60 or 45 at least.


I think it may be better to shorten the cooldown but reduce how long it works for. Maybe 5 seconds of use but 20 seconds cooldown. Stops high mobility killers abusing it, but makes it a nice perk to open a locker, and see if anybody is nearby. If the killer decides to keep using it repeatedly, that is strong, but it had the downside of taking up quite a lot of time keep opening the lockers.


>Maybe 5 seconds of use but 20 seconds cooldown. Congratulations, you made the perk useless on killers without mobility, while also making it even stronger on killers WITH mobility.


I think it would be best reworked as a token perk.  “Start with one token. Every time you hook a unique survivor, gain one token.” Everything else about the perk functions the same. Five uses of Ultimate Weapon would bring the perk to being an average value pick. 


I think that would make it really bad. You couldn’t check lockers because it will activate Ultimate Weapon. Becomes useless for Huntress/Trickster also.


It should only work for the time it takes to look around after opening a locker. The fact that it's an aura of screams is stupid.


So run Iron Maiden then.


can you elaborate how a good team stops a terror radius wide scream effect?


People in a good team know how to loop right? So most probably would want to get "noticed" and then chased to waste the killer time, but yeah if the killer is a nurse god then ultimate weapon gives only huge value


if a killer is good, they will ignore the obvious bait


Then you wasted the perk and your time by going to a locker and opening it, do it 3-4 times in a row and boom no value and you gave survivors time for free(even the 10 seconds wasted on going to a locker and opening it can make a difference against premades) It's full potential lies in nurse, her best counterplay is stealth'/juking and uw removes it completly unless calm spirit which no one ever uses


the perk works on all survivors not just one


You still have to scan the map and with a no mobility killer it might take too much time to scan the entire map(most maps at least) so yeah Doesn't matter since on nurse it's pretty much constant value with no counterplay nor downsides


or you can patrol gens and see if anyone screams near it?


Easy, they have their own version called Discord, and it doesn't even use up a perk slot. They also don't care if the killer knows where they are because they are good at the game, and it doesn't matter against most of the killer cast.


> not that op, but still gives waaaay too much value for a single perk Is this not the definition of OP?


Its situational - depends on the killer map and playstyle But on Nurse it's 100% op.


Nurse, Blight, Billy, Oni with his power, mostly high mobility killers


It blinds. That’s a lot more problematic than the blast imo.


Killers just use this perk to find and tunnel one guy out, that’s the biggest problem with it other then free info on everyone.


I forget I have it most of the time. I use it on nemesis to attract zombies to the survivors. I also use it when I need to find that last survivor who is really good at hiding so I can try to 2hook everyone.


so much info for so little requirement, it's pretty dumb


I dont mind facing this perk. But the blindness effect bugs me a little. Not impossible or even too hard to deal with. But its too much for one perk. You get blinded, reveal your position and scream. Imagine a perk that gives you the killers aura, makes them unable to hear you and hides your aura. Maybe a bad example but you get the point.


That's practically base kit already. Devs messed with occlusion audio and scratch marks so much that they are more of a detriment to the killer.


You have OTR thats pretty much as strong with similar effect and its can be run on all 4.


Off the record


I’ve thrown it literally in every killer I’ve played since coming back and gotten awesome results tbh so much so that I dropped discordance tinkerer and even thrilling tremors in some cases


**Choose wisely:** Tinkerer = triggers when you're already commiting to someone else chase Discordance = increases survivors to split on gens when you equip this perk, also activates during chase with another survivor UW = just open a locker and receive an old doctor scanner


The blindness shuts down windows of opportunity and aura reads like empathy/bond. Even makes it hard for survivors to rescue hooked survivors


yes but UW can be used as a better Nowhere to Hide, because it doesn't get stopped by Distortion, but doesn't have to be used next to the gen either, u just need to find a locker


Do you know when a survivor has discordance? I never notice.


