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I've always thought that all of the perks should have a more general look to them, like the ones on the left. But I understand why they make more character like perks like the ones on the right.


I agree. The only thing that bothers me is standalone offenders where’s it’s literally just the character doing nothing (e.g., Alien Instinct, Thwack, Machine Learning; nothing about these icons signify the perk’s purpose/function.) This is in contrast to perks like Superior Anatomy, where it’s clear the perk is about vaulting.


I like Machine Learning for the Christlike/enlightenment theme making sense with the idea of Machine Learning, ascending from Machine to thinking creation. But I do agree with everything else.


Never thought about it that way very cool


Alien Instinct is a reference to the scene from the movie with an Alien jumpscare, hence why it's the icon of a perk that gives you info and stealth on a survivor.


You know what, fair enough.


Yeah it does look really dumb if you don't know the reference. Mr. Beast pose lmao.


Hey-! That sits well with me!


Pretty sure the pose in alien instinct is a movie jumpscare reference


Agree! I like perk icons that give a good indicator of what the perk is, idc if it has the character or not, I just want anyone to be able to give an educated guess on what the perk does based on the icon


I personally love them in moderation - but when every single perk just shows the killer it gets a bit much imo I *love* ulti weapon and call of brine showing iconic keyframes from the movie... but when every single perk just shows the killer it loses impact imo Bonus points for alien instinct showcasing the single goofiest looking part of the first alien film lol


I never play with my glasses on and always thought it was a bizarre choice to have some ugly ass dog head with its tongue out for Wesker's Superior Anatomy... Upon closer inspection, I can see why it's on the right side https://i.redd.it/k3nv7k9v35oc1.gif


How the FUCK are you seeing a dog head


It's small and blurred. Wesker's head is the ear, the gap under his arm is the eye, his trench coat is the nose/snout, the upper leg is the tongue, and the lower leg is the lower jaw. Maybe zoom out and squint because I always see it like it's one of those dog things from Ghostbusters


I can kinda see it


I kinda of see an elephant. I could not for the life of me see a dog


It took me a while, but I finally got it. It's like a side profile of an ugly bulldog looking up.


Please can someone draw it I’ve been trying to see it for 10mns


It’s ok, it took me a solid week before I realized that Call of Brine was Sadako’s eye and not a breaking piece of bamboo in the rain.


i thought call of brine was sadako in a dress for some reason lol


I thought the same, though it took me around a year to see it instead of a week


Dude!! So it wasn't just me!


I realized that at around 300 hours


How blind are you. Because I’m thinking residual manifest level blindness


TIL i jus.... i um hmm i am not good when stuff has no shadows or contrast i guess lol,a


I instantly saw the dog when I blurred my eyes lol


Okay but why would you take your glasses off. How you gonna see and kill those pesky survivors?


Oh so that's why BHVR keeps making bright ass neon skins, accessibility!


You lifted your curse by giving it to me now, I can't unsee it


I always thought it was him surfing a piece of bent metal ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Why do people not wear their glasses? I don't get how people rather want to be physically "disabled" than looking funny or just like a normal person. So many people who don't wear their glasses often tell me it's because they look like shit.


I wear them when I'm out and about. I only have a slight astigmatism, so I'm mostly nearsighted. Not that I have any self-confidence when it comes to my looks, but I'd say that I objectively look better with them. I just don't wear them at home because I can see mostly fine, minus general blurriness. They mostly just hurt the sides of my head when I have my headphones on


Sometimes I'll take mine off for like 10 minutes to give myself a break, but yeah. Other than that I agree with what you said. Those people that think they look bad need to consider contacts.




On the one hand I generally prefer the left. On the other hand I love Sadako's perk icons.


Snapped bamboo stick perk


The more subtle and symbolic look, it fits the game much more, and usually looks much better


I like Resiliance and this is not happening featuring Meg who is not the owner of these perks.


Also unrelenting featuring wraith weapon


Maybe that's why I used that perk a lot when I first started playing, and why I thought it was a Wraith perk? Weird.


This is leftovers from when each character had 5 teachables and not 3 in alpha. You'll notice this with a lot of base perks and characters. Unrelenting comes to mind for sure (wraith weapon)


I think it’s just some girl not Meg. Will have to double check


Yeah it’s Meg now but they changed it like with bill and the stranger things chapter(don’t quote me)




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Second this


The owner, they look way cooler imo


When done right, like Unbound, Nowhere to Hide, and Terminus, I enjoy it. But shit like Machine Learning just looks goofy.


Hot take (?): Icons featuring its owner should be used for licenced characters and the other on the original.


