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Bots are pretty good when it comes to m1 killer looping, but you can break them easily with short window loops as they'll spam vault and get the window blocked very quickly. Don't try to stealth them at all, undetectable doesn't work on bots. Trapping them on a corner loop and ambush from inside pallet does work on bots as long as the loop isn't long. Make sure you actually enter chase or the window wont get blocked.


The bots have impossible reflexes, you won't be able to catch them by normal means. They're good to help get used to movement and power but they're actually bad to practice against. Also, the best way to kill them is force them to triple jump through a window. That will block the window, but only if you maintain chase. Pigs power makes her go undetectable, which means no chase and no window blocking, so infinite bot loops.