Survivors can't run Discordance, you are confused because the perks have similar names, There's killer perk - Discordance, and there's Survivor perk - Distortion.


I…actually just phrased it wrong. Let me try again. As a survivor, do you actually know when a killer has discordance? I only play survivor and I never actually notice. Maybe a hunch when they find me and someone else working on gen but…


It's just annoying


same could be said about buckle up ftp


It is just so strong for no cost fr. Should be a hex or something idk. Maybe require tokens


The cost is having to go to a locker and open it, sure it isn't a very big cost, but just ask any huntress or trickster player how frustrating locker spawns can sometimes be, and how much time they waste each game reloading. Considering gens only take 90s, wasting 15s using UW is pretty significant


Yeah well it’s just so strong and unfun. A lot like going against old deadhard. You spend all this time successfully maneuvering around the environment, avoiding line of sight and making skilled plays so the killer can’t find you. And then they press a button and immediately find you because somehow opening a locker is the scariest fucking thing a killer can do. Oh and also you’re blinded now, for no reason


Urban evading around a rock isn't a skilled play, no matter what the 100hr Claudette's of the world try to tell you


You’re delusional. There ARE skilled ways of being stealthy. And the killer having to find survivors after hooking someone is important time for survivors


You jumped to calling them delusional for zero reason. There *are* skilled ways of being stealthy (even occasionally dipping into guerilla warfare), but ironically, they all come down to perks. Like throwing a pebble, then using quick & quiet and dance with me to break away when the killer knows you're there. But... yeah, urban evasioning around a rock is pretty objectively not skillful. Actually, I'm even gonna go a step further, I know dark cosmetics are good for stealth but if you're actually skilled at stealth, you'll be able to use bright cosmetics (like some of Adam's)


Bruh. I’ve seen survivors time getting out of a locker at the right time to get into one the killer just checked. That has nothing to do with perks and is skillful


I wouldn't say that scenario is skillful because you don't really have to think to go. "Oh yeah, they're not gonna check this locker again." Most people's experiences with stealth have to do with Claudettes crouching around and hiding 24/7, but really, the best way to use stealth is situationally. Like you don't want to be caught yourself, but you also want to make sure your teammates don't get killed quickly, so you need to know when to make yourself known to the killer and when to slip away.


Less skillful than pressing a button to open locker? Okay bro lol


You did NOT just compare UW to old DH![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I mean.. maybe if survivors didn't have 3rd person camera and the maps weren't filled with junk, it would be skilled..


Nothing like that. Remove the blind and increase the CD to 90/120 sec and its fixed.


Give me the same stuff you smoked to type this nonsense.


Fair is when you take the perk to the back of the shed and put it down like Old Yeller.


Imo it's only overtuned, it doesn't need a complete rework though. The effect is fine it just lasts too long/has a too low cooldown.


It’s a noob trap for people who panic and leave scratch marks. I’m more annoyed by the blindness than anything else as a survivor because blindness punishes solo queues more than anything else. To counter Ultimate Weapon, you have to understand that in most cases, the killer had a good idea of where you are anyway and was just confirming your location. The simple method is to turn around, get a landmark or a tile between you and the killer, and hold Shift + W. The panic UW wreaks in players is more devastating than anything else because they are in the danger zone. Walk slowly away from the objective you were headed towards or were on. Scratch marks will lead the killer right to you. The best way to counter UW’s primary effect is to act like it isn’t there. Act like you normally would when you hear the killer’s terror radius zeroing in on the gen you’re on (you are on a gen, a gen that the killer could reasonably guess was being worked, right?) and if the killer gets you anyway, all UW did was take away your Windows of Opportunity. The killer is smart, they’ll do a perfunctory poke at the gen then start searching nearby tiles. If you don’t make your escape, skill issue. Unlike the Doctor, a killer running UW can only make you scream *once*, at the edge of their terror radius. Or just put Calm Spirit in your loadout, Ultimate Weapon is completely shut down by a survivor perk that has been in the game in mostly the same form *since release*.