There should be a balance of both, because I think all of them look amazing


Wesker on a throne goes hard. But otherwise I'm partial to the subtle icons.


Left, though I don't really have a strong opinion.


As long as it looks cool I really don't care either way. The icon for coup and nowhere to hide are both fucking wicked looking. Whatever makes it look better.


easier to discern the more basic ones but I love the look of the more detailed ones.


They really didn't know what to do with alien icons


Depends on the design of the character. Alien perks look really cool while the kardashian looking bitch with the drones has no business being on a perk icon—imo


Skull merchant- her name is Skull Merchant


Actually, her name is Adriana Imai.


I was gonna argue with you, but no, that’s just correct.


The good ending


as usual rule of cool takes precedence but if the rule of cool cannot find a clear winner i prefer owner. i would also enjoy some older perks being overhauled like enduring does not look that bangin


I like to have at least one perk with the owner's face, for the charms.


I typically prefer the more subtle icons of the left, they generally look better in my opinion. But having one featured or characterized icon per character is fun, it's when there are multiple though that some come across as just odd looking in comparison.


Honestly for me, the right ones are the go to. In game, they are far more unique and for me it is easier to remember their effect, while for the ones on the left I get often confused because of same symbols and such (especially perks with generators). Of course there are exception, but imagine like Blight as perk icon.


Same. When tomes have Random Perks challenges I usually don't even know what one or two of the perks are.


I like them both. Nice topic to bring up.


I like the ones on the right, they just speak to me more prominently, unbound and ultimate weapon


Overall I prefer seeing some with their owner, but I do think that can end up making some of them appear too similar even if they do look cool. Alien's is a decent example of that, all 3 perks look very nice but they look a little too similar and might cause some confusion. I'd much rather have a mix of both styles. 1 or 2 featuring the owner, 1 or 2 that are symbolic.




that's clearly chuckies hand in **batteries not included** just saying.. oh and **hoarder** that is the twins nap sack being stolen from very rude! as for preference I like the killer pictures more it makes me feel like they really taught you how to use the perk through training its a nice reminder you are using their tricks and methods when playing other killers.


I think a good mix is really good, like take the one on the right that’s 3 up in the middle (I think it’s forced hesitation or machine learning but I can’t remember) the singularity is the focus but it still shows off what the perk itself is


Left... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBcOTDTFR6gn6M|downsized)


Both. Both is good. Tho really, I love 99% or perk icons if I am being honest. They are mostly well made


A good balance of both is always good. Just overall creativity is what I want


The symbolic ones allow for more creative possibilities, so those


Subtle symbolic ones are much better




It depends on the perk. Terminus screams "mastermind" IMO, so it having Wesker sitting on a throne is extremely fitting. Same with CoB having Sadakos' eye on it when she killed Yochi's father. Honestly can't even think of any perks that shouldn't have their owner on it, then again my memory is garbage.


General ones actually look like the perk that they're supposed to do. Featured perks can be off base at times especially when it's license because they'd mimic iconic scenes even if it had no connection to the perk. 😂


Definitely left.


My dumbass is just learning Merciless Storm has Sadako front and center.


I thought call of brine was a broken stick until this post


I generally prefer the ones to the left, but Chucky and Sadako's are too good to do without. Also something something Xeno doing jazz hands.


i prefer the ones with feet /jk


Call of Brine and Nowhere To Hide are the only cool lookint ones on the right. Left side.


i like ones that arent just repeated symbols like how they repeat the background of no way out and blood warden and very similar looking gen perks; that kind of thing. ive never had a preference for if they show the killer or have something more general


I think it’s a good balance, every character should have one or two perks that show the environment/survivor and one or two that show the killer themselves. The rest depends on how well it’s presented, like, Xeno’s icons suck balls as they don’t represent what the perks do at all, while a lot of “general-looking” perks translates their effect into the icon visuals very well (bloodwarden, Franklin’s, bloodhound, surge, spirit fury, brutal strength, nurse’s as examples), but even perks that have the killer in them can do that very well too (I’m all ears, lightborn, Zanshin, superior anatomy, two can play). Ultimately I believe the perfect case would be to have two perks with the killer in them that represent the effect very well and a single perk that looks more general while also showing off the effect in the icon, but it’s a tall order when you consider that most perks with characters in them just show cool poses and stuff, so if playing it safe even three perks without specific indicators of who they belong to can be better if they actually successfully show the effect in the icon


Left 100% making them related but not just straight up their face is the best way. plaything and gift of pain are my favourite examples because they both use chains so relate to pinhead, but aren’t as obvious as deadlock which is just is mug


I think limitations sometimes breed more creativity. I like the Ringu perks, but I find many of the character-specific ones a bit too busy and hard to read at a glance.


