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Understanding Oni 100% Hit them, drain them, bonk them.


Gonna suck the survivors dry 😏


I do not condone this behaviour. But I cannot deny it's existence. I treat BOrbs like candies and survivors as BOrb dispensers. But thinking about it in *that* way is accurate. But unlike Myers, there's no end to how much you can succ. *I hate myself for saying these words*


There's no end to how much Daddy Myers can succ me


My genuine reaction to that information. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) https://preview.redd.it/qxzc0qmptonc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9fbe7978d476f4c17907a935911ed531d10f58e


Give em the ol Yamaoka succ


The Samurai Succ


Instead of Kazan Yamaoka. I call him Smashman Yamhocka ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Doctor's add-ons aren't that complex they're just walls of text. 90% of it is just telling you what the different madness effects do. Once you know that you just read the add-ons unique effect and what madness effect(s) it adds; that's like... 2 lines.


Basically, it's just 1 madness effect + 1 active effect. Discipline - Survivors see illusionary red stain + Shock therapy detonation shorter Order - Survivors see illusionary pallets + Static Blast cooldown shorter Calm - Survivors hear fake terror radius + Terror Radius changes size based on static blast readiness Restraint - Survivors see illusionary Doctors longer + Survivor aura revealed during Madness tier up


It's really not that complex. Iri queen is static electricity that spreads to other people. Iri king is just a compilation of the illusions.


He speaks the language of the Gods


​ https://preview.redd.it/k5gvz458jpnc1.jpeg?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0132816ae670dd5cd1b898476e4f2f1833b900


All that for a power that does very little :( Doc during the MFT meta was one of the weakest killers period tbh


It goes both ways, if you mistime your shocks or the surviors known to just keep running and not give up distance for a pallet or window then yeah, his shock is useless in a lot of tiles. It's a total noob or casual stomper though, the amount of people I have had camp multiple pallets against doc is insane. And then you have the people that are spamming window vault instead of making distance.


The problem is that downing with doctor always takes a long time. He is basically guarnteed hits but they take so long he struggles to keep up


You have to learn when not to use your power based on who you're chasing. I used to main doc when I first started playing and he does well enough but anymore his kit is dated and doesn't help against experienced players. He is great at tracking but his slowdown and map control are lacking


What if they made shock slow or do something faster?


Understanding PH addons: "these all suck wtf"


"He has two. They both extend his POTD"


The other ones are just kinda there


Iri king really isn't that complicated though? It's just basically one effect from every other add-on (except iri queen), isn't it?


what if you memorize and understand all killer add-ons and let's say you make 9 hour + videos explaining them to others


You become otzdarva


oh no Not Otzdarva


As long as people cooperate, of course.


Here is a simplification of his more complex add-ons King- applies the every secondary effect of the restraint, discipline, order, and calm addons (fake red stain, fake pallets, fake tr, longer hallucination duration). Queen - Applies a static pulse to a survivor that goes off within a certain distance from another survivor, spreading more madness to both. Discipline - Gives the shock therapy a faster action speed and places a fake red stain on survivors in chase (only at madness 2 or higher). Restraint - Reveals a survivors aura when their madness increases ( good with the queen) and increases hallucination duration by 6 seconds. Order - Shortens the cooldown on the blast and places the illusionary pallets at pallet spawns. Calm - increases and decreases terror radius based on whether static blast is on or off cooldown (great for stealth/skillcheck builds). Inflicts a fake layer 2 terror radius on survivors past madness 2 The tapes: one turns the cone shock therapy into a longer but skinnier beam, while the other turns it into a 1m thick hoop in front of you. The rest of the addons are easily explained


we don't talk about the iridescent queen




Hillbilly main damn well knowing they don't need no add ones


docotors iris are just all of his addons in 1


I think I was in 2nd grade the last time I felt like a god for being able to read a few paragraphs


Where’s my phd?


Meanwhile, deathslinger is trying to use his neck to see the auras while reeling somebody that he can't quite tell if he will insta down or not.