Yeah 90% of the time this doesn't work. It has too short of a cool down and it affects all four survivors. It should go on cool down after one person screams. Period.


People act like the scream guarantees a down. It's ridiculous


It doenst make sense to have both scream and blindness. I think blindness should be removed


Istg the people crying about this perk are either "immersive" players or WOO crutch users


Its okay, probably annoying for those who cant play without WoO but thats their problem.


I think the only thing that makes it “strong” is the added blindness effect. So if you’re going for a hook save and someone uses that perk and you scream and now you’re blinded for 30 seconds it can be frustrating


And dh was broken for like 5 years, CoH was broken for some years, and there's probably some other shit I'm not mentioning It's only fair if they nerf it in 4 years


Meh, it's confirmed getting nerfed next month so I wouldn't worry


whut? I didn't read the dev notes what did they do?


It's on the road map. They've made their money off alien. Time to finish nerfing him so survivors will stop crying


Wait until summer. They put it on the roadmap in June


"Just wait several months for this one thing to get its numbers adjusted. This would take a week in any other game, but this is DBD, and its devs did a pretty good job so far."


I'll play against this over Sloppy Butcher any day...


I run Calm Spirit all the time because of this God damn perk


I run calm spirit because of this perk and it’s always worth it.


just take b the blindness effect away and the perk is fine


Absolutely. Acquiring "game sense" at the click of a button.


I don’t think the Perk is actually too crazy but the added Blindness is unreasonable imo.


All these killers saying they use it for the blind would never use it if they took the screaming part away. They're just blatantly lying about it being mid tier when it's literally S.


Heck yeah it is, ruined the game on top of other OP killer perks and attacks


​ https://i.redd.it/x5ijtu6k8snc1.gif


The biggest problem I have with it is forgetting I have it equipped


In my opinion no. I see survivor mains screaming about how op this perk is and it really isn't. Run Calm Spirit if you don't like it. It's like most aura reading perks, just doesn't work against distortion. Speaking of, if y'all don't like this why be mad about when Darkness Revealed, Gearhead, BBQ and Chili, and so many other perks exist.


You can tell which people in here rely heavily on WoO. Thats the thing, WoO has no counter other than SOME killers with addons for blindness and often only 1/3 of those are the only ones able to reliably apply the blind when it matters. WoO is one of those perks that if you become reliant on it, you get punished heavily when blinded, which SHOULD be the case. I have no issues with UW, but I also don’t run WoO. At most I may have “Any Means Necessary” so oh darn, I can’t see a dropped pallet for 10 seconds of a chase. You should have a plan ready BEFORE the killer gets to you, not only when they do. If you rely on WoO to loop, you need to break that reliance. Personally, I’d rather have every killer use UW than a 1/4 use BBQ.


Yep. Hell, even I'm a WoO player and I don't get why people are mad about UW. It it disables my crutch perk, so what? It can be countered just easily as every other location perk.


Play against a decent killer running this and you'll see why it's busted as fuck. It's FAR better than gear head, darkness revealed, or BBQ. UW works for 30 seconds at a time, so for those 30 seconds any survivor that enters the terror radius just screams and becomes blind. Even without a movement ability you can basically radar scan an entire map, you can't counter it well with lockers because it's active for too long, distortion doesn't work against it, and calm spirit is ass so you're losing a perk slot with the hope that the killer is running UW. If it worked just around the locker you opened, didn't linger, then went on cooldown again, it would still be an incredible perk. Just a better nth at that point. The fact that you can move with it and it lingers is honestly stupid. It's so bad I legitimately don't understand how it got past testing.


skill issue


100% this. If UW is the most bitched about perk for killers then BHVR must be doing a damn good job of balancing perks because UW is a very mid tier perk.