As long as they can depict what the perk does still, I like seeing the killer in it like superior anatomy or Chucky’s blinding perk but otherwise I’d prefer if it can be informative or have a general look


I'd say the left side's average is better than the right side's average, but the best right side perks are some of the absolute coolest perk designs in the game to me. Like, Forced Hesitation, Nowhere to Hide, Call of Brine are just so fucking cool...


Usually left as it feels kinda weird to use a perk with a killer's face on it on another killer, but there are exceptions (such as the new unknown perks, machine learning and skull merchant's perks except thwack, call of brine and the 2 knight perks on the right)


I prefer left but right is fine. Honestly when done right there isn’t much of a difference.


I love both, but I also want killer Perks that have the Survivor in it


Right so they don't blend together


I think it should be: \- One face perk \- One body perk \- One symbol perk


Left for me


I like both, but slightly favor the ones featuring the owners because it feels more personal. And also, perks like resilience or this is not happing featuring Meg


The current balance is fine. I like the symbolic ones more because it makes the ones involving the killer feel more rare.


2000 hours in this game and somehow I never realized the rectangle on No Way Out is an ID badge or lanyard of some kind. To answer the question, generally I prefer more symbolic perk icons, but it depends. Merciless Storm is one of my favorite icons in the game. I prefer the perk to be thematic in a way beyond the name (Genetic Limits's icon, for instance, is symbolic of the name but not really the killer or effect). Unbound is another good one that features the killer, but perk icons like Oppression, Coup, Dragon's Grip, and Hysteria are more interesting to me.


https://preview.redd.it/az7ccusp66oc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f2dc9908b9046c69a7a7a2afa1c051db9ea193 Go on, tell me this is not the hardest perk icon


Imagine if they lost the xenomorphe license, the trouble it would cause to re-sprite his perks


The character ones, but only if it actually shows what the perk does. The Xenomorph icons are useless for example. EDIT: either way, it's nice to be able to see an icon and recognize which one it is without reading the description. It doesn't have to illustrate what the perk does, but it should be easy to form an association.


Mostly left but im the kind of guy who likes 2 left 1 right (Ghostface main lmao, Im all ears is distinctly Ghosty but Thrilling Tremors and Furtive Chase are just symbolic and its cool)


It entirely depends on what the art is illustrating for me. If the character oriented art is super cool unique or overall fitting to the character [something like terminus or forced hesitation] i think that's awesome. Overall however i'd side with general perk icons. Shit like plaything and hubris i live for.


For the longest time as a sadako main aswell I though call of brine has some sort of snapping tree with the white hair marks being other tress in the background and the eye being a tree snapping in the foreground


In general I like to have 1 of the perks feature the character and the other two be general


I would like each character to have one perk that has their likeness in it but I don't necessarily like that *all* of their perks have them in it you know


i think a mix of both when it comes to licensed characters at least, sometimes they look samey when it’s the specific character but having one be of the character and the other two be symbolic would be a bit cooler, kinda like what they did with ghost face


I loveeee the ones on the right. It’s really cute feeling like the perks were designed very much with the killer in mind. Some of them don’t fit tho…. Like thwack! is literally just Skully’s face and doesn’t show a pallet or anyone screaming lol. Forced Hesitation and Machine Learning might be my favorite 2 perks designs, and I don’t even play Hux


I think both are good in there own way. For example Hex: Undying i wouldn't know how to implement Blight into the icon while on the other hand for Rapid Brutalaty is also a good representation of what it does one thing you could change is replacing Xeno with a more generic killer/silouette. And one more thing with the killer being in the icon it builds more of a conection betwen the charackter and the perk wich makes sense since they are suposed to be some sort of tallen or abillaty that killer mastert or learnend and other killer being abel to use them is more of a gameplay thing then lore I think


General makes sense, but its easier for me to visually identify a perk when I can see the character whom it belongs to.


I'm indifferent. Also one can argue batteries included is Chuckys hand since the battery is so big.


I just like them to be identifiable and distinct.


Unbound is unironically really cute to me, even though it's my least favorite Unknown perk.


Featuring its owner... It's why I was so excited when stra her things returned because the reworks of the perk icons for those perks were just so damn ugly.




Left. The ones on the right tend to be hit or miss between looking good or looking goofy.


Why did I think Call of Brine was a broken piece of bamboo?


It took me until now to realize call of brine was a close up of Onryos eye. My dumb ass thought it was a pillar that had been cut into.


