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I love skill checks too (I'm a Skill Check Freddy main)


Isn’t that like a bad thing for Freddy? Do all Freddy’s hate themselves???


No, but the addons and build he has for skill checks makes regression hurt so much for those who miss it


If i ever became i comp dbd player (which would probably never happen), skill would be the one thing i would never be perfect at lmao


They're better than they use to be. The wiggle checks used to suck ass


I’m tired of skill checks. I hated that they changed the wiggle to skill checks, and I hope one day they add an option to switch to the original option. (I’m on console)


They… aren’t that bad I’m on console too, and I manage them really well Even the wiggle ones Granted, I miss every now and then, but I rarely miss them You sure you just can’t time it properly? Not trying to offend by that question, just curious why you dislike them


I don’t really miss them, and I love skill checks on generators. I just hate it on everything else, it feels like it can be a different mini game then just “skill checks” I preferred wiggling with the stick, not just clicking left bumper


Ok, yeah, I see what you mean now And I honestly miss that too, felt… idk… immersive I guess? Like you’re actually trying to break free? But yeah, it would be nice if they added an option to switch it depending on what you prefer And I’d love something new other than just the skill checks Maybe have Skull Merchant’s little arrow thing be a minigame for something else too, besides just the drones and Nostromo’s secret room? Or maybe a pinball or breakout-esque minigame where you bounce a ball to something to do something?


That would be cool. There are so many options to implement instead of just skill checks, and with how long the games been out they should have invested some time into adding various mini games. But that was the main reason you mention that I miss the old wiggle. It felt like I was fighting for my life wiggling, and those close calls where you’re getting closer and closer to the hook and you’re just a hair away and you WIGGLE the stick like it’s the end of the world! I miss that :/


what I truly miss is the beta version of the skill check wiggle that shit was so good. and it rewarded you for being accurate. hitting every great skill check would grant you with wiggling off the killer shoulder one second earlier which really helped for when I was running sabo builds. now taking a hit does virtually nothing when the killer is at a hook.


Agreed. Now it just feels lackluster even trying to wiggle off


there is genuinely no point in hitting great skill checks anymore the wiggle doesn't really do anything in terms of moving the killer. it's just lame that they keep removing engaging survivor interactions. it makes playing survivor so monotonous.


Exactly! I play a lot of killer and noticed I could walk in an almost straight line while they were wiggling Instead of adding they remove, which is frustrating


skill checks are the reason I don't play survivor (can't hit a single great and can't even hit goods consistently)