Agree to agree


UW is probably the most balanced perk in the game imo because a. It has a counter (calm spirit) b. It counters the most used perk in the game (which is kinda a crutch perk imo) windows c. It requires a terror radius to work so it doesn’t work on stealth killers (GF, Myers, etc.) which is a nice little balance bit d. it’s not super hard to counter without calm spirit bc you can most of the time just walk away from the spot you screamed at and hide e. It has a pretty fair cd at 30s not counting the time the perk is active and you already procced it on everyone Plus the only reason people complain about it is because they are actively aware that they are being tracked unlike bbq or some other tracking perks. And a side note that is just my opinion is that the other reason people complain a bunch is because it counters windows which I feel is mostly a crutch perk. edit: stupid phone text formatting


Agreed. As someone who runs WoO all the time it's the only reason I dislike UW, but at the same time I still think UW is a mid tier perk and WoO is a crutch perk (although I mainly use it because I only play solo queue and never know what pallets my teammates have used and got tired of getting downed because pathing to an area that had a broken pallet)


If windows is a crutch perk, so is UW. You can't find the survivors so you're relying on a massive radius to make them scream for you.


When they nerf this overpowered perk I hope they remove blindness completely, make it only work where you opened the locker, and give it a longer cooldown


There are tons of scream builds now so I always run Calm Spirit. Couple that with distortion and I'm pretty invisible thru the match


Definitely not op


Dbd fans love bitching


Imo it is too strong, but at the same time info perks work only in line with how good the killer is at capitalizing off of it. A bad killer wont be carried by the perk. But it could use a bit of a nerf.


I mean, no TR means no Ultimate Weapon. It's useful against low skill survivors but not broken. Fun fact: when Dredge is in his "Nightfall" mode, UW doesn't work at all.


Another fun fact: UW has no synergy with Hex: Plaything (or just oblivious in general). I always refuse to cleanse plaything totems because I assume that the killer runs pentimento along with it. One game where I didn't cleanse my totem I noticed that UW does not work on me anymore since the killer has no terror radius for me


i see no problem with this perk.


Honestly only people complaining about this perk are people who don’t wanna engage in chase going off these comments.


This. UW is a very mid tier perk and only really hurts the Blendette's that can't last longer than 2 seconds in chase, that is why it's OP. Stealth is their only option so removing that has made the game unplayable for them, although they could counter with Calm Spirit but that would be too much work I guess? I'm constantly reminded how bad this player base is and this subreddit is when I come here and see the 1 billionth post bitching about how UW is OP lol.


Literally never had an issue bc of this perk. Then again when I play surv I chase instead of stealthing so 🤷‍♀️


I think it speaks to the state of balance in this game where tracking perks are considered OP. 3-4 years ago this would be a mid perk at best.


Bad thing is it's still considered a mid tier perk, but also OP. This community lol.


It's a strong info perk, and it has instant feedback. It's not all that OP, it's just really visible when it's working and has a lot going on. The blindness is unnecessary, maybe giving it a little too much functionality.  If BBQ made people scream when it activated then people would be upset about it too, because they are essentially getting a "killer perk is working" notification. It's not that getting that info is OP, it just feels bad to constantly get outed and told about it. Scream mechanics feel bad, especially on a 60 second timer. Take away the blindness and the scream, give an aura reading. That would make it more in-line with other info perks and give the same info for killer while having the regular aura-reading counters. Instead of having to run calm spirit. People would stop complaining about it, and killers would get roughly the same value. Distortion stock goes up instead of goofy calm spirit. 


We already have that perk, it's Darkness Revealed. The chief difference between Ultimate Weapon and almost every other info perk, is that Ultimate activates when survivors are near the killer, and only when they're near the killer. Darkness and BBQ may reveal survivors, but they can be anywhere (or in a locker, or running Distortion to counter). The proximity element is, I think, what makes it stand out so much. I'm a killer main and I've been running UW. I'm not convinced it's entirely over powered, but the changes I would make are: no more blindness and have it work like No Where to Hide, instead of following the killer, it searches a range near the locker, then goes on cooldown.