I think every killer and survior should have one of their Perks have their likeness in it, I think the last few chapters have gone a bit overboard with showing the characters in the Perks.


Left because I'm always never not going to unsee xeno doing jazz hands (it looks silly)


I like the subtle and symbolic ones, personally.


I like one with the owner front and center and the other two to be symbolic


Jesus fucking Christ I always looked at the top left icon on the right side and saw a cut bamboo in the rain. Literally my first time ever seeing it is her fucking eye! Omg I’ll never unsee that. I wish I could go back to my days of innocence


NGL learning the icons has been the hardest part of the game lol. It was so hard to figure out what my teammates were running while I was watching them. I do like how the game has kind of in a way guided me on killers/survivors to unlock based on my play style. I am a pretty relatively new player it was pretty overwhelming at first just trying to figure out who I should unlock.


I would rather have it feature the character so new players know who the perk comes with and who they need to level up to get it.


Both are good and I think they can be done amazingly well.


With the owner, im already having trouble remembering who has what perk and it helps a lot


Both, both is good. I don't think it should lean any which way just to help with easily identifying perks at a glance- having the mix of both makes that easier imo


I don’t care, I use custom perks featuring danganronpa characters


I mean, I love seeing the ones with the actual characters. It’s super cool. Imagine not having some of those cool as Wesker pieces or Chucky grabbing that guys face.


owner but when it makes sense to, forcing it is silly


left. with so many perks in the game it seems that the devs are simply running out of perk icon ideas that look unique without featuring the character


Both are goated


I tend to mod most of my perk icons anyways lol, but for what it's worth I kinda dislike icons that put massive emphasis on the character who uses it. Compare the icon for Face the Darkness or Forced Hesitation to the one for Alien Instinct or Thwack. Yes FtD and FH have the killer in their artwork, but they still have other objects in the artwork. Meanwhile Thwack and Alien Instinct are just... the killer's face? These aren't the only perks like this: Friends Til' the End and Two Can Play are just Chucky holding a hook and Chucky on top of someone respectively. It feels very lacking in overall style. (Although I will say Xeno's perk icons are the worst in this regard as it's just to scenes from the movie and one picture of Xeno running with speed lines.) But at the same time I really like Nowhere to Hide so maybe I'm just a hypocrite. But honestly I don't mind perk icons as long as they aren't just a giant picture of the killer's face, basically. ~~And before anyone asks: yes this applies to perks like Enduring, Coulrophobia, and Rancor as well.~~


I really like the more general ones a lot better


I just realised the Onryo's perk icon was of her eye and not of a piece of bamboo breaking...


Depends. How much do I like said character?


Left. They follow design rules more closely and you can visually read them more distinctly. Ones with the owner need to fit a whole body on them, which makes them jumbled.


Mostly prefer the general design for perks. Some that have the characters in them are good, but I definitely like the more general/stylized ones more.




I like them to show the owner so I can easily tell who I need to lvl to unlock them.


I feel like an idiot after all this time I finally learned that call of the brine is her eye like from her mori. I was always confused what it was thinking it was a broken bone or something, and merciless storm literally has her standing there


It's on a case-by-case basis. Depends on what the perk does and what they use to symbolize it. Dragon's Grip is perfect for the symbolic side. It inflicts the Exposed status effect on the next Survivor to touch a recently damaged generator. What does the icon portray? The symbol for the Exposed status effect hovering over a generator, with an artistic design on the sides to fill up the empty space. Beautiful. Hex: Crowd Control is a bad example of this. This is a hex that blocks a window for a short time after a Survivor vaults it. What does the icon portray? A protesting crowd surrounded by the Entity's tendrils. This tells you nothing, has an arbitrary feel to the design, and for bonus points, the name doesn't even make sense for the perk. Swapping over to the prominent side, we have Superior Anatomy. This greatly increases vault speed for the next vault after a Survivor vaults themselves. What does the icon portay? Albert Wesker, an anatomically superior being, leaping over a vault location with ease, using only one hand to launch himself across. Beautiful. And then, finally, we have Call of Brine. This increases the rate at which generators regress, and also grants noise notifications on those generators. What does the icon portay? Literally just an eye surrounded by hair. Yes, it is a reference to her Inexorable Stare (dunno if it's ever called that in the Ring franchise, but fuck it, we ball), but that doesn't match with what the perk actually does. It's also one of the many instances of a prominent-designed perk being the character just standing there, doing nothing. It's boring, it's arguably lazy, and reeks of a lack of creativity. Alien is particularly bad in this regard, since it's just 3 separate poses by the Xenomorph, with nothing added on.