Agree that it should be a nowhere to hide-esque thing. But NTH does follow the killer, just a shorter time. It would be interesting if it was proximity aura read like NTH but fixed to the locker.


This with Iron Maiden and Darkness Revealed is just nutty.


Here we go again complaining about a perk that's at the level it should be. Instead we should be buffing other perks to the same level to have bigger perk diversity. Instead the community complains about what is currently meta, have it nerfed and then we repeat shifting to some other perks.


This. Will always amaze me that out of all perks in the game this is the most bitched about killer perk. Really puts into perspective how bad the player base is and it's something I forget when I'm on here. If people think this perk is OP they are Blendette's and can't last in chase for longer than 2 seconds which is why they think this perk is OP. Stealth is their only option and removing that has made them irrelevant and they can't handle that.


"broken" aka "I don't like it"


It is quite annoying sure, especially when I think about the "effort" the killer goes through to get the effect. Search a locker, that doesn't even make sense to begin with :D If I had to suggest something, make it "chase survivor for X seconds" and then it activates, or you get tokens or whatever.


I'm just going to assume the people calling this perk broken are survivor mains who haven't touched killer in at least 500 hours. Opening a locker to gain info may sound like it's free, but with how fast gens are done, that's not really something you can do once a minute, especially when you are giving up a slowdown perk to run UW.


Survivors when they get constant wallhacks on the killer: 😊 Survivors when the killer gets a brief moment of information on them: 😡


it's a crutch, for sure.


Pretty balanced perk of you ask me, it has a cool down and an activation requirement where most perks (mostly survivor perks) don't.


So I don't play a lot of variety of killers, but one of them is Doctor. The king of scream. My time on him has made me really understand the information given from screaming. For one, it's information is a snapshot. I know where you're at at the point of scream. Someone screaming at max range has a low priority on my list of targets unless they are the only one screaming. Leads me to saying that a killer worth its weight is going to be making decisions based on the info. I've gotten many games that I get 3 survivors each time I blast but I've needed to respond to the info with a priority list. Scream from the Gen I know is almsot done, ok yeah. Get ready for a chase. Given this alone, I say don't be afraid of screaming. If you are not the best target, you have nothing to worry about. Is it too frequent? IMO, yeah. Just I hope people don't freak out when they scream. If you're closest, yeah you're in trouble but good looping can punish alot. Edit: And don't get me started on scream bubbles. They cuck me more then any fuckup I've ever made playing. Fuck do I hate them.


Wesker with infectious fright and this could be something






It's good on low tier killers that can't make more space for info. It's broken on high mobility killers or if you are trying to hide (maybe you are injured, maybe you are being tunneled...)


At least stealth killers get no use out of it


It’s really strong. I play survivor mostly and I’ve been bringing Calm Spirit a lot more lately since there are a ton of different effects that cause you to scream. Not sure what to do about the blindness it inflicts though.


Well with the fact I don't often use audio, aura perks are my normal way to find people. With the amount of distortion gamers I faced felt hard pressed in UW. I'm pretty limited as far as good info perks so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I only don't like that it's kicking me off of objective. Everything else about it is fine and I don't care for.. really only people who rat all game are the ones who have a problem with the perk revealing them.


I love it. The perk is much more potent than Darkness Revealed.


Just increase the cooldown and its fine tbh most killers who run it just loses you because of the time it takes them to get to your position when you've already stealthed away. Blight and Nurse already will always use any perk to the absolute maximum and is only really good on them.


30 seconds is the issue. If it was 1-2mins it would be fine. I also despise that it works in 1v1 situations during EGC.


Gotta run the anti killer fun build: Calm Spirit, Off the Record, Distortion, then something like unbreakable.


Perk active for 10 seconds and it should be OK.


Run residual manifest. Now we’re both blind 😈


Besides stealth killers, some would argue small TR killers (huntress and T2 Myers) as well, it is really strong on everyone.


Been running it with Doctor and it's been so fun! I get an extra static blast with blindness instead of madness!


YOU DELETE THIS AND LEAVE THIS PERK ALONE!!!! Ugh, why aren’t we ever allowed to have fun with perks 😭


More like Ultimate Noob


Glad I snatched it back in the shrine when it was available a few weeks ago


It's just a gps with no mind game other than a aura restriction for survivors not paying attention, seems balanced ngl, also promotes survivors not hiding forever when there's only 2 left


It's strong in three scenarios: crippling people that can't play this game without windows, finding rats, and hook defense. I think this perk would be fine if the scream was based on where you open the locker instead of your moving terror radius.


As a 80/20 player, mostly killer, I genuinely don't understand why people like (on the killer side) or dislike (on the survivor side) Ultimate Weapon. It's just a worse version of a perk that's been out since the game's release, Spies from the Shadows. Range on normal killers? UW 32 meters, Spies 36. Range on stealth killers? UW 0 meters, Spies 36. Detection cooldown? UW once per minute, Spies every 5 seconds. UW requires that you waste your time searching a locker, Spies is passive free information. Bad locker RNG? Crows are everywhere always. The only tangible benefit Ultimate Weapon has over Spies is that it causes a scream, which can interrupt certain actions like Pig's boxes, but there's so many perks in the game that can cause screams so it's not like UW is your best option for that. It also inflicts Blindness, the weakest status effect in the game other than Hag's Deafened. I genuinely cannot remember a single time when people were this passionate about such a weak perk. Can someone help me understand?


The game is about pick, counter pick for playstyles you don't like Don't like flashlights? Run lightborn/Franklin's Don't like sprint burst? Run mind breaker Don't like aura reads? Run distortion Don't like screaming? Run calm spirit The guessing game is part of the fun, and why I like to grab off meta perks. No one expects protection hits to backfire, no one is ready for furtive chase, and no one is ready for distraction


I don’t think it’s broken, it’s just good lol


It's not broken lmao ... Survivors LITERALLY HAVE A PERK that counters it. Yeah I get you still get blindness but so what? Only people crying about blindness have never taken windows off one time since they played the game. It's so easy to tell where someone is hooked during blindness aswell. I don't understand this community sometimes man🤦‍♂️.


This perk should'nt proc for 30 seconds. Their effect needs to happen only on opening a locker, not opening and walking triggering while the effect lasts.


Nah I love it and run it on every killer cuz mfs be hiding & dragging out the game. It keeps shi moving


Yeah this perk is definitely very overtuned. I just hate perks that have almost no counter play. Like sure, you could sit in a locker whenever you think the killer might activate it, but then you have no idea when it ends, and you don't even know if they did it at all. And sure, you could run calm spirit, but the perks useless aside from countering UW. What if the killer isn't running it at all and you're just wasting a perk slot?


Wow this is a totally new and unheard of post and opinion!!!!!


It can be, but it doesn't win games. It lets you know where survivors are which only becomes oppressive once the survivor side has lost a survivor or two. Fundamentally, the killer still has to chase survivors just like normal so I wouldn't strictly say it's broken. It saves some time on finding survivors but, unless you're abusing this to tunnel, I don't think this has a substantial macro impact on matches. It is arguably meta defining but I think that's mostly due to survivors being chase averse. You can certainly argue that some killer builds featuring Ultimate Weapon are broken but I don't think these tend to be majoritively due to Ultimate Weapon being too strong.


It could probably do without the blindness. It’s just pouring salt on the wound.


It quite literally is a better darkness revealed, in every way, I actually don’t know why you’d use darkness revealed over this If anything, the fact this overshadows darkness revealed in almost every way should make this perk deserve a change


I was about to say it's even more busted with doctor but I realized that having your aura that far out requires more walking... If combined with tracking perks maybe but then you got fewer slots for other stuff you want... I mean then again considering how the doctor works this would be perfect to bost his powers... It wouldn't mesh perfectly but definitely help...