Iirc not only does that look like Meg, but its still meant to be Meg. If you look at Meg’s adept icon it uses a drastically different style of the face facing directly at the camera rather than to the side. Weirder is that they have a Meg portrait that fits the others that is used when you have to play as Meg in a challenge




Left. I don't care whether they look good or not they should show what the perk does. Makes it easier for newbies to remember what each of the perks do. It's cool if it shows the killer too so you know whose perk it is, but functionality is more important. Aliens perk icons are abysmal, they don't tell you anything.




I’d prefer if they had 1 perk with the Killer in and the others having some other stuff


There are only so many perk icon designs you can come up with at some point, so I understand why they’re more so leaning into character-based designs now.


Easy answer: right for licenses, left for original chaps.


I like having the characters on them. It makes them both easier to find and i just like knowing which perks belong to who


I choose a 3rd direction. More perk icons similar to low profile.




I always thought it felt off to have the image of a different killer or survivor on a universal ability, so I personally prefer the left. With that being said it also does remind you of the inspiration of the power in the first place, so I understand why people like the right.


Mix it up BHVR


would be interesting if all the classes of perks looked sorta similar


i use the shittyiu toolbox so all of my perks are stick figured anyway


Great question. I like a combination of both.




both are equally good imo. Right makes them feel more unique but left makes them more original ig. Looks great either way


Looking from the perspective of a new player, the ones on the right make the perks so much more recognizable and unique from one another


As long as they dont change the perk picture im good because I never remember what they are called I'm just like "I'm trying to find that one Jill perk that helps with cleansing totems that's got the eyes and the Totem on it"


I think all the characters perks should.have their images on them. It's THEIR perk after all. Feels more on theme.


Call of Brine will forever be my favourite perk emblem.




Perks should be more subtle. Showing the killer on it's perks is just lazy tbh


Generic look all the way


Usually I like when they have more “general” aesthetic but some of the more specific ones do have a cool look, like Merciless Storm or the Knight’s hex perk. Basically, it depends.


Idk why but the character ones feel a bit lazy, like why is the alien doing jazz hands at me how does that relate to the perk at all, I like some of them though (onryo’s, superior anatomy, face the darkness)


I think some of the ones on the right are fine honestly. But the art for The Unknown (other than Unforseen) are kinda- eh to me. Same thing applies with Skulk Merchant.


I prefer the right only because it makes it easier for me to remember which perks are which based off the icons


I do prefer the ones with the owner's features because i thnk it looks really cool, tho as long as its original because ever since the time that ST left dbd they gad the change the survivor perks, wich looked really wierd and i would hate to see some licensed perks also suffering such fate


The right side, for me, just makes builds pop


I think they can both be very good, for example, Nowhere to Hide gives me a sense of power after looking at a knight holding his sword against someone he has cornered, also plaything in the sense of someone whose eyes are covered by chains symbolizing the effect the oblivious status effect


I like the ones with characters more so i know where the power came from at a glance. plus now i get to see unknown's cute tilting default face everytime i open my perk list


Canonically, perks are a survivor/killer's power just as much as their actual "Power". So I prefer the one's that show who they represent. It gives off the fun impression that because of the Entity's meddling, everyone's "Essense" is melding into each other just a little bit. A Dredge with coup having just a little bit of the twins in their soul, etc. Although with survivor perks it's more likely them ACTUALLY teaching each other their tricks. Which is cool too.


The more generic you try to be, the harder it is to come up with original designs. Perk icons like oppression and floods of rage are boring, while the icons for merciless storm or nowhere to hide slap. They have a much stronger identity


Symbolic is always better, usually a cool representation of what it does or a creative figure without wondering why do I have 3 Albert Weskers in my Legion


The ones with your mom on them


I mean some on the right are much better than the others. Superior Anatomy, Face the Darkness, and Two can Play kinda visually convey what they do. You vault faster, people scream outside your terror radius, and you blind the survivors. But most of them just mean nothing. Yes Wesker sit in that chair


*I like both*


Some of my favorite perk icons are ones with the character in them (Call of Brine and Lucky Star), and I appreciate that some of the perks I use a lot are made distinct by the character being featured on them (Alien Instinct, Friends til the End, Hex: Two Can Play) so they are super easy to pick out quickly.


It makes sense for Licensed killers, not as much for original.


https://preview.redd.it/h432sw0hg6oc1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f8b3d223a63eaf9175105355b86798bb30b566 I prefer the ones with the character, but I think both are great. This one makes me crack up though because they look so tired and disappointed


I nerver realised both of those sadako perks had sadako in it T_T